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FS Animal Taming Systems

Darkness, I just left the one in there from ver 1.8 all seems to be fine.

Ronin, umm I dont know if im right or wrong but I have tamed 100s of creatures and so has my main tester and we have never once gotten a Female creature! Then for the heck of it, I looked thru scripts to investigate this and i come up lost, I dont even see where they become male of female.

Thanks again,


soldierfortune said:
Ronin, umm I dont know if im right or wrong but I have tamed 100s of creatures and so has my main tester and we have never once gotten a Female creature! Then for the heck of it, I looked thru scripts to investigate this and i come up lost, I dont even see where they become male of female.

Thanks again,
HEhehe i think u missed a step in adding into base creature beacuse the readme file didnt have it so i suggest you take his BaseCreature.cs and your distro BaseCreature.cs and compare them in WinMerge cuz i found a segement of code that did not appear in the readme so that might be it and it had to do with being feamle and male i really forgot what was the code it self ill try to find for ya


Darkness_PR said:
HEhehe i think u missed a step in adding into base creature beacuse the readme file didnt have it so i suggest you take his BaseCreature.cs and your distro BaseCreature.cs and compare them in WinMerge cuz i found a segement of code that did not appear in the readme so that might be it and it had to do with being feamle and male i really forgot what was the code it self ill try to find for ya

I found a couple of errors maybe just an oversight but one is m_Pregnant since it was defined as m_PetPregnant in other parts but not in serialize/deserialze and other parts of the code... also there was a spot that said case6 as apposed to case 6. right now Im deleting ALL my mobiles one by one so I dont know if the updates work though... I had to add everything my hand cause of my modified BaseCreatures but using WinMerge is like the best program in the world ;).


Darkness_PR said:
hey ronin i think you forgot the file that goes under Data/Bulk Orders....
cuz i cant find it in the zip that i download, or did you removed them since we dont need them no more?

Thanks i am adding those back in. and yes i forgot the part about female i take it ill fix that ASAP and Greystar those errors you said have been fixed already look thur the last few posts you will see where they were defined.

Ill get the fix for those female and taming folder problems asap thanks again



Ok guys the taming folder is back sorry about that. and i have updated the docs about the random male female part. Sorry about that again.

New current verison is 1.9c

still an error here it is thou...

RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (0 errors, 0 warnings)
Scripts: Compiling files found.
Scripts: Verifying...Error:
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: One or more of the types in the a
ssembly unable to load.
at System.Reflection.Module.GetTypesInternal(StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at Server.Core.VerifySerialization(Assembly a)
at Server.Core.VerifySerialization()
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile(Boolean debug)
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit


RoninGT said:
Thanks i am adding those back in. and yes i forgot the part about female i take it ill fix that ASAP and Greystar those errors you said have been fixed already look thur the last few posts you will see where they were defined.

Ill get the fix for those female and taming folder problems asap thanks again

hehe its okay i found about the missing part in the read me beacuse it didn't say the lines and i didn't feel like reading all the code to find where they were lol =D so i used winmerge hehe thanks again
Thanks again Ronin, lovin the system thus far.
by the way is the taming folder have any changes? or is the old one im using the same?



soldierfortune said:
Thanks again Ronin, lovin the system thus far.
by the way is the taming folder have any changes? or is the old one im using the same?


No changes in the taming folder. same as the 1.8 :)



starflowercarly said:
RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (0 errors, 0 warnings)
Scripts: Compiling files found.
Scripts: Verifying...Error:
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: One or more of the types in the a
ssembly unable to load.
at System.Reflection.Module.GetTypesInternal(StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at Server.Core.VerifySerialization(Assembly a)
at Server.Core.VerifySerialization()
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile(Boolean debug)
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

I am honestly not sure about this on. I have never got that error before nor every seen that posted. Could it be possible its due to another script?



ok well im about to place this into my test server now to give it a try....Question i have is i went through all my disto files to change things and found that they all were already changed...

If i had your release just prior to 1.9 then i take it i didnt have to change anything...cause all the distro files were already changed....

may want to specify exactly what ppl who are upgrading from the 1.8 to this what they need to change and not...was no big deal for me i went through them all anyways but someone might get confused....

cant wait to try this out tho...i loved the other system....


hmmm i seem to have a problem with my EVO drags from Railes. seems that sence i have that and sence your system also has one it wont load. so i tried to delete out the evo dragon by railes and man that gave me tons of errors because of all the scripts i edited for it.

but if i try to do the same for yours ill get errors there as can i use them both. i dont wanna have to figure out all the scripts that i have edited to place in his EVO dragons just to place in this taming script.

only thing its showing an error on is the evolutiondragon.cs because ther are two of them
sirbum69 said:
hmmm i seem to have a problem with my EVO drags from Railes. seems that sence i have that and sence your system also has one it wont load. so i tried to delete out the evo dragon by railes and man that gave me tons of errors because of all the scripts i edited for it.

but if i try to do the same for yours ill get errors there as can i use them both. i dont wanna have to figure out all the scripts that i have edited to place in his EVO dragons just to place in this taming script.

only thing its showing an error on is the evolutiondragon.cs because ther are two of them

u will need to remove it from your server or change it intirely throught the script like eg. EvolutionDragon2.cs , EvoDragon.cs or most even do ED.cs


yeh i did that changed just the name of the file and that threw even more errors lol....

but you cant just change the name of the file cause its whats inside the file...

i guess i will either just have to figure out where all i placed in scripts for the EVO dragons..


Yes next release ill have and Upgrade zip and a full release zip for those who dont want to have to keep going thur and doing the whole thing. I know its gets old doing it over and over LOL



sirbum69 said:
yeh i did that changed just the name of the file and that threw even more errors lol....

but you cant just change the name of the file cause its whats inside the file...

i guess i will either just have to figure out where all i placed in scripts for the EVO dragons..

Just leave the Original Evo Dragons Script alone and Rename the one that comes with mine or Remove it all together. (By rename i mean Class name)



hmmm ok i can try that....i want to keep yours in i didnt want to get rid of it...

so i was hoping to keep it...ill try and rename the class name...but when i do will i have to change anything else in your scripts as it will be looking for that class name wont it....

or will i just not be able to use the EVO in your system then


sirbum69 said:
hmmm ok i can try that....i want to keep yours in i didnt want to get rid of it...

so i was hoping to keep it...ill try and rename the class name...but when i do will i have to change anything else in your scripts as it will be looking for that class name wont it....

or will i just not be able to use the EVO in your system then
acutally i just renamed his evo dragon from his zips and it worked for me since its not linked to any other script in this system =/ so you might be doing something wrong


hmmm havnt actully tried to rename just his EVO drags...guess i can try that one too...

but like i said i wanted to have his to...was kinda hoping they would co exist...
A crash..

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.Mobiles.AnimalBreeder.OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
at Server.Item.DropToMobile(Mobile from, Mobile target, Point3D p)
at Server.Mobile.Drop(Mobile to, Point3D loc)
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DropReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This is on drag and drop of Breader and ticket...