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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] Lucid Nagual's <<_All Spells System_>>


Having a issue with the Coding

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2626.39667
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (2 errors, 1 warnings)
+ Keep/NPC/Ants/AntLion.cs:
CS0108: Line 154: 'Server.Mobiles.AntLion.PoisonTimer' hides inherited membe
r 'Server.Mobile.PoisonTimer'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
+ Spells/Ranger/Spells/NoxBowSpell.cs:
CS0506: Line 99: 'Server.Spells.Ranger.RangerNoxBowSpell.RangerNoxBow.OnHit(
Server.Mobile, Server.Mobile)': cannot override inherited member 'Server.Items.B
aseWeapon.OnHit(Server.Mobile, Server.Mobile)' because it is not marked virtual,
abstract, or override
+ Spells/Staff/Ultima VII System/SleepingBody.cs:
CS0506: Line 158: 'Server.Items.SleepingBody.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetSt
ate)': cannot override inherited member 'Server.Item.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.N
etState)' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.



would anybody send me playermoblie.cs only with code necessary to use this scripts ?

i have problem with done it because program show me error in line 74 and 156
Vista;666383 said:
RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2626.39667
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (2 errors, 1 warnings)
+ Keep/NPC/Ants/AntLion.cs:
CS0108: Line 154: 'Server.Mobiles.AntLion.PoisonTimer' hides inherited membe
r 'Server.Mobile.PoisonTimer'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
+ Spells/Ranger/Spells/NoxBowSpell.cs:
CS0506: Line 99: 'Server.Spells.Ranger.RangerNoxBowSpell.RangerNoxBow.OnHit(
Server.Mobile, Server.Mobile)': cannot override inherited member 'Server.Items.B
aseWeapon.OnHit(Server.Mobile, Server.Mobile)' because it is not marked virtual,
abstract, or override
+ Spells/Staff/Ultima VII System/SleepingBody.cs:
CS0506: Line 158: 'Server.Items.SleepingBody.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.NetSt
ate)': cannot override inherited member 'Server.Item.SendInfoTo(Server.Network.N
etState)' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Those are issues create by SVN. I don't support SVN at this point in time.


Saphero;666451 said:
would anybody send me playermoblie.cs only with code necessary to use this scripts ?

i have problem with done it because program show me error in line 74 and 156

Then post the errors so they can be fixed. If you can't learn how to do any of this, there isn't much use running a server.


This is my only error left so far...

I have done a ton of mods to make this work with my SVN, this seems to crop up with or without a fresh install. What is a "cast"? What am I not getting please? he he

I have to say, this script has been the best learning tool thus far for me. thank you Lucid for your help. The sleeping body and baseweapon I fixed for SVN 156 and 159, think I sent those to you.

Any help on this would be appreciated. Maybe this goes to my previous question, and I just need to wait for your update?

+ Items/Skill Items/Magical/Runebook.cs:
CS0266: Line 243: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic
.IEnumerable<Server.Gumps.Gump>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Gump
s.Gump>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


Fixed this

Around line 238, depending on your own mods find this code:
NetState ns = toCheck.NetState;

And added underneath it
if ( ns != null ) {
foreach ( Gump gump in ns.Gumps ) {
RunebookGump bookGump = gump as RunebookGump;

if ( bookGump != null && bookGump.Book == this ) {
return true;

It has compiled successfully * dances* Only a weeks work :D

NOTE: I am using the latest SVN, so this may or may not work for others. I also have a heavily Modified RUNUO; though this file is not modified in any scripts I have installed...just an FYI

Thanks Lucid!!!


Has anyone recieved this error or knows how to fix it?

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2357.32527
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 3 warnings)
+ Custom/XmlQuest/XmlQuestHolderGumps.cs:
CS0219: Line 618: The variable 'edit_entry' is assigned but its value is nev
er used
+ Customs/Lucid's Systems/Advanced Archery/Items/Quivers/BaseQuiver.cs:
CS0162: Line 73: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 114: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 155: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 222: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 240: Unreachable code detected
+ Spells/@@Other Shit/Reagent Book/RegBook.cs:
CS0162: Line 308: Unreachable code detected
+ Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs:
CS1002: Line 1647: ; expected
CS1023: Line 1647: Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled sta
CS1002: Line 1647: ; expected
CS1002: Line 1647: ; expected
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

it happened after I edited the code with:

			if ( a != null )
				a.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );

			// added for cleric spells by greywolf for fix for trial by fire
			PlayerEvent.InvokeHitByWeapon(attacker, defender, damage, a);
			// end added 

			if ( move != null )and then it works great

here is my baseweapon.cs to make sure i placed it in correctly.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Spells.Cleric;

namespace Server.Items
	public interface ISlayer
		SlayerName Slayer { get; set; }
		SlayerName Slayer2 { get; set; }

	public abstract class BaseWeapon : Item, IWeapon, IFactionItem, ICraftable, ISlayer, IDurability
		#region Factions
		private FactionItem m_FactionState;

		public FactionItem FactionItemState
			get{ return m_FactionState; }
				m_FactionState = value;

				if ( m_FactionState == null )
					Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( Resource );

				LootType = ( m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed );

		/* Weapon internals work differently now (Mar 13 2003)
		 * The attributes defined below default to -1.
		 * If the value is -1, the corresponding virtual 'Aos/Old' property is used.
		 * If not, the attribute value itself is used. Here's the list:
		 *  - MinDamage
		 *  - MaxDamage
		 *  - Speed
		 *  - HitSound
		 *  - MissSound
		 *  - StrRequirement, DexRequirement, IntRequirement
		 *  - WeaponType
		 *  - WeaponAnimation
		 *  - MaxRange

		#region Var declarations

		// Instance values. These values are unique to each weapon.
		private WeaponDamageLevel m_DamageLevel;
		private WeaponAccuracyLevel m_AccuracyLevel;
		private WeaponDurabilityLevel m_DurabilityLevel;
		private WeaponQuality m_Quality;
		private Mobile m_Crafter;
		private Poison m_Poison;
		private int m_PoisonCharges;
		private bool m_Identified;
		private int m_Hits;
		private int m_MaxHits;
		private SlayerName m_Slayer;
		private SlayerName m_Slayer2;
		private SkillMod m_SkillMod, m_MageMod;
		private CraftResource m_Resource;
		private bool m_PlayerConstructed;

		private bool m_Cursed; // Is this weapon cursed via Curse Weapon necromancer spell? Temporary; not serialized.
		private bool m_Consecrated; // Is this weapon blessed via Consecrate Weapon paladin ability? Temporary; not serialized.

		private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
		private AosWeaponAttributes m_AosWeaponAttributes;
		private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;
		private AosElementAttributes m_AosElementDamages;

		// Overridable values. These values are provided to override the defaults which get defined in the individual weapon scripts.
		private int m_StrReq, m_DexReq, m_IntReq;
		private int m_MinDamage, m_MaxDamage;
		private int m_HitSound, m_MissSound;
		private int m_Speed;
		private int m_MaxRange;
		private SkillName m_Skill;
		private WeaponType m_Type;
		private WeaponAnimation m_Animation;

		#region Virtual Properties
		public virtual WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }
		public virtual WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }

		public virtual int DefMaxRange{ get{ return 1; } }
		public virtual int DefHitSound{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int DefMissSound{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual SkillName DefSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Swords; } }
		public virtual WeaponType DefType{ get{ return WeaponType.Slashing; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation DefAnimation{ get{ return WeaponAnimation.Slash1H; } }

		public virtual int AosStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
		public virtual int AosHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
		public virtual int AosMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
		public virtual SkillName AosSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
		public virtual WeaponType AosType{ get{ return DefType; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation AosAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }

		public virtual int OldStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
		public virtual int OldHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
		public virtual int OldMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
		public virtual SkillName OldSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
		public virtual WeaponType OldType{ get{ return DefType; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation OldAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }

		public virtual int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }

		public override int PhysicalResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPhysicalBonus; } }
		public override int FireResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistFireBonus; } }
		public override int ColdResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistColdBonus; } }
		public override int PoisonResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPoisonBonus; } }
		public override int EnergyResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistEnergyBonus; } }

		public virtual SkillName AccuracySkill { get { return SkillName.Tactics; } }

		#region Getters & Setters
		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosAttributes Attributes
			get{ return m_AosAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosWeaponAttributes WeaponAttributes
			get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses
			get{ return m_AosSkillBonuses; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosElementAttributes AosElementDamages
			get { return m_AosElementDamages; }
			set { }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Cursed
			get{ return m_Cursed; }
			set{ m_Cursed = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Consecrated
			get{ return m_Consecrated; }
			set{ m_Consecrated = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Identified
			get{ return m_Identified; }
			set{ m_Identified = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int HitPoints
			get{ return m_Hits; }
				if ( m_Hits == value )

				if ( value > m_MaxHits )
					value = m_MaxHits;

				m_Hits = value;


		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxHitPoints
			get{ return m_MaxHits; }
			set{ m_MaxHits = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int PoisonCharges
			get{ return m_PoisonCharges; }
			set{ m_PoisonCharges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Poison Poison
			get{ return m_Poison; }
			set{ m_Poison = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponQuality Quality
			get{ return m_Quality; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Quality = value; ScaleDurability(); InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Mobile Crafter
			get{ return m_Crafter; }
			set{ m_Crafter = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SlayerName Slayer
			get{ return m_Slayer; }
			set{ m_Slayer = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SlayerName Slayer2
			get { return m_Slayer2; }
			set { m_Slayer2 = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public CraftResource Resource
			get{ return m_Resource; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Resource = value; Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource ); InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponDamageLevel DamageLevel
			get{ return m_DamageLevel; }
			set{ m_DamageLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponDurabilityLevel DurabilityLevel
			get{ return m_DurabilityLevel; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_DurabilityLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool PlayerConstructed
			get{ return m_PlayerConstructed; }
			set{ m_PlayerConstructed = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxRange
			get{ return ( m_MaxRange == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxRange : OldMaxRange : m_MaxRange ); }
			set{ m_MaxRange = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponAnimation Animation
			get{ return ( m_Animation == (WeaponAnimation)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosAnimation : OldAnimation : m_Animation ); } 
			set{ m_Animation = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponType Type
			get{ return ( m_Type == (WeaponType)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosType : OldType : m_Type ); }
			set{ m_Type = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SkillName Skill
			get{ return ( m_Skill == (SkillName)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosSkill : OldSkill : m_Skill ); }
			set{ m_Skill = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int HitSound
			get{ return ( m_HitSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosHitSound : OldHitSound : m_HitSound ); }
			set{ m_HitSound = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MissSound
			get{ return ( m_MissSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMissSound : OldMissSound : m_MissSound ); }
			set{ m_MissSound = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MinDamage
			get{ return ( m_MinDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMinDamage : OldMinDamage : m_MinDamage ); }
			set{ m_MinDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxDamage
			get{ return ( m_MaxDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxDamage : OldMaxDamage : m_MaxDamage ); }
			set{ m_MaxDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Speed
			get{ return ( m_Speed == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosSpeed : OldSpeed : m_Speed ); }
			set{ m_Speed = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int StrRequirement
			get{ return ( m_StrReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrengthReq : OldStrengthReq : m_StrReq ); }
			set{ m_StrReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int DexRequirement
			get{ return ( m_DexReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexterityReq : OldDexterityReq : m_DexReq ); }
			set{ m_DexReq = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int IntRequirement
			get{ return ( m_IntReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntelligenceReq : OldIntelligenceReq : m_IntReq ); }
			set{ m_IntReq = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponAccuracyLevel AccuracyLevel
				return m_AccuracyLevel;
				if ( m_AccuracyLevel != value )
					m_AccuracyLevel = value;

					if ( UseSkillMod )
						if ( m_AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
							if ( m_SkillMod != null )

							m_SkillMod = null;
						else if ( m_SkillMod == null && Parent is Mobile )
							m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
							((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
						else if ( m_SkillMod != null )
							m_SkillMod.Value = (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5;



		public virtual void UnscaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_Hits = ((m_Hits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
			m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;

		public virtual void ScaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_Hits = ((m_Hits * scale) + 99) / 100;
			m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * scale) + 99) / 100;

		public int GetDurabilityBonus()
			int bonus = 0;

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				bonus += 20;

			switch ( m_DurabilityLevel )
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable: bonus += 20; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Substantial: bonus += 50; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Massive: bonus += 70; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified: bonus += 100; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible: bonus += 120; break;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				bonus += m_AosWeaponAttributes.DurabilityBonus;

				CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = null;

				if ( resInfo != null )
					attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					bonus += attrInfo.WeaponDurability;

			return bonus;

		public int GetLowerStatReq()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			int v = m_AosWeaponAttributes.LowerStatReq;

			CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( info != null )
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					v += attrInfo.WeaponLowerRequirements;

			if ( v > 100 )
				v = 100;

			return v;

		public static void BlockEquip( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration )
			if ( m.BeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
				new ResetEquipTimer( m, duration ).Start();

		private class ResetEquipTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_Mobile;

			public ResetEquipTimer( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration )
				m_Mobile = m;

			protected override void OnTick()
				m_Mobile.EndAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) );

		public override bool CheckConflictingLayer( Mobile m, Item item, Layer layer )
			if ( base.CheckConflictingLayer( m, item, layer ) )
				return true;

			if ( this.Layer == Layer.TwoHanded && layer == Layer.OneHanded )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500214 ); // You already have something in both hands.
				return true;
			else if ( this.Layer == Layer.OneHanded && layer == Layer.TwoHanded && !(item is BaseShield) && !(item is BaseEquipableLight) )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500215 ); // You can only wield one weapon at a time.
				return true;

			return false;

		public override bool AllowSecureTrade( Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted )
			if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckTrade( from, to, newOwner, this ) )
				return false;

			return base.AllowSecureTrade( from, to, newOwner, accepted );

		public virtual Race RequiredRace { get { return null; } }	//On OSI, there are no weapons with race requirements, this is for custom stuff

		public override bool CanEquip( Mobile from )
			if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckEquip( from, this ) )
				return false;

			if( RequiredRace != null && from.Race != RequiredRace )
				if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1072203 ); // Only Elves may use this.
					from.SendMessage( "Only {0} may use this.", RequiredRace.PluralName );

				return false;
			else if ( from.Dex < DexRequirement )
				from.SendMessage( "You are not nimble enough to equip that." );
				return false;
			else if ( from.Str < AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500213 ); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
				return false;
			else if ( from.Int < IntRequirement )
				from.SendMessage( "You are not smart enough to equip that." );
				return false;

			else if ( !from.CanBeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
				return false;
				// XmlAttachment check for CanEquip
				if (!Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckCanEquip(this, from))
					return false;
					return base.CanEquip(from);

		public virtual bool UseSkillMod{ get{ return !Core.AOS; } }

		public override bool OnEquip( Mobile from )
			int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
			int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
			int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

			if ( (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
				Mobile m = from;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			from.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + GetDelay( from );

			if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
				if ( m_SkillMod != null )

				m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
				from.AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );

			if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 )
				if ( m_MageMod != null )

				m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
				from.AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );

	// XmlAttachment check for OnEquip
	Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnEquip(this, from);

	return true;		}

		public override void OnAdded( object parent )
			base.OnAdded( parent );

			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;

				if ( Core.AOS )
					m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( from );

				from.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );

		public override void OnRemoved( object parent )
			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)parent;
				BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );

				if ( weapon != null )
					m.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + weapon.GetDelay( m );

				if ( UseSkillMod && m_SkillMod != null )
					m_SkillMod = null;

				if ( m_MageMod != null )
					m_MageMod = null;

				if ( Core.AOS )


			m.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );
		// XmlAttachment check for OnRemoved
		Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnRemoved(this, parent);
		public virtual SkillName GetUsedSkill( Mobile m, bool checkSkillAttrs )
			SkillName sk;

			if ( checkSkillAttrs && m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill != 0 )
				double swrd = m.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value;
				double fenc = m.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Value;
				double mcng = m.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Value;
				double val;

				sk = SkillName.Swords;
				val = swrd;

				if ( fenc > val ){ sk = SkillName.Fencing; val = fenc; }
				if ( mcng > val ){ sk = SkillName.Macing; val = mcng; }
			else if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
				if ( m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value > m.Skills[Skill].Value )
					sk = SkillName.Magery;
					sk = Skill;
				sk = Skill;

				if ( sk != SkillName.Wrestling && !m.Player && !m.Body.IsHuman && m.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Value > m.Skills[sk].Value )
					sk = SkillName.Wrestling;

			return sk;

		public virtual double GetAttackSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return attacker.Skills[GetUsedSkill( attacker, true )].Value;

		public virtual double GetDefendSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return defender.Skills[GetUsedSkill( defender, true )].Value;

		private static bool CheckAnimal( Mobile m, Type type )
			return AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( m, type );

		public virtual bool CheckHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
			BaseWeapon defWeapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			Skill atkSkill = attacker.Skills[atkWeapon.Skill];
			Skill defSkill = defender.Skills[defWeapon.Skill];

			double atkValue = atkWeapon.GetAttackSkillValue( attacker, defender );
			double defValue = defWeapon.GetDefendSkillValue( attacker, defender );

			//attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, defValue - 20.0, 120.0 );
			//defender.CheckSkill( defSkill.SkillName, atkValue - 20.0, 120.0 );

			double ourValue, theirValue;

			int bonus = GetHitChanceBonus();

			if ( Core.AOS )
				if ( atkValue <= -20.0 )
					atkValue = -19.9;

				if ( defValue <= -20.0 )
					defValue = -19.9;

				// Hit Chance Increase = 45%
				int atkChance = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.AttackChance );
				if ( atkChance > 45 )
					atkChance = 45;

				bonus += atkChance;

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
					bonus += 10; // attacker gets 10% bonus when they're under divine fury

				if ( CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( GreyWolf ) ) || CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( BakeKitsune ) ) )
					bonus += 20; // attacker gets 20% bonus when under Wolf or Bake Kitsune form

				if ( HitLower.IsUnderAttackEffect( attacker ) )
					bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Attack effect -> 25% malus

				ourValue = (atkValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

				// Defense Chance Increase = 45%
				bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( defender, AosAttribute.DefendChance );
				if ( bonus > 45 )
					bonus = 45;

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( defender ) )
					bonus -= 20; // defender loses 20% bonus when they're under divine fury

				if ( HitLower.IsUnderDefenseEffect( defender ) )
					bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Defense effect -> 25% malus
				int blockBonus = 0;

				if ( Block.GetBonus( defender, ref blockBonus ) )
					bonus += blockBonus;

				int surpriseMalus = 0;

				if ( SurpriseAttack.GetMalus( defender, ref surpriseMalus ) )
					bonus -= surpriseMalus;

				int discordanceEffect = 0;

