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RunUO on Mono!

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RunUO Founder
Staff member
RunUO on Mono!

As many of you may or may not have heard, we are working on some things to aid RunUO in working on Mono, thus working on Linux. These things are NOT RunUO bugs, but they are workarounds that get RunUO to work on Mono.

Please note that we do NOT reccomend that you run RunUO in production on Mono. At this time there are various quirks that we have found in some testing.

Just wanted to give you a status update.

Hopefully you guys won't have too much trouble working around it. The day RunUO works 100% in Linux will be one of the greatest days ever (alongside open-source and the out-of-beta release days, of course)


RunUO Founder
Staff member
thegrandmystic said:
Hopefully you guys won't have too much trouble working around it. The day RunUO works 100% in Linux will be one of the greatest days ever (alongside open-source and the out-of-beta release days, of course)
Linux == Overrated.


With the stability of todays Windows products there's no reason not to run servers on a windows based box anymore. I keep my server box running 24/7 and usually only reboot once a week or so, and even then it's only a precaution. I've noticed no problems running RunUO under any version of windows from XP through 2k3


After Windows 2000 (be that workstation or server) I never reboot my machines unless a security patch demands it.

Only time I ever get bluescreens or similar screwups is when I manually do something stupid like installing wrong drivers etc.

Windows rock.

Sleepy Char

Windows does rock, but some people prefer Unix/Linux or even OS X. All the reasons stated in the "Why .NET" section of this site make sense, but it IS really nice to have the choice.

<--- Windows user


Linux is better platform . It's most stable and flexible . If one day we may run RunUO under Linux/Unix OS it will be nice :) .

<- Linux & Windows User :D


Morgane said:
Linux is better platform . It's most stable and flexible . If one day we may run RunUO under Linux/Unix OS it will be nice :) .

<- Linux & Windows User :D
Linux Flexible?
Linux is stable because it supports nothing!

Now Windows is stable and supports everything, Windows rules


Linux is Overrated compared to what?? Window where you pay for a peice of poorly finished software using the multi platform .net framework that only works on windows OS.

linux has to be more flexible due to open source nature if you can not find a support program in the os you program one. this is simaliar to the script writing in runuo

linux is more stable and there for a better platform because unlike windows it uses a minamalist approch using the least amount of memory and cpu that is need to keep the system operating. where as windows uses a just in case approach to system management where you reserve something just in case you might need it later. In any case linux supports everything but not everything supports linux

I've found that the fedora 3 core downloads about 20% faster than windows and with captive you can access nfts drives

any way to the topic great news ryan do you know if it will suport krrios client or if there could be a linux version that would make my day (I could finally ditch windows then)


You crack me up all the time Phantom. :D

On subject, Windows is a machine. The only reason I would use *nix in its place is money. Lucky for me I can shop at Microsoft Company Store.

Gerbo Garik

GNU/Linux is a stable operating system built on a much greater foundation than Windows operating systems. This is of course a matter of discussion, and I do not expect everyone to agree on that as we all are different, have different ideas and different thoughts on how things should work.

Let me just make one thing clear: The GNU/Linux operating system is not a ready desktop operating system (though some distributions are actually quite good at desktop) and I wouldn't recommend GNU/Linux for someone not used to computers.

That GNU/Linux would run a C-written emulator faster than Windows I would have no doubt about. Though I think maybe RunUO will be running slower as it has to go through Mono first. I've not tested it, but that's just a theory I have.

And, one last point... referring to Linux as the operating system is wrong. 'Linux' is only a kernel, and won't work by itself. GNU is the larger system of many hundreds of packages making what we see as the operating system work, thus you should refer to it as 'GNU/Linux'.


Gerbo Garik said:
That GNU/Linux would run a C-written emulator faster than Windows I would have no doubt about. Though I think maybe RunUO will be running slower as it has to go through Mono first. I've not tested it, but that's just a theory I have.

On Windows it goes through the MS .NET Framework ;) (or mono if someone preferes it ...)
So it is technically the same ;)


what now your getting Apple computers into this now too? rofl :)

Anyways: it is great to see that you guys are trying the best to get it to work with linux.

TBH: the only reason I would use linux is because of the $
I don't feel 'ok' running Windows XP Home on it... heh :)


RunUO Founder
Staff member
Gerbo Garik said:
GNU/Linux is a stable operating system built on a much greater foundation than Windows operating systems. This is of course a matter of discussion, and I do not expect everyone to agree on that as we all are different, have different ideas and different thoughts on how things should work.

Let me just make one thing clear: The GNU/Linux operating system is not a ready desktop operating system (though some distributions are actually quite good at desktop) and I wouldn't recommend GNU/Linux for someone not used to computers.

That GNU/Linux would run a C-written emulator faster than Windows I would have no doubt about. Though I think maybe RunUO will be running slower as it has to go through Mono first. I've not tested it, but that's just a theory I have.

And, one last point... referring to Linux as the operating system is wrong. 'Linux' is only a kernel, and won't work by itself. GNU is the larger system of many hundreds of packages making what we see as the operating system work, thus you should refer to it as 'GNU/Linux'.

I will offer one small question for you.

Since Linux is built on a much "greater foundation" than Windows, those are your words, not mine, why is it that every Linux distribution is striving to replace Windows on the desktop, yet they design themselves with the exact same desktop model as Windows?

See, I have been a Linux user for a very long time, runs on Linux and I run a linux workstation at work, however I know Linux is not better than Windows. Simply put, it's not. If Linux were better than Windows my mother would sit at home and play her games on Linux and not on Windows. I get so tired of people who are brainwashed about how good Linux is coming here and telling me that Linux support would make this software rock. The fact is this software kicks the ever loving shit out of everything out there, and everything else out there can run on Linux.

Linux is not the end all solution people think it is, it will be a very long time before Linux can replace windows on the desktop. I read slashdot every day, I love Linux and I use Linux every single day but it is NOT better than Windows. Linux will have a solid chance when someone is innovative with it, rather than trying to recreate Windows but be more *stable*. As far as stability goes, I reboot my windows box much less often than my Linux box ;)

With that said I am closing this thread, if you wish to continue it please feel free to go to the starbucks forum with it.

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