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FS Grave Digger Quest / System


hafolee said:
SEUO,Runuo 1.0.0

See I dont have a crash with this script pack or with the quest at all and Im using UO:SE with newest patch plus a whole Crapload of other custom stuff. No problems except when I change something myself. Maybe Ronin's got an idea what may cause your crash but I have yet to see one from this scriptpack.

I decided to post my little mods to the shovel. ALthough its not perfect but with my mods you can use it to mine with to. BUT here's the catch inorder to mine with it you have to dclick the shovel then target yourself THEN target the spot on a mountain or any normal mining location. Why you have to do this I have NO idea. It might be how the targeting stuff is written for making it so you can target gravesites. So if anyone can give some insight into why it's doing that I will happily fix my code. I was just wondering IF I could make it work as a harvest tool AND still have it work to dig graves and I can. However in doing what I did, I did do some other minor changes as well not really a big deal just for my personal preference.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps; 
using Server.Network; 
using Server.Misc; 
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Engines.Harvest;

namespace Server.Items
	public class GraveDiggersShovel : BaseHarvestTool
		private bool m_IsDigging;

		public override HarvestSystem HarvestSystem{ get{ return Mining.System; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool IsDigging
			get{ return m_IsDigging; }
			set{ m_IsDigging = value; }

		public GraveDiggersShovel() : this( 50 )
			Name = "a grave diggers shovel";
			Weight = 5.0;
			Hue = 1109;

		public GraveDiggersShovel( int uses ) : base( uses, 0xF39 )
			Name = "a grave diggers shovel";
			Weight = 5.0;
			Hue = 1109;

		public GraveDiggersShovel( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
			if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
			else if ( from.Mounted )
				from.SendMessage( "You can't dig while riding." ); 
			else if ( from.IsBodyMod && !from.Body.IsHuman )
				from.SendMessage( "You can't dig while polymorphed." );
				if ( IsDigging != true )
					from.Target = new GraveTarget( this, from );
					from.SendMessage( "What grave would you like it dig in?" );
					from.SendMessage( "You must wait to use this item again." );

		private static void GetRandomAOSStats( out int attributeCount, out int min, out int max )
			int rnd = Utility.Random( 15 );
			if ( rnd < 1 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 20, 40 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 80, 100 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 5 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
			else if ( rnd < 3 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 15, 35 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 70, 90 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
			else if ( rnd < 6 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 15, 30 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 60, 80 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 4 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
			else if ( rnd < 10 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 15, 25 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 50, 70 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 4 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 40, 60 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 3 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );
			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version 

			writer.Write( m_IsDigging );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );
			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			m_IsDigging = reader.ReadBool();

		private class DigTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_From;
			private GraveDiggersShovel m_Item;
			private IPoint3D m_Loc;
			public DigTimer( Mobile from, GraveDiggersShovel shovel, IPoint3D loc, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration ) 
				Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond;
				m_From = from;
				m_Item = shovel;
				m_Loc = loc;

			protected override void OnTick() 
				Item gem = Loot.RandomGem();
				Item reg = Loot.RandomPossibleReagent();

				Item equip;
				equip = Loot.RandomArmorOrShieldOrWeaponOrJewelry();

				if ( m_Item != null )
					m_Item.IsDigging = false;
				if ( !m_From.InRange( m_Loc, 2 ) )
					m_From.SendMessage( "You moved too far away and did not finish digging." );
				m_Item.UsesRemaining -= 1;
				if ( m_Item.UsesRemaining == 0 )
					if ( m_From != null )
						m_From.SendMessage( "Your shovel has broken." );
				if ( equip is BaseWeapon )
					BaseWeapon weapon = (BaseWeapon)equip;

					int attributeCount;
					int min, max;

					GetRandomAOSStats( out attributeCount, out min, out max );

					BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( weapon, attributeCount, min, max );
				else if ( equip is BaseArmor )
					BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)equip;

					int attributeCount;
					int min, max;

					GetRandomAOSStats( out attributeCount, out min, out max );

					BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( armor, attributeCount, min, max );
				else if ( equip is BaseJewel )
					int attributeCount;
					int min, max;

					GetRandomAOSStats( out attributeCount, out min, out max );

					BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( (BaseJewel)equip, attributeCount, min, max );

				if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
					switch ( Utility.Random ( 15 ) )
						case 0:
						Skeleton skel = new Skeleton();
						skel.Location = m_From.Location;
						skel.Map = m_From.Map;
						skel.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							skel.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( skel );

						case 1:
						Ghoul ghoul = new Ghoul();
						ghoul.Location = m_From.Location;
						ghoul.Map = m_From.Map;
						ghoul.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							ghoul.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( ghoul );

						case 2:
						Wraith wraith = new Wraith();
						wraith.Location = m_From.Location;
						wraith.Map = m_From.Map;
						wraith.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							wraith.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( wraith );

						case 3:
						Lich lich = new Lich();
						lich.Location = m_From.Location;
						lich.Map = m_From.Map;
						lich.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							lich.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( lich );

						case 4:
						LichLord lichl = new LichLord();
						lichl.Location = m_From.Location;
						lichl.Map = m_From.Map;
						lichl.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							lichl.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( lichl );

						case 5:
						AncientLich alich = new AncientLich();
						alich.Location = m_From.Location;
						alich.Map = m_From.Map;
						alich.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							alich.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( alich );

						case 6:
						Mummy mum = new Mummy();
						mum.Location = m_From.Location;
						mum.Map = m_From.Map;
						mum.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							mum.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( mum );

						case 7:
						Zombie zom = new Zombie();
						zom.Location = m_From.Location;
						zom.Map = m_From.Map;
						zom.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							zom.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( zom );

						case 8:
						SkeletalKnight sk = new SkeletalKnight();
						sk.Location = m_From.Location;
						sk.Map = m_From.Map;
						sk.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							sk.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( sk );

						case 9:
						SkeletalMage sm = new SkeletalMage();
						sm.Location = m_From.Location;
						sm.Map = m_From.Map;
						sm.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							sm.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( sm );

						case 10:
						BoneKnight bk = new BoneKnight();
						bk.Location = m_From.Location;
						bk.Map = m_From.Map;
						bk.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							bk.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( bk );

						case 11:
						BoneMagi bm = new BoneMagi();
						bm.Location = m_From.Location;
						bm.Map = m_From.Map;
						bm.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							bm.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( bm );

						case 12:
						Spectre spec = new Spectre();
						spec.Location = m_From.Location;
						spec.Map = m_From.Map;
						spec.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							spec.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( spec );

						case 13:
						Shade shade = new Shade();
						shade.Location = m_From.Location;
						shade.Map = m_From.Map;
						shade.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							shade.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( shade );

						case 14:
						Bogle bog = new Bogle();
						bog.Location = m_From.Location;
						bog.Map = m_From.Map;
						bog.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							bog.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( bog );
					m_From.SendMessage( "You have angered the spirits." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 15.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 55 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						switch ( Utility.Random ( 3 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a gem." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a reagent." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 35.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 45 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 5 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 20, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 5, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 50.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 10 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 10 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 6 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 40, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 10, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a bones." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 75.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 25 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 20 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 20 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 7 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 50, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 13, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );
							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a bones." );

							case 6:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveBonePile() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 90.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 15 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 30 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 30 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 8 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 63, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 15, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 6:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveBonePile() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 7:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveItem() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up an ancient artifact." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 150.0)
					if ( Utility.Random( 500 ) < 5 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up an item of great value." );
						switch ( Utility.Random ( 5 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new ArmoredRobe() );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new ButchersResolve() );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new FollowerOfTheOldLord() );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new SkirtOfTheAmazon() );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new HolyHammerOfExorcism() );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 40 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 40 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 8 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 63, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 15, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 6:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveBonePile() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 7:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveItem() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up an ancient artifact." );
					m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
				PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m_From;
				if ( pm.Karma > 500 )
					int divider = 100;
					//if ( pm.Class_1 == Class_1.Cleric || pm.Class_2 == Class_2.Cleric || pm.Class_3 == Class_3.Cleric )
					//	divider = 75;
					int loss = pm.Karma / divider;
					Titles.AwardKarma( pm, -loss, true );

		private class GraveTarget : Target
			//Grave ItemIDs
			public static int[] m_Grave = new int[]
				3795, 3807, 3808, 3809, 3810, 3816

			private GraveDiggersShovel m_Item;
			private Mobile m_From;

			public GraveTarget( GraveDiggersShovel item, Mobile from ) : base( 12, false, TargetFlags.None )
				m_Item = item;
				m_From = from;

