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Auction System Updates


As with what the last poster was talking about.. It might have been ugly but it at least did show you what hue the item was.. Now with it gone, There's no way to see what hue the Item is (No way that I can see at least.).. I do, however, see a little box now saying "Item Hue" underneath the picture, but alas, It doesn't actually show what hue the item is. Am I missing something? or is this something that was overlooked? (Btw, Amazing script package, Thank You!!)


Clams said:
As with what the last poster was talking about.. It might have been ugly but it at least did show you what hue the item was.. Now with it gone, There's no way to see what hue the Item is (No way that I can see at least.).. I do, however, see a little box now saying "Item Hue" underneath the picture, but alas, It doesn't actually show what hue the item is. Am I missing something? or is this something that was overlooked? (Btw, Amazing script package, Thank You!!)
This was something overlooked by me when i took this code over from the original author. I will dig in and sovle the hue problem.


Xanthos said:
Get the latest version (1.12) . It fixes the double click crash and the documentation describes how to put the savignsaccount into the game.

BTW, I think Sp1der's comments are inappropriate too, but I would rather not see that discussed any further in this thread.

Excellent system Xanthos, it worky ;)


Nice work...thanks for taking this over Xanthos. I missed the deal about the cliloc location in the auctionconfig.xml file the first couple times, but kept working at it, and rereading the documentation until I got it working...even threw myself a couple of exceptions with my typos...hehe.
Just wanted to say thanks. Decided to add your other systems to my shard as well, and so far everything plays nice with each other;)


Thanks Johabius - gald you find them useful.

Clams, Vertigo -
I just uploaded version 1.13 with a hue item back in the auction view gump.


Xanthos said:
You know what they say about opinions. Ah the drama!

This is true.... I was hinting though that you should release a version that does not require use of other custom systems. ;)


Hey, For some reason I get:
 - Error: Scripts\Other\Systems\Xanthos\Auction\AuctionSearch.cs: CS0234: (line
207, column 11) The type or namespace name 'IsArtifact' does not exist in the cl
ass or namespace 'Arya.Misc' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
I have installed Everything from both zip files.

DaLaw66 said:
Hey, For some reason I get:
 - Error: Scripts\Other\Systems\Xanthos\Auction\AuctionSearch.cs: CS0234: (line
207, column 11) The type or namespace name 'IsArtifact' does not exist in the cl
ass or namespace 'Arya.Misc' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
I have installed Everything from both zip files.

I assume your using the current version of RunUO....

Anything else but the current version is not supported, if you don't see a build version being display when you start RunUO, you don't have the current version.


DaLaw66 said:
Hey, For some reason I get:
 - Error: Scripts\Other\Systems\Xanthos\Auction\AuctionSearch.cs: CS0234: (line
207, column 11) The type or namespace name 'IsArtifact' does not exist in the cl
ass or namespace 'Arya.Misc' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
I have installed Everything from both zip files.
There are two zip files to download - it looks to me like you are missing the utilities.


Xanthos said:
There are two zip files to download - it looks to me like you are missing the utilities.

its supposed to be looking for Xanthos.Utilities. I reported this a page or two ago. Its no biggie to correct for those of you who use both the auction and the claim system.


Well I'm using both the Auction System and The Evo System by Xanthos, and I just installed the 1.13 update, and now I'm getting the SAME error with the Arya.Misc thing. I didn't get this problem when I first installed it. And I have the latest version of the Utilities installed, and I've gone through every script in the Auction system looking for Arya.Misc and I don't see it anywhere. I'm confused on what I'm supposed to do.


Nevermind, it was another script that was made by one of my inexperienced GM's that was causing it :) LOL!


Xanthos, I received this in my shard log window just a little bit ago, and I talked to the player and he said he was killing a monster in my Diablo Quest, one of the red skeleton. He said he was outbid on an item and didn't get to it in time, and when that happened, this was displayed in the shard log window, don't know what it means, but it says something about an exploit, and I panicked LOL!

The auction system located a potential exploit.
Player 0x5210 "Zeohure" (Acc. bubbafatt)
tried to press an unregistered button in a gump of type: AuctionNoticeGump


Arya was pretty careful, if not paranoid, of exploits. I have seen this code but not really looked into it and dont know what it was attempting to do. Any gump experts care to shed some light on this bit of code?

		public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
			if ( ! m_Buttons.Contains( info.ButtonID ) )
				Console.WriteLine( @"The auction system located a potential exploit. 
					Player {0} (Acc. {1}) tried to press an unregistered button in a gump of type: {2}",
					sender.Mobile != null ? sender.Mobile.ToString() : "Unkown",
					sender.Mobile != null && sender.Mobile.Account != null ? ( sender.Mobile.Account as Server.Accounting.Account ).Username : "Unkown",
					this.GetType().Name );


I have no idea what kind of an exploit would result in a bogus button id being sent. I can only surmize some 3rd party exploit program. I furthermore dont understand how sending an invalid button id would benefit anyone.


Using Razor (or other programs) you can press buttons (send buttonids) which do not appear on the gump. Many scripts have buttons which do not appear, sometimes for staff features etc, and others use calculations with the buttonid's which would crash the server if they were used.

This method was a way to defend the server against unauthorized use of the gump through pressing the wrong buttons.


Ah, good to know!

Seanandre, "potential" is the operative word here. I can see how this gump could have triggered a macro possibly intended for another gump. It is also possible that your player was "fishing" for an exploitable button. I would recommend watching this player rather than taking action, at least until you know more.