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Another "Post Your Desktop"


TheOutkastDev;683075 said:
Error! Error! Does not compute!

Meaning, it ran the way it was suppose to on my machine, which was shit. It looks the way its suppose to, all flashy and shit, i prolly shouldnt have put the it looks like shit, was more of a side effect from the frustration of typing that post :) I still think its a pos, its to much bulk and could have been done better imo.


Killamus;683069 said:
What video card software allows the taskbar to be split on the screens? My taskbar only goes to the end of one screen and stops :[

Any NVidia card will do that, you have to setup your monitors through the nvidia software tho not the Display Properties in windows.( Vista wont let you do this though :( )




Ankhesentapemkah;682856 said:
I should run Linux, but unfortunately I have too much games and programs that are windows exclusive.

depends on the game, there are many linux install scripts out there that use release cds, isos ect to install. or some programs run ok/decent in wine. like diablo, II, and LOD.

check this site out for linux install scripts

Neverwinter Nights yay
Neverwinter Nights: Neverwinter Nights For Linux

there are also games like
which isn't that bad.


Viago;683198 said:
KDE aint bad, it has alot of perks. But its not my fav.

I just like it cause its more like windows, and i hate the word gnome, and i hate gnomes in all games they are in!


Jeff;683199 said:
I just like it cause its more like windows, and i hate the word gnome, and i hate gnomes in all games they are in!

roflao. never heard it put like that before.

yea my gnome runs lil shlugish, only cause the services i am running.

i think gnome will be phased out eventually, but seeing as i think next release of Linspire is to be based on Ubuntu over Debian, i think ill switch, never truly liked Debian much.

i think im going to try eather Gentoo or Linspire next. Atm im running fedora core 5, only cause the quick set up and install. on my relatively outdated P4 machine.

well if you like KDE cause its windowsish, than you'll hate Mandrake 5 =p i can send you two server editions if youd like....just a tun of typing......


Jeff;683170 said:
Any NVidia card will do that, you have to setup your monitors through the nvidia software tho not the Display Properties in windows.( Vista wont let you do this though :( )

I did that and used the NVidia control panel that came with it. I set it for split screen though, not a continuation(SP?). Only because the way my monitors where set up though. I should give that a shot and see if that works.


I gave vista a try on my media center PC. Unfortunately, when I run it at 1920x1080 I need underscan to bring the picture back into focus and the nvidia control panel doesn't support underscan/overscan on Vista.

So.. back to XP MCE =/

My desktop:


Jeff;683018 said:
I tried Vista, My machine has more then enough horsepower to run it, and it ran it fine, I dont like how it manages memory, I do alot of things with Security/Ownership of files and Vista Garbled that shit up, Theres to much security put int that you have to disable, It runs like shit, Looks like shit, and im pretty sure if it had a smell, it would smell like shit too. I used it at work and home since the day it came out and as of Friday I am no longer using it at either. I had problems with applications installing/running, I hated how some applications like Acrobat Reader 8 had to be installed as Administrator(meaning you had to run the installer as administrator) even though my account was an Administrative account. Vista has about 90% of is bulk as overhead useless bullshit crap that just clobbers and slows down your machine. It looks like OSX(which is fine cause i happen to love OSX), but runs 10x slower then OSX. Its a pile, plain and simple, PILE O'SHIT. I gave it a chance and it failed miserably.

P.S. Explorer crashed 1-2 times a day out of the blue, that was always fun.
First off - chill out. You seem a lil' too pissed off.
The last comment wasn't directed to you, as you acctually do understand the OS.
Yes, it's miserably complicated, and refuses to work with most applications. We've always established that. I myself have gone through hundreds of dollars simply because Vista will not accept applications, so I am far from supporting it.

Okay, no more Vista vs. XP talk >.<