			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )
				if ( targeted is Item )
					Item i = (Item)targeted;

					bool isGrave = false;

					foreach ( int check in m_Grave )
  						if ( check == i.ItemID )
    							isGrave = true;
					if ( isGrave == true )
						if ( m_From != null )
							m_From.SendMessage( "You start to dig." );
						DigTimer dt = new DigTimer( m_From, m_Item, (IPoint3D)targeted, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 8.0 ) );
						m_From.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 0x125, 0x126 ) );
						m_From.Animate( 11, 1, 1, true, false, 0 );
						m_Item.IsDigging = true;
						m_Item.HarvestSystem.BeginHarvesting( from, (Item)m_Item );
				else if ( targeted is StaticTarget )
					StaticTarget i = (StaticTarget)targeted;

					bool isGrave = false;

					foreach ( int check in m_Grave )
  						if ( check == i.ItemID )
    							isGrave = true;

					if ( isGrave )
						if ( m_From != null )
							m_From.SendMessage( "You start to dig." );
						DigTimer dt = new DigTimer( m_From, m_Item, (IPoint3D)targeted, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 8.0 ) );
						m_From.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 0x125, 0x126 ) );
						m_From.Animate( 11, 1, 1, true, false, 0 );
						m_Item.IsDigging = true;
						m_Item.HarvestSystem.BeginHarvesting( from, (Item)m_Item );
					m_Item.HarvestSystem.BeginHarvesting( from, (Item)m_Item );


you will also notice that all of the
have been changed to

I did this cause if you are wearing jewelry or items that change your mining skill when checking off of Base the equipment wont help, but when checking off of Value then the jewelry will help. I noticed one spot requires mining of 150 which is impossible using Base UNLESS you set your cap for mining at 150. But if you have Jewelry Ignore skillcaps then it is Possible to get up to 150 with using Value as opposed to Base. Just figured I'd point that out.


Greystar said:
See I dont have a crash with this script pack or with the quest at all and Im using UO:SE with newest patch plus a whole Crapload of other custom stuff. No problems except when I change something myself. Maybe Ronin's got an idea what may cause your crash but I have yet to see one from this scriptpack.

I decided to post my little mods to the shovel. ALthough its not perfect but with my mods you can use it to mine with to. BUT here's the catch inorder to mine with it you have to dclick the shovel then target yourself THEN target the spot on a mountain or any normal mining location. Why you have to do this I have NO idea. It might be how the targeting stuff is written for making it so you can target gravesites. So if anyone can give some insight into why it's doing that I will happily fix my code. I was just wondering IF I could make it work as a harvest tool AND still have it work to dig graves and I can. However in doing what I did, I did do some other minor changes as well not really a big deal just for my personal preference.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps; 
using Server.Network; 
using Server.Misc; 
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Engines.Harvest;

namespace Server.Items
	public class GraveDiggersShovel : BaseHarvestTool
		private bool m_IsDigging;

		public override HarvestSystem HarvestSystem{ get{ return Mining.System; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool IsDigging
			get{ return m_IsDigging; }
			set{ m_IsDigging = value; }

		public GraveDiggersShovel() : this( 50 )
			Name = "a grave diggers shovel";
			Weight = 5.0;
			Hue = 1109;

		public GraveDiggersShovel( int uses ) : base( uses, 0xF39 )
			Name = "a grave diggers shovel";
			Weight = 5.0;
			Hue = 1109;

		public GraveDiggersShovel( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
			if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
			else if ( from.Mounted )
				from.SendMessage( "You can't dig while riding." ); 
			else if ( from.IsBodyMod && !from.Body.IsHuman )
				from.SendMessage( "You can't dig while polymorphed." );
				if ( IsDigging != true )
					from.Target = new GraveTarget( this, from );
					from.SendMessage( "What grave would you like it dig in?" );
					from.SendMessage( "You must wait to use this item again." );

		private static void GetRandomAOSStats( out int attributeCount, out int min, out int max )
			int rnd = Utility.Random( 15 );
			if ( rnd < 1 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 20, 40 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 80, 100 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 5 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
			else if ( rnd < 3 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 15, 35 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 70, 90 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
			else if ( rnd < 6 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 15, 30 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 60, 80 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 4 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
			else if ( rnd < 10 )
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 15, 25 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 50, 70 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 4 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;
				int RandomMin = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) );
				int RandomMax = ( Utility.RandomMinMax( 40, 60 ) );
				attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 3 );
				min = RandomMin; max = RandomMax;