				// Defender loses -0/-28% if under the effect of Discordance.
				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
					bonus -= discordanceEffect;

				theirValue = (defValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

				bonus = 0;
				if ( atkValue <= -50.0 )
					atkValue = -49.9;

				if ( defValue <= -50.0 )
					defValue = -49.9;

				ourValue = (atkValue + 50.0);
				theirValue = (defValue + 50.0);

			double chance = ourValue / (theirValue * 2.0);

			chance *= 1.0 + ((double)bonus / 100);

			if ( Core.AOS && chance < 0.02 )
				chance = 0.02;

			WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( ability != null )
				chance *= ability.AccuracyScalar;

			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if ( move != null )
				chance *= move.GetAccuracyScalar( attacker );

			return attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, chance );

			//return ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() );

		public virtual TimeSpan GetDelay( Mobile m )
			int speed = this.Speed;

			if ( speed == 0 )
				return TimeSpan.FromHours( 1.0 );

			double delayInSeconds;

			if ( Core.SE )
				 * This is likely true for Core.AOS as well... both guides report the same
				 * formula, and both are wrong.
				 * The old formula left in for AOS for legacy & because we aren't quite 100%
				 * Sure that AOS has THIS formula
				int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
					bonus += 10;

				// Bonus granted by successful use of Honorable Execution.
				bonus += HonorableExecution.GetSwingBonus( m );

				if( DualWield.Registry.Contains( m ) )
					bonus += ((DualWield.DualWieldTimer)DualWield.Registry[m]).BonusSwingSpeed;

				if( Feint.Registry.Contains( m ) )
					bonus -= ((Feint.FeintTimer)Feint.Registry[m]).SwingSpeedReduction;

				int discordanceEffect = 0;

				// Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
					bonus -= discordanceEffect;

				if ( bonus > 60 )
					bonus = 60;

				speed = (int)Math.Floor( speed * (bonus + 100.0) / 100.0 );

				if ( speed <= 0 )
					speed = 1;

				int ticks = (int)Math.Floor( (80000.0 / ((m.Stam + 100) * speed)) - 2 );

				// Swing speed currently capped at one swing every 1.25 seconds (5 ticks).
				if ( ticks < 5 )
					ticks = 5;

				delayInSeconds = ticks * 0.25;
			else if ( Core.AOS )
				int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;

				int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
					bonus += 10;

				int discordanceEffect = 0;

				// Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
					bonus -= discordanceEffect;

				v += AOS.Scale( v, bonus );

				if ( v <= 0 )
					v = 1;

				delayInSeconds = Math.Floor( 40000.0 / v ) * 0.5;

				// Maximum swing rate capped at one swing per second 
				// OSI dev said that it has and is supposed to be 1.25
				if ( delayInSeconds < 1.25 )
					delayInSeconds = 1.25;
				int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;

				if ( v <= 0 )
					v = 1;

				delayInSeconds = 15000.0 / v;

			return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( delayInSeconds );

		public virtual void OnBeforeSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if( a != null && !a.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
				WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );

			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if( move != null && !move.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
				SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );

		public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return OnSwing( attacker, defender, 1.0 );

		public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
			bool canSwing = true;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				canSwing = ( !attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen );

				if ( canSwing )
					Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;

					canSwing = ( sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement );

			if ( canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) )

				if ( attacker.NetState != null )
					attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );

				if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
					WeaponAbility ab = bc.GetWeaponAbility();

					if ( ab != null )
						if ( bc.WeaponAbilityChance > Utility.RandomDouble() )
							WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility( bc, ab );
							WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( bc );

				if ( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
					OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );
					OnMiss( attacker, defender );

			return GetDelay( attacker );

		#region Sounds
		public virtual int GetHitAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			int sound = attacker.GetAttackSound();

			if ( sound == -1 )
				sound = HitSound;

			return sound;

		public virtual int GetHitDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return defender.GetHurtSound();

		public virtual int GetMissAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( attacker.GetAttackSound() == -1 )
				return MissSound;
				return -1;

		public virtual int GetMissDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return -1;

		public static bool CheckParry( Mobile defender )
			if ( defender == null )
				return false;

			BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;

			double parry = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value;
			double parryNonRacial = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].NonRacialValue;
			double bushido = defender.Skills[SkillName.Bushido].Value;

			if ( shield != null )
				double chance = (parryNonRacial - bushido) / 400.0;	//As per OSI, no negitive effect from the Racial stuffs, ie, 120 bushido and '0' parry with humans

				// Parry over 100 grants a 5% bonus.
				if ( parry >= 100.0 )
					chance += 0.05;

				// Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
				if ( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
					chance *= 1.5;

				// Low dexterity lowers the chance.
				if ( defender.Dex < 80 )
					chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;

				return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
			else if ( !(defender.Weapon is Fists) && !(defender.Weapon is BaseRanged) )
				BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

				double divisor = (weapon.Layer == Layer.OneHanded) ? 48000.0 : 41140.0;

				double chance = (parry * bushido) / divisor;

				double aosChance = parry / 800.0;

				// Parry or Bushido over 100 grant a 5% bonus.
				if( parry >= 100.0 )
					chance += 0.05;
					aosChance += 0.05;
				else if( bushido >= 100.0 )
					chance += 0.05;

				// Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
				if( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
					chance *= 1.5;

				// Low dexterity lowers the chance.
				if( defender.Dex < 80 )
					chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;

				if ( chance > aosChance )
					return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
					return (aosChance > Utility.RandomDouble()); // Only skillcheck if wielding a shield & there's no effect from Bushido

			return false;

		public virtual int AbsorbDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			bool blocked = false;

			if ( defender.Player || defender.Body.IsHuman )
				blocked = CheckParry( defender );

				if ( blocked )
					defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 16 );
					damage = 0;

					// Successful block removes the Honorable Execution penalty.
					HonorableExecution.RemovePenalty( defender );

					if ( CounterAttack.IsCountering( defender ) )
						BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

						if ( weapon != null )
							weapon.OnSwing( defender, attacker );

						CounterAttack.StopCountering( defender );

					if ( Confidence.IsConfident( defender ) )
						defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063117 ); // Your confidence reassures you as you successfully block your opponent's blow.

						double bushido = defender.Skills.Bushido.Value;

						defender.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 12) );
						defender.Stam += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 5) );

					BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;

					if ( shield != null )
						shield.OnHit( this, damage );

			if ( !blocked )
				double positionChance = Utility.RandomDouble();

				Item armorItem;

				if( positionChance < 0.07 )
					armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.14 )
					armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.28 )
					armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.43 )
					armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.65 )
					armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
					armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;

				IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;

				if ( armor != null )
					armor.OnHit( this, damage ); // call OnHit to lose durability

			return damage;

		public virtual int AbsorbDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			if ( Core.AOS )
				return AbsorbDamageAOS( attacker, defender, damage );

			double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();

			Item armorItem;

			if( chance < 0.07 )
				armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.14 )
				armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.28 )
				armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.43 )
				armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.65 )
				armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
				armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;

			IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;

			if ( armor != null )
				damage = armor.OnHit( this, damage );

			BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
			if ( shield != null )
				damage = shield.OnHit( this, damage );

			int virtualArmor = defender.VirtualArmor + defender.VirtualArmorMod;

			if ( virtualArmor > 0 )
				double scalar;

				if ( chance < 0.14 )
					scalar = 0.07;
				else if ( chance < 0.28 )
					scalar = 0.14;
				else if ( chance < 0.43 )
					scalar = 0.15;
				else if ( chance < 0.65 )
					scalar = 0.22;
					scalar = 0.35;

				int from = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar) / 2;
				int to = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar);

				damage -= Utility.Random( from, (to - from) + 1 );

			return damage;

		public virtual int GetPackInstinctBonus( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( attacker.Player || defender.Player )
				return 0;

			BaseCreature bc = attacker as BaseCreature;

			if ( bc == null || bc.PackInstinct == PackInstinct.None || (!bc.Controlled && !bc.Summoned) )
				return 0;

			Mobile master = bc.ControlMaster;

			if ( master == null )
				master = bc.SummonMaster;

			if ( master == null )
				return 0;

			int inPack = 1;

			foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 1 ) )
				if ( m != attacker && m is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature tc = (BaseCreature)m;

					if ( (tc.PackInstinct & bc.PackInstinct) == 0 || (!tc.Controlled && !tc.Summoned) )

					Mobile theirMaster = tc.ControlMaster;

					if ( theirMaster == null )
						theirMaster = tc.SummonMaster;

					if ( master == theirMaster && tc.Combatant == defender )

			if ( inPack >= 5 )
				return 100;
			else if ( inPack >= 4 )
				return 75;
			else if ( inPack >= 3 )
				return 50;
			else if ( inPack >= 2 )
				return 25;

			return 0;

		private static bool m_InDoubleStrike;

		public static bool InDoubleStrike
			get{ return m_InDoubleStrike; }
			set{ m_InDoubleStrike = value; }

		public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			OnHit( attacker, defender, 1.0 );

		public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
			if ( MirrorImage.HasClone( defender ) && (defender.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value / 150.0) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
				Clone bc;

				foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 4 ) )
					bc = m as Clone;

					if ( bc != null && bc.Summoned && bc.SummonMaster == defender )
						attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063141 ); // Your attack has been diverted to a nearby mirror image of your target!
						defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063140 ); // You manage to divert the attack onto one of your nearby mirror images.

						 * TODO: What happens if the Clone parries a blow?
						 * And what about if the attacker is using Honorable Execution
						 * and kills it?

						defender = m;

			PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
			PlayHurtAnimation( defender );

			attacker.PlaySound( GetHitAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
			defender.PlaySound( GetHitDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );

			int damage = ComputeDamage( attacker, defender );

			#region Damage Multipliers
			 * The following damage bonuses multiply damage by a factor.
			 * Capped at x3 (300%).
			double factor = 1.0;

			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if ( a != null )
				factor *= a.DamageScalar;

			if ( move != null )
				factor *= move.GetDamageScalar( attacker, defender );

			factor *= damageBonus;

			CheckSlayerResult cs = CheckSlayers( attacker, defender );

			if ( cs != CheckSlayerResult.None )
				if ( cs == CheckSlayerResult.Slayer )
					defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5 );

				factor *= 2.0;

			if ( !attacker.Player )
				if ( defender is PlayerMobile )
					PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)defender;

					if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType != null && pm.EnemyOfOneType != attacker.GetType() )
						factor *= 2.0;
			else if ( !defender.Player )
				if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
					PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;

					if ( pm.WaitingForEnemy )
						pm.EnemyOfOneType = defender.GetType();
						pm.WaitingForEnemy = false;

					if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType == defender.GetType() )
						defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5, 1160, 0 );
						factor *= 1.5;

			int packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus( attacker, defender );

			if ( packInstinctBonus != 0 )
				factor *= 1.0 + (double)packInstinctBonus / 100.0;

			if ( m_InDoubleStrike )
				factor *= 0.9; // 10% loss when attacking with double-strike

			TransformContext context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( defender );

			if ( (m_Slayer == SlayerName.Silver || m_Slayer2 == SlayerName.Silver) && context != null && context.Type != typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) )
				factor *= 1.25; // Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast takes an additional 25% damage

			if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
				PlayerMobile pmAttacker = (PlayerMobile) attacker;

				if ( pmAttacker.HonorActive && pmAttacker.InRange( defender, 1 ) )
					factor *= 1.25;

				if ( pmAttacker.SentHonorContext != null && pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.Target == defender )
					pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.ApplyPerfectionDamageBonus( ref factor );

			if ( factor > 3.0 )
				factor = 3.0;

			damage = (int)(damage * factor);

			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)attacker).AlterMeleeDamageTo( defender, ref damage );

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)defender).AlterMeleeDamageFrom( attacker, ref damage );

			damage = AbsorbDamage( attacker, defender, damage );

			if ( !Core.AOS && damage < 1 )
				damage = 1;
			else if ( Core.AOS && damage == 0 ) // parried
				if ( a != null && a.Validate( attacker ) /*&& a.CheckMana( attacker, true )*/ ) // Parried special moves have no mana cost 
					a = null;
					WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );

					attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061140 ); // Your attack was parried!

			AddBlood( attacker, defender, damage );

			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;

			GetDamageTypes( attacker, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );

			if ( m_Consecrated )
				phys = defender.PhysicalResistance;
				fire = defender.FireResistance;
				cold = defender.ColdResistance;
				pois = defender.PoisonResistance;
				nrgy = defender.EnergyResistance;

				int low = phys, type = 0;

				if ( fire < low ){ low = fire; type = 1; }
				if ( cold < low ){ low = cold; type = 2; }
				if ( pois < low ){ low = pois; type = 3; }
				if ( nrgy < low ){ low = nrgy; type = 4; }

				phys = fire = cold = pois = nrgy = 0;

				if ( type == 0 ) phys = 100;
				else if ( type == 1 ) fire = 100;
				else if ( type == 2 ) cold = 100;
				else if ( type == 3 ) pois = 100;
				else if ( type == 4 ) nrgy = 100;

			int damageGiven = damage;

			if ( a != null && !a.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
				WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
				a = null;

			if ( move != null && !move.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
				SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );
				move = null;

			bool ignoreArmor = ( a is ArmorIgnore || (move != null && move.IgnoreArmor( attacker )) );

			damageGiven = AOS.Damage( defender, attacker, damage, ignoreArmor, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

			double propertyBonus = ( move == null ) ? 1.0 : move.GetPropertyBonus( attacker );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				int lifeLeech = 0;
				int stamLeech = 0;
				int manaLeech = 0;
				int wraithLeech = 0;

				if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					lifeLeech += 30; // HitLeechHits% chance to leech 30% of damage as hit points

				if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					stamLeech += 100; // HitLeechStam% chance to leech 100% of damage as stamina

				if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					manaLeech += 40; // HitLeechMana% chance to leech 40% of damage as mana

				if ( m_Cursed )
					lifeLeech += 50; // Additional 50% life leech for cursed weapons (necro spell)

				context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( attacker );

				if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( VampiricEmbraceSpell ) )
					lifeLeech += 20; // Vampiric embrace gives an additional 20% life leech

				if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( WraithFormSpell ) )
					wraithLeech = (5 + (int)((15 * attacker.Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value) / 100)); // Wraith form gives an additional 5-20% mana leech

					// Mana leeched by the Wraith Form spell is actually stolen, not just leeched.
					defender.Mana -= AOS.Scale( damageGiven, wraithLeech );

					manaLeech += wraithLeech;

				if ( lifeLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Hits += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, lifeLeech );

				if ( stamLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Stam += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, stamLeech );

				if ( manaLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Mana += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, manaLeech );

				if ( lifeLeech != 0 || stamLeech != 0 || manaLeech != 0 )
					attacker.PlaySound( 0x44D );

			if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && ((MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental)) || Utility.Random( 25 ) == 0) ) // Stratics says 50% chance, seems more like 4%..
				if ( MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental) )
					attacker.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500263 ); // *Acid blood scars your weapon!*

				if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair > Utility.Random( 10 ) )
					HitPoints += 2;
					if ( m_Hits > 0 )
					else if ( m_MaxHits > 1 )

						if ( Parent is Mobile )
							((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.

			if ( attacker is VampireBatFamiliar )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
				Mobile caster = bc.ControlMaster;

				if ( caster == null )
					caster = bc.SummonMaster;

				if ( caster != null && caster.Map == bc.Map && caster.InRange( bc, 2 ) )
					caster.Hits += damage;
					bc.Hits += damage;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				int physChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea * propertyBonus);
				int fireChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea * propertyBonus);
				int coldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea * propertyBonus);
				int poisChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea * propertyBonus);
				int nrgyChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea * propertyBonus);

				if ( physChance != 0 && physChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x10E,   50, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

				if ( fireChance != 0 && fireChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x11D, 1160, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

				if ( coldChance != 0 && coldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x0FC, 2100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );

				if ( poisChance != 0 && poisChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x205, 1166, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0 );

				if ( nrgyChance != 0 && nrgyChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x1F1,  120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );

				int maChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow * propertyBonus);
				int harmChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm * propertyBonus);
				int fireballChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball * propertyBonus);
				int lightningChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning * propertyBonus);
				int dispelChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel * propertyBonus);

				if ( maChance != 0 && maChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoMagicArrow( attacker, defender );

				if ( harmChance != 0 && harmChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoHarm( attacker, defender );

				if ( fireballChance != 0 && fireballChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoFireball( attacker, defender );

				if ( lightningChance != 0 && lightningChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLightning( attacker, defender );

				if ( dispelChance != 0 && dispelChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoDispel( attacker, defender );

				int laChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack * propertyBonus);
				int ldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend * propertyBonus);

				if ( laChance != 0 && laChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLowerAttack( attacker, defender );

				if ( ldChance != 0 && ldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLowerDefense( attacker, defender );

			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)attacker).OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)defender).OnGotMeleeAttack( attacker );

						if ( a != null )
				a.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );

			// added for cleric spells by greywolf for fix for trial by fire
			PlayerEvent.InvokeHitByWeapon(attacker, defender, damage, a);
			// end added 

			if ( move != null )and then it works great

if ( move != null )
				move.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );

			if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
				((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetHit( attacker );

			if ( !(this is BaseRanged) )
				if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( GiantSerpent ) ) )
					defender.ApplyPoison( attacker, Poison.Lesser );

				if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( defender, typeof( BullFrog ) ) )
					attacker.ApplyPoison( defender, Poison.Regular );
			// hook for attachment OnWeaponHit method
			Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.OnWeaponHit(this, attacker, defender, damageGiven);
		public virtual double GetAosDamage( Mobile attacker, int bonus, int dice, int sides )
			int damage = Utility.Dice( dice, sides, bonus ) * 100;
			int damageBonus = 0;

			// Inscription bonus
			int inscribeSkill = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Fixed;

			damageBonus += inscribeSkill / 200;

			if ( inscribeSkill >= 1000 )
				damageBonus += 5;

			if ( attacker.Player )
				// Int bonus
				damageBonus += (attacker.Int / 10);

				// SDI bonus
				damageBonus += AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.SpellDamage );

			damage = AOS.Scale( damage, 100 + damageBonus );

			return damage / 100;

