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gold wın lıke tokens


gold wın lıke tokens

ı was tryıng to make my bag to earn extra gold when player kılls monster ıt was goıng to be lıke tokens but ı couldnt made ıt complıes but ıts not gıvıng golds when ı kıll a monster any ıdeas???
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using System.Net;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Targets;
using Server.Scripts.Gumps;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Items;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Misc;

namespace Server.Items
	public class GoldBag : Item
		private int i_Owner, i_Gold;
		public int Owner { get { return i_Owner; } set { i_Owner = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }
		public int Gold { get { return i_Gold; } set { i_Gold = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }
		public GoldBag() : base( 3702 )
			Stackable = false;
			Name = "An Empty Gold Bag";
			Hue = 1161;
			Weight = 1.0;
			LootType = LootType.Blessed;
		public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
			if ( this.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				if (i_Owner == 0)
					i_Owner = from.Serial;
					Name = from.Name + "'s Gold Bag";
					i_Gold = 0;
					from.SendGump( new GoldsGump( from, this ) );
				else if (from.Serial == i_Owner)
					from.SendGump( new GoldsGump( from, this ) );
				else if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
					from.SendMessage(1153, "Select a new owner for this Gold Bag.");
					BeginSetOwner( from );
					from.PlaySound(1074); //play no!! sound
					from.SendMessage(1153, "This book is not yours and you cannot seem to write your name in it!");
				from.SendMessage(1153, "The Gold Bag must be in your backpack to be used.");

		public override bool OnDragDrop( Mobile from, Item item )
				if ( item is Gold)
				this.Gold = (this.Gold + item.Amount);
				from.SendMessage(1281, "You added {0} gold to your bag.", item.Amount);
				return true;
				from.SendMessage ("You can only place gold in this bag.");
				return false;
	public void BeginSetOwner( Mobile from )
			from.Target = new SetOwnerTarget( this );

		public class SetOwnerTarget : Target
			private GoldBag m_TL;

			public SetOwnerTarget( GoldBag tl ) : base( 18, false, TargetFlags.None )
				m_TL = tl;

			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )
				if ( m_TL.Deleted )

				m_TL.EndSetOwner( from, targeted );
		public void EndSetOwner( Mobile from, object obj )
			if ( obj is PlayerMobile )
				PlayerMobile m = obj as PlayerMobile;
				if ( m.Alive )
					if (!(this.Deleted))
						if  (m.Name != null)
							this.Owner = m.Serial;
							this.Name = m.Name + "'s Gold Bag";
							from.SendMessage(1153, "You set the new owner as: {0}", m.Name);
							m.SendMessage(1153, "You became the owner of a new Gold Bag.");
							from.SendMessage(1153, "Your target doesn't have a name.");
						from.SendMessage(1153, "The Bag was deleted before you selected your target.");
					from.SendMessage(1153, "Your target is dead, please choose a target that is alive.");
				from.SendMessage(1153, "Only players can be the owners of Gold Bag.");

		public void BeginAddGolds( Mobile from )
			from.Target = new AddGoldsTarget( this );
		public class AddGoldsTarget : Target
			private GoldBag m_TL;

			public AddGoldsTarget( GoldBag tl ) : base( 18, false, TargetFlags.None )
				m_TL = tl;

			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )
				if ( m_TL.Deleted )
				m_TL.EndAddGolds( from, targeted );

	public void EndAddGolds( Mobile from, object obj )
			from.CloseGump( typeof( GoldsGump ) );
			if ( obj is Item )
				Item oldGold = obj as Item;
				if ( oldGold.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
					if ( oldGold is Gold )
						if (!(this.Deleted) && !(oldGold.Deleted))
							this.Gold = (this.Gold + oldGold.Amount);
							from.SendMessage(1281, "You added {0} gold to your bag.", oldGold.Amount);
					else if ( oldGold is BankCheck )
						if (!(this.Deleted) && !(oldGold.Deleted))
							this.Gold = (this.Gold + ((BankCheck)oldGold).Worth);
							from.SendMessage(1281, "You added check to your bag.", oldGold.Amount);

			    from.PlaySound(1069); //play Hey!! sound
				from.SendMessage(1281, "Hey, don't try to rob the bank!!!");

					from.SendMessage(1153, "This isn't in your backpack.");
				from.SendMessage(1153, "This is not an item.");
			from.SendGump( new GoldsGump( from, this ) );
		public GoldBag( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

			writer.Write( i_Gold );
			writer.Write( i_Owner );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch (version)
				case 0:
					i_Gold = reader.ReadInt();
					i_Owner = reader.ReadInt();

	public class GoldsGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_From;
		private GoldBag m_TL;
		public GoldsGump( Mobile from, Item item ) : base( 50, 50 )
			from.CloseGump( typeof( GoldsGump ) );
			m_From = from;
			if (!(item is GoldBag))
			GoldBag tl = item as GoldBag;
			m_TL = tl;

			AddBackground(40, 40, 360, 325, 5170);