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );
			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version 

			writer.Write( m_IsDigging );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );
			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			m_IsDigging = reader.ReadBool();

		private class DigTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_From;
			private GraveDiggersShovel m_Item;
			private IPoint3D m_Loc;
			public DigTimer( Mobile from, GraveDiggersShovel shovel, IPoint3D loc, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration ) 
				Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond;
				m_From = from;
				m_Item = shovel;
				m_Loc = loc;

			protected override void OnTick() 
				Item gem = Loot.RandomGem();
				Item reg = Loot.RandomPossibleReagent();

				Item equip;
				equip = Loot.RandomArmorOrShieldOrWeaponOrJewelry();

				if ( m_Item != null )
					m_Item.IsDigging = false;
				if ( !m_From.InRange( m_Loc, 2 ) )
					m_From.SendMessage( "You moved too far away and did not finish digging." );
				m_Item.UsesRemaining -= 1;
				if ( m_Item.UsesRemaining == 0 )
					if ( m_From != null )
						m_From.SendMessage( "Your shovel has broken." );
				if ( equip is BaseWeapon )
					BaseWeapon weapon = (BaseWeapon)equip;

					int attributeCount;
					int min, max;

					GetRandomAOSStats( out attributeCount, out min, out max );

					BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( weapon, attributeCount, min, max );
				else if ( equip is BaseArmor )
					BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)equip;

					int attributeCount;
					int min, max;

					GetRandomAOSStats( out attributeCount, out min, out max );

					BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( armor, attributeCount, min, max );
				else if ( equip is BaseJewel )
					int attributeCount;
					int min, max;

					GetRandomAOSStats( out attributeCount, out min, out max );

					BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( (BaseJewel)equip, attributeCount, min, max );

				if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
					switch ( Utility.Random ( 15 ) )
						case 0:
						Skeleton skel = new Skeleton();
						skel.Location = m_From.Location;
						skel.Map = m_From.Map;
						skel.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							skel.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( skel );

						case 1:
						Ghoul ghoul = new Ghoul();
						ghoul.Location = m_From.Location;
						ghoul.Map = m_From.Map;
						ghoul.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							ghoul.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( ghoul );

						case 2:
						Wraith wraith = new Wraith();
						wraith.Location = m_From.Location;
						wraith.Map = m_From.Map;
						wraith.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							wraith.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( wraith );

						case 3:
						Lich lich = new Lich();
						lich.Location = m_From.Location;
						lich.Map = m_From.Map;
						lich.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							lich.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( lich );

						case 4:
						LichLord lichl = new LichLord();
						lichl.Location = m_From.Location;
						lichl.Map = m_From.Map;
						lichl.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							lichl.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( lichl );

						case 5:
						AncientLich alich = new AncientLich();
						alich.Location = m_From.Location;
						alich.Map = m_From.Map;
						alich.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							alich.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( alich );

						case 6:
						Mummy mum = new Mummy();
						mum.Location = m_From.Location;
						mum.Map = m_From.Map;
						mum.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							mum.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( mum );

						case 7:
						Zombie zom = new Zombie();
						zom.Location = m_From.Location;
						zom.Map = m_From.Map;
						zom.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							zom.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( zom );

						case 8:
						SkeletalKnight sk = new SkeletalKnight();
						sk.Location = m_From.Location;
						sk.Map = m_From.Map;
						sk.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							sk.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( sk );

						case 9:
						SkeletalMage sm = new SkeletalMage();
						sm.Location = m_From.Location;
						sm.Map = m_From.Map;
						sm.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							sm.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( sm );

						case 10:
						BoneKnight bk = new BoneKnight();
						bk.Location = m_From.Location;
						bk.Map = m_From.Map;
						bk.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							bk.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( bk );

						case 11:
						BoneMagi bm = new BoneMagi();
						bm.Location = m_From.Location;
						bm.Map = m_From.Map;
						bm.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							bm.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( bm );

						case 12:
						Spectre spec = new Spectre();
						spec.Location = m_From.Location;
						spec.Map = m_From.Map;
						spec.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							spec.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( spec );

						case 13:
						Shade shade = new Shade();
						shade.Location = m_From.Location;
						shade.Map = m_From.Map;
						shade.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							shade.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( shade );

						case 14:
						Bogle bog = new Bogle();
						bog.Location = m_From.Location;
						bog.Map = m_From.Map;
						bog.Combatant = m_From;

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 50 )
							bog.IsParagon = true;

