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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] FS: Animal Taming Systems Gen2


It has been over a year since I did any changes to this script or anything but I believe you are looking for petlevel.cs in the package... There is also a settings file that I do not remember the name of. But one of those 2 you should be able to find what you need. I think mine does a few hits but I planned it sorta that way...


Sir Notez

Hey, thanks... well i used this system before and it was never one kill to took me a few monsters to kill before a pet would gain..maybe i missed something when merging some of the distros from this system with the svn files?



Awesome We are SO Loving this Only a few issues so far for us such as:::

milva;813310 said:
Posted this under the updated FS taming for svn with no answers, so thought I would try here also.
Wondering if any one has seen this yet -
base damage with breeding CuSidhe- with 2nd gen and 3rd gen it reduces the to (base damage)( 17-25 babies) parents base damage is: ( parents base damage) 21-28.
Hiryu is the same, so kind of wondering if this is due to ML animals.
Checked the Breeder npc but I'm not seeing any thing there with the return of babies.

Wondering if any one has seen this yet -??? Any Advice on this ??? thanks ~:D

Mad Clown

cost to breed

ok i have searched the whole post here all 23 pages dont see this ? asked i want to know where i can increase the cost to breed a pet right now it cost 5k to claim your baby pet i want to increase this where would i find that line


milva;813310 said:
Posted this under the updated FS taming for svn with no answers, so thought I would try here also.
Wondering if any one has seen this yet -
base damage with breeding CuSidhe- with 2nd gen and 3rd gen it reduces the to (base damage)( 17-25 babies) parents base damage is: ( parents base damage) 21-28.
Hiryu is the same, so kind of wondering if this is due to ML animals.
Checked the Breeder npc but I'm not seeing any thing there with the return of babies.

I believe this is set in the FSATSSettings.cs file where you can adjust the stat caps.


Okay, I was reading the directions wrong and yes, figured it out in the end. No errors, everything runs
fine now. For anyone that has this error like I did, read the directions very closely! hehe
Taming folder, not the entire taming bods etc. Just the taming folder with the .cfg files
go under the data\bulk order folder. pheeeeew! Cleans his reading glasses :D

Not sure what is going on. First things first, yes I did a search of this thread and found a similar post
but the person fixed the problem and never included how it was fixed.
So now I am posting here again the same question. This time I hope there
is a resolve that can be posted :)

 + Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS0234: Line 2354: The type or namespace name 'TamingBOBFilter' does not exist in the namespace
'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

    CS0234: Line 2363: The type or namespace name 'TamingBOBFilter' does not exist in the namespace
'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' (are you missing an assembly reference?)


Making petleash work with EVO Mercenary

First i want to thank for all the scripts you scripters caming out with its alot of hard times to made the projects completed, amazing work, keep up it that way :).

And now to my problem...

The problem i have is that i can't shrink my EVOMercenary with it, i can shrink dragon, warrior, etc. I think it's about the "BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)target;" thats disable so i cant shrink the mercenary with this Petleash from this package with code here under. I have also tryed to delete the line and also tryed to disable it but im not able to to. I trying to learn and test is the best but now i got stop and could need some support on this leash. I love the stats and i use the whole system, but to complete it i need to be able to shrink my mercenarys on the shard :rolleyes:

I add the mercenary script if its needed for you to say.
Sry for my bad enligsh hope you understand me :D

This is the script of the PETLEASH
using Server.Targeting; 
using System; 
using Server; 
using Server.Gumps; 
using Server.Network; 
using Server.Menus; 
using Server.Menus.Questions; 
using Server.Mobiles; 
using System.Collections; 

namespace Server.Items 
   	public class PetLeash2 : Item 
    		private int m_Charges = 50;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Charges
			get{ return m_Charges; }
			set{ m_Charges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

      		public PetLeash2() : base( 0x1374 ) 
         		Weight = 1.0;  
         		Movable = true; 
         		Name="a pet leash"; 

		public override void AddNameProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			base.AddNameProperties( list );

			list.Add( 1060658, "Charges\t{0}", m_Charges.ToString() );

      		public PetLeash2( Serial serial ) : base( serial ) 
      		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from ) 

			if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
			else if ( FSATS.EnableShrinkSystem == false )
				from.SendMessage( "The shrink system has been disabled. Contact your server administrator for details." );
			else if ( from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value > 75 )
           			from.Target = new LeashTarget( this );
				from.SendMessage( "What do you wish to shrink?" );
				from.SendMessage( "You must have 75 animal taming to use a hitching post." );
				from.SendMessage( "Try using a pet shriking potion." );


      		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer ) 
         		base.Serialize( writer ); 

         		writer.Write( (int) 0 );

			writer.Write( m_Charges ); 

      		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader ) 
         		base.Deserialize( reader ); 

         		int version = reader.ReadInt(); 

			m_Charges = reader.ReadInt();

  		private class LeashTarget : Target 
         		private Mobile m_Owner; 
         		private PetLeash2 m_Powder; 

         		public LeashTarget( PetLeash2 charge ) : base ( 10, false, TargetFlags.None ) 
         		protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object target ) 
            			if ( target == from ) 
               				from.SendMessage( "You cant shrink yourself!" );

				else if ( target is PlayerMobile )
					from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );

				else if ( target is Item )
					from.SendMessage( "You can only shrink pets that you own" );

				else if ( target is BaseBioCreature && FSATS.EnableBioShrink == false )
					from.SendMessage( "Unnatural creatures cannot be shrunk" ); 

				else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( from ) )
					from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while your fighting." );

          			else if ( target is BaseCreature ) 
          				BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)target;

					bool packanimal = false;
					Type typ = c.GetType();
					string nam = typ.Name;

					foreach ( string ispack in FSATS.PackAnimals )
  						if ( ispack == nam )
    							packanimal = true;
					if ( c.BodyValue == 400 || c.BodyValue == 401 && c.Controlled == false )
						from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );
					else if ( c.ControlMaster != from && c.Controlled == false )
						from.SendMessage( "This is not your pet." );
					else if ( packanimal == true && (c.Backpack != null && c.Backpack.Items.Count > 0) )
						from.SendMessage( "You must unload your pets backpack first." );
					else if ( c.IsDeadPet )
						from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink the dead." );
					else if ( c.Summoned )
						from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink a summoned creature." );
					else if ( c.Combatant != null && c.InRange( c.Combatant, 12 ) && c.Map == c.Combatant.Map )
						from.SendMessage( "Your pet is fighting, You cannot shrink it yet." );
					else if ( c.BodyMod != 0 )
						from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while its polymorphed." );
					//else if ( Server.Spells.LostArts.CharmBeastSpell.IsCharmed( c ) )
					//	from.SendMessage( "Your hold over this pet is not strong enough to shrink it." );
					else if ( c.Controlled == true && c.ControlMaster == from)
						Type type = c.GetType();
        					ShrinkDeItem si = new ShrinkDeItem();
						si.MobType = type;
						si.Pet = c;
						si.PetOwner = from;

						if ( c is BaseMount )
							BaseMount mount = (BaseMount)c;
							si.MountID = mount.ItemID;

        					from.AddToBackpack( si );

						IEntity p1 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z ), from.Map );
						IEntity p2 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z + 50 ), from.Map );

						Effects.SendMovingParticles( p2, p1, ShrinkTable.Lookup( c ), 1, 0, true, false, 0, 3, 1153, 1, 0, EffectLayer.Head, 0x100 );
						from.PlaySound( 492 );

						c.Controlled = true; 
						c.ControlMaster = null;

						c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;

						c.IsStabled = true;

						m_Powder.Charges -= 1;
						if ( m_Powder.Charges == 0 )

Here is the code of the EVO Mercenary:
////==========================================////$                                 $
////        Upgraded By: Triple               ////$   Will like to thank for all    $
////==========================================////$   who help me with this upgrade!$

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Mobiles
	public class EvoMerc : BaseCreature
		private Timer m_BreatheTimer;
		private DateTime m_EndBreathe;
		private Item del;

		private Timer m_MercLoyaltyTimer;
		private DateTime m_EndMercLoyalty;

		public DateTime EndMercLoyalty{ get{ return m_EndMercLoyalty; } set{ m_EndMercLoyalty = value; } }

		public static readonly object From = new object();
		public static readonly object Vendor = new object();
		public static readonly object Price = new object();

		private static EvoMercBuyInfo[] m_SellList = new EvoMercBuyInfo[]
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018357, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, Layer.Hair, ChangeHairstyleEnt.HairEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018358, 0, Layer.FacialHair, typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, Layer.FacialHair, ChangeHairstyleEnt.BeardEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018359, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair, Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.RegularEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018360, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair, Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.BrightEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018361, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.RegularEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018362, 0, Layer.FacialHair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.RegularEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018363, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.BrightEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018364, 0, Layer.FacialHair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.BrightEntries } )

		public int m_Stage;
		public int m_KP;
		public bool m_S1;
		public bool m_S2;
		public bool m_S3;
		public bool m_S4;
		public bool m_S5;
		public bool m_S6;

		public bool S1
			get{ return m_S1; }
			set{ m_S1 = value; }
		public bool S2
			get{ return m_S2; }
			set{ m_S2 = value; }
		public bool S3
			get{ return m_S3; }
			set{ m_S3 = value; }
		public bool S4
			get{ return m_S4; }
			set{ m_S4 = value; }
		public bool S5
			get{ return m_S5; }
			set{ m_S5 = value; }
		public bool S6
			get{ return m_S6; }
			set{ m_S6 = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int KP
			get{ return m_KP; }
			set{ m_KP = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Stage
			get{ return m_Stage; }
			set{ m_Stage = value; }

		public EvoMerc() : base( AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )
			InitStats( 40, 30, 5 );
			Name = "A Mercenary";
			Title = "";

			SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();

			Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
			if ( Female = Utility.RandomBool() )
				Body = 401;
				Body = 400;
			if ( Female == false )
			Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2044, 0x2045, 0x2047, 0x2049, 0x204A ) );
			hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
			hair.Layer = Layer.Hair;
			hair.Movable = false;
			AddItem( hair );

			Item beard = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203E, 0x203F, 0x2040, 0x2041, 0x204B, 0x204C, 0x204D ) );
			beard.Hue = hair.Hue;
			beard.Layer = Layer.FacialHair;
			beard.Movable = false;
			AddItem( beard );
			else if ( Female == true )
			Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2044, 0x2045, 0x2047, 0x2049, 0x204A ) );
			hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
			hair.Layer = Layer.Hair;
			hair.Movable = false;
			AddItem( hair );

			AddItem( new Robe() );

			Item weapon;
			switch ( Utility.Random( 1 ) )
				case 0: weapon = new MercenaryKatana(); break;
				default: weapon = new MercenaryKatana(); break;

			weapon.Movable = false;
			AddItem( weapon );

			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 20.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 20.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Fencing, 20.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 20.0 );

			SetStr( 296, 325 );
			SetDex( 56, 75 );
			SetInt( 76, 96 );

			SetDamage( 11, 17 );

			S1 = true;
			S2 = true;
			S3 = true;
			S4 = true;
			S5 = true;
			S6 = true;
			Stage = 1;

			SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );

			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 15 );

			SetSkill( SkillName.Fencing, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Archery, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Parry, 120, 120 );

			Fame = 300;
			Karma = -300;

			VirtualArmor = 30;