			AddImageTiled( 70, 75, 300, 250, 0xA40 );
			AddAlphaRegion( 70, 75, 300, 250 );
			AddLabel(165, 75, 1160, item.Name);
			AddLabel(75, 100, 1153, "You have " + ((GoldBag)tl).Gold + " Golds.");
			AddLabel(75, 150, 1160, @"How much Golds you want to take out?");
			AddLabel(75, 125, 31, @"Add Golds to your Bag manually:");
			AddButton(307, 130, 2460, 2461, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //add Golds
			AddBackground(125, 200, 195, 41, 9270); //text entry backgrounf
			if (((GoldBag)tl).Gold >= 100000)
				AddTextEntry(145, 211, 155, 21, 1160, 3, "100000"); //default text entry (where we write how much Golds)
				AddTextEntry(145, 211, 155, 21, 1160, 3, "" + ((GoldBag)tl).Gold + "");

			//Gold check
			AddLabel(75, 180, 31, @"Write a check:");
			AddImage(70, 200, 92);
			AddButton(79, 207, 2474, 0, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

			//Gold item
			AddLabel(280, 180, 31, @"Extract Golds:");
			AddImage(325, 200, 92);
			AddButton(334, 207, 2474, 0, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

			AddImage(70, 255, 7012);
			AddImage(300, 255, 7012);
			AddLabel(270, 322, 1160, "Made By Sidious");
			AddLabel(70, 322, 1160, "Version 1.0.1");
		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
			if ( m_TL.Deleted )
		else if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
				if (((GoldBag)m_TL).Gold <= 2000000000)
					m_TL.BeginAddGolds( m_From );
					m_From.SendMessage(1153, "This Gold Bag is full");
				m_From.SendGump( new GoldsGump( m_From, m_TL ) );
			else if ( info.ButtonID == 2 || info.ButtonID == 4 )
				TextRelay tr_GoldAmount = info.GetTextEntry( 3 );
				if(tr_GoldAmount != null)
					int i_MaxAmount = 0;
						i_MaxAmount = Convert.ToInt32(tr_GoldAmount.Text,10);
						m_From.SendMessage(1153, "Please make sure you write only numbers.");
					if(i_MaxAmount > 0) 
						if (i_MaxAmount <= ((GoldBag)m_TL).Gold)
							if (info.ButtonID == 4 )
								if (i_MaxAmount <= 100000)
									m_From.AddToBackpack(new Gold(i_MaxAmount));
									m_From.SendMessage(1281, "You extracted {0} Golds from your Bag.", i_MaxAmount);
									((GoldBag)m_TL).Gold = (((GoldBag)m_TL).Gold - i_MaxAmount);
									m_From.SendMessage(1153, "You can't extract more then 100,000 Golds at 1 time.");
							else if (i_MaxAmount >= 1000)
								m_From.AddToBackpack(new BankCheck(i_MaxAmount));
								m_From.SendMessage(1281, "You wrote a bank check in the value of {0} Golds.", i_MaxAmount);
								((GoldBag)m_TL).Gold = (((GoldBag)m_TL).Gold - i_MaxAmount);
								m_From.SendMessage(1153, "You can't write checks for less then 1,000 Golds.");
							m_From.SendMessage(1153, "You don't have that many Golds in your Bag.");
					m_From.SendGump( new GoldsGump( m_From, m_TL ) );
		public class GiveGold
		public static void CalculateGold(Mobile m, BaseCreature creature)
			if (creature.IsBonded)

			double d_Resists = ((creature.PhysicalResistance + creature.FireResistance + creature.ColdResistance + creature.PoisonResistance + creature.EnergyResistance)/50); 
			if (d_Resists < 1.0) 
				d_Resists = 1.0;
			int i_Hits = (creature.HitsMax/10); 
			double d_TempGolReward = (i_Hits + ((i_Hits * d_Resists)/10) ); 
			int i_FameKarma = creature.Fame; 
			if (creature.Karma < 0)
				i_FameKarma -= creature.Karma;
				i_FameKarma += creature.Karma;
			i_FameKarma = (i_FameKarma/250);
			if (i_FameKarma < 0)
				i_FameKarma = 0;
			d_TempGolReward += i_FameKarma; 

			if (creature.AI == AIType.AI_Mage) 
				double d_Mage = ((creature.Skills[SkillName.Meditation].Value + creature.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value + creature.Skills[SkillName.EvalInt].Value)/8);
				d_TempGolReward += d_Mage;
			if (creature.HasBreath)
				double d_FireBreath = (creature.HitsMax/25);
				d_TempGolReward += d_FireBreath; 
			int i_GolReward = ((int)d_TempGolReward); 
			i_GolReward = Utility.RandomMinMax((int)(i_GolReward*0.4), (int)(i_GolReward*0.5));
			if (i_GolReward < 1)
				i_GolReward = 1; 
			RewardGold(m, i_GolReward);

		public static void RewardGold(Mobile m, int amount)
			if (amount < 1)

			Item[] items = m.Backpack.FindItemsByType( typeof( GoldBag ) );

			foreach( GoldBag tl in items )
				if (tl.Owner == m.Serial && tl.Gold <= 2000000000)
					tl.Gold = (tl.Gold + amount); 
					m.SendMessage(1281, "You recieved {0} Golds.",amount); 