        					World.AddMobile( bog );
					m_From.SendMessage( "You have angered the spirits." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 15.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 55 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						switch ( Utility.Random ( 3 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a gem." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a reagent." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 35.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 45 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 5 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 20, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 5, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 50.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 10 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 10 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 6 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 40, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 10, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a bones." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 75.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 25 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 20 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 20 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 7 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 50, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 13, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );
							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a bones." );

							case 6:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveBonePile() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 90.0 )
					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 15 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 30 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 30 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 8 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 63, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 15, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 6:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveBonePile() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 7:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveItem() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up an ancient artifact." );
				else if ( m_From.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Value < 150.0)
					if ( Utility.Random( 500 ) < 5 )
						m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up an item of great value." );
						switch ( Utility.Random ( 5 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new ArmoredRobe() );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new ButchersResolve() );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new FollowerOfTheOldLord() );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new SkirtOfTheAmazon() );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new HolyHammerOfExorcism() );
						gem.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 40 );
						reg.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 40 );

						switch ( Utility.Random ( 8 ) )
							case 0:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( gem );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some gems." );

							case 1:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( reg );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some reagents." );

							case 2:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( equip );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some equipment." );

							case 3:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 63, SpellbookType.Regular ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 4:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( Loot.RandomScroll( 0, 15, SpellbookType.Necromancer ) );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up a scroll." );

							case 5:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new Bones() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 6:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveBonePile() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up some bones." );

							case 7:
							m_From.AddToBackpack( new GraveItem() );
							m_From.SendMessage( "You dig up an ancient artifact." );
					m_From.SendMessage( "You fail to dig anything up." );
				PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m_From;
				if ( pm.Karma > 500 )
					int divider = 100;
					//if ( pm.Class_1 == Class_1.Cleric || pm.Class_2 == Class_2.Cleric || pm.Class_3 == Class_3.Cleric )
					//	divider = 75;
					int loss = pm.Karma / divider;
					Titles.AwardKarma( pm, -loss, true );

		private class GraveTarget : Target
			//Grave ItemIDs
			public static int[] m_Grave = new int[]
				3795, 3807, 3808, 3809, 3810, 3816

			private GraveDiggersShovel m_Item;
			private Mobile m_From;

			public GraveTarget( GraveDiggersShovel item, Mobile from ) : base( 12, false, TargetFlags.None )
				m_Item = item;
				m_From = from;

			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )
				if ( targeted is Item )
					Item i = (Item)targeted;

					bool isGrave = false;

					foreach ( int check in m_Grave )
  						if ( check == i.ItemID )
    							isGrave = true;
					if ( isGrave == true )
						if ( m_From != null )
							m_From.SendMessage( "You start to dig." );
						DigTimer dt = new DigTimer( m_From, m_Item, (IPoint3D)targeted, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 8.0 ) );
						m_From.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 0x125, 0x126 ) );
						m_From.Animate( 11, 1, 1, true, false, 0 );
						m_Item.IsDigging = true;
						m_Item.HarvestSystem.BeginHarvesting( from, (Item)m_Item );
				else if ( targeted is StaticTarget )
					StaticTarget i = (StaticTarget)targeted;

					bool isGrave = false;

					foreach ( int check in m_Grave )
  						if ( check == i.ItemID )
    							isGrave = true;

					if ( isGrave )
						if ( m_From != null )
							m_From.SendMessage( "You start to dig." );
						DigTimer dt = new DigTimer( m_From, m_Item, (IPoint3D)targeted, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 8.0 ) );
						m_From.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 0x125, 0x126 ) );
						m_From.Animate( 11, 1, 1, true, false, 0 );
						m_Item.IsDigging = true;
						m_Item.HarvestSystem.BeginHarvesting( from, (Item)m_Item );
					m_Item.HarvestSystem.BeginHarvesting( from, (Item)m_Item );


you will also notice that all of the
have been changed to

I did this cause if you are wearing jewelry or items that change your mining skill when checking off of Base the equipment wont help, but when checking off of Value then the jewelry will help. I noticed one spot requires mining of 150 which is impossible using Base UNLESS you set your cap for mining at 150. But if you have Jewelry Ignore skillcaps then it is Possible to get up to 150 with using Value as opposed to Base. Just figured I'd point that out.

thank you very much ..