			ControlSlots = 3;
			PackItem( new Diamond() );
			m_MercLoyaltyTimer = new MercLoyaltyTimer( this, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ) );
			m_EndMercLoyalty = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 );


		public EvoMerc( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
		public override bool HandlesOnSpeech(Mobile from)
			return true;
			//base.HandlesOnSpeech( from );
	        public override void OnSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e ) 

		        bool isMatch = false;

		        Mobile from = e.Mobile;

                	string keyword = this.Name +" restyle";
                	string keyword2 = this.Name +" undress";
                	string keyword3 = this.Name +" dismount";
                	string keyword4 = this.Name +" mount";
                	string keyword5 = this.Name +" stats";
                	string keyword6 = this.Name +" help";

                	if ( keyword != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				from.SendGump( new EvoMercBuyGump( from, this, m_SellList ) );
				from.SendMessage("Your Mercenary will style it's hair for free for you!");
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword2 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword2.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )

				if ( Stage < 6 )
					from.SendMessage("Your Mercenary cannot do that yet.");

				for ( int i = this.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
					if ( i >= Items.Count )

					Item item = (Item)Items[i];
					if (!( item is Container ) && item.Layer != Layer.FacialHair && item.Layer != Layer.Hair && !( item is IMountItem ) )
						item.Movable = true;
						from.AddToBackpack( item );
               			e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword3 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword3.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				if ( this.Mount != null )
					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item is IMountItem )
							IMount mount = ((IMountItem)item).Mount;

							if ( mount != null )
								mount.Rider = null;
								if ( mount is EtherealMount )
									EtherealMount ethy = (EtherealMount)mount;
										if ( from.Backpack != null )
											from.Backpack.DropItem( ethy );

							if ( this.Items.IndexOf( item ) == -1 )

					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item.Layer == Layer.Mount )
							if ( from.Backpack != null )
								from.Backpack.DropItem( item );
					from.SendMessage( this.Name + " is not on a mount." );
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword4 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword4.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				from.SendMessage( "Target a mount or an ethereal mount you would like to place "+ this.Name +" on." );
				from.Target = new MountTarget( this );
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword5 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword5.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				from.SendGump( new StatGump( this ) );
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword6 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword6.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				this.Say("I will follow these commands: restyle, undress, mount, dismount, and stats.");
	               		e.Handled = true;

			base.OnSpeech( e );
		private class MountTarget : Target
			private EvoMerc m_Merc;
			public MountTarget( EvoMerc merc ) : base( 1, false, TargetFlags.None )
				m_Merc = merc;
			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )
				if ( m_Merc.Mount == null )
					if ( o is EtherealMount )
						EtherealMount mount = (EtherealMount)o;

						if ( mount.Rider == null )
							if ( mount.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
								mount.Rider = m_Merc;
								from.SendMessage( "The ethereal mount must been in your pack for you to use it." );
							from.SendMessage( "This ethereal mount is already in use by something else." );
					else if ( o is BaseMount )
						BaseMount mount = (BaseMount)o;
						if ( mount.Rider == null )
							if ( mount.ControlMaster == from )
								mount.Rider = m_Merc;
								from.SendMessage( "You do not own this mount." );
							from.SendMessage( "This mount is already in use by something else." );
						from.SendMessage( "That is an invalid target." );
					from.SendMessage( m_Merc.Name +" is already mounted." );

		public override void OnGaveMeleeAttack( Mobile defender )
			int kpgainmin, kpgainmax;

			if ( this.Stage == 1 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 5;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 85000 )
					if ( this.S1 == true )
						this.S1 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 500 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 2;
						this.Title = "the Shadow Knight";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 25 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 20 );

						this.RawStr += 200;
						this.RawInt += 30;
						this.RawDex += 20;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OuterTorso ); // The Robe
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new LeatherChest();
						chest.Hue = 1175;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new LeatherLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1175;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new LeatherGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1175;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new LeatherGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1175;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
						helm.Hue = 1175;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new LeatherArms();
						arms.Hue = 1175;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )
						Item sandals = new Sandals();
						sandals.Hue = 1153;
						sandals.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( sandals );

			else if ( this.Stage == 2 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 20;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 100000 )
					if ( this.S2 == true )
						this.S2 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 3;
						this.Title = "the Golden Knight";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 25 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 40 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 20;
						this.RawDex += 10;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new StuddedChest();
						chest.Hue = 1161;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new StuddedLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1161;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new StuddedGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1161;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new StuddedGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1161;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
						helm.Hue = 1161;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new StuddedArms();
						arms.Hue = 1161;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

			else if ( this.Stage == 3 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 30;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 20;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 675000 )
					if ( this.S3 == true )
						this.S3 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 4;
						this.Title = "the Blood Knight";

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 60 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 120;
						this.RawDex += 10;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new PlateChest();
						chest.Hue = 1157;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new PlateLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1157;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new PlateGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1157;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new PlateGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1157;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new PlateHelm();
						helm.Hue = 1157;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new PlateArms();
						arms.Hue = 1157;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );
						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )

			else if ( this.Stage == 4 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 50;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 40;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 6750000 )
					if ( this.S4 == true )
						this.S4 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 5 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 5 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 5;
						this.Title = "the Knight of Destiny";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 50 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 50 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 50 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 50 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 80 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 120;
						this.RawDex += 20;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new BoneChest();
						chest.Hue = 1152;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new BoneLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1152;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new BoneGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1152;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new BoneHelm();
						helm.Hue = 1152;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new BoneArms();
						arms.Hue = 1152;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )
						Item sandals = new Sandals();
						sandals.Hue = 1152;
						sandals.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( sandals );

			else if ( this.Stage == 5 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 160;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 100;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 10000000 )
					if ( this.S5 == true )
						this.S5 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 100 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 5 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 5 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" is Reborn*");
						this.Say( "Master, please lend me some armor");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 6;
						this.Title = "the Champion";

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 98 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 120;
						this.RawDex += 20;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )


			else if ( this.Stage == 6 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 540;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 480;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 16500000 )
					if ( this.S6 == true )
						this.S6 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 350 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 100 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 15 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 15 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" is now a Great Champion and loyal friend*");
						if ( this.ControlMaster != null )
							this.Title = ", Servant of " + this.ControlMaster.Name + "";
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 7;

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 75 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 75 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 75 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 75 );

						this.RawStr += 125;
						this.RawInt += 125;
						this.RawDex += 35;

			else if ( this.Stage == 7 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.Hits ) / 740;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.Hits ) / 660;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

			base.OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );

		public override bool OnDragDrop( Mobile from, Item dropped )
			PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;
			if ( player != null )
				if ( this.Stage > 5 )
					if ( this.ControlMaster == from )
						if ( dropped is BaseArmor || dropped is BaseClothing || dropped is BaseWeapon )
								if ( dropped is BaseWeapon )
									Item check4 = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OneHanded );
									Item check2 = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded );
									Item check3 = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.FirstValid );

									if ( check4 != null )
										check4.Movable = true;
										from.AddToBackpack( check4 );
									else if ( check2 != null )
										check2.Movable = true;
										from.AddToBackpack( check2 );
									else if ( check3 != null )
										check3.Movable = true;
										from.AddToBackpack( check3 );

									Container pack = this.Backpack; 
									if ( pack == null )
										pack = new Backpack();
										pack.Movable = false;
										this.AddItem( pack );
									pack.DropItem( dropped );
									this.AddItem( dropped );
									dropped.Movable = false;
									from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a new weapon.");
									return true;

								else if ( dropped is BaseArmor )
									BaseArmor ba = (BaseArmor)dropped;
									if ( !ba.AllowMaleWearer && from.Body.IsMale )
										from.SendMessage("Only Females can wear this.");
									else if ( !ba.AllowFemaleWearer && from.Body.IsFemale )
										from.SendMessage("Only Females can wear this.");
										Item check = this.FindItemOnLayer( dropped.Layer );
										if ( check != null )
											check.Movable = true;								
											from.AddToBackpack( check );
											Container pack = this.Backpack; 
											if ( pack == null )
												pack = new Backpack();
												pack.Movable = false;
												this.AddItem( pack );
											pack.DropItem( dropped );
											this.AddItem( dropped );
											dropped.Movable = false;
											from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
											return true;
											Container pack = this.Backpack; 
											if ( pack == null )
												pack = new Backpack();
												pack.Movable = false;
												this.AddItem( pack );
											pack.DropItem( dropped );
											this.AddItem( dropped );
											dropped.Movable = true;
											from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
											return true;
								else if ( dropped is BaseClothing )
									Item check = this.FindItemOnLayer( dropped.Layer );
									if ( check != null )
										check.Movable = true;								
										from.AddToBackpack( check );

										Container pack = this.Backpack; 
										if ( pack == null )
											pack = new Backpack();
											pack.Movable = false;
											this.AddItem( pack );
										pack.DropItem( dropped );
										this.AddItem( dropped );
										dropped.Movable = false;
										from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
										return true;
										Container pack = this.Backpack; 
										if ( pack == null )
											pack = new Backpack();
											pack.Movable = false;
											this.AddItem( pack );
										pack.DropItem( dropped );
										this.AddItem( dropped );
										dropped.Movable = true;
										from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
										return true;

						else if ( dropped is Arrow || dropped is Bolt )	
							Container pack = this.Backpack;
							if ( pack == null )
								pack = new Backpack();
								pack.Movable = false;
								this.AddItem( pack );
							pack.DropItem( dropped );
							from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " some arrows.");

							from.SendMessage("This must be a weapon, or a piece of armor or clothing.");
							return false;
						from.SendMessage("You do not own this Mercenary.");
						return false;
					from.SendMessage( this.Name + " is not ready to use this.");
					return false;
			return base.OnDragDrop( from, dropped );

		private DateTime m_NextBreathe;

		public override void OnActionCombat()
			Mobile combatant = Combatant;

			if ( combatant == null || combatant.Deleted || combatant.Map != Map || !InRange( combatant, 12 ) || !CanBeHarmful( combatant ) || !InLOS( combatant ) )

			if ( DateTime.Now >= m_NextBreathe )
				Breathe( combatant );

				m_NextBreathe = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 12.0 + (3.0 * Utility.RandomDouble()) ); // 12-15 seconds

		public void Breathe( Mobile m )
			DoHarmful( m );

			m_BreatheTimer = new BreatheTimer( m, this, this, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ) );
			m_EndBreathe = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 );

			this.Frozen = true;

			if ( this.Stage > 0 )
				this.FixedEffect( 0x3728, 10, 15 );
				this.PlaySound( 0x2A1 );
				this.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, this.SpeechHue, true, "Please call a GM if you are getting this message, they will fix the breathe, thank you :)", false );

		private class BreatheTimer : Timer
			private EvoMerc ed;
			private Mobile m_Mobile, m_From;

			public BreatheTimer( Mobile m, EvoMerc owner, Mobile from, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration ) 
				ed = owner;
				m_Mobile = m;
				m_From = from;
				Priority = TimerPriority.TwoFiftyMS;

			protected override void OnTick()
				int damagemin = ed.Hits / 20;
				int damagemax = ed.Hits / 25;
				ed.Frozen = false;

				m_Mobile.PlaySound( 0x11D );
				AOS.Damage( m_Mobile, m_From, Utility.RandomMinMax( damagemin, damagemax ), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 1 ); // version

