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I'm Back! Updated II a somewhat good one.

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Formerly DontdroptheSOAD
we know this ^^^

If we were to go somewhere without permission, she would walk across the stateline or something like that i don't remember exactly what it was, but i don't plan on doing it anytime soon.


On topic: Dude, you're going through a hell of alot... and unless I'm mistaken, they can take your house for it...
Granting possession of the residence or household to the plaintiff, to the exclusion of the defendant.
as quoted by Johabius. Maybe this implies domestic cases (Husband-wife relations, where one would share a household) but would you take chances? Your best bet is to meet in like a library, in the nonfiction section (Who goes there? lol) or find a webcam chatroom...

Otherwise serious shit happens.
Then again, whats the fun without the risk?


Bleach said:
.derob tuoba klat ,gmoz ,sdrawkcab dna ,etihw ni si tsop yM
Glub? I have no idea whats going on...

Back on topic: Get a house so they can take it away? I'd like to offer more help, but other then getting a bullet-proof vest and carring around your heater sheild of +25 father defending, theres not much advice I can offer.


Viago said:
*Killamus finds a ring of +20 SMite +10 pown and +15 l33tz
HELL YEA. Uh, I think I hijacked this thread by accident.

Back on topic: Congrats for getting somewhere with your girlfriend. Wish ya the best

Did it work?
well anyways, to DDTS, dont let the father get in your way you love this girl deeply and soon she is old enuff to live with you go kick the dad in the nads and give her stepmom a purple nurple


Ronin Warrior said:
well anyways, to DDTS, dont let the father get in your way you love this girl deeply and soon she is old enuff to live with you go kick the dad in the nads and give her stepmom a purple nurple
THATS what we were looking for.

I concur.
DontdroptheSOAD said:
lolz u guys make me glad in pants

heh trust me ive been in your shoes, im 18 now so i can go run nekkid in the streets without the parents saying NO, but sounds like yalls love is strong and youll be together and standing tall as a man that you accomplished something excellent in life as being next to your baby at night
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