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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] FS: Animal Taming Systems Gen2


In BaseCreature.cs, it seems that even bonded pets will go wild, and in this case, their bonding status will reset. If this happens inside a house region, the wild pets will be removed regularly, if the pets are not inside houses, they will be released ( if they get killed, they are gone forever ).

if ( [COLOR="Red"]c.Loyalty <= 0[/COLOR] )
	[COLOR="red"]toRelease[/COLOR].Add( c );

foreach ( BaseCreature c in toRelease )
	c.Say( 1043255, c.Name ); // ~1_NAME~ appears to have decided that is better off without a master!
	c.Loyalty = BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully Happy
	[COLOR="Red"]c.IsBonded = false[/COLOR];
	c.BondingBegin = DateTime.MinValue;
	c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;
	c.ControlTarget = null;
	//c.ControlOrder = OrderType.Release;
	c.AIObject.DoOrderRelease(); // this will prevent no release of creatures left alone with AI disabled (and consequent bug of Followers)


 + Customs/FS-ATS Gen2 v1.0.0 (For RunUO v2.0.0)/Distros/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS1002: Line 3243: Expecting `;'
    CS1002: Line 3244: Expecting `;'
    CS1002: Line 3246: Expecting `;'
    CS1002: Line 3247: Expecting `;'

I keep getting the above error. I tried adding the ; that is says is missing but doesn't work. Any ideas?


Ive fought this thing to a standstill with pretty much the same errors everyone else has had. Just to make sure, ive completely wiped all the work already done and started fresh, with ONLY this script on a brand new working install of RC2, i have the errors down to the following....

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2959.20979
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (5 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Mobiles/Vendors/NPC/Blacksmith.cs:
CS0115: Line 125: 'Server.Mobiles.Blacksmith.OnSuccessfulBulkOrderReceive(Se
rver.Mobile)': no suitable method found to override
+ Mobiles/Vendors/NPC/Tailor.cs:
CS0115: Line 74: 'Server.Mobiles.Tailor.OnSuccessfulBulkOrderReceive(Server.
Mobile)': no suitable method found to override
+ Mobiles/Vendors/NPC/Weaponsmith.cs:
CS0115: Line 92: 'Server.Mobiles.Weaponsmith.OnSuccessfulBulkOrderReceive(Se
rver.Mobile)': no suitable method found to override
+ Mobiles/Vendors/NPC/Weaver.cs:
CS0115: Line 74: 'Server.Mobiles.Weaver.OnSuccessfulBulkOrderReceive(Server.
Mobile)': no suitable method found to override
+ Mobiles/Vendors/GenericBuy.cs:
CS0535: Line 9: 'Server.Mobiles.GenericBuyInfo' does not implement interface
member 'Server.IBuyItemInfo.GetObject()'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

this is pretty much the same as Maestro7 had, and got no answer for. I had the multiple errors on a fresh install, replacing the distros, I then tried merging the stick base creature with the one that came with the FS system and have ended up with what you see above.. any help would be greatly appriciated!


Wellll... since no 0one could help I went the same route others have, and installed RC1 and it still had a few bugs but at least those werent over my old head... so now it works, everything seems to be in order as i slowly rebuild the shard, reinstalling the custom scripts.. and i realize.. every critter I have is Exp 0, Level 1.. even the ones that came in this file.. I will continue to read and search, but if someone knows why this is so, i would greatly appriciate a heads up :) thx!

I just went to test a bod, an dit has no aniumal on it, it says large bulk order, amount to tame 20, then nothing under that :( Any ideas what I missed? I have no erros on startup...


Ive managed to figure out most of the probs now, but the BOD problem is eluding my grasp..
I only get a Large 20 bod and it has no animal listed, or list of small bods to add to it, can anyone give any suggestions? Even just a general Idea of where you Think the problem might be. Ive gone through the bod gumps and bods comparing scripts for hours, i cant continue to progress until ive got this taken care of :(

Well, Now i am just getting no BOD at all, the Trainer says I can get a Bod Now, but no gump pos up. When i klik on her again and try to get the bod it now says i have to wait.....
Please help?


Does Anyone Read this? Should I be posting Somewhere else???

Ive gone through, Ronins text instructions three times, the first two checkign line for line, the last copuying and pasting and comparing in winmerge... Ive found, that I, and my Other Admin CAN get bulk orders fine, but GM's down to players do not get them. the trainer says they can get one now, and then nothing happens..