                        writer.Write( m_S1 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S2 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S3 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S4 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S5 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S6 ); 
			writer.Write( (int) m_KP );
			writer.Write( (int) m_Stage );
			writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_EndBreathe );
			writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_EndMercLoyalty );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();
			switch ( version )
				case 1:
                        		m_S1 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S2 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S3 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S4 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S5 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S6 = reader.ReadBool(); 
					m_KP = reader.ReadInt();
					m_Stage = reader.ReadInt();

					m_EndBreathe = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
					m_BreatheTimer = new BreatheTimer( this, this, this, m_EndBreathe - DateTime.Now );

					m_EndMercLoyalty = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
					m_MercLoyaltyTimer = new MercLoyaltyTimer( this, m_EndMercLoyalty - DateTime.Now );

				case 0:
					TimeSpan durationbreathe = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 );
					TimeSpan durationloyalty = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 );

					m_BreatheTimer = new BreatheTimer( this, this, this, durationbreathe );
					m_EndBreathe = DateTime.Now + durationbreathe;

					m_MercLoyaltyTimer = new MercLoyaltyTimer( this, durationloyalty );
					m_EndMercLoyalty = DateTime.Now + durationloyalty;



		public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
			Mobile from = this.ControlMaster;

			if ( from != null )
				if ( this.Mount != null )
					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item is IMountItem )
							IMount mount = ((IMountItem)item).Mount;

							if ( mount != null )
								mount.Rider = null;
								if ( mount is EtherealMount )
									EtherealMount ethy = (EtherealMount)mount;
										if ( from.Backpack != null )
											from.Backpack.DropItem( ethy );

							if ( this.Items.IndexOf( item ) == -1 )

					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item.Layer == Layer.Mount )
							if ( from.Backpack != null )
								from.Backpack.DropItem( item );
			return base.OnBeforeDeath();

	public class StatGump : Gump
		private static string FormatSkill( BaseCreature c, SkillName name )
			Skill skill = c.Skills[name];

			if ( skill.Base < 10.0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0:F1}</div>", skill.Base );

		private static string FormatAttributes( int cur, int max )
			if ( max == 0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0}/{1}</div>", cur, max );

		private static string FormatStat( int val )
			if ( val == 0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0}</div>", val );

		private static string FormatElement( int val )
			if ( val <= 0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0}%</div>", val );

		private const int LabelColor = 0x24E5;

		public StatGump( BaseCreature c ) : base( 250, 50 )
			AddPage( 0 );

			AddImage( 100, 100, 2080 );
			AddImage( 118, 137, 2081 );
			AddImage( 118, 207, 2081 );
			AddImage( 118, 277, 2081 );
			AddImage( 118, 347, 2083 );

			AddHtml( 147, 108, 210, 18, String.Format( "<center><i>{0}</i></center>", c.Name ), false, false );

			AddButton( 240, 77, 2093, 2093, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

			AddImage( 140, 138, 2091 );
			AddImage( 140, 335, 2091 );

			int pages = ( Core.AOS ? 5 : 3 );
			int page = 0;

			#region Attributes
			AddPage( ++page );

			AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1049593, 200, false, false ); // Attributes

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1049578, LabelColor, false, false ); // Hits
			AddHtml( 280, 168, 75, 18, FormatAttributes( c.Hits, c.HitsMax ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1049579, LabelColor, false, false ); // Stamina
			AddHtml( 280, 186, 75, 18, FormatAttributes( c.Stam, c.StamMax ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1049580, LabelColor, false, false ); // Mana
			AddHtml( 280, 204, 75, 18, FormatAttributes( c.Mana, c.ManaMax ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1028335, LabelColor, false, false ); // Strength
			AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.Str ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 3000113, LabelColor, false, false ); // Dexterity
			AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.Dex ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 258, 160, 18, 3000112, LabelColor, false, false ); // Intelligence
			AddHtml( 320, 258, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.Int ), false, false );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				AddImage( 128, 278, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 276, 160, 18, 1049594, 200, false, false ); // Loyalty Rating

				//AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 294, 160, 18, (!c.Controlled || c.Loyalty == PetLoyalty.MaxLoyalty ) ? 1061643 : 1049594 + (int)c.Loyalty, LabelColor, false, false );
				AddImage( 128, 278, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 276, 160, 18, 3001016, 200, false, false ); // Miscellaneous

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 294, 160, 18, 1049581, LabelColor, false, false ); // Armor Rating
				AddHtml( 320, 294, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.VirtualArmor ), false, false );

			AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
			AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, pages );

			#region Resistances
			if ( Core.AOS )
				AddPage( ++page );

				AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1061645, 200, false, false ); // Resistances

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1061646, LabelColor, false, false ); // Physical
				AddHtml( 320, 168, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PhysicalResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1061647, LabelColor, false, false ); // Fire
				AddHtml( 320, 186, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.FireResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1061648, LabelColor, false, false ); // Cold
				AddHtml( 320, 204, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.ColdResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1061649, LabelColor, false, false ); // Poison
				AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PoisonResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 1061650, LabelColor, false, false ); // Energy
				AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.EnergyResistance ), false, false );

				AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
				AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );

			#region Damage
			if ( Core.AOS )
				AddPage( ++page );

				AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1017319, 200, false, false ); // Damage

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1061646, LabelColor, false, false ); // Physical
				AddHtml( 320, 168, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PhysicalDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1061647, LabelColor, false, false ); // Fire
				AddHtml( 320, 186, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.FireDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1061648, LabelColor, false, false ); // Cold
				AddHtml( 320, 204, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.ColdDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1061649, LabelColor, false, false ); // Poison
				AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PoisonDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 1061650, LabelColor, false, false ); // Energy
				AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.EnergyDamage ), false, false );

				AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
				AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );

			#region Skills
			AddPage( ++page );

			AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 3001030, 200, false, false ); // Combat Ratings

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1044103, LabelColor, false, false ); // Wrestling
			AddHtml( 320, 168, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Wrestling ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1044087, LabelColor, false, false ); // Tactics
			AddHtml( 320, 186, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Tactics ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1044086, LabelColor, false, false ); // Magic Resistance
			AddHtml( 320, 204, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.MagicResist ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1044061, LabelColor, false, false ); // Anatomy
			AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Anatomy ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 1044090, LabelColor, false, false ); // Poisoning
			AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Poisoning ), false, false );

			AddImage( 128, 260, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 258, 160, 18, 3001032, 200, false, false ); // Lore & Knowledge

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 276, 160, 18, 1044085, LabelColor, false, false ); // Magery
			AddHtml( 320, 276, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Magery ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 294, 160, 18, 1044076, LabelColor, false, false ); // Evaluating Intelligence
			AddHtml( 320, 294, 35, 18,FormatSkill( c, SkillName.EvalInt ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 312, 160, 18, 1044106, LabelColor, false, false ); // Meditation
			AddHtml( 320, 312, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Meditation ), false, false );

			AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
			AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );

			#region Misc
			AddPage( ++page );

			AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1049563, 200, false, false ); // Preferred Foods

			int foodPref = 3000340;

			if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.FruitsAndVegies) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049565; // Fruits and Vegetables
			else if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.GrainsAndHay) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049566; // Grains and Hay
			else if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Fish) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049568; // Fish
			else if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Meat) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049564; // Meat

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, foodPref, LabelColor, false, false );

			AddImage( 128, 188, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 186, 160, 18, 1049569, 200, false, false ); // Pack Instincts

			int packInstinct = 3000340;

			if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Canine) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049570; // Canine
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Ostard) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049571; // Ostard
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Feline) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049572; // Feline
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Arachnid) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049573; // Arachnid
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Daemon) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049574; // Daemon
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bear) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049575; // Bear
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Equine) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049576; // Equine
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bull) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049577; // Bull

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, packInstinct, LabelColor, false, false );

			if ( !Core.AOS )
				AddImage( 128, 224, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 222, 160, 18, 1049594, 200, false, false ); // Loyalty Rating

				//AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, (!c.Controlled || c.Loyalty == PetLoyalty.MaxLoyalty ) ? 1061643 : 1049594 + (int)c.Loyalty, LabelColor, false, false );

			AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1 );
			AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );
	public class MercLoyaltyTimer : Timer
		private EvoMerc ed;

		public MercLoyaltyTimer( EvoMerc owner, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration ) 
			Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond;
			ed = owner;

		protected override void OnTick() 
			foreach ( Network.NetState state in Network.NetState.Instances ) 
             	        	if ( state.Mobile == null ) 
             	       		Mobile owner = (Mobile)state.Mobile; 
              		   	//if ( ed.ControlMaster == owner ) 
                      	   		//ed.Loyalty = Loyalty.WonderfullyHappy; 

			MercLoyaltyTimer lt = new MercLoyaltyTimer( ed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ) );
			ed.EndMercLoyalty = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 );

	public class EvoMercBuyInfo
		private int m_Title;
		private string m_TitleString;
		private int m_Price;
		private Layer m_Layer;
		private Type m_GumpType;
		private object[] m_GumpArgs;

		public int Title{ get{ return m_Title; } }
		public string TitleString{ get{ return m_TitleString; } }
		public int Price{ get{ return m_Price; } }
		public Layer Layer{ get{ return m_Layer; } }
		public Type GumpType{ get{ return m_GumpType; } }
		public object[] GumpArgs{ get{ return m_GumpArgs; } }

		public EvoMercBuyInfo( int title, int price, Layer layer, Type gumpType, object[] args )
			m_Title = title;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layer = layer;
			m_GumpType = gumpType;
			m_GumpArgs = args;

		public EvoMercBuyInfo( string title, int price, Layer layer, Type gumpType, object[] args )
			m_TitleString = title;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layer = layer;
			m_GumpType = gumpType;
			m_GumpArgs = args;

	public class EvoMercBuyGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_From;
		private Mobile m_Vendor;
		private EvoMercBuyInfo[] m_SellList;

		public EvoMercBuyGump( Mobile from, BaseCreature vendor, EvoMercBuyInfo[] sellList ) : base( 50, 50 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			m_SellList = sellList;

			from.CloseGump( typeof( EvoMercBuyGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ) );

			bool isFemale = ( m_Vendor.Body.IsFemale );

			int balance = Banker.GetBalance( from );
			int canAfford = 0;

			for ( int i = 0; i < sellList.Length; ++i )
				if ( balance >= sellList[i].Price && (sellList[i].Layer != Layer.FacialHair || !isFemale) )

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 50, 10, 450, 100 + (canAfford * 25), 2600 );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 100, 40, 350, 20, 1018356, false, false ); // Choose your hairstyle change:

			int index = 0;

			for ( int i = 0; i < sellList.Length; ++i )
				if ( balance >= sellList[i].Price && (sellList[i].Layer != Layer.FacialHair || !isFemale) )
					if ( sellList[i].TitleString != null )
						AddHtml( 140, 75 + (index * 25), 300, 20, sellList[i].TitleString, false, false );
						AddHtmlLocalized( 140, 75 + (index * 25), 300, 20, sellList[i].Title, false, false );

					AddButton( 100, 75 + (index++ * 25), 4005, 4007, 1 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
			int index = info.ButtonID - 1;

			if ( index >= 0 && index < m_SellList.Length )
				EvoMercBuyInfo buyInfo = m_SellList[index];

				int balance = Banker.GetBalance( m_From );

				bool isFemale = ( m_Vendor.Female || m_Vendor.Body.IsFemale );

				if ( buyInfo.Layer == Layer.FacialHair && isFemale )
					// You cannot place facial hair on a woman!
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010639, m_From.NetState );
				else if ( balance >= buyInfo.Price )
						object[] origArgs = buyInfo.GumpArgs;
						object[] args = new object[origArgs.Length];

						for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i )
							if ( origArgs[i] == EvoMerc.Price )
								args[i] = m_SellList[index].Price;
							else if ( origArgs[i] == EvoMerc.From	)
								args[i] = m_From;
							else if ( origArgs[i] == EvoMerc.Vendor )
								args[i] = m_Vendor;
								args[i] = origArgs[i];

