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Looking for someone who likes graphic design.

Admin Vorspire said:
2 More entries;

Im so...very...confused. The water is...sideways... whoooahhh...

Admin Vorspire said:
Its umm... a very big wave :p who said art had to make sense :D

Your drug for art on your first entries: LSDs
Your drug for your latest art: Weed

I do like the last one though.



aha im not taking anything.. improvement ensues in my art.. but not in my script ideas ^^

And gravity doesn't apply to art either ^_X
Admin Vorspire said:
I don't take drugs. I smoke pot. That isn't a drug, its a saviour from the stresses of life. It's also a great aphrodeiziac ;) and it helps me learn better when scripting. Ftw, I wasn't high when i did this ;) But.. i will try again.. it's hard to make something from nothing (no info? :/ )
Mary Jane killed one of them. Nice try tho. And it IS a drug.


Anti-Basic said:
Mary Jane killed one of them. Nice try tho. And it IS a drug.
Ya it IS a drug,

Wikipedia said:
A drug is any biological substance, synthetic or non-synthetic, that is taken for non-dietary needs. It is usually synthesized outside of an organism, but introduced into an organism to produce its action. That is, when taken into the organisms body, it will produce some effects or alter some bodily functions (such as relieving symptoms, curing diseases or used as preventive medicine or any other purposes).

Note that natural endogenous biochemicals (such as hormones) can bind to the same receptor in the cell, producing the same effect as a drug. Thus, drug is merely an artificial definition that distinguishes whether that molecule is synthesized within an organism or outside an organism. For instance, insulin is a hormone that is synthesized in the body; it is considered as a hormone when it is synthesized by the pancreas inside the body, but if it is introduced into the body from outside, it is considered as a drug.

It is a substance which is not food,[1] and which, when ingested, affects the functioning of the mind, or the body, or both. However, under the philosophy of Chinese medicine, food is also considered a drug as it affects particular parts of body and cures some diseases. Thus, food does satisfy the above definition of drug so long as ingestion of it would alter some bodily functions.