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Mobile Properties


Mobile Properties

When you script a mobile and set its Criminal status in the script it wears off can this be made permanent so people can actually attack things without being flagged criminal themselfs?


check out the energy vortex or blade spirits script- there is a line
this.Kills = 500; //murderer

it causes the guards to be called and attack :]
hope this helps


Mobile Properties

I know about these settings but they wear off if you set criminal its gone in 2 minutes we need a way to permanently flag NPC's and monstors so players dont get a criminal flag or murder count from fighting them unless they are innocents like merchants.


evs and bs's because of that don't need the criminal flag they are reds or murderers and don't need the criminal flag and a pc should not get a count from them.


Mobile Properties

Thats true but they are summoned creatures and are not around long enough for the counts / flags to waer off.

My concern is not summoned creatures it is NPC's Monsters.

Spawns etc may be around for a long time and when got to by a player the flag may have wore off so he will get a criminal flag and possibly a count if the NPC has been set up with positive Kama.

Therefore we still DO need a method to permanently flag NPC's Monstors.


RE: Mobile Properties

Somthing like

this.flags.criminal = true; and
this.flag.murderer = true;

So that they dont wear off after a period of time would be what we need here.



Possibly someone code a new flag.... A monster flag which flags them as criminals and is reset by a timer every certain seconds. As well this flag could fix their z level if they are stuck and various other functions to keep monsters stable.

BTW while your on the topic of NPC's I haven't really looked at loot yet bu just wondering this:

On SPHERE I had to rewrite all monster loot because SPHERE stability sux and the loot is contianed on the monster even while it was alive. I changed it so loot didnt get created till death then it was bounced onto the corpse. RunUO is a lot more stable and to be OSI like you need loot on the monsters at all times. But this WILL increase the item count by loads. Just wondering how it's gonna be done adn how it will effect stability.


RunUO Founder
Staff member

You guys GOTTA start reading the docs :)


As a new C# scritper, a list of classes makes no sense to me. I need a more detail in HOW i would use some of the propterties..


Maybe I can translate... in the docs there's a property "criminal" which can be set. I haven't tried it, but it looks like it'd work.


How would use this property? How would you set it? All it does is list the propterty and in what way it is used "string, int, double,ect" but doesn't show how one would use it.