						Gump g = Activator.CreateInstance( buyInfo.GumpType, args ) as Gump;

						m_From.SendGump( g );
					// You cannot afford my services for that style.
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState );

	public class ChangeHairHueEnt
		private string m_Name;
		private int[] m_Hues;

		public string Name{ get{ return m_Name; } }
		public int[] Hues{ get{ return m_Hues; } }

		public ChangeHairHueEnt( string name, int[] hues )
			m_Name = name;
			m_Hues = hues;

		public ChangeHairHueEnt( string name, int start, int count )
			m_Name = name;

			m_Hues = new int[count];

			for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
				m_Hues[i] = start + i;

		public static readonly ChangeHairHueEnt[] BrightEntries = new ChangeHairHueEnt[]
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 12, 10 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 32, 5 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 38, 8 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 54, 3 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 62, 10 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 81, 2 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 89, 2 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1153, 2 )

		public static readonly ChangeHairHueEnt[] RegularEntries = new ChangeHairHueEnt[]
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1602, 26 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1628, 27 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1502, 32 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1302, 32 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1402, 32 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1202, 24 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 2402, 29 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 2213, 6 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1102, 8 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1110, 8 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1118, 16 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1134, 16 )

	public class ChangeHairHuGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_From;
		private Mobile m_Vendor;
		private int m_Price;
		private Layer[] m_Layers;
		private ChangeHairHueEnt[] m_Entries;

		public ChangeHairHuGump( Mobile from, Mobile vendor, int price, Layer[] layers, ChangeHairHueEnt[] entries ) : base( 50, 50 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layers = layers;
			m_Entries = entries;

			from.CloseGump( typeof( EvoMercBuyGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ) );

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 100, 10, 350, 370, 2600 );
			AddBackground( 120, 54, 110, 270, 5100 );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 155, 25, 240, 30, 1011013, false, false ); // <center>Hair Color Selection Menu</center>

			AddHtmlLocalized( 150, 330, 220, 35, 1011014, false, false ); // Dye my hair this color!
			AddButton( 380, 330, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				ChangeHairHueEnt entry = entries[i];

				AddLabel( 130, 59 + (i * 22), entry.Hues[0] - 1, entry.Name );
				AddButton( 207, 60 + (i * 22), 5224, 5224, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1 + i );

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				ChangeHairHueEnt entry = entries[i];
				int[] hues = entry.Hues;
				string name = entry.Name;

				AddPage( 1 + i );

				for ( int j = 0; j < hues.Length; ++j )
					AddLabel( 278 + ((j / 16) * 80), 52 + ((j % 16) * 17), hues[j] - 1, name );
					AddRadio( 260 + ((j / 16) * 80), 52 + ((j % 16) * 17), 210, 211, false, (j * entries.Length) + i );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
			if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
				int[] switches = info.Switches;

				if ( switches.Length > 0 )
					int index = switches[0] % m_Entries.Length;
					int offset = switches[0] / m_Entries.Length;

					if ( index >= 0 && index < m_Entries.Length )
						if ( offset >= 0 && offset < m_Entries[index].Hues.Length )
							int hue = m_Entries[index].Hues[offset];

							bool hasConsumed = false;

							for ( int i = 0; i < m_Layers.Length; ++i )
								Item item = m_Vendor.FindItemOnLayer( m_Layers[i] );

								if ( item == null )

								if ( !hasConsumed )
									if ( !Banker.Withdraw( m_From, m_Price ) )
										m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState ); // You cannot afford my services for that style.

									hasConsumed = true;

								item.Hue = hue;

							if ( !hasConsumed )
								m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 502623, m_From.NetState ); // You have no hair to dye and you cannot use this.
					// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );
				// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
				m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );

	public class ChangeHairstyleEnt
		private Type m_ItemType;
		private int m_GumpID;
		private int m_X, m_Y;

		public Type ItemType{ get{ return m_ItemType; } }
		public int GumpID{ get{ return m_GumpID; } }
		public int X{ get{ return m_X; } }
		public int Y{ get{ return m_Y; } }

		public ChangeHairstyleEnt( int gumpID, int x, int y, Type itemType )
			m_GumpID = gumpID;
			m_X = x;
			m_Y = y;
			m_ItemType = itemType;

		public static readonly ChangeHairstyleEnt[] HairEntries = new ChangeHairstyleEnt[]
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50700,  70 - 137,  20 -  60, typeof( ShortHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60710, 193 - 260,  18 -  60, typeof( PageboyHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50703, 316 - 383,  25 -  60, typeof( Mohawk ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60708,  70 - 137,  75 - 125, typeof( LongHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60900, 193 - 260,  85 - 125, typeof( Afro ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60713, 320 - 383,  85 - 125, typeof( KrisnaHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60702,  70 - 137, 140 - 190, typeof( PonyTail ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60707, 193 - 260, 140 - 190, typeof( TwoPigTails ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60901, 315 - 383, 150 - 190, typeof( ReceedingHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 0, 0, 0, null )

		public static readonly ChangeHairstyleEnt[] BeardEntries = new ChangeHairstyleEnt[]
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50800, 120 - 187,  30 -  80, typeof( Goatee ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50904, 243 - 310,  33 -  80, typeof( MediumShortBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50906, 120 - 187, 100 - 150, typeof( Vandyke ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50801, 243 - 310,  95 - 150, typeof( LongBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50802, 120 - 187, 173 - 220, typeof( ShortBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50905, 243 - 310, 165 - 220, typeof( MediumLongBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50808, 120 - 187, 242 - 290, typeof( Mustache ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 0, 0, 0, null )

	public class ChangeHairstylGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_From;
		private Mobile m_Vendor;
		private int m_Price;
		private Layer m_Layer;
		private ChangeHairstyleEnt[] m_Entries;

		public ChangeHairstylGump( Mobile from, Mobile vendor, int price, Layer layer, ChangeHairstyleEnt[] entries ) : base( 50, 50 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layer = layer;
			m_Entries = entries;

			from.CloseGump( typeof( EvoMercBuyGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ) );

			int tableWidth = ( layer == Layer.Hair ? 3 : 2 );
			int tableHeight = ( (entries.Length + tableWidth - ( layer == Layer.Hair ? 2 : 1 )) / tableWidth );
			int offsetWidth = 123;
			int offsetHeight = ( layer == Layer.Hair ? 65 : 70 );

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 0, 0, 81 + (tableWidth * offsetWidth), 105 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 2600 );

			AddButton( 45, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 77, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 90, 35, 1006044, false, false ); // Ok

			AddButton( 81 + (tableWidth * offsetWidth) - 180, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 81 + (tableWidth * offsetWidth) - 148, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 90, 35, 1006045, false, false ); // Cancel

			if ( layer == Layer.Hair )
				AddHtmlLocalized( 50, 15, 350, 20, 1018353, false, false ); // <center>New Hairstyle</center>
				AddHtmlLocalized( 55, 15, 200, 20, 1018354, false, false ); // <center>New Beard</center>

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				int xTable = i % tableWidth;
				int yTable = i / tableWidth;

				if ( entries[i].GumpID != 0 )
					AddRadio( 40 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 70 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 208, 209, false, i );
					AddBackground( 87 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 50 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 50, 50, 2620 );
					AddImage( 87 + (xTable * offsetWidth) + entries[i].X, 50 + (yTable * offsetHeight) + entries[i].Y, entries[i].GumpID );
				else if ( layer == Layer.Hair )
					AddRadio( 40 + ((xTable + 1) * offsetWidth), 240, 208, 209, false, i );
					AddHtmlLocalized( 60 + ((xTable + 1) * offsetWidth), 240, 85, 35, 1011064, false, false ); // Bald
					AddRadio( 40 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 70 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 208, 209, false, i );
					AddHtmlLocalized( 60 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 70 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 85, 35, 1011064, false, false ); // Bald

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
			if ( m_Layer == Layer.FacialHair && (m_From.Female || m_From.Body.IsFemale) )

			if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
				int[] switches = info.Switches;

				if ( switches.Length > 0 )
					int index = switches[0];

					if ( index >= 0 && index < m_Entries.Length )
						ChangeHairstyleEnt entry = m_Entries[index];

						if ( m_From is PlayerMobile )
							((PlayerMobile)m_From).SetHairMods( -1, -1 );

						Item hair = m_Vendor.FindItemOnLayer( m_Layer );

						if ( entry.ItemType == null )
							if ( hair == null )

							if ( Banker.Withdraw( m_From, m_Price ) )
								m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState ); // You cannot afford my services for that style.
							if ( hair != null && hair.GetType() == entry.ItemType )

							Item newHair = null;

							try{ newHair = Activator.CreateInstance( entry.ItemType, null ) as Item; }

							if ( newHair == null )

							if ( Banker.Withdraw( m_From, m_Price ) )
								if ( hair != null )
									newHair.Hue = hair.Hue;

								m_Vendor.AddItem( newHair );
								m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState ); // You cannot afford my services for that style.
					// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );
				// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
				m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );

Hope to solve this!
mucitrus :rolleyes:


Stupid Question

What can i do about this i reduced it alot compaired to what it is now, this is for potionkeg.cs.
here is the error:
RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3686.22002
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)

+ Items/Skill Items/Magical/Misc/PotionKeg.cs:
CS1518: Line 151: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1022: Line 184: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected

Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

now i know this is because a symbol like so } is missing somewhere but i have no clue where, anyone care to help point me in the right direction?
here is the script


your link is no good, hit the # symbol and put the copy and pasted script between the words CODE. my potion keg works so I can help you with this later today if noone else does first.


Crash1984;828672 said:
What can i do about this i reduced it alot compaired to what it is now, this is for potionkeg.cs.
here is the error:
RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3686.22002
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)

+ Items/Skill Items/Magical/Misc/PotionKeg.cs:
CS1518: Line 151: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1022: Line 184: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected

Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

now i know this is because a symbol like so } is missing somewhere but i have no clue where, anyone care to help point me in the right direction?
here is the script

if you where missing a braket it would say missing enum line then line number < witch = {


I Had To Fiddle With It But This One Should Be Good To Go

Enjoy man. I downloaded your version... here's an updated version if it doesnt work icq me and I'll take another look.


  • PotionKeg.rar
    2.5 KB · Views: 16


I have a question.. and I have already tried editing the Caps in FSATSSettings.cs and it's not what I wanted..
We have custom pets with min dmg around 200 and max around 300 but when breeding there min/max drops to what is set in FSATSSettings.cs.. If we change the caps then it fixes it but then other creatures get the same settings.. I want to make it to where when breeding the min and max don't drop from the parents to the babies.. How can I go about doing this?


Anybody? :)

mucitrus;827686 said:
First i want to thank for all the scripts you scripters caming out with its alot of hard times to made the projects completed, amazing work, keep up it that way :).

And now to my problem...

