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Auction System Updates



Joeku said:

Anyways... Xanthos, you did a GREAT job on this! I am VERY happy!
Thank you and I am happy to hear you found a solution! I would recommend leaving in the old shrink item class so people can unshrink their pets shrunk with the FSTaming system. You may want to write a script (or borrow one from me) that will go through and replace all of the pet leashes and hitching posts with the ones from my system.


dominus said:
There are a bug when you send the money to the bank from the delivery gump, it make a copy of the gold(same amount as the Auction Gold check) in the internal.
Would you mind giving me exact step by step details of how to reproduce this issue? I would like to fix this one ASAP.


i think that th eproblem is caused by this:

AuctionGoldCheck.cs just before #region Serialization

public override Server.Item DeliveredItem
				return new Gold( m_GoldAmount );

And one new bug:
When you search for artifacts only return Doom artifacts.

Another Bug(from arya version) AuctionSearchGump.cs Line 87
this.AddCheck(260, 201, 2510, 2511, false, 4);

It must be a 3

this.AddCheck(260, 201, 2510, 2511, false, 3);

Sorry for Bad English. :eek:


Thanks Dominus. I was just noticing the check box bug as I was looking at the artifact search - you saved me some time there.

As for finding artifacts - it works fine for me. The code looks for the ArtifactRarity property to determine if the item is an artifact so I don't see how it could single out the doom artifacts. I did notice, however that for auctions with multiple items the artifact search is stopping at the first artifact in the multi-item auction - i have changed it to look at all the items in an auction.

I still do not understand what bug you found with gold delivery. The auction check, when d-clicked, presents a gump to allow you to have the gold dropped into your bank (although I think I will make that the savings account). Are you saying that it deposits the gold twice?



The system search for Doom artifacs, minor artifacts from paragons havent "Artifact Rarity", it is interesting you can search for all type of artifacts because usually there are more minor artifacs than Doom artifacts.

I think i have found the internal gol bug, when i return to home i work on it and if it run i post the solution.


Bug detected :) Attention:

In AuctionCheck.cs there are a function OnDoubleClick, it means that everytime you make a Dclick the function compare calling DeliveredItem if it is a MobileStatuette.

if ( DeliveredItem is MobileStatuette )
	// Send pet retrieval gump
	from.CloseGump( typeof( CreatureDeliveryGump ) );
	from.SendGump( new CreatureDeliveryGump( this ) );
	// Send item retrieval gump
	from.CloseGump( typeof( AuctionDeliveryGump ) );
	from.SendGump( new AuctionDeliveryGump( this ) );

As we can see this comprobation call DeliveredItem, a few lines to the bottom:
public abstract Item DeliveredItem
Now we go to AuctionGoldCheck.cs and see the override for DeliveredItem
public override Server.Item DeliveredItem
		return new Gold( m_GoldAmount );

Resuming Everytime we do Dclick an amount of Gold is created in the internal and it isnt deleted by Cleanup.cs

My solution:

In AuctionCheck.cs
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
	bool ok = false;
//Only one call to DeliveredItem
	Item item = DeliveredItem;
	if ( from.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Counselor )
		from.SendMessage( AuctionSystem.MessageHue, AuctionSystem.ST[ 119 ] );
		ok = true;
	else if ( from == m_Owner )
		ok = true;
		if ( m_Owner != null && m_Owner.Account != null && m_Owner.Account.Equals( from.Account ) )
			ok = true;
	if ( ok )
//Using item variable to compare...
		if ( item is MobileStatuette )  //if ( DeliveredItem is MobileStatuette )
			// Send pet retrieval gump
			from.CloseGump( typeof( CreatureDeliveryGump ) );
			from.SendGump( new CreatureDeliveryGump( this ) );
			// Send item retrieval gump
			from.CloseGump( typeof( AuctionDeliveryGump ) );
			from.SendGump( new AuctionDeliveryGump( this ) );
		from.SendMessage( AuctionSystem.MessageHue, AuctionSystem.ST[ 120 ] );
//Cleaning if the item is Gold
	if( item is Gold )



I'm not using any tokens on my shard and its still saying cannot find TokenCheck and the token system is UnDefined in the AccountSavings.cs :confused:


I am sorry - I failed to test without OWL installed. I am preparing a release but until then, you can patch it yourself as follows:

Look for this line:
			Item check = ( currency == CurrencyType.Gold ? (Item)new BankCheck( amount ) : (Item)new TokenCheck( amount ) );
and replace it with this:
			Item check = ( currency == CurrencyType.Gold ? (Item)new BankCheck( amount ) : (Item)new TokenCheck( amount ) );
			Item check = (Item)new BankCheck( amount );


Xanthos, could you perhaps think about making a seprate SBInfo for the auctioner so it says "Auction" on the NPC's Contex Menu instead of "Buy" if not maybe its somthing i'll look into. :rolleyes: just figured i'd throw it out there. :)


Savaal said:
Xanthos, could you perhaps think about making a seprate SBInfo for the auctioner so it says "Auction" on the NPC's Contex Menu instead of "Buy" if not maybe its somthing i'll look into. :rolleyes: just figured i'd throw it out there. :)

There isnt anyway to my knowledge to change it to say Auction cause its a cliloc entry without providing a custom Cliloc...


Greystar said:
There isnt anyway to my knowledge to change it to say Auction cause its a cliloc entry without providing a custom Cliloc...
That is correct.


- Error: Scripts\Xanthos Auction 1.11\Auction\AuctionSearch.cs:
CS0234: (line 207, column 11) The type or namespace name 'IsArtifact' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Arya.Misc' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Its looking for Ayra.Misc instead of Xanthos.Misc


Okay I downloaded the system and am getting ready to install it, but according to the Readme.html file, the only instructions it gives for Ultima.dll is to just put it in the RunUO folder, but my question is where do I get Ultima.dll? I've run a search for it on my entire system and have found 2 copies of it. 1 is 52.0kb and that one is located in my Pandora's Box folder in C Program Files. The other is 56.0 kb and that one is located in my RAZOR folder. Which one do I use? Those are the only 2 Ultima.dll files I've found on my whole system.



Hi i have a problem with cliloc.enu

The auction system cannot access the cliloc.enu file. Please review the system instructions for proer installation

i watch FAQ and set the right location properly in auctionconfig.cs

public static string ClilocLocation = @"E:\Server\Data\cliloc.enu";

but it hasnt any effect , have someone an idea where is the problem?


seanandre said:
Okay I downloaded the system and am getting ready to install it, but according to the Readme.html file, the only instructions it gives for Ultima.dll is to just put it in the RunUO folder, but my question is where do I get Ultima.dll? I've run a search for it on my entire system and have found 2 copies of it. 1 is 52.0kb and that one is located in my Pandora's Box folder in C Program Files. The other is 56.0 kb and that one is located in my RAZOR folder. Which one do I use? Those are the only 2 Ultima.dll files I've found on my whole system.
ı thınk he ıs talkın about one came wıth orıgınal auctıon system ı search thıs mornıng for ıt found and downloaded ıt and works fıne... here ı can send ıf someone ever needs ıt...


**edit** I had null due to overwriting the file

**edit 2** even with the path specified, its still not working like it used to.

the other problem mentioned above still persists.


I too have just installed the script, and the server successfully started, but I'm having the same problem with the Cliloc.enu file. I specified the location in the AuctionConfig file like this:

public static string ClilocLocation = @"D:\RunUO 1.0\Cliloc.enu";

And when I go to select an item for auction, I target the item and it does NOTHING. What do we do about this?