		#region Do<AoSEffect>
		public virtual void DoMagicArrow( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 10, 1, 4 );

			attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36E4, 5, 0, false, true, 3006, 4006, 0 );
			attacker.PlaySound( 0x1E5 );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoHarm( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 17, 1, 5 );

			if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 2 ) )
				damage *= 0.25; // 1/4 damage at > 2 tile range
			else if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 1 ) )
				damage *= 0.50; // 1/2 damage at 2 tile range

			defender.FixedParticles( 0x374A, 10, 30, 5013, 1153, 2, EffectLayer.Waist );
			defender.PlaySound( 0x0FC );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoFireball( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 19, 1, 5 );

			attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 9502, 4019, 0x160 );
			attacker.PlaySound( 0x15E );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoLightning( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 23, 1, 4 );

			defender.BoltEffect( 0 );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );

		public virtual void DoDispel( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			bool dispellable = false;

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				dispellable = ((BaseCreature)defender).Summoned && !((BaseCreature)defender).IsAnimatedDead;

			if ( !dispellable )

			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			Spells.Spell sp = new Spells.Sixth.DispelSpell( attacker, null );

			if ( sp.CheckResisted( defender ) )
				defender.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 10, 20 );
				Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( defender.Location, defender.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042 );
				Effects.PlaySound( defender, defender.Map, 0x201 );


		public virtual void DoLowerAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
			if ( HitLower.ApplyAttack( defender ) )
				defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
				Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0xA, 3 );

		public virtual void DoLowerDefense( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
			if ( HitLower.ApplyDefense( defender ) )
				defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
				Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0x23, 3 );

		public virtual void DoAreaAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender, int sound, int hue, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
			Map map = from.Map;

			if ( map == null )

			List<Mobile> list = new List<Mobile>();

			foreach ( Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange( 10 ) )
				if ( from != m && defender != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget( from, m ) && from.CanBeHarmful( m, false ) && from.InLOS( m ) )
					list.Add( m );

			if ( list.Count == 0 )

			Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, map, sound );

			// TODO: What is the damage calculation?

			for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
				Mobile m = list[i];

				double scalar = (11 - from.GetDistanceToSqrt( m )) / 10;

				if ( scalar > 1.0 )
					scalar = 1.0;
				else if ( scalar < 0.0 )

				from.DoHarmful( m, true );
				m.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 1, 15, hue, 0 );
				AOS.Damage( m, from, (int)(GetBaseDamage( from ) * scalar), phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

		public virtual CheckSlayerResult CheckSlayers( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
			SlayerEntry atkSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer );
			SlayerEntry atkSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer2 );

			if ( atkSlayer != null && atkSlayer.Slays( defender )  || atkSlayer2 != null && atkSlayer2.Slays( defender ) )
				return CheckSlayerResult.Slayer;

			if ( !Core.SE )
				ISlayer defISlayer = Spellbook.FindEquippedSpellbook( defender );

				if( defISlayer == null )
					defISlayer = defender.Weapon as ISlayer;

				if( defISlayer != null )
					SlayerEntry defSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer );
					SlayerEntry defSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer2 );

					if( defSlayer != null && defSlayer.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) || defSlayer2 != null && defSlayer2.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) )
						return CheckSlayerResult.Opposition;

			return CheckSlayerResult.None;

		public virtual void AddBlood( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			if ( damage > 0 )
				new Blood().MoveToWorld( defender.Location, defender.Map );

				int extraBlood = (Core.SE ? Utility.RandomMinMax( 3, 4 ) : Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 1 ) );

				for( int i = 0; i < extraBlood; i++ )
					new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D(
						defender.X + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
						defender.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
						defender.Z ), defender.Map );

			/* if ( damage <= 2 )

			Direction d = defender.GetDirectionTo( attacker );

			int maxCount = damage / 15;

			if ( maxCount < 1 )
				maxCount = 1;
			else if ( maxCount > 4 )
				maxCount = 4;

			for( int i = 0; i < Utility.Random( 1, maxCount ); ++i )
				int x = defender.X;
				int y = defender.Y;

				switch( d )
					case Direction.North:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.East:
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.West:
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.South:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Up:
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.Down:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Left:
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Right:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );

				new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, defender.Z ), defender.Map );

		public virtual void GetDamageTypes( Mobile wielder, out int phys, out int fire, out int cold, out int pois, out int nrgy )
			if( wielder is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)wielder;

				phys = bc.PhysicalDamage;
				fire = bc.FireDamage;
				cold = bc.ColdDamage;
				pois = bc.PoisonDamage;
				nrgy = bc.EnergyDamage;
				fire = m_AosElementDamages.Fire;
				cold = m_AosElementDamages.Cold;
				pois = m_AosElementDamages.Poison;
				nrgy = m_AosElementDamages.Energy;

				phys = 100 - fire - cold - pois - nrgy;

				CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

				if( resInfo != null )
					CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

					if( attrInfo != null )
						int left = phys;

						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponColdDamage,		ref cold, left );
						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponEnergyDamage,	ref nrgy, left );
						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponFireDamage,		ref fire, left );
						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponPoisonDamage,	ref pois, left );

						phys = left;

		private int ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( int attrDamage, ref int element, int totalRemaining )
			if( totalRemaining <= 0 )
				return 0;

			if ( attrDamage <= 0 )
				return totalRemaining;

			int appliedDamage = attrDamage;

			if ( (appliedDamage + element) > 100 )
				appliedDamage = 100 - element;

			if( appliedDamage > totalRemaining )
				appliedDamage = totalRemaining;

			element += appliedDamage;

			return totalRemaining - appliedDamage;

		public virtual void OnMiss( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
			attacker.PlaySound( GetMissAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
			defender.PlaySound( GetMissDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );

			WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( ability != null )
				ability.OnMiss( attacker, defender );

			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if ( move != null )
				move.OnMiss( attacker, defender );

			if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
				((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetMissed( attacker );

		public virtual void GetBaseDamageRange( Mobile attacker, out int min, out int max )
			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)attacker;

				if ( c.DamageMin >= 0 )
					min = c.DamageMin;
					max = c.DamageMax;

				if ( this is Fists && !attacker.Body.IsHuman )
					min = attacker.Str / 28;
					max = attacker.Str / 28;

			min = MinDamage;
			max = MaxDamage;

		public virtual double GetBaseDamage( Mobile attacker )
			int min, max;

			GetBaseDamageRange( attacker, out min, out max );

			return Utility.RandomMinMax( min, max );

		public virtual double GetBonus( double value, double scalar, double threshold, double offset )
			double bonus = value * scalar;

			if ( value >= threshold )
				bonus += offset;

			return bonus / 100;

		public virtual int GetHitChanceBonus()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			int bonus = 0;

			switch ( m_AccuracyLevel )
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate:		bonus += 02; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly:	bonus += 04; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently:		bonus += 06; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly:	bonus += 08; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely:		bonus += 10; break;

			return bonus;

		public virtual int GetDamageBonus()
			int bonus = VirtualDamageBonus;

			switch ( m_Quality )
				case WeaponQuality.Low:			bonus -= 20; break;
				case WeaponQuality.Exceptional:	bonus += 20; break;

			switch ( m_DamageLevel )
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin:	bonus += 15; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Might:	bonus += 20; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Force:	bonus += 25; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Power:	bonus += 30; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq:	bonus += 35; break;

			return bonus;

		public virtual void GetStatusDamage( Mobile from, out int min, out int max )
			int baseMin, baseMax;

			GetBaseDamageRange( from, out baseMin, out baseMax );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
				max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );
				min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
				max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );

		public virtual double ScaleDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
			if ( checkSkills )
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain

				if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
					attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

			#region Physical bonuses
			 * These are the bonuses given by the physical characteristics of the mobile.
			 * No caps apply.
			double strengthBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Str,										0.300, 100.0,  5.00 );
			double  anatomyBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value,			0.500, 100.0,  5.00 );
			double  tacticsBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value,			0.625, 100.0,  6.25 );
			double   lumberBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value,	0.200, 100.0, 10.00 );

			if ( Type != WeaponType.Axe )
				lumberBonus = 0.0;

			#region Modifiers
			 * The following are damage modifiers whose effect shows on the status bar.
			 * Capped at 100% total.
			int damageBonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.WeaponDamage );

			// Horrific Beast transformation gives a +25% bonus to damage.
			if ( TransformationSpell.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) ) )
				damageBonus += 25;

			// Divine Fury gives a +10% bonus to damage.
			if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
				damageBonus += 10;

			int defenseMasteryMalus = 0;

			// Defense Mastery gives a -50%/-80% malus to damage.
			if ( Server.Items.DefenseMastery.GetMalus( attacker, ref defenseMasteryMalus ) )
				damageBonus -= defenseMasteryMalus;

			int discordanceEffect = 0;

			// Discordance gives a -2%/-48% malus to damage.
			if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
				damageBonus -= discordanceEffect * 2;

			if ( damageBonus > 100 )
				damageBonus = 100;

			double totalBonus = strengthBonus + anatomyBonus + tacticsBonus + lumberBonus + ((double)(GetDamageBonus() + damageBonus) / 100.0);

			return damage + (int)(damage * totalBonus);

		public virtual int VirtualDamageBonus{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual int ComputeDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return (int)ScaleDamageAOS( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );

		public virtual double ScaleDamageOld( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
			if ( checkSkills )
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain

				if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
					attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

			/* Compute tactics modifier
			 * :   0.0 = 50% loss
			 * :  50.0 = unchanged
			 * : 100.0 = 50% bonus
			double tacticsBonus = (attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value - 50.0) / 100.0;

			/* Compute strength modifier
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 strength
			double strBonus = (attacker.Str / 5.0) / 100.0;

			/* Compute anatomy modifier
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of anatomy
			 * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
			double anatomyValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value;
			double anatomyBonus = (anatomyValue / 5.0) / 100.0;

			if ( anatomyValue >= 100.0 )
				anatomyBonus += 0.1;

			/* Compute lumberjacking bonus
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of lumberjacking
			 * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
			double lumberBonus;

			if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
				double lumberValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value;

				lumberBonus = (lumberValue / 5.0) / 100.0;

				if ( lumberValue >= 100.0 )
					lumberBonus += 0.1;
				lumberBonus = 0.0;

			// New quality bonus:
			double qualityBonus = ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 0.2;

			// Apply bonuses
			damage += (damage * tacticsBonus) + (damage * strBonus) + (damage * anatomyBonus) + (damage * lumberBonus) + (damage * qualityBonus) + ((damage * VirtualDamageBonus) / 100);

			// Old quality bonus:
#if false
			/* Apply quality offset
			 * : Low         : -4
			 * : Regular     :  0
			 * : Exceptional : +4
			damage += ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 4.0;

			/* Apply damage level offset
			 * : Regular : 0
			 * : Ruin    : 1
			 * : Might   : 3
			 * : Force   : 5
			 * : Power   : 7
			 * : Vanq    : 9
			if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
				damage += (2.0 * (int)m_DamageLevel) - 1.0;

			// Halve the computed damage and return
			damage /= 2.0;

			return ScaleDamageByDurability( (int)damage );

		public virtual int ScaleDamageByDurability( int damage )
			int scale = 100;

			if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && m_Hits < m_MaxHits )
				scale = 50 + ((50 * m_Hits) / m_MaxHits);

			return AOS.Scale( damage, scale );

		public virtual int ComputeDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( Core.AOS )
				return ComputeDamageAOS( attacker, defender );

			return (int)ScaleDamageOld( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );

		public virtual void PlayHurtAnimation( Mobile from )
			int action;
			int frames;

			switch ( from.Body.Type )
				case BodyType.Sea:
				case BodyType.Animal:
					action = 7;
					frames = 5;
				case BodyType.Monster:
					action = 10;
					frames = 4;
				case BodyType.Human:
					action = 20;
					frames = 5;
				default: return;

			if ( from.Mounted )

			from.Animate( action, frames, 1, true, false, 0 );

		public virtual void PlaySwingAnimation( Mobile from )
			int action;

			switch ( from.Body.Type )
				case BodyType.Sea:
				case BodyType.Animal:
					action = Utility.Random( 5, 2 );
				case BodyType.Monster:
					switch ( Animation )
						case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
						case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = Utility.Random( 4, 3 ); break;
						case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow:  return; // 7
						case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: return; // 8

				case BodyType.Human:
					if ( !from.Mounted )
						action = (int)Animation;
						switch ( Animation )
							case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
							case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H: action = 26; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = 29; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow: action = 27; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: action = 28; break;

				default: return;

			from.Animate( action, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );

		#region Serialization/Deserialization
		private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf )
			if ( setIf )
				flags |= toSet;

		private static bool GetSaveFlag( SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet )
			return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 8 ); // version

			SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;

			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel,		m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel,		m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel,	m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality,			m_Quality != WeaponQuality.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Hits,				m_Hits != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits,			m_MaxHits != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer,			m_Slayer != SlayerName.None );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Poison,			m_Poison != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges,		m_PoisonCharges != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter,			m_Crafter != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,		m_Identified != false );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq,			m_StrReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DexReq,			m_DexReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.IntReq,			m_IntReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage,			m_MinDamage != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage,			m_MaxDamage != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.HitSound,			m_HitSound != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MissSound,			m_MissSound != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Speed,				m_Speed != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange,			m_MaxRange != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Skill,				m_Skill != (SkillName)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Type,				m_Type != (WeaponType)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Animation,			m_Animation != (WeaponAnimation)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource,			m_Resource != CraftResource.Iron );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes,		!m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes,	!m_AosWeaponAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed,	m_PlayerConstructed );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses,		!m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2,			m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages,	!m_AosElementDamages.IsEmpty );

			writer.Write( (int) flags );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DamageLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_AccuracyLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DurabilityLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Quality );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Hits );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxHits );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Slayer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
				Poison.Serialize( m_Poison, writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_PoisonCharges );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
				writer.Write( (Mobile) m_Crafter );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_StrReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DexReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_IntReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MinDamage );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxDamage );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_HitSound );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MissSound );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Speed );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxRange );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Skill );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Type );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Animation );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Resource );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
				m_AosAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
				m_AosWeaponAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
				writer.Write( (int)m_Slayer2 );

			if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
				m_AosElementDamages.Serialize( writer );

		private enum SaveFlag
			None					= 0x00000000,
			DamageLevel				= 0x00000001,
			AccuracyLevel			= 0x00000002,
			DurabilityLevel			= 0x00000004,
			Quality					= 0x00000008,
			Hits					= 0x00000010,
			MaxHits					= 0x00000020,
			Slayer					= 0x00000040,
			Poison					= 0x00000080,
			PoisonCharges			= 0x00000100,
			Crafter					= 0x00000200,
			Identified				= 0x00000400,
			StrReq					= 0x00000800,
			DexReq					= 0x00001000,
			IntReq					= 0x00002000,
			MinDamage				= 0x00004000,
			MaxDamage				= 0x00008000,
			HitSound				= 0x00010000,
			MissSound				= 0x00020000,
			Speed					= 0x00040000,
			MaxRange				= 0x00080000,
			Skill					= 0x00100000,
			Type					= 0x00200000,
			Animation				= 0x00400000,
			Resource				= 0x00800000,
			xAttributes				= 0x01000000,
			xWeaponAttributes		= 0x02000000,
			PlayerConstructed		= 0x04000000,
			SkillBonuses			= 0x08000000,
			Slayer2					= 0x10000000,
			ElementalDamages		= 0x20000000

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch ( version )
				case 8:
				case 7:
				case 6:
				case 5:
					SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
						m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq )
							m_DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
						m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely )
							m_AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
						m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible )
							m_DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
						m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
						m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
						m_MaxHits = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
						m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
						m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
						m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
						m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Identified ) )
						m_Identified = ( version >= 6 || reader.ReadBool() );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
						m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
						m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
						m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_IntReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
						m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MinDamage = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
						m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MaxDamage = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
						m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
						m_HitSound = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
						m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MissSound = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
						m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Speed = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
						m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MaxRange = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
						m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
						m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
						m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );

					if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
						m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );

					if ( version < 7 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
						m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon = 30 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon;

					if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 && Parent is Mobile )
						m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
						m_PlayerConstructed = true;

					if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

					if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
						m_Slayer2 = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
						m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );

				case 4:
					m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 3;
				case 3:
					m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 2;
				case 2:
					m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();

					goto case 1;
				case 1:
					m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 0;
				case 0:
					if ( version == 0 )
						m_MaxRange = 1; // default

					if ( version < 5 )
						m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
						m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

					m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
					m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();

					m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();

					m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
					m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();

					m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
					m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();

					m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );
					m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( m_StrReq == OldStrengthReq )
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( m_DexReq == OldDexterityReq )
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( m_IntReq == OldIntelligenceReq )
						m_IntReq = -1;

					if ( m_MinDamage == OldMinDamage )
						m_MinDamage = -1;

					if ( m_MaxDamage == OldMaxDamage )
						m_MaxDamage = -1;

					if ( m_HitSound == OldHitSound )
						m_HitSound = -1;

					if ( m_MissSound == OldMissSound )
						m_MissSound = -1;

					if ( m_Speed == OldSpeed )
						m_Speed = -1;

					if ( m_MaxRange == OldMaxRange )
						m_MaxRange = -1;

					if ( m_Skill == OldSkill )
						m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

					if ( m_Type == OldType )
						m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

					if ( m_Animation == OldAnimation )
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

					if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
						m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );


			if ( Core.AOS && Parent is Mobile )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( (Mobile)Parent );

			int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
			int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
			int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

			if ( this.Parent is Mobile && (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)this.Parent;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			if ( Parent is Mobile )

			if ( m_Hits <= 0 && m_MaxHits <= 0 )
				m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			if ( version < 6 )
				m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted

		public BaseWeapon( int itemID ) : base( itemID )
			Layer = (Layer)ItemData.Quality;

			m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
			m_StrReq = -1;
			m_DexReq = -1;
			m_IntReq = -1;
			m_MinDamage = -1;
			m_MaxDamage = -1;
			m_HitSound = -1;
			m_MissSound = -1;
			m_Speed = -1;
			m_MaxRange = -1;
			m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
			m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
			m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

			m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

			m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
			m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
			m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
			m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );

		public BaseWeapon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		private string GetNameString()
			string name = this.Name;

			if ( name == null )
				name = String.Format( "#{0}", LabelNumber );

			return name;