The problem i have is that i can't shrink my EVOMercenary with it, i can shrink dragon, warrior, etc. I think it's about the "BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)target;" thats disable so i cant shrink the mercenary with this Petleash from this package with code here under. I have also tryed to delete the line and also tryed to disable it but im not able to to. I trying to learn and test is the best but now i got stop and could need some support on this leash. I love the stats and i use the whole system, but to complete it i need to be able to shrink my mercenarys on the shard :rolleyes:

I add the mercenary script if its needed for you to say.
Sry for my bad enligsh hope you understand me :D

This is the script of the PETLEASH
using Server.Targeting; 
using System; 
using Server; 
using Server.Gumps; 
using Server.Network; 
using Server.Menus; 
using Server.Menus.Questions; 
using Server.Mobiles; 
using System.Collections; 

namespace Server.Items 
   	public class PetLeash2 : Item 
    		private int m_Charges = 50;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Charges
			get{ return m_Charges; }
			set{ m_Charges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

      		public PetLeash2() : base( 0x1374 ) 
         		Weight = 1.0;  
         		Movable = true; 
         		Name="a pet leash"; 

		public override void AddNameProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			base.AddNameProperties( list );

			list.Add( 1060658, "Charges\t{0}", m_Charges.ToString() );

      		public PetLeash2( Serial serial ) : base( serial ) 
      		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from ) 

			if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
			else if ( FSATS.EnableShrinkSystem == false )
				from.SendMessage( "The shrink system has been disabled. Contact your server administrator for details." );
			else if ( from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value > 75 )
           			from.Target = new LeashTarget( this );
				from.SendMessage( "What do you wish to shrink?" );
				from.SendMessage( "You must have 75 animal taming to use a hitching post." );
				from.SendMessage( "Try using a pet shriking potion." );


      		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer ) 
         		base.Serialize( writer ); 

         		writer.Write( (int) 0 );

			writer.Write( m_Charges ); 

      		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader ) 
         		base.Deserialize( reader ); 

         		int version = reader.ReadInt(); 

			m_Charges = reader.ReadInt();

  		private class LeashTarget : Target 
         		private Mobile m_Owner; 
         		private PetLeash2 m_Powder; 

         		public LeashTarget( PetLeash2 charge ) : base ( 10, false, TargetFlags.None ) 
         		protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object target ) 
            			if ( target == from ) 
               				from.SendMessage( "You cant shrink yourself!" );

				else if ( target is PlayerMobile )
					from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );

				else if ( target is Item )
					from.SendMessage( "You can only shrink pets that you own" );

				else if ( target is BaseBioCreature && FSATS.EnableBioShrink == false )
					from.SendMessage( "Unnatural creatures cannot be shrunk" ); 

				else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( from ) )
					from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while your fighting." );

          			else if ( target is BaseCreature ) 
          				BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)target;

					bool packanimal = false;
					Type typ = c.GetType();
					string nam = typ.Name;

					foreach ( string ispack in FSATS.PackAnimals )
  						if ( ispack == nam )
    							packanimal = true;
					if ( c.BodyValue == 400 || c.BodyValue == 401 && c.Controlled == false )
						from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );
					else if ( c.ControlMaster != from && c.Controlled == false )
						from.SendMessage( "This is not your pet." );
					else if ( packanimal == true && (c.Backpack != null && c.Backpack.Items.Count > 0) )
						from.SendMessage( "You must unload your pets backpack first." );
					else if ( c.IsDeadPet )
						from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink the dead." );
					else if ( c.Summoned )
						from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink a summoned creature." );
					else if ( c.Combatant != null && c.InRange( c.Combatant, 12 ) && c.Map == c.Combatant.Map )
						from.SendMessage( "Your pet is fighting, You cannot shrink it yet." );
					else if ( c.BodyMod != 0 )
						from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while its polymorphed." );
					//else if ( Server.Spells.LostArts.CharmBeastSpell.IsCharmed( c ) )
					//	from.SendMessage( "Your hold over this pet is not strong enough to shrink it." );
					else if ( c.Controlled == true && c.ControlMaster == from)
						Type type = c.GetType();
        					ShrinkDeItem si = new ShrinkDeItem();
						si.MobType = type;
						si.Pet = c;
						si.PetOwner = from;

						if ( c is BaseMount )
							BaseMount mount = (BaseMount)c;
							si.MountID = mount.ItemID;

        					from.AddToBackpack( si );

						IEntity p1 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z ), from.Map );
						IEntity p2 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z + 50 ), from.Map );

						Effects.SendMovingParticles( p2, p1, ShrinkTable.Lookup( c ), 1, 0, true, false, 0, 3, 1153, 1, 0, EffectLayer.Head, 0x100 );
						from.PlaySound( 492 );

						c.Controlled = true; 
						c.ControlMaster = null;

						c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;

						c.IsStabled = true;

						m_Powder.Charges -= 1;
						if ( m_Powder.Charges == 0 )

Here is the code of the EVO Mercenary:
////==========================================////$                                 $
////        Upgraded By: Triple               ////$   Will like to thank for all    $
////==========================================////$   who help me with this upgrade!$

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Mobiles
	public class EvoMerc : BaseCreature
		private Timer m_BreatheTimer;
		private DateTime m_EndBreathe;
		private Item del;

		private Timer m_MercLoyaltyTimer;
		private DateTime m_EndMercLoyalty;

		public DateTime EndMercLoyalty{ get{ return m_EndMercLoyalty; } set{ m_EndMercLoyalty = value; } }

		public static readonly object From = new object();
		public static readonly object Vendor = new object();
		public static readonly object Price = new object();

		private static EvoMercBuyInfo[] m_SellList = new EvoMercBuyInfo[]
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018357, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, Layer.Hair, ChangeHairstyleEnt.HairEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018358, 0, Layer.FacialHair, typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, Layer.FacialHair, ChangeHairstyleEnt.BeardEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018359, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair, Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.RegularEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018360, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair, Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.BrightEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018361, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.RegularEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018362, 0, Layer.FacialHair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.RegularEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018363, 0, Layer.Hair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.Hair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.BrightEntries } ),
				new EvoMercBuyInfo( 1018364, 0, Layer.FacialHair, typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ), new object[]
					{ From, Vendor, Price, new Layer[]{ Layer.FacialHair }, ChangeHairHueEnt.BrightEntries } )

		public int m_Stage;
		public int m_KP;
		public bool m_S1;
		public bool m_S2;
		public bool m_S3;
		public bool m_S4;
		public bool m_S5;
		public bool m_S6;

		public bool S1
			get{ return m_S1; }
			set{ m_S1 = value; }
		public bool S2
			get{ return m_S2; }
			set{ m_S2 = value; }
		public bool S3
			get{ return m_S3; }
			set{ m_S3 = value; }
		public bool S4
			get{ return m_S4; }
			set{ m_S4 = value; }
		public bool S5
			get{ return m_S5; }
			set{ m_S5 = value; }
		public bool S6
			get{ return m_S6; }
			set{ m_S6 = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int KP
			get{ return m_KP; }
			set{ m_KP = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Stage
			get{ return m_Stage; }
			set{ m_Stage = value; }

		public EvoMerc() : base( AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )
			InitStats( 40, 30, 5 );
			Name = "A Mercenary";
			Title = "";

			SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();

			Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
			if ( Female = Utility.RandomBool() )
				Body = 401;
				Body = 400;
			if ( Female == false )
			Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2044, 0x2045, 0x2047, 0x2049, 0x204A ) );
			hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
			hair.Layer = Layer.Hair;
			hair.Movable = false;
			AddItem( hair );

			Item beard = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203E, 0x203F, 0x2040, 0x2041, 0x204B, 0x204C, 0x204D ) );
			beard.Hue = hair.Hue;
			beard.Layer = Layer.FacialHair;
			beard.Movable = false;
			AddItem( beard );
			else if ( Female == true )
			Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2044, 0x2045, 0x2047, 0x2049, 0x204A ) );
			hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
			hair.Layer = Layer.Hair;
			hair.Movable = false;
			AddItem( hair );

			AddItem( new Robe() );

			Item weapon;
			switch ( Utility.Random( 1 ) )
				case 0: weapon = new MercenaryKatana(); break;
				default: weapon = new MercenaryKatana(); break;

			weapon.Movable = false;
			AddItem( weapon );

			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 20.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 20.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Fencing, 20.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 20.0 );

			SetStr( 296, 325 );
			SetDex( 56, 75 );
			SetInt( 76, 96 );

			SetDamage( 11, 17 );

			S1 = true;
			S2 = true;
			S3 = true;
			S4 = true;
			S5 = true;
			S6 = true;
			Stage = 1;

			SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );

			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 15 );

			SetSkill( SkillName.Fencing, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Archery, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 120, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Parry, 120, 120 );

			Fame = 300;
			Karma = -300;

			VirtualArmor = 30;

			ControlSlots = 3;
			PackItem( new Diamond() );
			m_MercLoyaltyTimer = new MercLoyaltyTimer( this, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ) );
			m_EndMercLoyalty = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 );


		public EvoMerc( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
		public override bool HandlesOnSpeech(Mobile from)
			return true;
			//base.HandlesOnSpeech( from );
	        public override void OnSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e ) 

		        bool isMatch = false;

		        Mobile from = e.Mobile;

                	string keyword = this.Name +" restyle";
                	string keyword2 = this.Name +" undress";
                	string keyword3 = this.Name +" dismount";
                	string keyword4 = this.Name +" mount";
                	string keyword5 = this.Name +" stats";
                	string keyword6 = this.Name +" help";

                	if ( keyword != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				from.SendGump( new EvoMercBuyGump( from, this, m_SellList ) );
				from.SendMessage("Your Mercenary will style it's hair for free for you!");
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword2 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword2.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )

				if ( Stage < 6 )
					from.SendMessage("Your Mercenary cannot do that yet.");

				for ( int i = this.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
					if ( i >= Items.Count )

					Item item = (Item)Items[i];
					if (!( item is Container ) && item.Layer != Layer.FacialHair && item.Layer != Layer.Hair && !( item is IMountItem ) )
						item.Movable = true;
						from.AddToBackpack( item );
               			e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword3 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword3.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				if ( this.Mount != null )
					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item is IMountItem )
							IMount mount = ((IMountItem)item).Mount;

							if ( mount != null )
								mount.Rider = null;
								if ( mount is EtherealMount )
									EtherealMount ethy = (EtherealMount)mount;
										if ( from.Backpack != null )
											from.Backpack.DropItem( ethy );

							if ( this.Items.IndexOf( item ) == -1 )

