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Wanderer Orginization!!!

Oh my i have been trying to keep track of everyhting that is going on... what is being worked on, what is finished what needs to be added... I am all confused. Does anyone have any ideas on how this problem could be solved (unless im the only one having troubles keeping track of things).

My idea would be a simple webpage, or website section on that lists everything that needs to be in RunUO... spells, items, etc... in a big table left side of table describes what what the "thing to be done" is and right side contains the progress (Incomplete, In Progress, Finished).

The most difficult part of this would be listing everything that needs wworked on... I would not be opposed to working on this if People think it is needed...if not well, ok




I posted awhile ago about a Dev journal.. they just write one or 2 lines about what they added or stuff like that.


problem with this is there are like 4 sorry 5 I think official Dev's and they know what they are doing that is fine then there are those of us Shard Admins/ Shard Devs trying to assist working on stuff and even a section like you suggest would be hard to do when you have beta's coming out days not weeks later and with those of us unoffical people working on stuff that is going into those betas by the devs.