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Crafting engine


I'm creating new tinker items, there are many of them. I have a base item, lets say a Bracelet. the BaseClass contains a property similar to AoSAttributes.
        BaseBracelet brac = new GoldBracelet() {  };
        brac.Attributes.BonusDex = 5;
Can I craft those items without having to create derived item for every combination (Mana bracelet, hits, dex, skill...) ?
class ManaBracelet : BaseBracelet {...}
class StamBracelet : BaseBracelet {...}

I don't care about modifying the Craft engine, but I wonder if there is any way to pass custom properties (not constructor values) to Activator.CreateInstance() like we do in new GoldBracelet() {Hue = 3} and of course a good way to pass these properties/values to the crafting system
AddCraft(typeof(GoldBracelet), ... , {Attributes.BonusMana=4});
I could use reflection, but it fails to pass the Attributes.BonusMana (property of a property?) and its value in a reliable way