					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item.Layer == Layer.Mount )
							if ( from.Backpack != null )
								from.Backpack.DropItem( item );
					from.SendMessage( this.Name + " is not on a mount." );
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword4 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword4.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				from.SendMessage( "Target a mount or an ethereal mount you would like to place "+ this.Name +" on." );
				from.Target = new MountTarget( this );
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword5 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword5.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				from.SendGump( new StatGump( this ) );
	               		e.Handled = true;

                	if ( keyword6 != null && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf( keyword6.ToLower() ) >= 0 ) 
				isMatch = true; 
 	              		if ( !isMatch ) 
        	       		if ( ControlMaster != from )
				this.Say("I will follow these commands: restyle, undress, mount, dismount, and stats.");
	               		e.Handled = true;

			base.OnSpeech( e );
		private class MountTarget : Target
			private EvoMerc m_Merc;
			public MountTarget( EvoMerc merc ) : base( 1, false, TargetFlags.None )
				m_Merc = merc;
			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )
				if ( m_Merc.Mount == null )
					if ( o is EtherealMount )
						EtherealMount mount = (EtherealMount)o;

						if ( mount.Rider == null )
							if ( mount.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
								mount.Rider = m_Merc;
								from.SendMessage( "The ethereal mount must been in your pack for you to use it." );
							from.SendMessage( "This ethereal mount is already in use by something else." );
					else if ( o is BaseMount )
						BaseMount mount = (BaseMount)o;
						if ( mount.Rider == null )
							if ( mount.ControlMaster == from )
								mount.Rider = m_Merc;
								from.SendMessage( "You do not own this mount." );
							from.SendMessage( "This mount is already in use by something else." );
						from.SendMessage( "That is an invalid target." );
					from.SendMessage( m_Merc.Name +" is already mounted." );

		public override void OnGaveMeleeAttack( Mobile defender )
			int kpgainmin, kpgainmax;

			if ( this.Stage == 1 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 5;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 85000 )
					if ( this.S1 == true )
						this.S1 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 500 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 2;
						this.Title = "the Shadow Knight";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 25 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 20 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 20 );

						this.RawStr += 200;
						this.RawInt += 30;
						this.RawDex += 20;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OuterTorso ); // The Robe
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new LeatherChest();
						chest.Hue = 1175;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new LeatherLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1175;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new LeatherGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1175;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new LeatherGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1175;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
						helm.Hue = 1175;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new LeatherArms();
						arms.Hue = 1175;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )
						Item sandals = new Sandals();
						sandals.Hue = 1153;
						sandals.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( sandals );

			else if ( this.Stage == 2 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 20;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 100000 )
					if ( this.S2 == true )
						this.S2 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 3;
						this.Title = "the Golden Knight";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 25 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 25 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 40 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 40 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 20;
						this.RawDex += 10;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new StuddedChest();
						chest.Hue = 1161;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new StuddedLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1161;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new StuddedGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1161;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new StuddedGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1161;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
						helm.Hue = 1161;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new StuddedArms();
						arms.Hue = 1161;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

			else if ( this.Stage == 3 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 30;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 20;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 675000 )
					if ( this.S3 == true )
						this.S3 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 4;
						this.Title = "the Blood Knight";

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 60 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 120;
						this.RawDex += 10;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new PlateChest();
						chest.Hue = 1157;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new PlateLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1157;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new PlateGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1157;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new PlateGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1157;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new PlateHelm();
						helm.Hue = 1157;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new PlateArms();
						arms.Hue = 1157;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );
						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )

			else if ( this.Stage == 4 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 50;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 40;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 6750000 )
					if ( this.S4 == true )
						this.S4 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 5 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 5 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 5;
						this.Title = "the Knight of Destiny";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 50 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 50 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 50 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 50 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 80 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 80 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 120;
						this.RawDex += 20;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new BoneChest();
						chest.Hue = 1152;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new BoneLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1152;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new BoneGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1152;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new BoneHelm();
						helm.Hue = 1152;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new BoneArms();
						arms.Hue = 1152;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )
						Item sandals = new Sandals();
						sandals.Hue = 1152;
						sandals.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( sandals );

			else if ( this.Stage == 5 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 160;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 100;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 10000000 )
					if ( this.S5 == true )
						this.S5 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 100 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 5 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 5 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" is Reborn*");
						this.Say( "Master, please lend me some armor");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 6;
						this.Title = "the Champion";

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 98 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 98 );

						this.RawStr += 100;
						this.RawInt += 120;
						this.RawDex += 20;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )


			else if ( this.Stage == 6 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 540;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 480;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 16500000 )
					if ( this.S6 == true )
						this.S6 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 350 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 100 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 15 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 15 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" is now a Great Champion and loyal friend*");
						if ( this.ControlMaster != null )
							this.Title = ", Servant of " + this.ControlMaster.Name + "";
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 7;

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 100 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 75 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 75 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 75 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 75 );

						this.RawStr += 125;
						this.RawInt += 125;
						this.RawDex += 35;

			else if ( this.Stage == 7 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.Hits ) / 740;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.Hits ) / 660;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

			base.OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );

		public override bool OnDragDrop( Mobile from, Item dropped )
			PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;
			if ( player != null )
				if ( this.Stage > 5 )
					if ( this.ControlMaster == from )
						if ( dropped is BaseArmor || dropped is BaseClothing || dropped is BaseWeapon )
								if ( dropped is BaseWeapon )
									Item check4 = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OneHanded );
									Item check2 = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded );
									Item check3 = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.FirstValid );

									if ( check4 != null )
										check4.Movable = true;
										from.AddToBackpack( check4 );
									else if ( check2 != null )
										check2.Movable = true;
										from.AddToBackpack( check2 );
									else if ( check3 != null )
										check3.Movable = true;
										from.AddToBackpack( check3 );

									Container pack = this.Backpack; 
									if ( pack == null )
										pack = new Backpack();
										pack.Movable = false;
										this.AddItem( pack );
									pack.DropItem( dropped );
									this.AddItem( dropped );
									dropped.Movable = false;
									from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a new weapon.");
									return true;

								else if ( dropped is BaseArmor )
									BaseArmor ba = (BaseArmor)dropped;
									if ( !ba.AllowMaleWearer && from.Body.IsMale )
										from.SendMessage("Only Females can wear this.");
									else if ( !ba.AllowFemaleWearer && from.Body.IsFemale )
										from.SendMessage("Only Females can wear this.");
										Item check = this.FindItemOnLayer( dropped.Layer );
										if ( check != null )
											check.Movable = true;								
											from.AddToBackpack( check );
											Container pack = this.Backpack; 
											if ( pack == null )
												pack = new Backpack();
												pack.Movable = false;
												this.AddItem( pack );
											pack.DropItem( dropped );
											this.AddItem( dropped );
											dropped.Movable = false;
											from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
											return true;
											Container pack = this.Backpack; 
											if ( pack == null )
												pack = new Backpack();
												pack.Movable = false;
												this.AddItem( pack );
											pack.DropItem( dropped );
											this.AddItem( dropped );
											dropped.Movable = true;
											from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
											return true;
								else if ( dropped is BaseClothing )
									Item check = this.FindItemOnLayer( dropped.Layer );
									if ( check != null )
										check.Movable = true;								
										from.AddToBackpack( check );

										Container pack = this.Backpack; 
										if ( pack == null )
											pack = new Backpack();
											pack.Movable = false;
											this.AddItem( pack );
										pack.DropItem( dropped );
										this.AddItem( dropped );
										dropped.Movable = false;
										from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
										return true;
										Container pack = this.Backpack; 
										if ( pack == null )
											pack = new Backpack();
											pack.Movable = false;
											this.AddItem( pack );
										pack.DropItem( dropped );
										this.AddItem( dropped );
										dropped.Movable = true;
										from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " a piece of gear.");
										return true;

						else if ( dropped is Arrow || dropped is Bolt )	
							Container pack = this.Backpack;
							if ( pack == null )
								pack = new Backpack();
								pack.Movable = false;
								this.AddItem( pack );
							pack.DropItem( dropped );
							from.SendMessage("You give " + this.Name + " some arrows.");

							from.SendMessage("This must be a weapon, or a piece of armor or clothing.");
							return false;
						from.SendMessage("You do not own this Mercenary.");
						return false;
					from.SendMessage( this.Name + " is not ready to use this.");
					return false;
			return base.OnDragDrop( from, dropped );

		private DateTime m_NextBreathe;

		public override void OnActionCombat()
			Mobile combatant = Combatant;

			if ( combatant == null || combatant.Deleted || combatant.Map != Map || !InRange( combatant, 12 ) || !CanBeHarmful( combatant ) || !InLOS( combatant ) )

			if ( DateTime.Now >= m_NextBreathe )
				Breathe( combatant );

				m_NextBreathe = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 12.0 + (3.0 * Utility.RandomDouble()) ); // 12-15 seconds

		public void Breathe( Mobile m )
			DoHarmful( m );

			m_BreatheTimer = new BreatheTimer( m, this, this, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ) );
			m_EndBreathe = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 );

			this.Frozen = true;

			if ( this.Stage > 0 )
				this.FixedEffect( 0x3728, 10, 15 );
				this.PlaySound( 0x2A1 );
				this.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, this.SpeechHue, true, "Please call a GM if you are getting this message, they will fix the breathe, thank you :)", false );

		private class BreatheTimer : Timer
			private EvoMerc ed;
			private Mobile m_Mobile, m_From;

			public BreatheTimer( Mobile m, EvoMerc owner, Mobile from, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration ) 
				ed = owner;
				m_Mobile = m;
				m_From = from;
				Priority = TimerPriority.TwoFiftyMS;

			protected override void OnTick()
				int damagemin = ed.Hits / 20;
				int damagemax = ed.Hits / 25;
				ed.Frozen = false;

				m_Mobile.PlaySound( 0x11D );
				AOS.Damage( m_Mobile, m_From, Utility.RandomMinMax( damagemin, damagemax ), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 1 ); // version

                        writer.Write( m_S1 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S2 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S3 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S4 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S5 ); 
                        writer.Write( m_S6 ); 
			writer.Write( (int) m_KP );
			writer.Write( (int) m_Stage );
			writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_EndBreathe );
			writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_EndMercLoyalty );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();
			switch ( version )
				case 1:
                        		m_S1 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S2 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S3 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S4 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S5 = reader.ReadBool(); 
                        		m_S6 = reader.ReadBool(); 
					m_KP = reader.ReadInt();
					m_Stage = reader.ReadInt();

					m_EndBreathe = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
					m_BreatheTimer = new BreatheTimer( this, this, this, m_EndBreathe - DateTime.Now );

					m_EndMercLoyalty = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
					m_MercLoyaltyTimer = new MercLoyaltyTimer( this, m_EndMercLoyalty - DateTime.Now );

				case 0:
					TimeSpan durationbreathe = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 );
					TimeSpan durationloyalty = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 );

					m_BreatheTimer = new BreatheTimer( this, this, this, durationbreathe );
					m_EndBreathe = DateTime.Now + durationbreathe;

					m_MercLoyaltyTimer = new MercLoyaltyTimer( this, durationloyalty );
					m_EndMercLoyalty = DateTime.Now + durationloyalty;



		public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
			Mobile from = this.ControlMaster;

			if ( from != null )
				if ( this.Mount != null )
					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item is IMountItem )
							IMount mount = ((IMountItem)item).Mount;

							if ( mount != null )
								mount.Rider = null;
								if ( mount is EtherealMount )
									EtherealMount ethy = (EtherealMount)mount;
										if ( from.Backpack != null )
											from.Backpack.DropItem( ethy );

							if ( this.Items.IndexOf( item ) == -1 )

					for ( int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; ++i )
						Item item = (Item)this.Items[i];

						if ( item.Layer == Layer.Mount )
							if ( from.Backpack != null )
								from.Backpack.DropItem( item );
			return base.OnBeforeDeath();

	public class StatGump : Gump
		private static string FormatSkill( BaseCreature c, SkillName name )
			Skill skill = c.Skills[name];

			if ( skill.Base < 10.0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0:F1}</div>", skill.Base );

		private static string FormatAttributes( int cur, int max )
			if ( max == 0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0}/{1}</div>", cur, max );

		private static string FormatStat( int val )
			if ( val == 0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0}</div>", val );

		private static string FormatElement( int val )
			if ( val <= 0 )
				return "<div align=right>---</div>";

			return String.Format( "<div align=right>{0}%</div>", val );

		private const int LabelColor = 0x24E5;

		public StatGump( BaseCreature c ) : base( 250, 50 )
			AddPage( 0 );