		[Hue, CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public override int Hue
			get{ return base.Hue; }
			set{ base.Hue = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		public int GetElementalDamageHue()
			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
			GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
			//Order is Cold, Energy, Fire, Poison, Physical left

			int currentMax = 50;
			int hue = 0;

			if( pois >= currentMax )
				hue = 1267 + (pois - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = pois;

			if( fire >= currentMax )
				hue = 1255 + (fire - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = fire;

			if( nrgy >= currentMax )
				hue = 1273 + (nrgy - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = nrgy;

			if( cold >= currentMax )
				hue = 1261 + (cold - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = cold;

			return hue;

		public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
			int oreType;

			switch ( m_Resource )
				case CraftResource.DullCopper:		oreType = 1053108; break; // dull copper
				case CraftResource.ShadowIron:		oreType = 1053107; break; // shadow iron
				case CraftResource.Copper:			oreType = 1053106; break; // copper
				case CraftResource.Bronze:			oreType = 1053105; break; // bronze
				case CraftResource.Gold:			oreType = 1053104; break; // golden
				case CraftResource.Agapite:			oreType = 1053103; break; // agapite
				case CraftResource.Verite:			oreType = 1053102; break; // verite
				case CraftResource.Valorite:		oreType = 1053101; break; // valorite
				case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:	oreType = 1061118; break; // spined
				case CraftResource.HornedLeather:	oreType = 1061117; break; // horned
				case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:	oreType = 1061116; break; // barbed
				case CraftResource.RedScales:		oreType = 1060814; break; // red
				case CraftResource.YellowScales:	oreType = 1060818; break; // yellow
				case CraftResource.BlackScales:		oreType = 1060820; break; // black
				case CraftResource.GreenScales:		oreType = 1060819; break; // green
				case CraftResource.WhiteScales:		oreType = 1060821; break; // white
				case CraftResource.BlueScales:		oreType = 1060815; break; // blue
				default: oreType = 0; break;

			if ( oreType != 0 )
				list.Add( 1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString() ); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
			else if ( Name == null )
				list.Add( LabelNumber );
				list.Add( Name );

		public override bool AllowEquipedCast( Mobile from )
			if ( base.AllowEquipedCast( from ) )
				return true;

			return ( m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0 );

		public virtual int ArtifactRarity
			get{ return 0; }

		public virtual int GetLuckBonus()
			CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( resInfo == null )
				return 0;

			CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

			if ( attrInfo == null )
				return 0;

			return attrInfo.WeaponLuck;

		public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			base.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Crafter != null )
				list.Add( 1050043, m_Crafter.Name ); // crafted by ~1_NAME~

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				list.Add( 1041350 ); // faction item

			if ( m_AosSkillBonuses != null )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				list.Add( 1060636 ); // exceptional

			if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
				list.Add( 1075086 ); // Elves Only

			if ( ArtifactRarity > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061078, ArtifactRarity.ToString() ); // artifact rarity ~1_val~

			if ( this is IUsesRemaining && ((IUsesRemaining)this).ShowUsesRemaining )
				list.Add( 1060584, ((IUsesRemaining)this).UsesRemaining.ToString() ); // uses remaining: ~1_val~

			if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
				list.Add( 1062412 + m_Poison.Level, m_PoisonCharges.ToString() );

			if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
				SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
				if( entry != null )
					list.Add( entry.Title );

			if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
				SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
				if( entry != null )
					list.Add( entry.Title );

			base.AddResistanceProperties( list );

			int prop;

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060400 ); // use best weapon skill

			if ( (prop = (GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060401, prop.ToString() ); // damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060408, prop.ToString() ); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060411, prop.ToString() ); // enhance potions ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060412, prop.ToString() ); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060413, prop.ToString() ); // faster casting ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = (GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060415, prop.ToString() ); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060416, prop.ToString() ); // hit cold area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060417, prop.ToString() ); // hit dispel ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060418, prop.ToString() ); // hit energy area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060419, prop.ToString() ); // hit fire area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060420, prop.ToString() ); // hit fireball ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060421, prop.ToString() ); // hit harm ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060422, prop.ToString() ); // hit life leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060423, prop.ToString() ); // hit lightning ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060424, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower attack ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060425, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower defense ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060426, prop.ToString() ); // hit magic arrow ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060427, prop.ToString() ); // hit mana leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060428, prop.ToString() ); // hit physical area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060429, prop.ToString() ); // hit poison area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060430, prop.ToString() ); // hit stamina leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060409, prop.ToString() ); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060431, prop.ToString() ); // hit point increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060432, prop.ToString() ); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060433, prop.ToString() ); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060434, prop.ToString() ); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060435, prop.ToString() ); // lower requirements ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = (GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060436, prop.ToString() ); // luck ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060438, (30 - prop).ToString() ); // mage weapon -~1_val~ skill

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060439, prop.ToString() ); // mana increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060440, prop.ToString() ); // mana regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060441 ); // night sight

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060442, prop.ToString() ); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060443, prop.ToString() ); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060444, prop.ToString() ); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060482 ); // spell channeling

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060483, prop.ToString() ); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060484, prop.ToString() ); // stamina increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060485, prop.ToString() ); // strength bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060486, prop.ToString() ); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%

			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;

			GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );

			if ( phys != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060403, phys.ToString() ); // physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( fire != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060405, fire.ToString() ); // fire damage ~1_val~%

			if ( cold != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060404, cold.ToString() ); // cold damage ~1_val~%

			if ( pois != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060406, pois.ToString() ); // poison damage ~1_val~%

			if ( nrgy != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060407, nrgy.ToString() ); // energy damage ~1_val~%

			list.Add( 1061168, "{0}\t{1}", MinDamage.ToString(), MaxDamage.ToString() ); // weapon damage ~1_val~ - ~2_val~
			list.Add( 1061167, Speed.ToString() ); // weapon speed ~1_val~

			if ( MaxRange > 1 )
				list.Add( 1061169, MaxRange.ToString() ); // range ~1_val~

			int strReq = AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() );

			if ( strReq > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061170, strReq.ToString() ); // strength requirement ~1_val~

			if ( Layer == Layer.TwoHanded )
				list.Add( 1061171 ); // two-handed weapon
				list.Add( 1061824 ); // one-handed weapon

			if ( Core.SE || m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill == 0 )
				switch ( Skill )
					case SkillName.Swords:  list.Add( 1061172 ); break; // skill required: swordsmanship
					case SkillName.Macing:  list.Add( 1061173 ); break; // skill required: mace fighting
					case SkillName.Fencing: list.Add( 1061174 ); break; // skill required: fencing
					case SkillName.Archery: list.Add( 1061175 ); break; // skill required: archery

			if ( m_Hits >= 0 && m_MaxHits > 0 )
				list.Add( 1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_Hits, m_MaxHits ); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~

		public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
			List<EquipInfoAttribute> attrs = new List<EquipInfoAttribute>();

			if ( DisplayLootType )
				if ( LootType == LootType.Blessed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038021 ) ); // blessed
				else if ( LootType == LootType.Cursed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1049643 ) ); // cursed

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1041350 ) ); // faction item

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1018305 - (int)m_Quality ) );

			if ( m_Identified || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
				if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
					SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
					if( entry != null )
						attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );

				if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
					SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
					if( entry != null )
						attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );

				if ( m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 + (int)m_DurabilityLevel ) );

				if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038015 + (int)m_DamageLevel ) );

				if ( m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038010 + (int)m_AccuracyLevel ) );
			else if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None || m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None || m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular || m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 ) ); // Unidentified

			if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1017383, m_PoisonCharges ) );

			int number;

			if ( Name == null )
				number = LabelNumber;
				this.LabelTo( from, Name );
				number = 1041000;

			if ( attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null )

			EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo( number, m_Crafter, false, attrs.ToArray() );

			from.Send( new DisplayEquipmentInfo( this, eqInfo ) );

		private static BaseWeapon m_Fists; // This value holds the default--fist--weapon

		public static BaseWeapon Fists
			get{ return m_Fists; }
			set{ m_Fists = value; }

		#region ICraftable Members

		public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			Quality = (WeaponQuality)quality;

			if ( makersMark )
				Crafter = from;

			PlayerConstructed = true;

			Type resourceType = typeRes;

			if ( resourceType == null )
				resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );

				CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

				if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
					Hue = 0;

				if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
					((BaseRunicTool)tool).ApplyAttributesTo( this );

				if ( quality == 2 )
					if ( Attributes.WeaponDamage > 35 )
						Attributes.WeaponDamage -= 20;
						Attributes.WeaponDamage = 15;
			else if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
				CraftResource thisResource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );

				if ( thisResource == ((BaseRunicTool)tool).Resource )
					Resource = thisResource;

					CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

					if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
						Hue = 0;

					switch ( thisResource )
						case CraftResource.DullCopper:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
						case CraftResource.ShadowIron:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
						case CraftResource.Copper:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
						case CraftResource.Bronze:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Might;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
						case CraftResource.Gold:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Force;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
						case CraftResource.Agapite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
						case CraftResource.Verite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly;
						case CraftResource.Valorite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely;

			return quality;


	public enum CheckSlayerResult

I know lucid is out for a bit, so if anyone else can help me out just let me know. If not I will just wait for lucid to return.

For now I just commented it out until I can figure out how to fix it and it compiles for now :)

(Not worried about the warnings, just the error)

Remo82;667331 said:
Has anyone recieved this error or knows how to fix it?

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2357.32527
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 3 warnings)
+ Custom/XmlQuest/XmlQuestHolderGumps.cs:
CS0219: Line 618: The variable 'edit_entry' is assigned but its value is nev
er used
+ Customs/Lucid's Systems/Advanced Archery/Items/Quivers/BaseQuiver.cs:
CS0162: Line 73: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 114: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 155: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 222: Unreachable code detected
CS0162: Line 240: Unreachable code detected
+ Spells/@@Other Shit/Reagent Book/RegBook.cs:
CS0162: Line 308: Unreachable code detected
+ Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs:
CS1002: Line 1647: ; expected
CS1023: Line 1647: Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled sta
CS1002: Line 1647: ; expected
CS1002: Line 1647: ; expected
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

it happened after I edited the code with:

            if ( a != null )
                a.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );
            // added for cleric spells by greywolf for fix for trial by fire
            PlayerEvent.InvokeHitByWeapon(attacker, defender, damage, a);
            // end added 
            if ( move != null )and then it works great

