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The best (commercial) forum software, in my opinion, is Invision board, followed by VBulletin (3.x series)

No doubt when, or even IF Internet brands fixes up VB 4.X, it'll be worth buying.




Xeevis;862567 said:
Why not? I have set up YAF on several portals and I'm more than happy with it and plan to use it quite extensively in near future, any insights into possible drawbacks are most welcome. Or you just meant that its not suitable for this particular environment we are sharing here? :cool:

Not suitable here, since here is a linux server running php and YAF is C#. Additionally you need to host it on a windows web host, which is never as secure as a linux web host. Aside from that, it isnt easy to extend, and I didn't much like the way it was designed. Php is just so much faster, and for an environment like this, speed is key.


Jeff;862908 said:
Not suitable here, since here is a linux server running php and YAF is C#. Additionally you need to host it on a windows web host, which is never as secure as a linux web host. Aside from that, it isnt easy to extend, and I didn't much like the way it was designed. Php is just so much faster, and for an environment like this, speed is key.

I concur. lol.