			AddImage( 100, 100, 2080 );
			AddImage( 118, 137, 2081 );
			AddImage( 118, 207, 2081 );
			AddImage( 118, 277, 2081 );
			AddImage( 118, 347, 2083 );

			AddHtml( 147, 108, 210, 18, String.Format( "<center><i>{0}</i></center>", c.Name ), false, false );

			AddButton( 240, 77, 2093, 2093, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

			AddImage( 140, 138, 2091 );
			AddImage( 140, 335, 2091 );

			int pages = ( Core.AOS ? 5 : 3 );
			int page = 0;

			#region Attributes
			AddPage( ++page );

			AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1049593, 200, false, false ); // Attributes

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1049578, LabelColor, false, false ); // Hits
			AddHtml( 280, 168, 75, 18, FormatAttributes( c.Hits, c.HitsMax ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1049579, LabelColor, false, false ); // Stamina
			AddHtml( 280, 186, 75, 18, FormatAttributes( c.Stam, c.StamMax ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1049580, LabelColor, false, false ); // Mana
			AddHtml( 280, 204, 75, 18, FormatAttributes( c.Mana, c.ManaMax ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1028335, LabelColor, false, false ); // Strength
			AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.Str ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 3000113, LabelColor, false, false ); // Dexterity
			AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.Dex ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 258, 160, 18, 3000112, LabelColor, false, false ); // Intelligence
			AddHtml( 320, 258, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.Int ), false, false );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				AddImage( 128, 278, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 276, 160, 18, 1049594, 200, false, false ); // Loyalty Rating

				//AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 294, 160, 18, (!c.Controlled || c.Loyalty == PetLoyalty.MaxLoyalty ) ? 1061643 : 1049594 + (int)c.Loyalty, LabelColor, false, false );
				AddImage( 128, 278, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 276, 160, 18, 3001016, 200, false, false ); // Miscellaneous

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 294, 160, 18, 1049581, LabelColor, false, false ); // Armor Rating
				AddHtml( 320, 294, 35, 18, FormatStat( c.VirtualArmor ), false, false );

			AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
			AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, pages );

			#region Resistances
			if ( Core.AOS )
				AddPage( ++page );

				AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1061645, 200, false, false ); // Resistances

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1061646, LabelColor, false, false ); // Physical
				AddHtml( 320, 168, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PhysicalResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1061647, LabelColor, false, false ); // Fire
				AddHtml( 320, 186, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.FireResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1061648, LabelColor, false, false ); // Cold
				AddHtml( 320, 204, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.ColdResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1061649, LabelColor, false, false ); // Poison
				AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PoisonResistance ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 1061650, LabelColor, false, false ); // Energy
				AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.EnergyResistance ), false, false );

				AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
				AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );

			#region Damage
			if ( Core.AOS )
				AddPage( ++page );

				AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1017319, 200, false, false ); // Damage

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1061646, LabelColor, false, false ); // Physical
				AddHtml( 320, 168, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PhysicalDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1061647, LabelColor, false, false ); // Fire
				AddHtml( 320, 186, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.FireDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1061648, LabelColor, false, false ); // Cold
				AddHtml( 320, 204, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.ColdDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1061649, LabelColor, false, false ); // Poison
				AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.PoisonDamage ), false, false );

				AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 1061650, LabelColor, false, false ); // Energy
				AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatElement( c.EnergyDamage ), false, false );

				AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
				AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );

			#region Skills
			AddPage( ++page );

			AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 3001030, 200, false, false ); // Combat Ratings

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, 1044103, LabelColor, false, false ); // Wrestling
			AddHtml( 320, 168, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Wrestling ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 186, 160, 18, 1044087, LabelColor, false, false ); // Tactics
			AddHtml( 320, 186, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Tactics ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, 1044086, LabelColor, false, false ); // Magic Resistance
			AddHtml( 320, 204, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.MagicResist ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 222, 160, 18, 1044061, LabelColor, false, false ); // Anatomy
			AddHtml( 320, 222, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Anatomy ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, 1044090, LabelColor, false, false ); // Poisoning
			AddHtml( 320, 240, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Poisoning ), false, false );

			AddImage( 128, 260, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 258, 160, 18, 3001032, 200, false, false ); // Lore & Knowledge

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 276, 160, 18, 1044085, LabelColor, false, false ); // Magery
			AddHtml( 320, 276, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Magery ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 294, 160, 18, 1044076, LabelColor, false, false ); // Evaluating Intelligence
			AddHtml( 320, 294, 35, 18,FormatSkill( c, SkillName.EvalInt ), false, false );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 312, 160, 18, 1044106, LabelColor, false, false ); // Meditation
			AddHtml( 320, 312, 35, 18, FormatSkill( c, SkillName.Meditation ), false, false );

			AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page + 1 );
			AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );

			#region Misc
			AddPage( ++page );

			AddImage( 128, 152, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 150, 160, 18, 1049563, 200, false, false ); // Preferred Foods

			int foodPref = 3000340;

			if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.FruitsAndVegies) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049565; // Fruits and Vegetables
			else if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.GrainsAndHay) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049566; // Grains and Hay
			else if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Fish) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049568; // Fish
			else if ( (c.FavoriteFood & FoodType.Meat) != 0 )
				foodPref = 1049564; // Meat

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 168, 160, 18, foodPref, LabelColor, false, false );

			AddImage( 128, 188, 2086 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 186, 160, 18, 1049569, 200, false, false ); // Pack Instincts

			int packInstinct = 3000340;

			if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Canine) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049570; // Canine
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Ostard) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049571; // Ostard
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Feline) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049572; // Feline
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Arachnid) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049573; // Arachnid
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Daemon) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049574; // Daemon
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bear) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049575; // Bear
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Equine) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049576; // Equine
			else if ( (c.PackInstinct & PackInstinct.Bull) != 0 )
				packInstinct = 1049577; // Bull

			AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 204, 160, 18, packInstinct, LabelColor, false, false );

			if ( !Core.AOS )
				AddImage( 128, 224, 2086 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 147, 222, 160, 18, 1049594, 200, false, false ); // Loyalty Rating

				//AddHtmlLocalized( 153, 240, 160, 18, (!c.Controlled || c.Loyalty == PetLoyalty.MaxLoyalty ) ? 1061643 : 1049594 + (int)c.Loyalty, LabelColor, false, false );

			AddButton( 340, 358, 5601, 5605, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1 );
			AddButton( 317, 358, 5603, 5607, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, page - 1 );
	public class MercLoyaltyTimer : Timer
		private EvoMerc ed;

		public MercLoyaltyTimer( EvoMerc owner, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration ) 
			Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond;
			ed = owner;

		protected override void OnTick() 
			foreach ( Network.NetState state in Network.NetState.Instances ) 
             	        	if ( state.Mobile == null ) 
             	       		Mobile owner = (Mobile)state.Mobile; 
              		   	//if ( ed.ControlMaster == owner ) 
                      	   		//ed.Loyalty = Loyalty.WonderfullyHappy; 

			MercLoyaltyTimer lt = new MercLoyaltyTimer( ed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ) );
			ed.EndMercLoyalty = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 );

	public class EvoMercBuyInfo
		private int m_Title;
		private string m_TitleString;
		private int m_Price;
		private Layer m_Layer;
		private Type m_GumpType;
		private object[] m_GumpArgs;

		public int Title{ get{ return m_Title; } }
		public string TitleString{ get{ return m_TitleString; } }
		public int Price{ get{ return m_Price; } }
		public Layer Layer{ get{ return m_Layer; } }
		public Type GumpType{ get{ return m_GumpType; } }
		public object[] GumpArgs{ get{ return m_GumpArgs; } }

		public EvoMercBuyInfo( int title, int price, Layer layer, Type gumpType, object[] args )
			m_Title = title;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layer = layer;
			m_GumpType = gumpType;
			m_GumpArgs = args;

		public EvoMercBuyInfo( string title, int price, Layer layer, Type gumpType, object[] args )
			m_TitleString = title;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layer = layer;
			m_GumpType = gumpType;
			m_GumpArgs = args;

	public class EvoMercBuyGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_From;
		private Mobile m_Vendor;
		private EvoMercBuyInfo[] m_SellList;

		public EvoMercBuyGump( Mobile from, BaseCreature vendor, EvoMercBuyInfo[] sellList ) : base( 50, 50 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			m_SellList = sellList;

			from.CloseGump( typeof( EvoMercBuyGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ) );

			bool isFemale = ( m_Vendor.Body.IsFemale );

			int balance = Banker.GetBalance( from );
			int canAfford = 0;

			for ( int i = 0; i < sellList.Length; ++i )
				if ( balance >= sellList[i].Price && (sellList[i].Layer != Layer.FacialHair || !isFemale) )

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 50, 10, 450, 100 + (canAfford * 25), 2600 );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 100, 40, 350, 20, 1018356, false, false ); // Choose your hairstyle change:

			int index = 0;

			for ( int i = 0; i < sellList.Length; ++i )
				if ( balance >= sellList[i].Price && (sellList[i].Layer != Layer.FacialHair || !isFemale) )
					if ( sellList[i].TitleString != null )
						AddHtml( 140, 75 + (index * 25), 300, 20, sellList[i].TitleString, false, false );
						AddHtmlLocalized( 140, 75 + (index * 25), 300, 20, sellList[i].Title, false, false );

					AddButton( 100, 75 + (index++ * 25), 4005, 4007, 1 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
			int index = info.ButtonID - 1;

			if ( index >= 0 && index < m_SellList.Length )
				EvoMercBuyInfo buyInfo = m_SellList[index];

				int balance = Banker.GetBalance( m_From );

				bool isFemale = ( m_Vendor.Female || m_Vendor.Body.IsFemale );

				if ( buyInfo.Layer == Layer.FacialHair && isFemale )
					// You cannot place facial hair on a woman!
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010639, m_From.NetState );
				else if ( balance >= buyInfo.Price )
						object[] origArgs = buyInfo.GumpArgs;
						object[] args = new object[origArgs.Length];

						for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i )
							if ( origArgs[i] == EvoMerc.Price )
								args[i] = m_SellList[index].Price;
							else if ( origArgs[i] == EvoMerc.From	)
								args[i] = m_From;
							else if ( origArgs[i] == EvoMerc.Vendor )
								args[i] = m_Vendor;
								args[i] = origArgs[i];

						Gump g = Activator.CreateInstance( buyInfo.GumpType, args ) as Gump;

						m_From.SendGump( g );
					// You cannot afford my services for that style.
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState );

	public class ChangeHairHueEnt
		private string m_Name;
		private int[] m_Hues;

		public string Name{ get{ return m_Name; } }
		public int[] Hues{ get{ return m_Hues; } }

		public ChangeHairHueEnt( string name, int[] hues )
			m_Name = name;
			m_Hues = hues;

		public ChangeHairHueEnt( string name, int start, int count )
			m_Name = name;

			m_Hues = new int[count];

			for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
				m_Hues[i] = start + i;

		public static readonly ChangeHairHueEnt[] BrightEntries = new ChangeHairHueEnt[]
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 12, 10 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 32, 5 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 38, 8 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 54, 3 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 62, 10 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 81, 2 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 89, 2 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1153, 2 )

		public static readonly ChangeHairHueEnt[] RegularEntries = new ChangeHairHueEnt[]
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1602, 26 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1628, 27 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1502, 32 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1302, 32 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1402, 32 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1202, 24 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 2402, 29 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 2213, 6 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1102, 8 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1110, 8 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1118, 16 ),
				new ChangeHairHueEnt( "*****", 1134, 16 )

	public class ChangeHairHuGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_From;
		private Mobile m_Vendor;
		private int m_Price;
		private Layer[] m_Layers;
		private ChangeHairHueEnt[] m_Entries;

		public ChangeHairHuGump( Mobile from, Mobile vendor, int price, Layer[] layers, ChangeHairHueEnt[] entries ) : base( 50, 50 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layers = layers;
			m_Entries = entries;

			from.CloseGump( typeof( EvoMercBuyGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ) );

