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Christmas must be Banned

TheOutkastDev said:
I'll belief that when the Constitution no longer says "God" (with a capital G no less) and instead says <insert religious deity here>.
You forgot to mention the american currency "In God We Trust" or something like that...

Canadian (my) currency on the other hand has nothing written on it about God. I guess that's due to the EXACT discussion right here... It's not written on the coins I have anyway (shame i don't have many to start with!) :D


I thought it was pretty obvious that this country was founded on religious freedom so long as said religion is derived from Christianity...

the exception to this being the things like deism


I'll belief that when the Constitution no longer says "God" (with a capital G no less) and instead says <insert religious deity here>.
Wow. God is mentioned in the Constitution. Of course it is logical then, that the entire U.S. government is based entirely on the principles of the Christian religion. It is also logical that since our money has the word God on it, that the currency system was also founded on the Christian principles.

Here is the deal. Back then, almost everyone was Christian (or said they were) because you were killed/hated if you weren't. They wanted the masses to be able to relate to the document of the new government. Thus, they included God in it. Maybe back then they did not believe in religious toleration....

So, the question is, have we grown up any? Should we still hate everyone that isn't Christian, or should we "evolve" into better people that accept everyone? According to you, the answer is no because our ancestors were intolerant.
Our ancestors were also extremely intolerant to the idea of racial equality.
Our ancestors believed that rats came from hay and that worms were created from wet soil.
I guess you are right. We should stick to every principle this great country was founded on. I will go burn myself at the stake now. Have fun trying to get African Americans back into servitude....


Slayer706 said:
Here is the deal. Back then, almost everyone was Christian (or said they were) because you were killed/hated if you weren't.


IHaveRegistered said:
Oh but it is! It's quite the fun! You should play the free version, and when you're sitting there hearing about SL and AI and all their great things you're like OOOOO SWEET! and then I did that and I was like "lemme try!!!" and I clicked the buy button and it changed my account into the pay type and I had a week but didn't really have the method so the payment didn't go through and I was all like "damn that sucks!" and now I can't play AO and it's killing me to death you know Kiwi? It's just terrible! Terrible terrible...

Holy sh.

But really, I played AO for free for a month. Then I quit.


Christmas Tree

I see it like this ,if i like its ok, if i don't like it ,its ok.

If you like it its ok, if you don't like it its ok.

But if i like it and you don't .
Don't make it so i can have .
Does that make any kind on good since?:confused: :D
Cadamus said:
I see it like this ,if i like its ok, if i don't like it ,its ok.

If you like it its ok, if you don't like it its ok.

But if i like it and you don't .
Don't make it so i can have .
Does that make any kind on good since?:confused: :D
Less commas, More English and sense, please
Cadamus said:
I see it like this ,if i like its ok, if i don't like it ,its ok.

If you like it its ok, if you don't like it its ok.

But if i like it and you don't .
Don't make it so i can have .
Does that make any kind on good since?:confused: :D

I understand what your saying...;)


Don't make it so i can't have it. Just because you don't like it.
But what if the thing the other person doesn't like goes against everything they believe? What if they consider it hateful towards them?
That is like someone burning a flag in the streets. To the person burning it, it is nothing but a flag. To the onlooker who fought in the Vietnam War, it is a symbol of what his friends died for. These are two opposite modes of thinking that cannot just coexist without arguments.

*The flag burner thinks it is his/her right to burn flag as part of the First Amendment.
Anyone against him/her doing it, is against the Bill of Rights. (In that person's eyes.)

*The onlooker thinks the flag represents the country he faught hard to defend, and should be treated with respect.
Anyone against this person is obviously anti-American and evil. (In that person's eyes.)

One side believes the other side is utterly wrong and prejudice/evil for doing what they are doing.


Wow. God is mentioned in the Constitution. Of course it is logical then, that the entire U.S. government is based entirely on the principles of the Christian religion. It is also logical that since our money has the word God on it, that the currency system was also founded on the Christian principles.

I do not believe that God is synonymous with or exclusive property of Christianity.

god (gòd) noun
1. God. a. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996

The five largest religions in the United States are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.

Of these five, Buddhism is the only one that does not have a single deity as a personal God.

It seems that "In God We Trust" can apply to much more that Christians. It also applies to Allah ( the God ) or Brahma ( the one eternal ). Just different language names for God.

God or the concept of God is not the exclusive realm of Christianity. True the Founding Fathers of our country were mostly, if not all Christian, but they were also very good if not lucky at building concepts not to exclude or prejudice groups. Not to say that they did not make mistakes in laying out laws and the foundation of our government, but they also fixed many things before becoming law. We still haven't got it all correct and never will as long as people are involved.

Someone will always be offended if for no other reason than they like to be offended. You could find folks that are offended if you say the world is round and they could also find experts to back them up that it is not. It is the nature of people and is very obvious here in this thread. Arguments for the sake of the argument.

But I may be wrong.


when America was founded the people weren't Buddhist or Hindu...and If I remember correctly, Hinduism has either 1 god or infinite gods
3 Gods. And reincarnations of all of them which make upo Dieties.

Shiva, Vishnu and another one.. I forget..

EDIT: Brahma or something.. its similar to the breed of cattle


Anti-Basic said:
.....umm hes not lying. Seriously. Never heard of the Salem Witch Trials?

Take the number of witches they burned and divide it by the number of people who didn't really believe in God.

They hardly persecuted anyone for being a non-believer.


very nice :) santa is a pedo

a large amount of those killed in the Salem witch trials were acused of being witches because they did not attend church and failed to uphold the Christian morals of the time.

Salem still isn't a very good example of Christians prosecuting heathens though...the 12 crusades and the inquisition are much better...


True, but the fact that they killed them because they thought that those people had "signed the devil's book" shows that they were trying to kill non-believers. Besides, the reason they killed so few non-believers is because there were few of them.
There are a lot more cases of "witch" killings than just those.

Also I said "killed/hated". Most of the colonies wouldn't even let you stay if you weren't a non-believer of some form of Christianity. There were only two colonies with anything close to religious freedom when they were first formed (Pennsylvania and one other).


bzk90 said:
the inquisition

LOL. Let's go over this again, as this is the second thread where this was attempted to be used to show how the Church prosecutes people who don't believe in God. The Inquisition was a cleaning of house by the Church of ITS OWN MEMBERSHIP. It was looking primarily for heretics, not non-believers (a small few were targetted, I will concede that). That's a TERRIBLE reference to use in showing the Church's attacks on atheists/non-believers, and it's hilarious that you put "are much better" right after it.