here is my baseweapon.cs to make sure i placed it in correctly.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Spells.Cleric;
namespace Server.Items
    public interface ISlayer
        SlayerName Slayer { get; set; }
        SlayerName Slayer2 { get; set; }
    public abstract class BaseWeapon : Item, IWeapon, IFactionItem, ICraftable, ISlayer, IDurability
        #region Factions
        private FactionItem m_FactionState;
        public FactionItem FactionItemState
            get{ return m_FactionState; }
                m_FactionState = value;
                if ( m_FactionState == null )
                    Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( Resource );
                LootType = ( m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed );
        /* Weapon internals work differently now (Mar 13 2003)
         * The attributes defined below default to -1.
         * If the value is -1, the corresponding virtual 'Aos/Old' property is used.
         * If not, the attribute value itself is used. Here's the list:
         *  - MinDamage
         *  - MaxDamage
         *  - Speed
         *  - HitSound
         *  - MissSound
         *  - StrRequirement, DexRequirement, IntRequirement
         *  - WeaponType
         *  - WeaponAnimation
         *  - MaxRange
        #region Var declarations
        // Instance values. These values are unique to each weapon.
        private WeaponDamageLevel m_DamageLevel;
        private WeaponAccuracyLevel m_AccuracyLevel;
        private WeaponDurabilityLevel m_DurabilityLevel;
        private WeaponQuality m_Quality;
        private Mobile m_Crafter;
        private Poison m_Poison;
        private int m_PoisonCharges;
        private bool m_Identified;
        private int m_Hits;
        private int m_MaxHits;
        private SlayerName m_Slayer;
        private SlayerName m_Slayer2;
        private SkillMod m_SkillMod, m_MageMod;
        private CraftResource m_Resource;
        private bool m_PlayerConstructed;
        private bool m_Cursed; // Is this weapon cursed via Curse Weapon necromancer spell? Temporary; not serialized.
        private bool m_Consecrated; // Is this weapon blessed via Consecrate Weapon paladin ability? Temporary; not serialized.
        private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
        private AosWeaponAttributes m_AosWeaponAttributes;
        private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;
        private AosElementAttributes m_AosElementDamages;
        // Overridable values. These values are provided to override the defaults which get defined in the individual weapon scripts.
        private int m_StrReq, m_DexReq, m_IntReq;
        private int m_MinDamage, m_MaxDamage;
        private int m_HitSound, m_MissSound;
        private int m_Speed;
        private int m_MaxRange;
        private SkillName m_Skill;
        private WeaponType m_Type;
        private WeaponAnimation m_Animation;
        #region Virtual Properties
        public virtual WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }
        public virtual WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }
        public virtual int DefMaxRange{ get{ return 1; } }
        public virtual int DefHitSound{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int DefMissSound{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual SkillName DefSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Swords; } }
        public virtual WeaponType DefType{ get{ return WeaponType.Slashing; } }
        public virtual WeaponAnimation DefAnimation{ get{ return WeaponAnimation.Slash1H; } }
        public virtual int AosStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
        public virtual int AosHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
        public virtual int AosMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
        public virtual SkillName AosSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
        public virtual WeaponType AosType{ get{ return DefType; } }
        public virtual WeaponAnimation AosAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }
        public virtual int OldStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
        public virtual int OldHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
        public virtual int OldMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
        public virtual SkillName OldSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
        public virtual WeaponType OldType{ get{ return DefType; } }
        public virtual WeaponAnimation OldAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }
        public virtual int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int PhysicalResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPhysicalBonus; } }
        public override int FireResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistFireBonus; } }
        public override int ColdResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistColdBonus; } }
        public override int PoisonResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPoisonBonus; } }
        public override int EnergyResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistEnergyBonus; } }
        public virtual SkillName AccuracySkill { get { return SkillName.Tactics; } }
        #region Getters & Setters
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosAttributes Attributes
            get{ return m_AosAttributes; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosWeaponAttributes WeaponAttributes
            get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses
            get{ return m_AosSkillBonuses; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosElementAttributes AosElementDamages
            get { return m_AosElementDamages; }
            set { }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Cursed
            get{ return m_Cursed; }
            set{ m_Cursed = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Consecrated
            get{ return m_Consecrated; }
            set{ m_Consecrated = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Identified
            get{ return m_Identified; }
            set{ m_Identified = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int HitPoints
            get{ return m_Hits; }
                if ( m_Hits == value )
                if ( value > m_MaxHits )
                    value = m_MaxHits;
                m_Hits = value;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MaxHitPoints
            get{ return m_MaxHits; }
            set{ m_MaxHits = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int PoisonCharges
            get{ return m_PoisonCharges; }
            set{ m_PoisonCharges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Poison Poison
            get{ return m_Poison; }
            set{ m_Poison = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponQuality Quality
            get{ return m_Quality; }
            set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Quality = value; ScaleDurability(); InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Mobile Crafter
            get{ return m_Crafter; }
            set{ m_Crafter = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public SlayerName Slayer
            get{ return m_Slayer; }
            set{ m_Slayer = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public SlayerName Slayer2
            get { return m_Slayer2; }
            set { m_Slayer2 = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public CraftResource Resource
            get{ return m_Resource; }
            set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Resource = value; Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource ); InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponDamageLevel DamageLevel
            get{ return m_DamageLevel; }
            set{ m_DamageLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponDurabilityLevel DurabilityLevel
            get{ return m_DurabilityLevel; }
            set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_DurabilityLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool PlayerConstructed
            get{ return m_PlayerConstructed; }
            set{ m_PlayerConstructed = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MaxRange
            get{ return ( m_MaxRange == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxRange : OldMaxRange : m_MaxRange ); }
            set{ m_MaxRange = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponAnimation Animation
            get{ return ( m_Animation == (WeaponAnimation)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosAnimation : OldAnimation : m_Animation ); } 
            set{ m_Animation = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponType Type
            get{ return ( m_Type == (WeaponType)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosType : OldType : m_Type ); }
            set{ m_Type = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public SkillName Skill
            get{ return ( m_Skill == (SkillName)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosSkill : OldSkill : m_Skill ); }
            set{ m_Skill = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int HitSound
            get{ return ( m_HitSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosHitSound : OldHitSound : m_HitSound ); }
            set{ m_HitSound = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MissSound
            get{ return ( m_MissSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMissSound : OldMissSound : m_MissSound ); }
            set{ m_MissSound = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MinDamage
            get{ return ( m_MinDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMinDamage : OldMinDamage : m_MinDamage ); }
            set{ m_MinDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MaxDamage
            get{ return ( m_MaxDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxDamage : OldMaxDamage : m_MaxDamage ); }
            set{ m_MaxDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int Speed
            get{ return ( m_Speed == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosSpeed : OldSpeed : m_Speed ); }
            set{ m_Speed = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int StrRequirement
            get{ return ( m_StrReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrengthReq : OldStrengthReq : m_StrReq ); }
            set{ m_StrReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int DexRequirement
            get{ return ( m_DexReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexterityReq : OldDexterityReq : m_DexReq ); }
            set{ m_DexReq = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int IntRequirement
            get{ return ( m_IntReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntelligenceReq : OldIntelligenceReq : m_IntReq ); }
            set{ m_IntReq = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponAccuracyLevel AccuracyLevel
                return m_AccuracyLevel;
                if ( m_AccuracyLevel != value )
                    m_AccuracyLevel = value;
                    if ( UseSkillMod )
                        if ( m_AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                            if ( m_SkillMod != null )
                            m_SkillMod = null;
                        else if ( m_SkillMod == null && Parent is Mobile )
                            m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
                            ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
                        else if ( m_SkillMod != null )
                            m_SkillMod.Value = (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5;
        public virtual void UnscaleDurability()
            int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();
            m_Hits = ((m_Hits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
            m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
        public virtual void ScaleDurability()
            int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();
            m_Hits = ((m_Hits * scale) + 99) / 100;
            m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * scale) + 99) / 100;
        public int GetDurabilityBonus()
            int bonus = 0;
            if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
                bonus += 20;
            switch ( m_DurabilityLevel )
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable: bonus += 20; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Substantial: bonus += 50; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Massive: bonus += 70; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified: bonus += 100; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible: bonus += 120; break;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                bonus += m_AosWeaponAttributes.DurabilityBonus;
                CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
                CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = null;
                if ( resInfo != null )
                    attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;
                if ( attrInfo != null )
                    bonus += attrInfo.WeaponDurability;
            return bonus;
        public int GetLowerStatReq()
            if ( !Core.AOS )
                return 0;
            int v = m_AosWeaponAttributes.LowerStatReq;
            CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
            if ( info != null )
                CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.AttributeInfo;
                if ( attrInfo != null )
                    v += attrInfo.WeaponLowerRequirements;
            if ( v > 100 )
                v = 100;
            return v;
        public static void BlockEquip( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration )
            if ( m.BeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
                new ResetEquipTimer( m, duration ).Start();
        private class ResetEquipTimer : Timer
            private Mobile m_Mobile;
            public ResetEquipTimer( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration )
                m_Mobile = m;
            protected override void OnTick()
                m_Mobile.EndAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) );
        public override bool CheckConflictingLayer( Mobile m, Item item, Layer layer )
            if ( base.CheckConflictingLayer( m, item, layer ) )
                return true;
            if ( this.Layer == Layer.TwoHanded && layer == Layer.OneHanded )
                m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500214 ); // You already have something in both hands.
                return true;
            else if ( this.Layer == Layer.OneHanded && layer == Layer.TwoHanded && !(item is BaseShield) && !(item is BaseEquipableLight) )
                m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500215 ); // You can only wield one weapon at a time.
                return true;
            return false;
        public override bool AllowSecureTrade( Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted )
            if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckTrade( from, to, newOwner, this ) )
                return false;
            return base.AllowSecureTrade( from, to, newOwner, accepted );
        public virtual Race RequiredRace { get { return null; } }    //On OSI, there are no weapons with race requirements, this is for custom stuff
        public override bool CanEquip( Mobile from )
            if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckEquip( from, this ) )
                return false;
            if( RequiredRace != null && from.Race != RequiredRace )
                if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1072203 ); // Only Elves may use this.
                    from.SendMessage( "Only {0} may use this.", RequiredRace.PluralName );
                return false;
            else if ( from.Dex < DexRequirement )
                from.SendMessage( "You are not nimble enough to equip that." );
                return false;
            else if ( from.Str < AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() ) )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500213 ); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
                return false;
            else if ( from.Int < IntRequirement )
                from.SendMessage( "You are not smart enough to equip that." );
                return false;
            else if ( !from.CanBeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
                return false;
                // XmlAttachment check for CanEquip
                if (!Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckCanEquip(this, from))
                    return false;
                    return base.CanEquip(from);
        public virtual bool UseSkillMod{ get{ return !Core.AOS; } }
        public override bool OnEquip( Mobile from )
            int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
            int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
            int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;
            if ( (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
                Mobile m = from;
                string modName = this.Serial.ToString();
                if ( strBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( dexBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( intBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
            from.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + GetDelay( from );
            if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                if ( m_SkillMod != null )
                m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
                from.AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
            if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 )
                if ( m_MageMod != null )
                m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
                from.AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );
    // XmlAttachment check for OnEquip
    Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnEquip(this, from);
    return true;        }
        public override void OnAdded( object parent )
            base.OnAdded( parent );
            if ( parent is Mobile )
                Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;
                if ( Core.AOS )
                    m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( from );
                from.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );
        public override void OnRemoved( object parent )
            if ( parent is Mobile )
                Mobile m = (Mobile)parent;
                BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
                string modName = this.Serial.ToString();
                m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
                m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
                m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );
                if ( weapon != null )
                    m.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + weapon.GetDelay( m );
                if ( UseSkillMod && m_SkillMod != null )
                    m_SkillMod = null;
                if ( m_MageMod != null )
                    m_MageMod = null;
                if ( Core.AOS )
            m.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );
        // XmlAttachment check for OnRemoved
        Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnRemoved(this, parent);
        public virtual SkillName GetUsedSkill( Mobile m, bool checkSkillAttrs )
            SkillName sk;
            if ( checkSkillAttrs && m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill != 0 )
                double swrd = m.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value;
                double fenc = m.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Value;
                double mcng = m.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Value;
                double val;
                sk = SkillName.Swords;
                val = swrd;
                if ( fenc > val ){ sk = SkillName.Fencing; val = fenc; }
                if ( mcng > val ){ sk = SkillName.Macing; val = mcng; }
            else if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
                if ( m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value > m.Skills[Skill].Value )
                    sk = SkillName.Magery;
                    sk = Skill;
                sk = Skill;
                if ( sk != SkillName.Wrestling && !m.Player && !m.Body.IsHuman && m.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Value > m.Skills[sk].Value )
                    sk = SkillName.Wrestling;
            return sk;
        public virtual double GetAttackSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return attacker.Skills[GetUsedSkill( attacker, true )].Value;
        public virtual double GetDefendSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return defender.Skills[GetUsedSkill( defender, true )].Value;
        private static bool CheckAnimal( Mobile m, Type type )
            return AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( m, type );
        public virtual bool CheckHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
            BaseWeapon defWeapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
            Skill atkSkill = attacker.Skills[atkWeapon.Skill];
            Skill defSkill = defender.Skills[defWeapon.Skill];
            double atkValue = atkWeapon.GetAttackSkillValue( attacker, defender );
            double defValue = defWeapon.GetDefendSkillValue( attacker, defender );
            //attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, defValue - 20.0, 120.0 );
            //defender.CheckSkill( defSkill.SkillName, atkValue - 20.0, 120.0 );
            double ourValue, theirValue;
            int bonus = GetHitChanceBonus();
            if ( Core.AOS )
                if ( atkValue <= -20.0 )
                    atkValue = -19.9;
                if ( defValue <= -20.0 )
                    defValue = -19.9;
                // Hit Chance Increase = 45%
                int atkChance = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.AttackChance );
                if ( atkChance > 45 )
                    atkChance = 45;
                bonus += atkChance;
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
                    bonus += 10; // attacker gets 10% bonus when they're under divine fury
                if ( CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( GreyWolf ) ) || CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( BakeKitsune ) ) )
                    bonus += 20; // attacker gets 20% bonus when under Wolf or Bake Kitsune form
                if ( HitLower.IsUnderAttackEffect( attacker ) )
                    bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Attack effect -> 25% malus
                ourValue = (atkValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);
                // Defense Chance Increase = 45%
                bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( defender, AosAttribute.DefendChance );
                if ( bonus > 45 )
                    bonus = 45;
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( defender ) )
                    bonus -= 20; // defender loses 20% bonus when they're under divine fury
                if ( HitLower.IsUnderDefenseEffect( defender ) )
                    bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Defense effect -> 25% malus
                int blockBonus = 0;
                if ( Block.GetBonus( defender, ref blockBonus ) )
                    bonus += blockBonus;
                int surpriseMalus = 0;
                if ( SurpriseAttack.GetMalus( defender, ref surpriseMalus ) )
                    bonus -= surpriseMalus;
                int discordanceEffect = 0;
                // Defender loses -0/-28% if under the effect of Discordance.
                if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                    bonus -= discordanceEffect;
                theirValue = (defValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);
                bonus = 0;
                if ( atkValue <= -50.0 )
                    atkValue = -49.9;
                if ( defValue <= -50.0 )
                    defValue = -49.9;
                ourValue = (atkValue + 50.0);
                theirValue = (defValue + 50.0);
            double chance = ourValue / (theirValue * 2.0);
            chance *= 1.0 + ((double)bonus / 100);
            if ( Core.AOS && chance < 0.02 )
                chance = 0.02;
            WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            if ( ability != null )
                chance *= ability.AccuracyScalar;
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if ( move != null )
                chance *= move.GetAccuracyScalar( attacker );
            return attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, chance );
            //return ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() );
        public virtual TimeSpan GetDelay( Mobile m )
            int speed = this.Speed;
            if ( speed == 0 )
                return TimeSpan.FromHours( 1.0 );
            double delayInSeconds;
            if ( Core.SE )
                 * This is likely true for Core.AOS as well... both guides report the same
                 * formula, and both are wrong.
                 * The old formula left in for AOS for legacy & because we aren't quite 100%
                 * Sure that AOS has THIS formula
                int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
                    bonus += 10;
                // Bonus granted by successful use of Honorable Execution.
                bonus += HonorableExecution.GetSwingBonus( m );
                if( DualWield.Registry.Contains( m ) )
                    bonus += ((DualWield.DualWieldTimer)DualWield.Registry[m]).BonusSwingSpeed;
                if( Feint.Registry.Contains( m ) )
                    bonus -= ((Feint.FeintTimer)Feint.Registry[m]).SwingSpeedReduction;
                int discordanceEffect = 0;
                // Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
                if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                    bonus -= discordanceEffect;
                if ( bonus > 60 )
                    bonus = 60;
                speed = (int)Math.Floor( speed * (bonus + 100.0) / 100.0 );
                if ( speed <= 0 )
                    speed = 1;
                int ticks = (int)Math.Floor( (80000.0 / ((m.Stam + 100) * speed)) - 2 );
                // Swing speed currently capped at one swing every 1.25 seconds (5 ticks).
                if ( ticks < 5 )
                    ticks = 5;
                delayInSeconds = ticks * 0.25;
            else if ( Core.AOS )
                int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;
                int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
                    bonus += 10;
                int discordanceEffect = 0;
                // Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
                if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                    bonus -= discordanceEffect;
                v += AOS.Scale( v, bonus );
                if ( v <= 0 )
                    v = 1;
                delayInSeconds = Math.Floor( 40000.0 / v ) * 0.5;
                // Maximum swing rate capped at one swing per second 
                // OSI dev said that it has and is supposed to be 1.25
                if ( delayInSeconds < 1.25 )
                    delayInSeconds = 1.25;
                int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;
                if ( v <= 0 )
                    v = 1;
                delayInSeconds = 15000.0 / v;
            return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( delayInSeconds );
        public virtual void OnBeforeSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            if( a != null && !a.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
                WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if( move != null && !move.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
                SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );
        public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return OnSwing( attacker, defender, 1.0 );
        public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
            bool canSwing = true;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                canSwing = ( !attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen );
                if ( canSwing )
                    Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;
                    canSwing = ( sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement );
            if ( canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) )
                if ( attacker.NetState != null )
                    attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );
                if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                    BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
                    WeaponAbility ab = bc.GetWeaponAbility();
                    if ( ab != null )
                        if ( bc.WeaponAbilityChance > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                            WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility( bc, ab );
                            WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( bc );
                if ( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
                    OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );
                    OnMiss( attacker, defender );
            return GetDelay( attacker );
        #region Sounds
        public virtual int GetHitAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            int sound = attacker.GetAttackSound();
            if ( sound == -1 )
                sound = HitSound;
            return sound;
        public virtual int GetHitDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return defender.GetHurtSound();
        public virtual int GetMissAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( attacker.GetAttackSound() == -1 )
                return MissSound;
                return -1;
        public virtual int GetMissDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return -1;
        public static bool CheckParry( Mobile defender )
            if ( defender == null )
                return false;
            BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
            double parry = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value;
            double parryNonRacial = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].NonRacialValue;
            double bushido = defender.Skills[SkillName.Bushido].Value;
            if ( shield != null )
                double chance = (parryNonRacial - bushido) / 400.0;    //As per OSI, no negitive effect from the Racial stuffs, ie, 120 bushido and '0' parry with humans
                // Parry over 100 grants a 5% bonus.
                if ( parry >= 100.0 )
                    chance += 0.05;
                // Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
                if ( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
                    chance *= 1.5;
                // Low dexterity lowers the chance.
                if ( defender.Dex < 80 )
                    chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;
                return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
            else if ( !(defender.Weapon is Fists) && !(defender.Weapon is BaseRanged) )
                BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
                double divisor = (weapon.Layer == Layer.OneHanded) ? 48000.0 : 41140.0;
                double chance = (parry * bushido) / divisor;
                double aosChance = parry / 800.0;
                // Parry or Bushido over 100 grant a 5% bonus.
                if( parry >= 100.0 )
                    chance += 0.05;
                    aosChance += 0.05;
                else if( bushido >= 100.0 )
                    chance += 0.05;
                // Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
                if( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
                    chance *= 1.5;
                // Low dexterity lowers the chance.
                if( defender.Dex < 80 )
                    chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;
                if ( chance > aosChance )
                    return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
                    return (aosChance > Utility.RandomDouble()); // Only skillcheck if wielding a shield & there's no effect from Bushido
            return false;
        public virtual int AbsorbDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
            bool blocked = false;
            if ( defender.Player || defender.Body.IsHuman )
                blocked = CheckParry( defender );
                if ( blocked )
                    defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 16 );
                    damage = 0;
                    // Successful block removes the Honorable Execution penalty.
                    HonorableExecution.RemovePenalty( defender );
                    if ( CounterAttack.IsCountering( defender ) )
                        BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
                        if ( weapon != null )
                            weapon.OnSwing( defender, attacker );
                        CounterAttack.StopCountering( defender );
                    if ( Confidence.IsConfident( defender ) )
                        defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063117 ); // Your confidence reassures you as you successfully block your opponent's blow.
                        double bushido = defender.Skills.Bushido.Value;
                        defender.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 12) );
                        defender.Stam += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 5) );
                    BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
                    if ( shield != null )
                        shield.OnHit( this, damage );
            if ( !blocked )
                double positionChance = Utility.RandomDouble();
                Item armorItem;
                if( positionChance < 0.07 )
                    armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.14 )
                    armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.28 )
                    armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.43 )
                    armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.65 )
                    armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
                    armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;
                IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;
                if ( armor != null )
                    armor.OnHit( this, damage ); // call OnHit to lose durability
            return damage;
        public virtual int AbsorbDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
            if ( Core.AOS )
                return AbsorbDamageAOS( attacker, defender, damage );
            double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();
