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Throwing Axes, Jousting lance, and Orcish Long Bow

Throwing Axes, Jousting lance, and Orcish Long Bow ***UPDATE***

**Updated on Feb, 11, 2005**

WEeelll I been around for a while. and Figured it was time to Post some very simple scripts I made In my learning process. I've been playing with the idea of throwing axes for some time, so I decided to give them a try. It works by holding he one called "a throwing axe" so you must always have it to use the axes. The ones called " throwing axe" are the ammo. They use Lumberjacking and swords as the skill. To stack them you must drop the ammo on your avatar, or in the bag they are in.

The joust lance is nothing more then a lance with a range of 2 (to alow attack over low walls or fences) and Best Weapon Skill to allow a wide varity of players to join in the fun. very simple, but effective for events.

The Orcish Long Bow is a bow that I aquired on the OSI Shard GL. I did not get it as loot myself, but looked up its history. The Bow was a speical loot item in a EM quest. the council of Manix was to meet in a secret Chamber in Hyth dungon. Unfornuatly for them, word got out and an army was assembled to break up this meeting. The Orcish Long Bow was the weapon of choice by the Head of the Orcish Horde. The bows speical properties asside from the normal props of a orc bow, give its user +20 to dex, 35% damage increase, and slightly increases weapon speed. The bow resembled a composite bow.


The speical moves did not work for the weapons (including the lance, could not dismount while mounted) So i have updated the weapons

***Note*** if possible, delete the in game weapons before replacing them with the new updates.

Updated files:

Install: drop all five files in customs.


  • BaseThrowingWeap.cs
    3.3 KB · Views: 237
  • ThrowingAxe.cs
    962 bytes · Views: 215
  • AThrowingAxe.CS
    1.8 KB · Views: 167
  • JoustLance.CS
    1.8 KB · Views: 186
  • OrcLongbow.cs
    2.1 KB · Views: 164
If anyone has downloaded these before this post, make sure you get the new updates, and before replaceing the scripts if possibe (espically for the lance) try to remove all the items listed ingame on the server.