Is there anyway to make this so the shovel will only allow you to dig at night? I'm using hte special undead pack that only spawn at night and would prefer it not allow digging on graves during daytime, but only at night so they actually get confronted. Thanks!



also crash....
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Items.BaseWeapon.GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
   at Server.Item.get_PropertyList()
   at Server.Item.InvalidateProperties()
   at Server.Item.set_Map(Map value)
   at Server.Item.AddItem(Item item)
   at Server.Items.Container.DropItem(Item dropped)
   at Server.Items.BaseContainer.TryDropItem(Mobile from, Item dropped, Boolean sendFullMessage)
   at Server.Mobile.PlaceInBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Mobile.AddToBackpack(Item item)
   at Server.Items.DigTimer.OnTick()
   at Server.Timer.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)



I guess I'm running an AOS shard if you consider Samurai Empire items AOS.

If this helps, I wiped the new copy I installed and tried this on and re-installed a new one and installed this script and it worked flawlessly.

Then I figured, okay maybe it was something I did wrong with my shard, so I saved the user files, and custom regions, all the info that holds player houses, items, etc, then I wiped my shard, and re-installed a new copy, re-installed all my scripts I already had on it, put everything where it goes, then I installed this script and tried to run the server program and got the same error.

So like I said before, along with clashing with other scripts I have, it is giving me the rror with that Linda.cs file you mentioned.

And I just did a search on my shard for Linda.cs and the only file I found even resembling that is DiabloLinda.cs. So do I need Linda.cs for this script? If so, where can I get it?



Newb here....but how...?

Hi, I have to say this quest looks AWSOME...everything loaded fine...but I can't start it. Remmy doesnt talk when you click talk...and Samual only tells me he's busy. What am I doing wrong...or not doing?


Gaea said:
Hi, I have to say this quest looks AWSOME...everything loaded fine...but I can't start it. Remmy doesnt talk when you click talk...and Samual only tells me he's busy. What am I doing wrong...or not doing?

Well for one if Samual is saying he's busy then that means u currently have another quest in progress. Click yerself once and view yer quest log and either finsih the old quest you were on or cancel the old quest then try Samual again. ;)



Ok, sorry that was total newb. I realized it later what Had happened. (I accidently said yes to the Uzerann thing at the begninning.

Thanks though for not being mean on a stupid Q like that:p



ok help please

RunUO - [[url]][/url] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
 - Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Quest\TheGraveDigger\Mobiles\Farm
Hand.cs: CS0101: (line 10, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already con
tains a definition for 'FarmHand'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

ok i have no clue what to do will someone help me please. i just dropped it in customs and started shard


msondey89 said:
RunUO - [[url]][/url] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
 - Error: Scripts\Customs\Grave Digging System\Quest\TheGraveDigger\Mobiles\Farm
Hand.cs: CS0101: (line 10, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already con
tains a definition for 'FarmHand'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

ok i have no clue what to do will someone help me please. i just dropped it in customs and started shard

You have 2 FarmHand scripts, just remove one and it should work fine ;)


So it looks like it installed correctly... I accepted the quest from Samual but the farmer does not seem to spawn. I went to the coords in fel and tram and can't find him. Did I miss doing something?




yea i do have another farmhand but for some reason im having problems if i change his name a bit... lol oh well i will keep at it till something works lol. way to many scripts i guess lol.


msondey89 said:
yea i do have another farmhand but for some reason im having problems if i change his name a bit... lol oh well i will keep at it till something works lol. way to many scripts i guess lol.

You can do it 2 ways remove the one not in this script or like u just said change thename of yer other farmhand to sumthin like FarmerBrown (or whatever u want) but change it everywhere in yer other script and change everywhere where its name is called upon from other scripts, that is if u have other scripts that call on yer other FarmHand Script. should be real easy to do. :) hope that helps u more


Very Nice, Ronin :]
Still have a little issue that Linda is set with her boyfrind who is there - checked all that - but no thugs appeared.
**Saw one did sometime later, and is just standing in the area.
***yes this was done on a player, not a staff character.
Something else I shoud check, maybe?

Many thanks!




ok thanks i will do that. its just a farmer vendor that sells seeds lol..... and im gunna kill my computer *pulls out laser gun to shoot all these pop-ups!@!@!@!@!*


Custom Shard? if you mean custom map, Yes you will just have to mod the script for the new locations. where you will spawn the NPCs



Sorry for double post. Sorry i have not been around to check this post alot. Ill look over your crashs i have never had any crashs myself on the quest. and my server is AOS/SE Ill look over the posts more and see what i can come up with.



Linda.cs should be in the scirpt package.

Did you use the spawn command in the package? [GenGDQ

Props linda and set BoyFriend to the Rimmey