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Functional Tarot deck and dyable pillows

Functional Tarot deck and dyable pillows ~Updated~

Well, I've been lurking a while so I figured I should post something. I'm quite new to scripting (as should be evident from the simplicity of these scripts,) but I noticed nobody has posted anything like these and they're fairly simple to dissect.

The first script is my baby, the Tarot deck. This deck starts out closed and opens into a layout when double-clicked. When the deck is open and double-clicked it returns a random fortune based on any of the 22 Major Arcana. To close the deck again, simply place it in a container. I thought it would be nifty to make a functional Tarot deck so I hacked it together with my rudimentary knowledge of programming and the Tarot. :) Enjoy! To use just drop in your scripts folder, start up the server, and type [add TarotDeck.

The second script is a set of fully dyable pillows since I noticed dyable pillows were not constructable. There are several types but they should all show up if you type [add pillow. Useful for making craftable pillows or whatever. :p

Anyhow, I hope to be making more useful things as my scripting improves. Post here with any comments or ideas you may have. ;)

EDIT: I've updated the Tarot deck. Now there are two different decks you can choose from. TarotDeck performs the function described above except when it opens, it has a random chance of choosing either of the two spreads available in the game. Also there is now a "DecoTarotDeck" which opens to either of the two spreads when you double-click it, then closes when you double-click it again. Enjoy!

UPDATE 1/30/2005 5:17PM EST - Doh! I forgot to add the new layouts to the fortune switch! ^^; I just patched it again to fix the issue so that the Tarot deck will now give fortunes when in the circular layout. If you downloaded it before 5:20PM EST, download it again. ^^; Sorry!


  • Pillows.cs
    2.9 KB · Views: 236
  • Tarot.cs
    4.8 KB · Views: 289


a neat idea maybe to add pillows to tailoring craft and have res cloth and the subres feathers also might wanna do a rando id for the tarot deck to spread out like the circle formation
Would it be possible to start the deck out stacked, then on dubbleclick spread out changing itemids to the one in the circle. and then back again?
Those are both excellent ideas! So excellent, in fact, that I took time from writing another script I'm working on to go back to this one and implement them. :D I've updated the attachment on the post above so just download it again and replace the Tarot.cs you downloaded before in your scripts folder. I also posted a description of the new functionality above. Enjoy! ;)
My friend just pointed out that the deck wasn't giving fortunes when it was in a circular layout. I just fixed that issue, it should work now. If you downloaded it please download it again above. ^^;


I add the pillows to the tailoring menu under misc


  • DefTailoring.cs
    18 KB · Views: 73