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 100, 10, 350, 370, 2600 );
			AddBackground( 120, 54, 110, 270, 5100 );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 155, 25, 240, 30, 1011013, false, false ); // <center>Hair Color Selection Menu</center>

			AddHtmlLocalized( 150, 330, 220, 35, 1011014, false, false ); // Dye my hair this color!
			AddButton( 380, 330, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				ChangeHairHueEnt entry = entries[i];

				AddLabel( 130, 59 + (i * 22), entry.Hues[0] - 1, entry.Name );
				AddButton( 207, 60 + (i * 22), 5224, 5224, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1 + i );

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				ChangeHairHueEnt entry = entries[i];
				int[] hues = entry.Hues;
				string name = entry.Name;

				AddPage( 1 + i );

				for ( int j = 0; j < hues.Length; ++j )
					AddLabel( 278 + ((j / 16) * 80), 52 + ((j % 16) * 17), hues[j] - 1, name );
					AddRadio( 260 + ((j / 16) * 80), 52 + ((j % 16) * 17), 210, 211, false, (j * entries.Length) + i );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
			if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
				int[] switches = info.Switches;

				if ( switches.Length > 0 )
					int index = switches[0] % m_Entries.Length;
					int offset = switches[0] / m_Entries.Length;

					if ( index >= 0 && index < m_Entries.Length )
						if ( offset >= 0 && offset < m_Entries[index].Hues.Length )
							int hue = m_Entries[index].Hues[offset];

							bool hasConsumed = false;

							for ( int i = 0; i < m_Layers.Length; ++i )
								Item item = m_Vendor.FindItemOnLayer( m_Layers[i] );

								if ( item == null )

								if ( !hasConsumed )
									if ( !Banker.Withdraw( m_From, m_Price ) )
										m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState ); // You cannot afford my services for that style.

									hasConsumed = true;

								item.Hue = hue;

							if ( !hasConsumed )
								m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 502623, m_From.NetState ); // You have no hair to dye and you cannot use this.
					// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );
				// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
				m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );

	public class ChangeHairstyleEnt
		private Type m_ItemType;
		private int m_GumpID;
		private int m_X, m_Y;

		public Type ItemType{ get{ return m_ItemType; } }
		public int GumpID{ get{ return m_GumpID; } }
		public int X{ get{ return m_X; } }
		public int Y{ get{ return m_Y; } }

		public ChangeHairstyleEnt( int gumpID, int x, int y, Type itemType )
			m_GumpID = gumpID;
			m_X = x;
			m_Y = y;
			m_ItemType = itemType;

		public static readonly ChangeHairstyleEnt[] HairEntries = new ChangeHairstyleEnt[]
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50700,  70 - 137,  20 -  60, typeof( ShortHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60710, 193 - 260,  18 -  60, typeof( PageboyHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50703, 316 - 383,  25 -  60, typeof( Mohawk ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60708,  70 - 137,  75 - 125, typeof( LongHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60900, 193 - 260,  85 - 125, typeof( Afro ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60713, 320 - 383,  85 - 125, typeof( KrisnaHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60702,  70 - 137, 140 - 190, typeof( PonyTail ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60707, 193 - 260, 140 - 190, typeof( TwoPigTails ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 60901, 315 - 383, 150 - 190, typeof( ReceedingHair ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 0, 0, 0, null )

		public static readonly ChangeHairstyleEnt[] BeardEntries = new ChangeHairstyleEnt[]
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50800, 120 - 187,  30 -  80, typeof( Goatee ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50904, 243 - 310,  33 -  80, typeof( MediumShortBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50906, 120 - 187, 100 - 150, typeof( Vandyke ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50801, 243 - 310,  95 - 150, typeof( LongBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50802, 120 - 187, 173 - 220, typeof( ShortBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50905, 243 - 310, 165 - 220, typeof( MediumLongBeard ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 50808, 120 - 187, 242 - 290, typeof( Mustache ) ),
				new ChangeHairstyleEnt( 0, 0, 0, null )

	public class ChangeHairstylGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_From;
		private Mobile m_Vendor;
		private int m_Price;
		private Layer m_Layer;
		private ChangeHairstyleEnt[] m_Entries;

		public ChangeHairstylGump( Mobile from, Mobile vendor, int price, Layer layer, ChangeHairstyleEnt[] entries ) : base( 50, 50 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			m_Price = price;
			m_Layer = layer;
			m_Entries = entries;

			from.CloseGump( typeof( EvoMercBuyGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairHuGump ) );
			from.CloseGump( typeof( ChangeHairstylGump ) );

			int tableWidth = ( layer == Layer.Hair ? 3 : 2 );
			int tableHeight = ( (entries.Length + tableWidth - ( layer == Layer.Hair ? 2 : 1 )) / tableWidth );
			int offsetWidth = 123;
			int offsetHeight = ( layer == Layer.Hair ? 65 : 70 );

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 0, 0, 81 + (tableWidth * offsetWidth), 105 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 2600 );

			AddButton( 45, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 77, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 90, 35, 1006044, false, false ); // Ok

			AddButton( 81 + (tableWidth * offsetWidth) - 180, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 81 + (tableWidth * offsetWidth) - 148, 45 + (tableHeight * offsetHeight), 90, 35, 1006045, false, false ); // Cancel

			if ( layer == Layer.Hair )
				AddHtmlLocalized( 50, 15, 350, 20, 1018353, false, false ); // <center>New Hairstyle</center>
				AddHtmlLocalized( 55, 15, 200, 20, 1018354, false, false ); // <center>New Beard</center>

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				int xTable = i % tableWidth;
				int yTable = i / tableWidth;

				if ( entries[i].GumpID != 0 )
					AddRadio( 40 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 70 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 208, 209, false, i );
					AddBackground( 87 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 50 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 50, 50, 2620 );
					AddImage( 87 + (xTable * offsetWidth) + entries[i].X, 50 + (yTable * offsetHeight) + entries[i].Y, entries[i].GumpID );
				else if ( layer == Layer.Hair )
					AddRadio( 40 + ((xTable + 1) * offsetWidth), 240, 208, 209, false, i );
					AddHtmlLocalized( 60 + ((xTable + 1) * offsetWidth), 240, 85, 35, 1011064, false, false ); // Bald
					AddRadio( 40 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 70 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 208, 209, false, i );
					AddHtmlLocalized( 60 + (xTable * offsetWidth), 70 + (yTable * offsetHeight), 85, 35, 1011064, false, false ); // Bald

		public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
			if ( m_Layer == Layer.FacialHair && (m_From.Female || m_From.Body.IsFemale) )

			if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
				int[] switches = info.Switches;

				if ( switches.Length > 0 )
					int index = switches[0];

					if ( index >= 0 && index < m_Entries.Length )
						ChangeHairstyleEnt entry = m_Entries[index];

						if ( m_From is PlayerMobile )
							((PlayerMobile)m_From).SetHairMods( -1, -1 );

						Item hair = m_Vendor.FindItemOnLayer( m_Layer );

						if ( entry.ItemType == null )
							if ( hair == null )

							if ( Banker.Withdraw( m_From, m_Price ) )
								m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState ); // You cannot afford my services for that style.
							if ( hair != null && hair.GetType() == entry.ItemType )

							Item newHair = null;

							try{ newHair = Activator.CreateInstance( entry.ItemType, null ) as Item; }

							if ( newHair == null )

							if ( Banker.Withdraw( m_From, m_Price ) )
								if ( hair != null )
									newHair.Hue = hair.Hue;

								m_Vendor.AddItem( newHair );
								m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042293, m_From.NetState ); // You cannot afford my services for that style.
					// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
					m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );
				// You decide not to change your hairstyle.
				m_Vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1013009, m_From.NetState );

Hope to solve this!
mucitrus :rolleyes:

Ziba Leah

Hi guys!
I've got a problem with this mod..
I'm an italian user, i just install the RUN UO 2.0 FINAL Mondains Legacy distro...
Without any other modification i followed the instruction written on the first page.. ( i put taming folder in data\bulk orders and the rest in Scripts\Custom\Taming System)

The RUNUO "crashes" starting:
RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3581.36464
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Serv
er.Items' contiene già una definizione per 'HitchingPost'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Engines.Craft' contiene già u
na definizione per 'DefInscription'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.DefInscription' contiene g
ià una definizione per 'Reg'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Items' contiene già una defin
izione per 'PotionKeg'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Items' contiene già una defin
izione per 'PotionEffect'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Items' contiene già una defin
izione per 'BasePotion'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'FightMode'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'OrderType'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'FoodType'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'PackInstinct'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'ScaleType'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'MeatType'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'HideType'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'DamageStore'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'FriendlyNameAttribute'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'BaseCreature'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'Allegiance'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'TameEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'TeachResult'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'DeathAdderCharmTarget'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'FKEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'LoyaltyTimer'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'AnimalTrainer'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' contiene già una
definizione per 'StableEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' contiene già una
definizione per 'ClaimListGump'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' contiene già una
definizione per 'ClaimAllEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.AnimalTrainer' contiene già una
definizione per 'StableTarget'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'SBAnimalTrainer'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.SBAnimalTrainer' contiene già un
a definizione per 'InternalBuyInfo'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.SBAnimalTrainer' contiene già un
a definizione per 'InternalSellInfo'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'VendorShoeType'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'BaseVendor'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseVendor' contiene già una def
inizione per 'BulkOrderInfoEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.ContextMenus' contiene già un
a definizione per 'VendorBuyEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.ContextMenus' contiene già un
a definizione per 'VendorSellEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server' contiene già una definizione
per 'IShopSellInfo'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server' contiene già una definizione
per 'IBuyItemInfo'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'PlayerVendorTargetAttribute'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'VendorItem'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'VendorBackpack'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.VendorBackpack' contiene già una
definizione per 'BuyEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'PlayerVendor'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'ReturnVendorEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'PayTimer'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'PVBuyTarget'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'VendorPricePrompt'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'CollectGoldPrompt'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'VendorNamePrompt'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendor' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'ShopNamePrompt'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'PlayerVendorPlaceholder'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerVendorPlaceholder' contien
e già una definizione per 'ExpireTimer'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'PlayerFlag'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'NpcGuild'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'SolenFriendship'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0101: Lo spazio dei nomi 'Server.Mobiles' contiene già una def
inizione per 'PlayerMobile'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'CountAndTimeStamp'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'ContextCallback'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'CallbackEntry'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' contiene già una d
efinizione per 'ChampionTitleInfo'.
ScriptCompiler: CS0102: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ChampionTitleInfo'
contiene già una definizione per 'TitleInfo'.
done (0 errors, 0 warnings)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

In wich: Il tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ChampionTitleInfo'
contiene già una definizione per 'TitleInfo'. means: "there is already a definition for "

How can i resolve this? Is there anibody wich use that distro with this mod? Thanks to all!!!