            Item armorItem;
            if( chance < 0.07 )
                armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.14 )
                armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.28 )
                armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.43 )
                armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.65 )
                armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
                armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;
            IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;
            if ( armor != null )
                damage = armor.OnHit( this, damage );
            BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
            if ( shield != null )
                damage = shield.OnHit( this, damage );
            int virtualArmor = defender.VirtualArmor + defender.VirtualArmorMod;
            if ( virtualArmor > 0 )
                double scalar;
                if ( chance < 0.14 )
                    scalar = 0.07;
                else if ( chance < 0.28 )
                    scalar = 0.14;
                else if ( chance < 0.43 )
                    scalar = 0.15;
                else if ( chance < 0.65 )
                    scalar = 0.22;
                    scalar = 0.35;
                int from = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar) / 2;
                int to = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar);
                damage -= Utility.Random( from, (to - from) + 1 );
            return damage;
        public virtual int GetPackInstinctBonus( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( attacker.Player || defender.Player )
                return 0;
            BaseCreature bc = attacker as BaseCreature;
            if ( bc == null || bc.PackInstinct == PackInstinct.None || (!bc.Controlled && !bc.Summoned) )
                return 0;
            Mobile master = bc.ControlMaster;
            if ( master == null )
                master = bc.SummonMaster;
            if ( master == null )
                return 0;
            int inPack = 1;
            foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 1 ) )
                if ( m != attacker && m is BaseCreature )
                    BaseCreature tc = (BaseCreature)m;
                    if ( (tc.PackInstinct & bc.PackInstinct) == 0 || (!tc.Controlled && !tc.Summoned) )
                    Mobile theirMaster = tc.ControlMaster;
                    if ( theirMaster == null )
                        theirMaster = tc.SummonMaster;
                    if ( master == theirMaster && tc.Combatant == defender )
            if ( inPack >= 5 )
                return 100;
            else if ( inPack >= 4 )
                return 75;
            else if ( inPack >= 3 )
                return 50;
            else if ( inPack >= 2 )
                return 25;
            return 0;
        private static bool m_InDoubleStrike;
        public static bool InDoubleStrike
            get{ return m_InDoubleStrike; }
            set{ m_InDoubleStrike = value; }
        public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            OnHit( attacker, defender, 1.0 );
        public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
            if ( MirrorImage.HasClone( defender ) && (defender.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value / 150.0) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                Clone bc;
                foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 4 ) )
                    bc = m as Clone;
                    if ( bc != null && bc.Summoned && bc.SummonMaster == defender )
                        attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063141 ); // Your attack has been diverted to a nearby mirror image of your target!
                        defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063140 ); // You manage to divert the attack onto one of your nearby mirror images.
                         * TODO: What happens if the Clone parries a blow?
                         * And what about if the attacker is using Honorable Execution
                         * and kills it?
                        defender = m;
            PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
            PlayHurtAnimation( defender );
            attacker.PlaySound( GetHitAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
            defender.PlaySound( GetHitDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );
            int damage = ComputeDamage( attacker, defender );
            #region Damage Multipliers
             * The following damage bonuses multiply damage by a factor.
             * Capped at x3 (300%).
            double factor = 1.0;
            WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if ( a != null )
                factor *= a.DamageScalar;
            if ( move != null )
                factor *= move.GetDamageScalar( attacker, defender );
            factor *= damageBonus;
            CheckSlayerResult cs = CheckSlayers( attacker, defender );
            if ( cs != CheckSlayerResult.None )
                if ( cs == CheckSlayerResult.Slayer )
                    defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5 );
                factor *= 2.0;
            if ( !attacker.Player )
                if ( defender is PlayerMobile )
                    PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)defender;
                    if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType != null && pm.EnemyOfOneType != attacker.GetType() )
                        factor *= 2.0;
            else if ( !defender.Player )
                if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
                    PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;
                    if ( pm.WaitingForEnemy )
                        pm.EnemyOfOneType = defender.GetType();
                        pm.WaitingForEnemy = false;
                    if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType == defender.GetType() )
                        defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5, 1160, 0 );
                        factor *= 1.5;
            int packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus( attacker, defender );
            if ( packInstinctBonus != 0 )
                factor *= 1.0 + (double)packInstinctBonus / 100.0;
            if ( m_InDoubleStrike )
                factor *= 0.9; // 10% loss when attacking with double-strike
            TransformContext context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( defender );
            if ( (m_Slayer == SlayerName.Silver || m_Slayer2 == SlayerName.Silver) && context != null && context.Type != typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) )
                factor *= 1.25; // Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast takes an additional 25% damage
            if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
                PlayerMobile pmAttacker = (PlayerMobile) attacker;
                if ( pmAttacker.HonorActive && pmAttacker.InRange( defender, 1 ) )
                    factor *= 1.25;
                if ( pmAttacker.SentHonorContext != null && pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.Target == defender )
                    pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.ApplyPerfectionDamageBonus( ref factor );
            if ( factor > 3.0 )
                factor = 3.0;
            damage = (int)(damage * factor);
            if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)attacker).AlterMeleeDamageTo( defender, ref damage );
            if ( defender is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)defender).AlterMeleeDamageFrom( attacker, ref damage );
            damage = AbsorbDamage( attacker, defender, damage );
            if ( !Core.AOS && damage < 1 )
                damage = 1;
            else if ( Core.AOS && damage == 0 ) // parried
                if ( a != null && a.Validate( attacker ) /*&& a.CheckMana( attacker, true )*/ ) // Parried special moves have no mana cost 
                    a = null;
                    WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
                    attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061140 ); // Your attack was parried!
            AddBlood( attacker, defender, damage );
            int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
            GetDamageTypes( attacker, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
            if ( m_Consecrated )
                phys = defender.PhysicalResistance;
                fire = defender.FireResistance;
                cold = defender.ColdResistance;
                pois = defender.PoisonResistance;
                nrgy = defender.EnergyResistance;
                int low = phys, type = 0;
                if ( fire < low ){ low = fire; type = 1; }
                if ( cold < low ){ low = cold; type = 2; }
                if ( pois < low ){ low = pois; type = 3; }
                if ( nrgy < low ){ low = nrgy; type = 4; }
                phys = fire = cold = pois = nrgy = 0;
                if ( type == 0 ) phys = 100;
                else if ( type == 1 ) fire = 100;
                else if ( type == 2 ) cold = 100;
                else if ( type == 3 ) pois = 100;
                else if ( type == 4 ) nrgy = 100;
            int damageGiven = damage;
            if ( a != null && !a.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
                WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
                a = null;
            if ( move != null && !move.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
                SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );
                move = null;
            bool ignoreArmor = ( a is ArmorIgnore || (move != null && move.IgnoreArmor( attacker )) );
            damageGiven = AOS.Damage( defender, attacker, damage, ignoreArmor, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );
            double propertyBonus = ( move == null ) ? 1.0 : move.GetPropertyBonus( attacker );
            if ( Core.AOS )
                int lifeLeech = 0;
                int stamLeech = 0;
                int manaLeech = 0;
                int wraithLeech = 0;
                if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    lifeLeech += 30; // HitLeechHits% chance to leech 30% of damage as hit points
                if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    stamLeech += 100; // HitLeechStam% chance to leech 100% of damage as stamina
                if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    manaLeech += 40; // HitLeechMana% chance to leech 40% of damage as mana
                if ( m_Cursed )
                    lifeLeech += 50; // Additional 50% life leech for cursed weapons (necro spell)
                context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( attacker );
                if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( VampiricEmbraceSpell ) )
                    lifeLeech += 20; // Vampiric embrace gives an additional 20% life leech
                if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( WraithFormSpell ) )
                    wraithLeech = (5 + (int)((15 * attacker.Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value) / 100)); // Wraith form gives an additional 5-20% mana leech
                    // Mana leeched by the Wraith Form spell is actually stolen, not just leeched.
                    defender.Mana -= AOS.Scale( damageGiven, wraithLeech );
                    manaLeech += wraithLeech;
                if ( lifeLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.Hits += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, lifeLeech );
                if ( stamLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.Stam += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, stamLeech );
                if ( manaLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.Mana += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, manaLeech );
                if ( lifeLeech != 0 || stamLeech != 0 || manaLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.PlaySound( 0x44D );
            if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && ((MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental)) || Utility.Random( 25 ) == 0) ) // Stratics says 50% chance, seems more like 4%..
                if ( MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental) )
                    attacker.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500263 ); // *Acid blood scars your weapon!*
                if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair > Utility.Random( 10 ) )
                    HitPoints += 2;
                    if ( m_Hits > 0 )
                    else if ( m_MaxHits > 1 )
                        if ( Parent is Mobile )
                            ((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.
            if ( attacker is VampireBatFamiliar )
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
                Mobile caster = bc.ControlMaster;
                if ( caster == null )
                    caster = bc.SummonMaster;
                if ( caster != null && caster.Map == bc.Map && caster.InRange( bc, 2 ) )
                    caster.Hits += damage;
                    bc.Hits += damage;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                int physChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea * propertyBonus);
                int fireChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea * propertyBonus);
                int coldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea * propertyBonus);
                int poisChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea * propertyBonus);
                int nrgyChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea * propertyBonus);
                if ( physChance != 0 && physChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x10E,   50, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                if ( fireChance != 0 && fireChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x11D, 1160, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );
                if ( coldChance != 0 && coldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x0FC, 2100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );
                if ( poisChance != 0 && poisChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x205, 1166, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0 );
                if ( nrgyChance != 0 && nrgyChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x1F1,  120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );
                int maChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow * propertyBonus);
                int harmChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm * propertyBonus);
                int fireballChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball * propertyBonus);
                int lightningChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning * propertyBonus);
                int dispelChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel * propertyBonus);
                if ( maChance != 0 && maChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoMagicArrow( attacker, defender );
                if ( harmChance != 0 && harmChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoHarm( attacker, defender );
                if ( fireballChance != 0 && fireballChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoFireball( attacker, defender );
                if ( lightningChance != 0 && lightningChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoLightning( attacker, defender );
                if ( dispelChance != 0 && dispelChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoDispel( attacker, defender );
                int laChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack * propertyBonus);
                int ldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend * propertyBonus);
                if ( laChance != 0 && laChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoLowerAttack( attacker, defender );
                if ( ldChance != 0 && ldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoLowerDefense( attacker, defender );
            if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)attacker).OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );
            if ( defender is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)defender).OnGotMeleeAttack( attacker );
                        if ( a != null )
                a.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );
            // added for cleric spells by greywolf for fix for trial by fire
            PlayerEvent.InvokeHitByWeapon(attacker, defender, damage, a);
            // end added 
            if ( move != null )and then it works great
if ( move != null )
                move.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );
            if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
                ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetHit( attacker );
            if ( !(this is BaseRanged) )
                if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( GiantSerpent ) ) )
                    defender.ApplyPoison( attacker, Poison.Lesser );
                if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( defender, typeof( BullFrog ) ) )
                    attacker.ApplyPoison( defender, Poison.Regular );
            // hook for attachment OnWeaponHit method
            Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.OnWeaponHit(this, attacker, defender, damageGiven);
        public virtual double GetAosDamage( Mobile attacker, int bonus, int dice, int sides )
            int damage = Utility.Dice( dice, sides, bonus ) * 100;
            int damageBonus = 0;
            // Inscription bonus
            int inscribeSkill = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Fixed;
            damageBonus += inscribeSkill / 200;
            if ( inscribeSkill >= 1000 )
                damageBonus += 5;
            if ( attacker.Player )
                // Int bonus
                damageBonus += (attacker.Int / 10);
                // SDI bonus
                damageBonus += AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.SpellDamage );
            damage = AOS.Scale( damage, 100 + damageBonus );
            return damage / 100;
        #region Do<AoSEffect>
        public virtual void DoMagicArrow( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 10, 1, 4 );
            attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36E4, 5, 0, false, true, 3006, 4006, 0 );
            attacker.PlaySound( 0x1E5 );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );
        public virtual void DoHarm( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 17, 1, 5 );
            if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 2 ) )
                damage *= 0.25; // 1/4 damage at > 2 tile range
            else if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 1 ) )
                damage *= 0.50; // 1/2 damage at 2 tile range
            defender.FixedParticles( 0x374A, 10, 30, 5013, 1153, 2, EffectLayer.Waist );
            defender.PlaySound( 0x0FC );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );
        public virtual void DoFireball( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 19, 1, 5 );
            attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 9502, 4019, 0x160 );
            attacker.PlaySound( 0x15E );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );
        public virtual void DoLightning( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 23, 1, 4 );
            defender.BoltEffect( 0 );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );
        public virtual void DoDispel( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            bool dispellable = false;
            if ( defender is BaseCreature )
                dispellable = ((BaseCreature)defender).Summoned && !((BaseCreature)defender).IsAnimatedDead;
            if ( !dispellable )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            Spells.Spell sp = new Spells.Sixth.DispelSpell( attacker, null );
            if ( sp.CheckResisted( defender ) )
                defender.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 10, 20 );
                Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( defender.Location, defender.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042 );
                Effects.PlaySound( defender, defender.Map, 0x201 );
        public virtual void DoLowerAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
            if ( HitLower.ApplyAttack( defender ) )
                defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
                Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0xA, 3 );
        public virtual void DoLowerDefense( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
            if ( HitLower.ApplyDefense( defender ) )
                defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
                Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0x23, 3 );
        public virtual void DoAreaAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender, int sound, int hue, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
            Map map = from.Map;
            if ( map == null )
            List<Mobile> list = new List<Mobile>();
            foreach ( Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange( 10 ) )
                if ( from != m && defender != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget( from, m ) && from.CanBeHarmful( m, false ) && from.InLOS( m ) )
                    list.Add( m );
            if ( list.Count == 0 )
            Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, map, sound );
            // TODO: What is the damage calculation?
            for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
                Mobile m = list[i];
                double scalar = (11 - from.GetDistanceToSqrt( m )) / 10;
                if ( scalar > 1.0 )
                    scalar = 1.0;
                else if ( scalar < 0.0 )
                from.DoHarmful( m, true );
                m.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 1, 15, hue, 0 );
                AOS.Damage( m, from, (int)(GetBaseDamage( from ) * scalar), phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );
        public virtual CheckSlayerResult CheckSlayers( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
            SlayerEntry atkSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer );
            SlayerEntry atkSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer2 );
            if ( atkSlayer != null && atkSlayer.Slays( defender )  || atkSlayer2 != null && atkSlayer2.Slays( defender ) )
                return CheckSlayerResult.Slayer;
            if ( !Core.SE )
                ISlayer defISlayer = Spellbook.FindEquippedSpellbook( defender );
                if( defISlayer == null )
                    defISlayer = defender.Weapon as ISlayer;
                if( defISlayer != null )
                    SlayerEntry defSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer );
                    SlayerEntry defSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer2 );
                    if( defSlayer != null && defSlayer.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) || defSlayer2 != null && defSlayer2.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) )
                        return CheckSlayerResult.Opposition;
            return CheckSlayerResult.None;
        public virtual void AddBlood( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
            if ( damage > 0 )
                new Blood().MoveToWorld( defender.Location, defender.Map );
                int extraBlood = (Core.SE ? Utility.RandomMinMax( 3, 4 ) : Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 1 ) );
                for( int i = 0; i < extraBlood; i++ )
                    new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D(
                        defender.X + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
                        defender.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
                        defender.Z ), defender.Map );
            /* if ( damage <= 2 )
            Direction d = defender.GetDirectionTo( attacker );
            int maxCount = damage / 15;
            if ( maxCount < 1 )
                maxCount = 1;
            else if ( maxCount > 4 )
                maxCount = 4;
            for( int i = 0; i < Utility.Random( 1, maxCount ); ++i )
                int x = defender.X;
                int y = defender.Y;
                switch( d )
                    case Direction.North:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        y += Utility.Random( 2 );
                    case Direction.East:
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.West:
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        x += Utility.Random( 2 );
                    case Direction.South:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.Up:
                        x += Utility.Random( 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( 2 );
                    case Direction.Down:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.Left:
                        x += Utility.Random( 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.Right:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( 2 );
                new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, defender.Z ), defender.Map );
        public virtual void GetDamageTypes( Mobile wielder, out int phys, out int fire, out int cold, out int pois, out int nrgy )
            if( wielder is BaseCreature )
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)wielder;
                phys = bc.PhysicalDamage;
                fire = bc.FireDamage;
                cold = bc.ColdDamage;
                pois = bc.PoisonDamage;
                nrgy = bc.EnergyDamage;
                fire = m_AosElementDamages.Fire;
                cold = m_AosElementDamages.Cold;
                pois = m_AosElementDamages.Poison;
                nrgy = m_AosElementDamages.Energy;
                phys = 100 - fire - cold - pois - nrgy;
                CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
                if( resInfo != null )
                    CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;
                    if( attrInfo != null )
                        int left = phys;
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponColdDamage,        ref cold, left );
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponEnergyDamage,    ref nrgy, left );
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponFireDamage,        ref fire, left );
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponPoisonDamage,    ref pois, left );
                        phys = left;
        private int ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( int attrDamage, ref int element, int totalRemaining )
            if( totalRemaining <= 0 )
                return 0;
            if ( attrDamage <= 0 )
                return totalRemaining;
            int appliedDamage = attrDamage;
            if ( (appliedDamage + element) > 100 )
                appliedDamage = 100 - element;
            if( appliedDamage > totalRemaining )
                appliedDamage = totalRemaining;
            element += appliedDamage;
            return totalRemaining - appliedDamage;
        public virtual void OnMiss( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
            attacker.PlaySound( GetMissAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
            defender.PlaySound( GetMissDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );
            WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            if ( ability != null )
                ability.OnMiss( attacker, defender );
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if ( move != null )
                move.OnMiss( attacker, defender );
            if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
                ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetMissed( attacker );
        public virtual void GetBaseDamageRange( Mobile attacker, out int min, out int max )
            if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)attacker;
                if ( c.DamageMin >= 0 )
                    min = c.DamageMin;
                    max = c.DamageMax;
                if ( this is Fists && !attacker.Body.IsHuman )
                    min = attacker.Str / 28;
                    max = attacker.Str / 28;
            min = MinDamage;
            max = MaxDamage;
        public virtual double GetBaseDamage( Mobile attacker )
            int min, max;
            GetBaseDamageRange( attacker, out min, out max );
            return Utility.RandomMinMax( min, max );
        public virtual double GetBonus( double value, double scalar, double threshold, double offset )
            double bonus = value * scalar;
            if ( value >= threshold )
                bonus += offset;
            return bonus / 100;
        public virtual int GetHitChanceBonus()
            if ( !Core.AOS )
                return 0;
            int bonus = 0;
            switch ( m_AccuracyLevel )
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate:        bonus += 02; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly:    bonus += 04; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently:        bonus += 06; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly:    bonus += 08; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely:        bonus += 10; break;
            return bonus;
        public virtual int GetDamageBonus()
            int bonus = VirtualDamageBonus;
            switch ( m_Quality )
                case WeaponQuality.Low:            bonus -= 20; break;
                case WeaponQuality.Exceptional:    bonus += 20; break;
            switch ( m_DamageLevel )
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin:    bonus += 15; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Might:    bonus += 20; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Force:    bonus += 25; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Power:    bonus += 30; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq:    bonus += 35; break;
            return bonus;
        public virtual void GetStatusDamage( Mobile from, out int min, out int max )
            int baseMin, baseMax;
            GetBaseDamageRange( from, out baseMin, out baseMax );
            if ( Core.AOS )
                min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
                max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );
                min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
                max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );
        public virtual double ScaleDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
            if ( checkSkills )
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain
                if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
                    attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain
            #region Physical bonuses
             * These are the bonuses given by the physical characteristics of the mobile.
             * No caps apply.
            double strengthBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Str,                                        0.300, 100.0,  5.00 );
            double  anatomyBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value,            0.500, 100.0,  5.00 );
            double  tacticsBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value,            0.625, 100.0,  6.25 );
            double   lumberBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value,    0.200, 100.0, 10.00 );
            if ( Type != WeaponType.Axe )
                lumberBonus = 0.0;
            #region Modifiers
             * The following are damage modifiers whose effect shows on the status bar.
             * Capped at 100% total.
            int damageBonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.WeaponDamage );
            // Horrific Beast transformation gives a +25% bonus to damage.
            if ( TransformationSpell.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) ) )
                damageBonus += 25;
            // Divine Fury gives a +10% bonus to damage.
            if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
                damageBonus += 10;
            int defenseMasteryMalus = 0;
            // Defense Mastery gives a -50%/-80% malus to damage.
            if ( Server.Items.DefenseMastery.GetMalus( attacker, ref defenseMasteryMalus ) )
                damageBonus -= defenseMasteryMalus;
            int discordanceEffect = 0;
            // Discordance gives a -2%/-48% malus to damage.
            if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                damageBonus -= discordanceEffect * 2;
            if ( damageBonus > 100 )
                damageBonus = 100;
            double totalBonus = strengthBonus + anatomyBonus + tacticsBonus + lumberBonus + ((double)(GetDamageBonus() + damageBonus) / 100.0);
            return damage + (int)(damage * totalBonus);
        public virtual int VirtualDamageBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int ComputeDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return (int)ScaleDamageAOS( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );
        public virtual double ScaleDamageOld( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
            if ( checkSkills )
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain
                if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
                    attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain
            /* Compute tactics modifier
             * :   0.0 = 50% loss
             * :  50.0 = unchanged
             * : 100.0 = 50% bonus
            double tacticsBonus = (attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value - 50.0) / 100.0;
            /* Compute strength modifier
             * : 1% bonus for every 5 strength
            double strBonus = (attacker.Str / 5.0) / 100.0;
            /* Compute anatomy modifier
             * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of anatomy
             * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
            double anatomyValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value;
            double anatomyBonus = (anatomyValue / 5.0) / 100.0;
            if ( anatomyValue >= 100.0 )
                anatomyBonus += 0.1;
            /* Compute lumberjacking bonus
             * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of lumberjacking
             * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
            double lumberBonus;
            if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
                double lumberValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value;
                lumberBonus = (lumberValue / 5.0) / 100.0;
                if ( lumberValue >= 100.0 )
                    lumberBonus += 0.1;
                lumberBonus = 0.0;
            // New quality bonus:
            double qualityBonus = ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 0.2;
            // Apply bonuses
            damage += (damage * tacticsBonus) + (damage * strBonus) + (damage * anatomyBonus) + (damage * lumberBonus) + (damage * qualityBonus) + ((damage * VirtualDamageBonus) / 100);