So, Admin get the Bods perfectly, GM and below get nothing,, is there an access level somewhere I missed? I have over 40 hours into this script now, Someone please give me a kibble!


KnitePrince;795188 said:
Ive managed to figure out most of the probs now, but the BOD problem is eluding my grasp..
I only get a Large 20 bod and it has no animal listed, or list of small bods to add to it, can anyone give any suggestions? Even just a general Idea of where you Think the problem might be. Ive gone through the bod gumps and bods comparing scripts for hours, i cant continue to progress until ive got this taken care of :(

Well, Now i am just getting no BOD at all, the Trainer says I can get a Bod Now, but no gump pos up. When i klik on her again and try to get the bod it now says i have to wait.....
Please help?

You need to find out one of the sub-folders "Taming" within which there are alot of .cfg files. And you need to place this folder under the \Data\Bulk Orders, along with the "BlackSmith" and "Tailoring" folders.


Thats It? Thats all it is? Im gonna hav eto go back and look at the instructions again :( Ive read then 50 times, and ive gone ofver Ronins written text file 5 times now.. how could I have missed it so many times (cries) OK Hawk, take yer shoes off! ima kiss your feet!


Everythings working well now, and have modified what i needed successfully, with one exception. I will be hanged if I can find where it disallows one person to breed two pets. i want to allow a person "if they have enough control slots" to breed two of their pets.. this may be changed back when there are more players online, but for now........
can anyone point me at the file?


KnitePrince;795310 said:
Everythings working well now, and have modified what i needed successfully, with one exception. I will be hanged if I can find where it disallows one person to breed two pets. i want to allow a person "if they have enough control slots" to breed two of their pets.. this may be changed back when there are more players online, but for now........
can anyone point me at the file?

It is in "PetInfoGump.cs".

else if ( [COLOR="Red"]bc.ControlMaster == from[/COLOR] )
	from.SendMessage( "You cannot breed two of your own pets together, You must find another player who has the same type of pet as your in order to breed." );


LOL, I just got done looking again, and had given up for now... Hawk, tyvm yet again, I hope you have clean feet!!

Has anyone discerned how to change the on kill method of leveling to on hit? I have also been looking for a system to repair pets once they have incured stat loss from death, i have seen two different ones, both well made, but dont see anything in here. Both require players to make items from reagents to painfully repair stat and resist loss, usually one point of repair for 100 to 200 reagents.


I have a problem. I put taming in bods but for some reason the animal trainers dont have any get bod option so i cant get a bod how do i fix this


Are you trying to get the BOD's from breeders or trainers?
i know, it says to replace the trainers with breeders, but I still have to get my BOD's from trainers, the breeders have no option for them.

Ive set my Cap for Bio's in the FSATSSettings, and i just tested them. I created a critter with higher skills and stats than the caps allowed, then collected DNA from them, and when created, the bio (when shrunk as deed) displayed those caps correctly, but when it was unshrunk, every single cap had been exceeded by FAR.. am wondering if this has to do with the experimentation window? If so, Can anyone show me how to disable it?


this stuff makes me feel dumb

ok i tried to move ultima from program files and when i tried to start it told me it couldnt find something like cliloc
so im having to reistall it should i put it directly in c:\ or does this apply only to non us systems another question im getting to many errors to post talkin about server something all ready has some definition and wheres the custom file cuz couldnt find and and made my own in scripts hope im not a complete dumbass and sry if this isnt explained enuf:confused:


