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Random and Scripting with examples


Utility.Random( 4, 8 );
Means a number between 4 and (4+7) (would be 4 to 11 because the 8 is from 0 to 7).
It means too that if the first number is 1 (as in Utility.Random( 1, 8 )), it will be always a number between 1 and the second number, because it is 1 and (1 + second number minus 1).

Returns true or false.

Sometimes used as a chance of 50%:
if ( Utility.RandomBool() )
        PackItem( new MessageInABottle() );

Means 0 to 3 (0 to number -1)

Generally used as a switch:
switch ( Utility.Random( 4 ) )
        case 0: PackItem( new DaemonArms() ); break;
        case 1: PackItem( new DaemonChest() ); break;
        case 2: PackItem( new DaemonGloves() ); break;
        case 3: PackItem( new DaemonLegs() ); break;

Utility.RandomMinMax( 4, 8 );
Means 4 to 8 (including 4 and 8)

Generally used to choose a random amount between a range:
Item GemLoot = Loot.RandomGem();
GemLoot.Amount = Utility.Random( 1, 3 );
DropItem( GemLoot );

0.02 > Utility.RandomDouble()
Means a chance of 2%.
0.002 is 0.2%
0.02 is 2%
0.20 is 20%
1.0 is 100%
It occurs because RandomDouble() chooses a floating number between 0 and 1. So if 0.02 is > then random number, so occurs the desired hypothesis (2% of chance).

Generally it is used as:
if ( 0.5 > Utility.RandomDouble() ) // means 50% chance
        // do something here...

Chooses an item from a list.

Generally used to choose a random appearance to an item:
public TreasureLevel2() : base( Utility.RandomList( 0xe3c, 0xE3E, 0x9a9, 0xe42, 0x9ab, 0xe40, 0xe7f, 0xe77 ) )
        // means appearance of: Large, Medium and Small Crate; Wooden, Metal and Metal Golden Chest; or Keg and Barrel