            // Old quality bonus:
#if false
            /* Apply quality offset
             * : Low         : -4
             * : Regular     :  0
             * : Exceptional : +4
            damage += ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 4.0;
            /* Apply damage level offset
             * : Regular : 0
             * : Ruin    : 1
             * : Might   : 3
             * : Force   : 5
             * : Power   : 7
             * : Vanq    : 9
            if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
                damage += (2.0 * (int)m_DamageLevel) - 1.0;
            // Halve the computed damage and return
            damage /= 2.0;
            return ScaleDamageByDurability( (int)damage );
        public virtual int ScaleDamageByDurability( int damage )
            int scale = 100;
            if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && m_Hits < m_MaxHits )
                scale = 50 + ((50 * m_Hits) / m_MaxHits);
            return AOS.Scale( damage, scale );
        public virtual int ComputeDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( Core.AOS )
                return ComputeDamageAOS( attacker, defender );
            return (int)ScaleDamageOld( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );
        public virtual void PlayHurtAnimation( Mobile from )
            int action;
            int frames;
            switch ( from.Body.Type )
                case BodyType.Sea:
                case BodyType.Animal:
                    action = 7;
                    frames = 5;
                case BodyType.Monster:
                    action = 10;
                    frames = 4;
                case BodyType.Human:
                    action = 20;
                    frames = 5;
                default: return;
            if ( from.Mounted )
            from.Animate( action, frames, 1, true, false, 0 );
        public virtual void PlaySwingAnimation( Mobile from )
            int action;
            switch ( from.Body.Type )
                case BodyType.Sea:
                case BodyType.Animal:
                    action = Utility.Random( 5, 2 );
                case BodyType.Monster:
                    switch ( Animation )
                        case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = Utility.Random( 4, 3 ); break;
                        case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow:  return; // 7
                        case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: return; // 8
                case BodyType.Human:
                    if ( !from.Mounted )
                        action = (int)Animation;
                        switch ( Animation )
                            case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H: action = 26; break;
                            case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = 29; break;
                            case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow: action = 27; break;
                            case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: action = 28; break;
                default: return;
            from.Animate( action, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );
        #region Serialization/Deserialization
        private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf )
            if ( setIf )
                flags |= toSet;
        private static bool GetSaveFlag( SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet )
            return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );
        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 8 ); // version
            SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel,        m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel,        m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel,    m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality,            m_Quality != WeaponQuality.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Hits,                m_Hits != 0 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits,            m_MaxHits != 0 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer,            m_Slayer != SlayerName.None );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Poison,            m_Poison != null );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges,        m_PoisonCharges != 0 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter,            m_Crafter != null );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,        m_Identified != false );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq,            m_StrReq != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DexReq,            m_DexReq != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.IntReq,            m_IntReq != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage,            m_MinDamage != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage,            m_MaxDamage != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.HitSound,            m_HitSound != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MissSound,            m_MissSound != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Speed,                m_Speed != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange,            m_MaxRange != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Skill,                m_Skill != (SkillName)(-1) );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Type,                m_Type != (WeaponType)(-1) );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Animation,            m_Animation != (WeaponAnimation)(-1) );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource,            m_Resource != CraftResource.Iron );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes,        !m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes,    !m_AosWeaponAttributes.IsEmpty );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed,    m_PlayerConstructed );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses,        !m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2,            m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages,    !m_AosElementDamages.IsEmpty );
            writer.Write( (int) flags );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_DamageLevel );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_AccuracyLevel );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_DurabilityLevel );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Quality );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Hits );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MaxHits );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Slayer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
                Poison.Serialize( m_Poison, writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_PoisonCharges );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
                writer.Write( (Mobile) m_Crafter );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_StrReq );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_DexReq );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_IntReq );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MinDamage );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MaxDamage );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_HitSound );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MissSound );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Speed );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MaxRange );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Skill );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Type );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Animation );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Resource );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
                m_AosAttributes.Serialize( writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
                m_AosWeaponAttributes.Serialize( writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
                m_AosSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
                writer.Write( (int)m_Slayer2 );
            if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
                m_AosElementDamages.Serialize( writer );
        private enum SaveFlag
            None                    = 0x00000000,
            DamageLevel                = 0x00000001,
            AccuracyLevel            = 0x00000002,
            DurabilityLevel            = 0x00000004,
            Quality                    = 0x00000008,
            Hits                    = 0x00000010,
            MaxHits                    = 0x00000020,
            Slayer                    = 0x00000040,
            Poison                    = 0x00000080,
            PoisonCharges            = 0x00000100,
            Crafter                    = 0x00000200,
            Identified                = 0x00000400,
            StrReq                    = 0x00000800,
            DexReq                    = 0x00001000,
            IntReq                    = 0x00002000,
            MinDamage                = 0x00004000,
            MaxDamage                = 0x00008000,
            HitSound                = 0x00010000,
            MissSound                = 0x00020000,
            Speed                    = 0x00040000,
            MaxRange                = 0x00080000,
            Skill                    = 0x00100000,
            Type                    = 0x00200000,
            Animation                = 0x00400000,
            Resource                = 0x00800000,
            xAttributes                = 0x01000000,
            xWeaponAttributes        = 0x02000000,
            PlayerConstructed        = 0x04000000,
            SkillBonuses            = 0x08000000,
            Slayer2                    = 0x10000000,
            ElementalDamages        = 0x20000000
        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            switch ( version )
                case 8:
                case 7:
                case 6:
                case 5:
                    SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
                        m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                        if ( m_DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq )
                            m_DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
                        m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                        if ( m_AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely )
                            m_AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
                        m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                        if ( m_DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible )
                            m_DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
                        m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
                        m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
                        m_MaxHits = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
                        m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
                        m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
                        m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
                        m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Identified ) )
                        m_Identified = ( version >= 6 || reader.ReadBool() );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
                        m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_StrReq = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
                        m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_DexReq = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
                        m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_IntReq = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
                        m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MinDamage = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
                        m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MaxDamage = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
                        m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_HitSound = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
                        m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MissSound = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
                        m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Speed = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
                        m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MaxRange = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
                        m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
                        m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
                        m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
                        m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
                        m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
                        m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this, reader );
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
                    if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
                        m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
                        ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
                    if ( version < 7 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon = 30 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon;
                    if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 && Parent is Mobile )
                        m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
                        ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
                        m_PlayerConstructed = true;
                    if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
                        m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
                        m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
                    if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
                        m_Slayer2 = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
                    if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
                        m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this, reader );
                        m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
                case 4:
                    m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 3;
                case 3:
                    m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 0;
                case 0:
                    if ( version == 0 )
                        m_MaxRange = 1; // default
                    if ( version < 5 )
                        m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
                        m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
                        m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
                        m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
                    m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();
                    m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );
                    m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( m_StrReq == OldStrengthReq )
                        m_StrReq = -1;
                    if ( m_DexReq == OldDexterityReq )
                        m_DexReq = -1;
                    if ( m_IntReq == OldIntelligenceReq )
                        m_IntReq = -1;
                    if ( m_MinDamage == OldMinDamage )
                        m_MinDamage = -1;
                    if ( m_MaxDamage == OldMaxDamage )
                        m_MaxDamage = -1;
                    if ( m_HitSound == OldHitSound )
                        m_HitSound = -1;
                    if ( m_MissSound == OldMissSound )
                        m_MissSound = -1;
                    if ( m_Speed == OldSpeed )
                        m_Speed = -1;
                    if ( m_MaxRange == OldMaxRange )
                        m_MaxRange = -1;
                    if ( m_Skill == OldSkill )
                        m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
                    if ( m_Type == OldType )
                        m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
                    if ( m_Animation == OldAnimation )
                        m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);
                    if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
                        m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);
                        ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
            if ( Core.AOS && Parent is Mobile )
                m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( (Mobile)Parent );
            int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
            int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
            int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;
            if ( this.Parent is Mobile && (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
                Mobile m = (Mobile)this.Parent;
                string modName = this.Serial.ToString();
                if ( strBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( dexBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( intBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
            if ( Parent is Mobile )
            if ( m_Hits <= 0 && m_MaxHits <= 0 )
                m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );
            if ( version < 6 )
                m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted
        public BaseWeapon( int itemID ) : base( itemID )
            Layer = (Layer)ItemData.Quality;
            m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
            m_StrReq = -1;
            m_DexReq = -1;
            m_IntReq = -1;
            m_MinDamage = -1;
            m_MaxDamage = -1;
            m_HitSound = -1;
            m_MissSound = -1;
            m_Speed = -1;
            m_MaxRange = -1;
            m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
            m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
            m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);
            m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );
            m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
            m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
            m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
            m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
            m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
        public BaseWeapon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
        private string GetNameString()
            string name = this.Name;
            if ( name == null )
                name = String.Format( "#{0}", LabelNumber );
            return name;
        [Hue, CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public override int Hue
            get{ return base.Hue; }
            set{ base.Hue = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        public int GetElementalDamageHue()
            int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
            GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
            //Order is Cold, Energy, Fire, Poison, Physical left
            int currentMax = 50;
            int hue = 0;
            if( pois >= currentMax )
                hue = 1267 + (pois - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = pois;
            if( fire >= currentMax )
                hue = 1255 + (fire - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = fire;
            if( nrgy >= currentMax )
                hue = 1273 + (nrgy - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = nrgy;
            if( cold >= currentMax )
                hue = 1261 + (cold - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = cold;
            return hue;
        public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
            int oreType;
            switch ( m_Resource )
                case CraftResource.DullCopper:        oreType = 1053108; break; // dull copper
                case CraftResource.ShadowIron:        oreType = 1053107; break; // shadow iron
                case CraftResource.Copper:            oreType = 1053106; break; // copper
                case CraftResource.Bronze:            oreType = 1053105; break; // bronze
                case CraftResource.Gold:            oreType = 1053104; break; // golden
                case CraftResource.Agapite:            oreType = 1053103; break; // agapite
                case CraftResource.Verite:            oreType = 1053102; break; // verite
                case CraftResource.Valorite:        oreType = 1053101; break; // valorite
                case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:    oreType = 1061118; break; // spined
                case CraftResource.HornedLeather:    oreType = 1061117; break; // horned
                case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:    oreType = 1061116; break; // barbed
                case CraftResource.RedScales:        oreType = 1060814; break; // red
                case CraftResource.YellowScales:    oreType = 1060818; break; // yellow
                case CraftResource.BlackScales:        oreType = 1060820; break; // black
                case CraftResource.GreenScales:        oreType = 1060819; break; // green
                case CraftResource.WhiteScales:        oreType = 1060821; break; // white
                case CraftResource.BlueScales:        oreType = 1060815; break; // blue
                default: oreType = 0; break;
            if ( oreType != 0 )
                list.Add( 1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString() ); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
            else if ( Name == null )
                list.Add( LabelNumber );
                list.Add( Name );
        public override bool AllowEquipedCast( Mobile from )
            if ( base.AllowEquipedCast( from ) )
                return true;
            return ( m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0 );
        public virtual int ArtifactRarity
            get{ return 0; }
        public virtual int GetLuckBonus()
            CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
            if ( resInfo == null )
                return 0;
            CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;
            if ( attrInfo == null )
                return 0;
            return attrInfo.WeaponLuck;
        public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
            base.GetProperties( list );
            if ( m_Crafter != null )
                list.Add( 1050043, m_Crafter.Name ); // crafted by ~1_NAME~
            #region Factions
            if ( m_FactionState != null )
                list.Add( 1041350 ); // faction item
            if ( m_AosSkillBonuses != null )
                m_AosSkillBonuses.GetProperties( list );
            if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
                list.Add( 1060636 ); // exceptional
            if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
                list.Add( 1075086 ); // Elves Only
            if ( ArtifactRarity > 0 )
                list.Add( 1061078, ArtifactRarity.ToString() ); // artifact rarity ~1_val~
            if ( this is IUsesRemaining && ((IUsesRemaining)this).ShowUsesRemaining )
                list.Add( 1060584, ((IUsesRemaining)this).UsesRemaining.ToString() ); // uses remaining: ~1_val~
            if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
                list.Add( 1062412 + m_Poison.Level, m_PoisonCharges.ToString() );
            if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
                SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
                if( entry != null )
                    list.Add( entry.Title );
            if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
                SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
                if( entry != null )
                    list.Add( entry.Title );
            base.AddResistanceProperties( list );
            int prop;
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060400 ); // use best weapon skill
            if ( (prop = (GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060401, prop.ToString() ); // damage increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060408, prop.ToString() ); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060411, prop.ToString() ); // enhance potions ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060412, prop.ToString() ); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060413, prop.ToString() ); // faster casting ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = (GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060415, prop.ToString() ); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060416, prop.ToString() ); // hit cold area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060417, prop.ToString() ); // hit dispel ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060418, prop.ToString() ); // hit energy area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060419, prop.ToString() ); // hit fire area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060420, prop.ToString() ); // hit fireball ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060421, prop.ToString() ); // hit harm ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060422, prop.ToString() ); // hit life leech ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060423, prop.ToString() ); // hit lightning ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060424, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower attack ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060425, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower defense ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060426, prop.ToString() ); // hit magic arrow ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060427, prop.ToString() ); // hit mana leech ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060428, prop.ToString() ); // hit physical area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060429, prop.ToString() ); // hit poison area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060430, prop.ToString() ); // hit stamina leech ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060409, prop.ToString() ); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060431, prop.ToString() ); // hit point increase ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060432, prop.ToString() ); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060433, prop.ToString() ); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060434, prop.ToString() ); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060435, prop.ToString() ); // lower requirements ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = (GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060436, prop.ToString() ); // luck ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060438, (30 - prop).ToString() ); // mage weapon -~1_val~ skill
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060439, prop.ToString() ); // mana increase ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060440, prop.ToString() ); // mana regeneration ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060441 ); // night sight
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060442, prop.ToString() ); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060443, prop.ToString() ); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060444, prop.ToString() ); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060482 ); // spell channeling
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060483, prop.ToString() ); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060484, prop.ToString() ); // stamina increase ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060485, prop.ToString() ); // strength bonus ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060486, prop.ToString() ); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%
            int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
            GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
            if ( phys != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060403, phys.ToString() ); // physical damage ~1_val~%
            if ( fire != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060405, fire.ToString() ); // fire damage ~1_val~%
            if ( cold != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060404, cold.ToString() ); // cold damage ~1_val~%
            if ( pois != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060406, pois.ToString() ); // poison damage ~1_val~%
            if ( nrgy != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060407, nrgy.ToString() ); // energy damage ~1_val~%
            list.Add( 1061168, "{0}\t{1}", MinDamage.ToString(), MaxDamage.ToString() ); // weapon damage ~1_val~ - ~2_val~
            list.Add( 1061167, Speed.ToString() ); // weapon speed ~1_val~
            if ( MaxRange > 1 )
                list.Add( 1061169, MaxRange.ToString() ); // range ~1_val~
            int strReq = AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() );
            if ( strReq > 0 )
                list.Add( 1061170, strReq.ToString() ); // strength requirement ~1_val~
            if ( Layer == Layer.TwoHanded )
                list.Add( 1061171 ); // two-handed weapon
                list.Add( 1061824 ); // one-handed weapon
            if ( Core.SE || m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill == 0 )
                switch ( Skill )
                    case SkillName.Swords:  list.Add( 1061172 ); break; // skill required: swordsmanship
                    case SkillName.Macing:  list.Add( 1061173 ); break; // skill required: mace fighting
                    case SkillName.Fencing: list.Add( 1061174 ); break; // skill required: fencing
                    case SkillName.Archery: list.Add( 1061175 ); break; // skill required: archery
            if ( m_Hits >= 0 && m_MaxHits > 0 )
                list.Add( 1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_Hits, m_MaxHits ); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~
        public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
            List<EquipInfoAttribute> attrs = new List<EquipInfoAttribute>();
            if ( DisplayLootType )
                if ( LootType == LootType.Blessed )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038021 ) ); // blessed
                else if ( LootType == LootType.Cursed )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1049643 ) ); // cursed
            #region Factions
            if ( m_FactionState != null )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1041350 ) ); // faction item
            if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1018305 - (int)m_Quality ) );
            if ( m_Identified || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
                if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
                    SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
                    if( entry != null )
                        attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );
                if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
                    SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
                    if( entry != null )
                        attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );
                if ( m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 + (int)m_DurabilityLevel ) );
                if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038015 + (int)m_DamageLevel ) );
                if ( m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038010 + (int)m_AccuracyLevel ) );
            else if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None || m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None || m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular || m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 ) ); // Unidentified
            if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1017383, m_PoisonCharges ) );
            int number;
            if ( Name == null )
                number = LabelNumber;
                this.LabelTo( from, Name );
                number = 1041000;
            if ( attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null )
            EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo( number, m_Crafter, false, attrs.ToArray() );
            from.Send( new DisplayEquipmentInfo( this, eqInfo ) );
        private static BaseWeapon m_Fists; // This value holds the default--fist--weapon
        public static BaseWeapon Fists
            get{ return m_Fists; }
            set{ m_Fists = value; }
        #region ICraftable Members
        public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
            Quality = (WeaponQuality)quality;
            if ( makersMark )
                Crafter = from;
            PlayerConstructed = true;
            Type resourceType = typeRes;
            if ( resourceType == null )
                resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );
                CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );
                if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
                    Hue = 0;
                if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
                    ((BaseRunicTool)tool).ApplyAttributesTo( this );
                if ( quality == 2 )
                    if ( Attributes.WeaponDamage > 35 )
                        Attributes.WeaponDamage -= 20;
                        Attributes.WeaponDamage = 15;
            else if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
                CraftResource thisResource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );
                if ( thisResource == ((BaseRunicTool)tool).Resource )
                    Resource = thisResource;
                    CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );
                    if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
                        Hue = 0;
                    switch ( thisResource )
                        case CraftResource.DullCopper:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
                        case CraftResource.ShadowIron:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
                        case CraftResource.Copper:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
                        case CraftResource.Bronze:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Might;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
                        case CraftResource.Gold:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Force;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
                        case CraftResource.Agapite:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
                        case CraftResource.Verite:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly;
                        case CraftResource.Valorite:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely;
            return quality;
    public enum CheckSlayerResult

