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Nerun's Distro


Animal Maps

I'm not sure if anyone has posted this, I haven't noticed it on any of the pages, if they have then I am sorry for mentioning this again. The animal maps for both Felucca and Trammel contain a 19 count spawn with a variety of different animals from birds to bears to wolves. Listed in this are Wandering Healers as well. The problem that is arises is because the spawner is not told to limit the amount of Wandering Healers, it could easily spawn a full count of 19. I have seen locations where there are 5 ore more spawned healers. I have gone through on my beta shard and removed Wandering Healers from the list and added separate spawners for them within the map files. Perhaps some change in a later release to solve this problem? Just a suggestion, again sorry if this has been mentioned before.


Agent_Jones said:
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this, I haven't noticed it on any of the pages, if they have then I am sorry for mentioning this again. The animal maps for both Felucca and Trammel contain a 19 count spawn with a variety of different animals from birds to bears to wolves. Listed in this are Wandering Healers as well. The problem that is arises is because the spawner is not told to limit the amount of Wandering Healers, it could easily spawn a full count of 19. I have seen locations where there are 5 ore more spawned healers. I have gone through on my beta shard and removed Wandering Healers from the list and added separate spawners for them within the map files. Perhaps some change in a later release to solve this problem? Just a suggestion, again sorry if this has been mentioned before.

Thx to mention, i will fix to next release.


Nerun said:
- updated (Trammel/Felucca: The Destard Swamps and The Wisp Circle);
- updated (Trammel/Felucca: The Bog of Desolation);

where the above two still just healer issues or are there some additional mobiles. If it's just healer stuff I wont updated cause it would require doing some extensive changes to my spawners again, but if its more mobiles then its worth updating.

BTW I rated this 5 stars all the way!


Wisp Circle add just wisps for factions in wisp circle (south of Shame), destard swamp is a huge modification of already spawned area.

The Bog of Desolation is the healer issue, with your own spawners (fix the problem that spawns to many healers).


im not sure if this has already been reported but.

When i go into [premiumspawner and click the button "RunUO Spawns to PremiumSpawner" i clicked the button and this is what happened...

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\RunU
O 1.0\Spawnexport\".
   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str)
   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,
FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync, String msgPath, Boolean bFr
   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,
FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize)
   at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append)
   at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encodin
g, Int32 bufferSize)
   at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)
   at Server.Scripts.Commands.RunUOSpawnerExporter.RunUOSpawnerExporter_OnComman
d(CommandEventArgs e)
   at Server.Commands.Handle(Mobile from, String text)
   at Server.Gumps.PremiumSpawnerMainGump.OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo i
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketRe
ader pvSrc)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
Crash: Backing up...done
Crash: Generating report...done
Crash: Restarting...done
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at Server.TimerThread.TimerMain()

Yeah, just thought i would put that up there, not sure what its about, i didnt even mean to click that button but meh. what happened?


Oh-ho! Thx you found a bug! To fix this issue, use this new file. Place it in:


question, we have changed the premiumspawner to default smartprs to 1, set the despawn to 1 and commented out the vendors in order to have the vendors and other town mobiles despawn like the creatures in the dungeons.
This works when we respawn everything but causes a problem when we [unhide to check the system, they will not despawn. I know this seems trivial but we are trying to create a very low save time along and with all of the town vendors and animals visible at all times just seems like a waste of cpu usage.
Any ideas or thoughts for this concern would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


fasternu said:
question, we have changed the premiumspawner to default smartprs to 1, set the despawn to 1 and commented out the vendors in order to have the vendors and other town mobiles despawn like the creatures in the dungeons.
This works when we respawn everything but causes a problem when we [unhide to check the system, they will not despawn. I know this seems trivial but we are trying to create a very low save time along and with all of the town vendors and animals visible at all times just seems like a waste of cpu usage.
Any ideas or thoughts for this concern would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Let me see if i understood well: you want to do the vendors and other town NPCs to despawn like others creatures? In other words: to do the Smart P.R.S. works to them too?

If is just it, go to:

Read lines 386-388, you will understand the comments.

Vendors, Towns animals, Town Criers and Escorts never despawn, because there are always players in the towns, at least in the most of them (Ok, Britain and Minoc mainly).

Note: the spawns just despawn when the nextspawn timer is over. You can do a [global set nextspawn 0:0:1 where premiumspawner to despawn immediatelly.



Just to tell for you guys:

I began to add the support for the Mondain's Legacy expansion:

- map definitions (map size)
- mobiles (Endicott's files)
- new dungeons (with teleporters): just Blighted Grove ready.
- items: I don't intend to include.

Will be the v4.1.2 of the Distro.

Will include some bug fixes too. If somebody wants to help, send me a PM.

Thx for all!

PS.: new maps will be like UO Stratics, that is OSI like, but i don't know the creatures count and exact place.
Hello there, please allow me to introduce myself as a RUNUO noob.

After installing RUNUO, I did a forum search and found where another fello noob was recommended this script as a population script. Thus I have decided to try it.

I followed the instructions (from a clean install), and I have to say, everything worked wonderfully. It was quite refreshing to have something of awsome quality provided and so easy to set up :)

Thus I wish to say thank you for this script, and thankyou all for RUNUO.

Cheers :)


starting out

try to build a shard thanks to ever one that has seard there scripts i like them alot.
is there a scipt or how to make my admins tele to any area.
thanks agian im learning


Boulder said:
try to build a shard thanks to ever one that has seard there scripts i like them alot.
is there a scipt or how to make my admins tele to any area.
thanks agian im learning

[m tele


Hey Nerun, is there any way to remove the spawning of doors and decorations and such of Trammel and Felluca as that is my custom map, but i still use the rest of the map i.e. Malas

Thanks for any support you can give me



jargo2000 said:
Hey Nerun, is there any way to remove the spawning of doors and decorations and such of Trammel and Felluca as that is my custom map, but i still use the rest of the map i.e. Malas

Thanks for any support you can give me


If you do not use Trammel or Felucca, you can do a [clearfacet in that places, but it will delete EVERYTHING in that places. Go to each map you want to remove and use [clearfacet.

If you do not want to do a complete wipe, just want to remove decorations and doors. Sorry, that is not possible. You will need to begin the shard again: [clearall, use create world gump (but just decorations and doors), then go to trammel/felucca, use [clearfacet, then use create world gump again, select all, except decorations and doors. ;)

I do not know if i understoood well what you want, but i hope had helped you.


Aí nerun !!!

lê seu email lá !!!

pode usar meu login e senha !

EU descobri o servidor correto dos russos !!! com o suporte total ao ML !!

putz, tive que ler muito russo e dar umas cagadas INCRIVEIS !!

Vlw !!!


remove spawn by region

Nerun , great system. :)

I cannot seem to get he "remove spawn by region" option to work. I cannot enter anything into the textbox. Is this not active yet?