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[2.x] Multilinguists 3.03

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ViWinfii submitted a new resource:

Multilinguists (version 1.0) - Adds multiple languages in-game such as elven or drow for player characters and npcs.

This script introduces the concept of multiple role playing languages that your character can learn and use. When you speak in-game (typing in English) and your character has a role playing language enabled, other player characters that do not know the language will view a translated version of your speech. If other player characters know the language you are speaking, they will view the normal text that you type.

Non-player characters can also be set up to use these languages, or at least...

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If a word is capitalized, the translator will ignore the word and treat it as a proper name, leaving it untranslated.
So the first word of every (proper) sentence will be untranslated? Or is it just whole words that are capitalized?


So the first word of every (proper) sentence will be untranslated?

Only if that word is not found in the translated word list. *edit* Every translated word is lower-case only at the moment. I have not put in checks to see if a word was found in the list and it was capitalized, or if it was the first word in the sentence. I may update this in the future. */edit*

The drow list is more complete than the elven or orcish - I had originally wanted players to come up with more words for the translator that I would add manually. If you want the check for capitalization to be commented out or removed, that can be done in the file Translate.cs. Starting at line 277, there are functions called TranslateToOrc, TranslateToElven, and so on. In each of these there may be this code:

            if (speech.ToLower() != speech)  // takes care of proper names that arent defined
                return speech;

Simply comment out or remove this if statement to fix that problem. However, if any word is not found in the translated word list, it will be omitted completely from the translation.


Another comment - there are no checks for punctuation or any words directly next to punctuation in a sentence. For now, any word that is next to punctuation of any type will not be translated and will be omitted from the translation. I plan to change this in the next version to support punctuation along with capitalizing the first word of each translated sentence. Only drow, elven, and orcish are translated word by word while the other languages are randomized responses.


Tested this script package out and it works really great! Very good script for any roleplay server out there!!!


ViWinfii updated Multilinguists with a new update entry:

Capitalization of translated sentences

With this update, all translated sentences will start with a capitalized word. For now the translator assumes you will type in only one sentence at a time and will not capitalize any new sentences in the same line.

Apologies for the many version updates this week. This will be my last one for this package unless anyone has suggestions or comments on how you want it to work.

Read the rest of this update entry...


Im curious as to why this looks so similar to Eufron's racial dialect? Don't think I'm pointing fingers, I was just wondering if you knew the work?


I am not familiar with Eufron's racial dialect but it could be that Eufron used the same sources that I used for languages. I wrote this script over 10 years ago and only recently got back into UO scripting so maybe he copied me somehow? :)

For the drow language, the EngToDrow.txt file was from an old 3rd party program that I unfortunately no longer have. I used it for a few years and looked up the author when RunUO came out to ask permission and/or help to apply his translator inside RunUO. He gave me the source code written in C and also included that txt file. I wish I could remember the name of the author or the program but it has been over a decade ago. The code I wrote for C# to work with RunUO is completely my creation but the txt files were his.

The elven and orcish txt files I created myself with the help of my dev crew on a private shard 10 years ago. We used sources from the internet for the elven and made up a lot of the orcish ourselves. All of the other languages were our crew's creation. I hope this answer satisfies your curiosity.


ViWinFi heres the converted scripts with my this point it drops and compiles I just haven't tested it.


  • Multilinguists
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I have it compiling as well on a fresh copy of RunUO. Unfortunately I don't think it worked. I made a character and tried to talk in drow but it didn't save any of the information from PolyGlotMobile on my character. I'm not sure how to fix that. I think this is a good attempt, I really wanted this to be a low-to-no edit package. Keep trying please? :)

The problem could be because of how I have the inheritance of PlayerMobile changing to PolyGlotMobile which inherits from Mobile. It's like I made the delicious meat for a sammich of mobiles. This is really the strategy of all my scripts, which all only require editing that one line in PlayerMobile. A good friend of mine thought of the idea way back in the day and I've used it ever since. I figured one edit is almost as good as zero edits. If you can find a way to make this a simple drop and compile package, you might make all of my other packages drop and compile too.