sry figured out how to copy paste

+ Engines/AI/Creature/BaseCreature.cs:
CS0101: Line 25: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'FightMode'
CS0101: Line 35: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'OrderType'
CS0101: Line 56: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'FoodType'
CS0101: Line 67: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PackInstinct'
CS0101: Line 80: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'ScaleType'
CS0101: Line 91: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'MeatType'
CS0101: Line 98: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'HideType'
CS0101: Line 108: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'DamageStore'
CS0101: Line 129: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'FriendlyNameAttribute'
CS0101: Line 166: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'BaseCreature'
CS0102: Line 706: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contains
definition for 'Allegiance'
CS0102: Line 2607: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
definition for 'TameEntry'
CS0102: Line 2654: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
definition for 'TeachResult'
CS0102: Line 3817: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
definition for 'DeathAdderCharmTarget'
CS0102: Line 3980: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
definition for 'FKEntry'
CS0101: Line 4697: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defi
ion for 'LoyaltyTimer'
+ Engines/Craft/DefInscription.cs:
CS0101: Line 8: The namespace 'Server.Engines.Craft' already contains a d
nition for 'DefInscription'
CS0102: Line 117: The type 'Server.Engines.Craft.DefInscription' already
tains a definition for 'Reg'
+ Items/Skill Items/Magical/Misc/PotionKeg.cs:
CS0101: Line 7: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definitio
or 'PotionKeg'
+ Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/BasePotion.cs:
CS0101: Line 8: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definitio
or 'PotionEffect'
CS0101: Line 32: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definiti
for 'BasePotion'
+ Mobiles/Vendors/NPC/AnimalTrainer.cs:
CS0101: Line 13: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'AnimalTrainer'
CS0102: Line 48: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contains
definition for 'StableEntry'
CS0102: Line 65: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contains
definition for 'ClaimListGump'
CS0102: Line 107: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contain
definition for 'ClaimAllEntry'
CS0102: Line 167: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contain
definition for 'StableTarget'
+ Mobiles/Vendors/SBInfo/SBAnimalTrainer.cs:
CS0101: Line 8: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definit
for 'SBAnimalTrainer'
CS0102: Line 20: The type 'Server.Mobiles.SBAnimalTrainer' already contai
a definition for 'InternalBuyInfo'
CS0102: Line 44: The type 'Server.Mobiles.SBAnimalTrainer' already contai
a definition for 'InternalSellInfo'
+ Mobiles/Vendors/BaseVendor.cs:
CS0101: Line 15: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'VendorShoeType'
CS0101: Line 24: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'BaseVendor'
CS0102: Line 98: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseVendor' already contains a
inition for 'BulkOrderInfoEntry'
CS0101: Line 1412: The namespace 'Server.ContextMenus' already contains a
finition for 'VendorBuyEntry'
CS0101: Line 1428: The namespace 'Server.ContextMenus' already contains a
finition for 'VendorSellEntry'
CS0101: Line 1447: The namespace 'Server' already contains a definition f
CS0101: Line 1468: The namespace 'Server' already contains a definition f
+ Mobiles/Vendors/PlayerVendor.cs:
CS0101: Line 17: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PlayerVendorTargetAttribute'
CS0101: Line 24: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'VendorItem'
CS0101: Line 79: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'VendorBackpack'
CS0102: Line 161: The type 'Server.Mobiles.VendorBackpack' already contai
a definition for 'BuyEntry'
CS0101: Line 265: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'PlayerVendor'
CS0102: Line 1239: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
definition for 'ReturnVendorEntry'
CS0102: Line 1343: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
definition for 'PayTimer'
CS0102: Line 1405: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
definition for 'PVBuyTarget'
CS0102: Line 1421: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
definition for 'VendorPricePrompt'
CS0102: Line 1524: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
definition for 'CollectGoldPrompt'
CS0102: Line 1574: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
definition for 'VendorNamePrompt'
CS0102: Line 1604: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
definition for 'ShopNamePrompt'
CS0101: Line 1639: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defi
ion for 'PlayerVendorPlaceholder'
CS0102: Line 1676: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendorPlaceholder' alre
contains a definition for 'ExpireTimer'
+ Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
CS0101: Line 32: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PlayerFlag'
CS0101: Line 50: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'NpcGuild'
CS0101: Line 67: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'SolenFriendship'
CS0101: Line 75: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PlayerMobile'
CS0102: Line 77: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contains
efinition for 'CountAndTimeStamp'
CS0102: Line 1367: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
definition for 'CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump'
CS0102: Line 1426: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
definition for 'ContextCallback'
CS0102: Line 1428: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
definition for 'CallbackEntry'
CS0102: Line 3453: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
definition for 'ChampionTitleInfo'
CS0102: Line 3458: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ChampionTitleInf
already contains a definition for 'TitleInfo':confused:


l0mein;795534 said:
 + Engines/AI/Creature/BaseCreature.cs:
    CS0101: Line 25: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'FightMode'
    CS0101: Line 35: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'OrderType'
    CS0101: Line 56: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'FoodType'
    CS0101: Line 67: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PackInstinct'
    CS0101: Line 80: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'ScaleType'
    CS0101: Line 91: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'MeatType'
    CS0101: Line 98: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'HideType'
    CS0101: Line 108: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'DamageStore'
    CS0101: Line 129: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'FriendlyNameAttribute'
    CS0101: Line 166: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'BaseCreature'
    CS0102: Line 706: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contains
definition for 'Allegiance'
    CS0102: Line 2607: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
 definition for 'TameEntry'
    CS0102: Line 2654: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
 definition for 'TeachResult'
    CS0102: Line 3817: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
 definition for 'DeathAdderCharmTarget'
    CS0102: Line 3980: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' already contain
 definition for 'FKEntry'
    CS0101: Line 4697: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defi
ion for 'LoyaltyTimer'
 + Engines/Craft/DefInscription.cs:
    CS0101: Line 8: The namespace 'Server.Engines.Craft' already contains a d
nition for 'DefInscription'
    CS0102: Line 117: The type 'Server.Engines.Craft.DefInscription' already
tains a definition for 'Reg'
 + Items/Skill Items/Magical/Misc/PotionKeg.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definitio
or 'PotionKeg'
 + Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/BasePotion.cs:
    CS0101: Line 8: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definitio
or 'PotionEffect'
    CS0101: Line 32: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definiti
for 'BasePotion'
 + Mobiles/Vendors/NPC/AnimalTrainer.cs:
    CS0101: Line 13: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'AnimalTrainer'
    CS0102: Line 48: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contains
definition for 'StableEntry'
    CS0102: Line 65: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contains
definition for 'ClaimListGump'
    CS0102: Line 107: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contain
 definition for 'ClaimAllEntry'
    CS0102: Line 167: The type 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' already contain
 definition for 'StableTarget'
 + Mobiles/Vendors/SBInfo/SBAnimalTrainer.cs:
    CS0101: Line 8: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definit
 for 'SBAnimalTrainer'
    CS0102: Line 20: The type 'Server.Mobiles.SBAnimalTrainer' already contai
a definition for 'InternalBuyInfo'
    CS0102: Line 44: The type 'Server.Mobiles.SBAnimalTrainer' already contai
a definition for 'InternalSellInfo'
 + Mobiles/Vendors/BaseVendor.cs:
    CS0101: Line 15: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'VendorShoeType'
    CS0101: Line 24: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'BaseVendor'
    CS0102: Line 98: The type 'Server.Mobiles.BaseVendor' already contains a
inition for 'BulkOrderInfoEntry'
    CS0101: Line 1412: The namespace 'Server.ContextMenus' already contains a
finition for 'VendorBuyEntry'
    CS0101: Line 1428: The namespace 'Server.ContextMenus' already contains a
finition for 'VendorSellEntry'
    CS0101: Line 1447: The namespace 'Server' already contains a definition f
    CS0101: Line 1468: The namespace 'Server' already contains a definition f
 + Mobiles/Vendors/PlayerVendor.cs:
    CS0101: Line 17: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PlayerVendorTargetAttribute'
    CS0101: Line 24: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'VendorItem'
    CS0101: Line 79: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'VendorBackpack'
    CS0102: Line 161: The type 'Server.Mobiles.VendorBackpack' already contai
a definition for 'BuyEntry'
    CS0101: Line 265: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defin
on for 'PlayerVendor'
    CS0102: Line 1239: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
 definition for 'ReturnVendorEntry'
    CS0102: Line 1343: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
 definition for 'PayTimer'
    CS0102: Line 1405: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
 definition for 'PVBuyTarget'
    CS0102: Line 1421: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
 definition for 'VendorPricePrompt'
    CS0102: Line 1524: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
 definition for 'CollectGoldPrompt'
    CS0102: Line 1574: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
 definition for 'VendorNamePrompt'
    CS0102: Line 1604: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' already contain
 definition for 'ShopNamePrompt'
    CS0101: Line 1639: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defi
ion for 'PlayerVendorPlaceholder'
    CS0102: Line 1676: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendorPlaceholder' alre
 contains a definition for 'ExpireTimer'
 + Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS0101: Line 32: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PlayerFlag'
    CS0101: Line 50: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'NpcGuild'
    CS0101: Line 67: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'SolenFriendship'
    CS0101: Line 75: The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a defini
n for 'PlayerMobile'
    CS0102: Line 77: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contains
efinition for 'CountAndTimeStamp'
    CS0102: Line 1367: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
 definition for 'CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump'
    CS0102: Line 1426: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
 definition for 'ContextCallback'
    CS0102: Line 1428: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
 definition for 'CallbackEntry'
    CS0102: Line 3453: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' already contain
 definition for 'ChampionTitleInfo'
    CS0102: Line 3458: The type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ChampionTitleInf
already contains a definition for 'TitleInfo':confused:

You have duplicates of the files. Make sure you merged or replaced the files as instructed.