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How about a Competition?


How about a Competition?

I know a few of you love to program. What if I were to put together some sort of RunUO Scripting Competition? Something with prizes and whatnot? Who would be interested?

P.S. This is not definate, just something I was thinking would be good for this community.


Sounds good... What will I win? j/k :D I think its a great idea. Open up the minds and get the creative juices flowing in a friendly competition.


Can't say for sure whether I'd consistently, or even at all, participate; I'm interested none-the-less.

Though I have to question what sort of prizes? In-game items would be both, unethical and impossible. Real life items would be both, impractical and improbable. Board rewards of some sort? Just shooting for some elaboration!

Still interested. Not for the rewards, just for the activity that will surge up when something demanding multiple particpants is introduced.


Perhaps a warm-up competition of the following nature;

Create a simple, yet interesting script. The script may be an item, mobile, command, system. Do not make the script to intricate as this is just a warm-up.

  1. All code must be commented. This ensures you wrote the code and understand it, it also helps when others are looking over your code to learn, and see what your intentions were(right or wrong)
  2. All code will be considered open source and will be made public to the RunUO Community.
  3. You have 2 weeks starting Tuesday July 15th 2008 and ending Monday July 28th 2008
  4. All entries must be submitted to [email protected] by 11:59pm on Monday July 28th to qualify for the warm-up competition
  5. You cannot steal, use, modify, submit, etc anyone elses RunUO Scripts as your submission. Only original scripts will be excepted.

Anything I may be leaving out?


Jeff;768149 said:
Perhaps a warm-up competition of the following nature;

Create a simple, yet interesting script. The script may be an item, mobile, command, system. Do not make the script to intricate as this is just a warm-up.


  1. All code must be commented. This ensures you wrote the code and understand it, it also helps when others are looking over your code to learn, and see what your intentions were(right or wrong)
  2. All code will be considered open source and will be made public to the RunUO Community.
  3. You have 2 weeks starting Tuesday July 15th 2008 and ending Monday July 28th 2008
  4. All entries must be submitted to [email protected] by 11:59pm on Monday July 28th to qualify for the warm-up competition
  5. You cannot steal, use, modify, submit, etc anyone elses RunUO Scripts as your submission. Only original scripts will be excepted*.

Anything I may be leaving out?

Just a little typo at the very end.

Good idea.


Hehe yes an actual reason to code!

Tbh something showy but not really valuable would be nice. Like a custom title on the forums or something.


I'll happily pitch in, like, $50 toward a grand prize for the Final Competition.

I hate coding, but this sort of community-developing idea is awesome.

PM me, Jeff. (U.S. funds available)


We'll see how the warmup goes... The cool thing for the competitions would be to have all different types as things. Things like, pvp systems, runuo 3rd party utilities, AI, etc.


How will we evaluate the codes?

Error-free, origonality, decent commenting?
Maybe, like, a report card of some sort?