I know lucid is out for a bit, so if anyone else can help me out just let me know. If not I will just wait for lucid to return.

For now I just commented it out until I can figure out how to fix it and it compiles for now :)

(Not worried about the warnings, just the error)


If you are using RC1 this needs to be changed to:
   	a.OnHit( attacker, defender );


Thanks for the reply, just got back in from work.

I believe I changed the correct part of the code you were talking about.

it still gives me this when I try to compile:

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2357.32527
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 3 warnings)
 + Custom/XmlQuest/XmlQuestHolderGumps.cs:
    CS0219: Line 618: The variable 'edit_entry' is assigned but its value is nev
er used
 + Customs/Lucid's Systems/Advanced Archery/Items/Quivers/BaseQuiver.cs:
    CS0162: Line 73: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 114: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 155: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 222: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 240: Unreachable code detected
 + Spells/@@Other Shit/Reagent Book/RegBook.cs:
    CS0162: Line 308: Unreachable code detected
 + Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs:
    CS1002: Line 1646: ; expected
    CS1023: Line 1646: Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled sta
    CS1002: Line 1646: ; expected
    CS1002: Line 1646: ; expected
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Here is the file after I did the new edit to make sure it is right.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Spells.Cleric;

namespace Server.Items
	public interface ISlayer
		SlayerName Slayer { get; set; }
		SlayerName Slayer2 { get; set; }

	public abstract class BaseWeapon : Item, IWeapon, IFactionItem, ICraftable, ISlayer, IDurability
		#region Factions
		private FactionItem m_FactionState;

		public FactionItem FactionItemState
			get{ return m_FactionState; }
				m_FactionState = value;

				if ( m_FactionState == null )
					Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( Resource );

				LootType = ( m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed );

		/* Weapon internals work differently now (Mar 13 2003)
		 * The attributes defined below default to -1.
		 * If the value is -1, the corresponding virtual 'Aos/Old' property is used.
		 * If not, the attribute value itself is used. Here's the list:
		 *  - MinDamage
		 *  - MaxDamage
		 *  - Speed
		 *  - HitSound
		 *  - MissSound
		 *  - StrRequirement, DexRequirement, IntRequirement
		 *  - WeaponType
		 *  - WeaponAnimation
		 *  - MaxRange

		#region Var declarations

		// Instance values. These values are unique to each weapon.
		private WeaponDamageLevel m_DamageLevel;
		private WeaponAccuracyLevel m_AccuracyLevel;
		private WeaponDurabilityLevel m_DurabilityLevel;
		private WeaponQuality m_Quality;
		private Mobile m_Crafter;
		private Poison m_Poison;
		private int m_PoisonCharges;
		private bool m_Identified;
		private int m_Hits;
		private int m_MaxHits;
		private SlayerName m_Slayer;
		private SlayerName m_Slayer2;
		private SkillMod m_SkillMod, m_MageMod;
		private CraftResource m_Resource;
		private bool m_PlayerConstructed;

		private bool m_Cursed; // Is this weapon cursed via Curse Weapon necromancer spell? Temporary; not serialized.
		private bool m_Consecrated; // Is this weapon blessed via Consecrate Weapon paladin ability? Temporary; not serialized.

		private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
		private AosWeaponAttributes m_AosWeaponAttributes;
		private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;
		private AosElementAttributes m_AosElementDamages;

		// Overridable values. These values are provided to override the defaults which get defined in the individual weapon scripts.
		private int m_StrReq, m_DexReq, m_IntReq;
		private int m_MinDamage, m_MaxDamage;
		private int m_HitSound, m_MissSound;
		private int m_Speed;
		private int m_MaxRange;
		private SkillName m_Skill;
		private WeaponType m_Type;
		private WeaponAnimation m_Animation;

		#region Virtual Properties
		public virtual WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }
		public virtual WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }

		public virtual int DefMaxRange{ get{ return 1; } }
		public virtual int DefHitSound{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int DefMissSound{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual SkillName DefSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Swords; } }
		public virtual WeaponType DefType{ get{ return WeaponType.Slashing; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation DefAnimation{ get{ return WeaponAnimation.Slash1H; } }

		public virtual int AosStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
		public virtual int AosHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
		public virtual int AosMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
		public virtual SkillName AosSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
		public virtual WeaponType AosType{ get{ return DefType; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation AosAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }

		public virtual int OldStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
		public virtual int OldHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
		public virtual int OldMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
		public virtual SkillName OldSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
		public virtual WeaponType OldType{ get{ return DefType; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation OldAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }

		public virtual int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }

		public override int PhysicalResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPhysicalBonus; } }
		public override int FireResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistFireBonus; } }
		public override int ColdResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistColdBonus; } }
		public override int PoisonResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPoisonBonus; } }
		public override int EnergyResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistEnergyBonus; } }

		public virtual SkillName AccuracySkill { get { return SkillName.Tactics; } }

		#region Getters & Setters
		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosAttributes Attributes
			get{ return m_AosAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosWeaponAttributes WeaponAttributes
			get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses
			get{ return m_AosSkillBonuses; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosElementAttributes AosElementDamages
			get { return m_AosElementDamages; }
			set { }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Cursed
			get{ return m_Cursed; }
			set{ m_Cursed = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Consecrated
			get{ return m_Consecrated; }
			set{ m_Consecrated = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Identified
			get{ return m_Identified; }
			set{ m_Identified = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int HitPoints
			get{ return m_Hits; }
				if ( m_Hits == value )

				if ( value > m_MaxHits )
					value = m_MaxHits;

				m_Hits = value;


		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxHitPoints
			get{ return m_MaxHits; }
			set{ m_MaxHits = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int PoisonCharges
			get{ return m_PoisonCharges; }
			set{ m_PoisonCharges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Poison Poison
			get{ return m_Poison; }
			set{ m_Poison = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponQuality Quality
			get{ return m_Quality; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Quality = value; ScaleDurability(); InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Mobile Crafter
			get{ return m_Crafter; }
			set{ m_Crafter = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SlayerName Slayer
			get{ return m_Slayer; }
			set{ m_Slayer = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SlayerName Slayer2
			get { return m_Slayer2; }
			set { m_Slayer2 = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public CraftResource Resource
			get{ return m_Resource; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Resource = value; Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource ); InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponDamageLevel DamageLevel
			get{ return m_DamageLevel; }
			set{ m_DamageLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponDurabilityLevel DurabilityLevel
			get{ return m_DurabilityLevel; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_DurabilityLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool PlayerConstructed
			get{ return m_PlayerConstructed; }
			set{ m_PlayerConstructed = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxRange
			get{ return ( m_MaxRange == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxRange : OldMaxRange : m_MaxRange ); }
			set{ m_MaxRange = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponAnimation Animation
			get{ return ( m_Animation == (WeaponAnimation)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosAnimation : OldAnimation : m_Animation ); } 
			set{ m_Animation = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponType Type
			get{ return ( m_Type == (WeaponType)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosType : OldType : m_Type ); }
			set{ m_Type = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SkillName Skill
			get{ return ( m_Skill == (SkillName)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosSkill : OldSkill : m_Skill ); }
			set{ m_Skill = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int HitSound
			get{ return ( m_HitSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosHitSound : OldHitSound : m_HitSound ); }
			set{ m_HitSound = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MissSound
			get{ return ( m_MissSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMissSound : OldMissSound : m_MissSound ); }
			set{ m_MissSound = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MinDamage
			get{ return ( m_MinDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMinDamage : OldMinDamage : m_MinDamage ); }
			set{ m_MinDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxDamage
			get{ return ( m_MaxDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxDamage : OldMaxDamage : m_MaxDamage ); }
			set{ m_MaxDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Speed
			get{ return ( m_Speed == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosSpeed : OldSpeed : m_Speed ); }
			set{ m_Speed = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int StrRequirement
			get{ return ( m_StrReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrengthReq : OldStrengthReq : m_StrReq ); }
			set{ m_StrReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int DexRequirement
			get{ return ( m_DexReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexterityReq : OldDexterityReq : m_DexReq ); }
			set{ m_DexReq = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int IntRequirement
			get{ return ( m_IntReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntelligenceReq : OldIntelligenceReq : m_IntReq ); }
			set{ m_IntReq = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponAccuracyLevel AccuracyLevel
				return m_AccuracyLevel;
				if ( m_AccuracyLevel != value )
					m_AccuracyLevel = value;

					if ( UseSkillMod )
						if ( m_AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
							if ( m_SkillMod != null )

							m_SkillMod = null;
						else if ( m_SkillMod == null && Parent is Mobile )
							m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
							((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
						else if ( m_SkillMod != null )
							m_SkillMod.Value = (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5;



		public virtual void UnscaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_Hits = ((m_Hits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
			m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;

		public virtual void ScaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_Hits = ((m_Hits * scale) + 99) / 100;
			m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * scale) + 99) / 100;

		public int GetDurabilityBonus()
			int bonus = 0;

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				bonus += 20;

			switch ( m_DurabilityLevel )
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable: bonus += 20; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Substantial: bonus += 50; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Massive: bonus += 70; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified: bonus += 100; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible: bonus += 120; break;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				bonus += m_AosWeaponAttributes.DurabilityBonus;

				CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = null;

				if ( resInfo != null )
					attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					bonus += attrInfo.WeaponDurability;

			return bonus;

		public int GetLowerStatReq()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			int v = m_AosWeaponAttributes.LowerStatReq;

			CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( info != null )
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					v += attrInfo.WeaponLowerRequirements;

			if ( v > 100 )
				v = 100;

			return v;

		public static void BlockEquip( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration )
			if ( m.BeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
				new ResetEquipTimer( m, duration ).Start();

		private class ResetEquipTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_Mobile;

			public ResetEquipTimer( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration )
				m_Mobile = m;

			protected override void OnTick()
				m_Mobile.EndAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) );

		public override bool CheckConflictingLayer( Mobile m, Item item, Layer layer )
			if ( base.CheckConflictingLayer( m, item, layer ) )
				return true;

			if ( this.Layer == Layer.TwoHanded && layer == Layer.OneHanded )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500214 ); // You already have something in both hands.
				return true;
			else if ( this.Layer == Layer.OneHanded && layer == Layer.TwoHanded && !(item is BaseShield) && !(item is BaseEquipableLight) )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500215 ); // You can only wield one weapon at a time.
				return true;

			return false;

		public override bool AllowSecureTrade( Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted )
			if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckTrade( from, to, newOwner, this ) )
				return false;

			return base.AllowSecureTrade( from, to, newOwner, accepted );

		public virtual Race RequiredRace { get { return null; } }	//On OSI, there are no weapons with race requirements, this is for custom stuff

		public override bool CanEquip( Mobile from )
			if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckEquip( from, this ) )
				return false;

			if( RequiredRace != null && from.Race != RequiredRace )
				if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1072203 ); // Only Elves may use this.
					from.SendMessage( "Only {0} may use this.", RequiredRace.PluralName );

				return false;
			else if ( from.Dex < DexRequirement )
				from.SendMessage( "You are not nimble enough to equip that." );
				return false;
			else if ( from.Str < AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500213 ); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
				return false;
			else if ( from.Int < IntRequirement )
				from.SendMessage( "You are not smart enough to equip that." );
				return false;

			else if ( !from.CanBeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
				return false;
				// XmlAttachment check for CanEquip
				if (!Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckCanEquip(this, from))
					return false;
					return base.CanEquip(from);

		public virtual bool UseSkillMod{ get{ return !Core.AOS; } }

		public override bool OnEquip( Mobile from )
			int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
			int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
			int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

			if ( (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
				Mobile m = from;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			from.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + GetDelay( from );

			if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
				if ( m_SkillMod != null )

				m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
				from.AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );

			if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 )
				if ( m_MageMod != null )

				m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
				from.AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );

	// XmlAttachment check for OnEquip
	Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnEquip(this, from);

	return true;		}

		public override void OnAdded( object parent )
			base.OnAdded( parent );

			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;

				if ( Core.AOS )
					m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( from );

				from.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );

		public override void OnRemoved( object parent )
			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)parent;
				BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );

				if ( weapon != null )
					m.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + weapon.GetDelay( m );

				if ( UseSkillMod && m_SkillMod != null )
					m_SkillMod = null;

				if ( m_MageMod != null )
					m_MageMod = null;

				if ( Core.AOS )


			m.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );
		// XmlAttachment check for OnRemoved
		Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnRemoved(this, parent);
		public virtual SkillName GetUsedSkill( Mobile m, bool checkSkillAttrs )
			SkillName sk;

			if ( checkSkillAttrs && m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill != 0 )
				double swrd = m.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value;
				double fenc = m.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Value;
				double mcng = m.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Value;
				double val;

				sk = SkillName.Swords;
				val = swrd;

				if ( fenc > val ){ sk = SkillName.Fencing; val = fenc; }
				if ( mcng > val ){ sk = SkillName.Macing; val = mcng; }
			else if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
				if ( m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value > m.Skills[Skill].Value )
					sk = SkillName.Magery;
					sk = Skill;
				sk = Skill;

				if ( sk != SkillName.Wrestling && !m.Player && !m.Body.IsHuman && m.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Value > m.Skills[sk].Value )
					sk = SkillName.Wrestling;

			return sk;

		public virtual double GetAttackSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return attacker.Skills[GetUsedSkill( attacker, true )].Value;

		public virtual double GetDefendSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return defender.Skills[GetUsedSkill( defender, true )].Value;

		private static bool CheckAnimal( Mobile m, Type type )
			return AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( m, type );

		public virtual bool CheckHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
			BaseWeapon defWeapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			Skill atkSkill = attacker.Skills[atkWeapon.Skill];
			Skill defSkill = defender.Skills[defWeapon.Skill];

			double atkValue = atkWeapon.GetAttackSkillValue( attacker, defender );
			double defValue = defWeapon.GetDefendSkillValue( attacker, defender );

			//attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, defValue - 20.0, 120.0 );
			//defender.CheckSkill( defSkill.SkillName, atkValue - 20.0, 120.0 );

			double ourValue, theirValue;

			int bonus = GetHitChanceBonus();

			if ( Core.AOS )
				if ( atkValue <= -20.0 )
					atkValue = -19.9;

				if ( defValue <= -20.0 )
					defValue = -19.9;

				// Hit Chance Increase = 45%
				int atkChance = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.AttackChance );
				if ( atkChance > 45 )
					atkChance = 45;

				bonus += atkChance;

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
					bonus += 10; // attacker gets 10% bonus when they're under divine fury

				if ( CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( GreyWolf ) ) || CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( BakeKitsune ) ) )
					bonus += 20; // attacker gets 20% bonus when under Wolf or Bake Kitsune form

				if ( HitLower.IsUnderAttackEffect( attacker ) )
					bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Attack effect -> 25% malus

				ourValue = (atkValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

				// Defense Chance Increase = 45%
				bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( defender, AosAttribute.DefendChance );
				if ( bonus > 45 )
					bonus = 45;

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( defender ) )
					bonus -= 20; // defender loses 20% bonus when they're under divine fury

				if ( HitLower.IsUnderDefenseEffect( defender ) )
					bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Defense effect -> 25% malus
				int blockBonus = 0;

				if ( Block.GetBonus( defender, ref blockBonus ) )
					bonus += blockBonus;

				int surpriseMalus = 0;

				if ( SurpriseAttack.GetMalus( defender, ref surpriseMalus ) )
					bonus -= surpriseMalus;

				int discordanceEffect = 0;

				// Defender loses -0/-28% if under the effect of Discordance.
				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
					bonus -= discordanceEffect;

				theirValue = (defValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

				bonus = 0;
				if ( atkValue <= -50.0 )
					atkValue = -49.9;

				if ( defValue <= -50.0 )
					defValue = -49.9;

				ourValue = (atkValue + 50.0);
				theirValue = (defValue + 50.0);

			double chance = ourValue / (theirValue * 2.0);

			chance *= 1.0 + ((double)bonus / 100);

			if ( Core.AOS && chance < 0.02 )
				chance = 0.02;

			WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( ability != null )
				chance *= ability.AccuracyScalar;

			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if ( move != null )
				chance *= move.GetAccuracyScalar( attacker );

			return attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, chance );

			//return ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() );

		public virtual TimeSpan GetDelay( Mobile m )
			int speed = this.Speed;

			if ( speed == 0 )
				return TimeSpan.FromHours( 1.0 );

			double delayInSeconds;

			if ( Core.SE )
				 * This is likely true for Core.AOS as well... both guides report the same
				 * formula, and both are wrong.
				 * The old formula left in for AOS for legacy & because we aren't quite 100%
				 * Sure that AOS has THIS formula
				int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
					bonus += 10;

				// Bonus granted by successful use of Honorable Execution.
				bonus += HonorableExecution.GetSwingBonus( m );

				if( DualWield.Registry.Contains( m ) )
					bonus += ((DualWield.DualWieldTimer)DualWield.Registry[m]).BonusSwingSpeed;

				if( Feint.Registry.Contains( m ) )
					bonus -= ((Feint.FeintTimer)Feint.Registry[m]).SwingSpeedReduction;

				int discordanceEffect = 0;

				// Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
					bonus -= discordanceEffect;

				if ( bonus > 60 )
					bonus = 60;

				speed = (int)Math.Floor( speed * (bonus + 100.0) / 100.0 );

				if ( speed <= 0 )
					speed = 1;

				int ticks = (int)Math.Floor( (80000.0 / ((m.Stam + 100) * speed)) - 2 );

				// Swing speed currently capped at one swing every 1.25 seconds (5 ticks).
				if ( ticks < 5 )
					ticks = 5;

				delayInSeconds = ticks * 0.25;
			else if ( Core.AOS )
				int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;

				int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
					bonus += 10;

				int discordanceEffect = 0;

				// Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
					bonus -= discordanceEffect;

				v += AOS.Scale( v, bonus );

				if ( v <= 0 )
					v = 1;

				delayInSeconds = Math.Floor( 40000.0 / v ) * 0.5;

				// Maximum swing rate capped at one swing per second 
				// OSI dev said that it has and is supposed to be 1.25
				if ( delayInSeconds < 1.25 )
					delayInSeconds = 1.25;
				int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;

				if ( v <= 0 )
					v = 1;

				delayInSeconds = 15000.0 / v;

			return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( delayInSeconds );

		public virtual void OnBeforeSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if( a != null && !a.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
				WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );

			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if( move != null && !move.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
				SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );

		public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return OnSwing( attacker, defender, 1.0 );

		public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
			bool canSwing = true;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				canSwing = ( !attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen );

				if ( canSwing )
					Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;

					canSwing = ( sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement );

			if ( canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) )

				if ( attacker.NetState != null )
					attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );

				if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
					WeaponAbility ab = bc.GetWeaponAbility();

					if ( ab != null )
						if ( bc.WeaponAbilityChance > Utility.RandomDouble() )
							WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility( bc, ab );
							WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( bc );

				if ( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
					OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );
					OnMiss( attacker, defender );

			return GetDelay( attacker );

		#region Sounds
		public virtual int GetHitAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			int sound = attacker.GetAttackSound();

			if ( sound == -1 )
				sound = HitSound;

			return sound;

		public virtual int GetHitDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return defender.GetHurtSound();

		public virtual int GetMissAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( attacker.GetAttackSound() == -1 )
				return MissSound;
				return -1;

		public virtual int GetMissDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return -1;

		public static bool CheckParry( Mobile defender )
			if ( defender == null )
				return false;

			BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;

			double parry = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value;
			double parryNonRacial = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].NonRacialValue;
			double bushido = defender.Skills[SkillName.Bushido].Value;

			if ( shield != null )
				double chance = (parryNonRacial - bushido) / 400.0;	//As per OSI, no negitive effect from the Racial stuffs, ie, 120 bushido and '0' parry with humans

				// Parry over 100 grants a 5% bonus.
				if ( parry >= 100.0 )
					chance += 0.05;

				// Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
				if ( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
					chance *= 1.5;

				// Low dexterity lowers the chance.
				if ( defender.Dex < 80 )
					chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;

				return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
			else if ( !(defender.Weapon is Fists) && !(defender.Weapon is BaseRanged) )
				BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

				double divisor = (weapon.Layer == Layer.OneHanded) ? 48000.0 : 41140.0;

				double chance = (parry * bushido) / divisor;

				double aosChance = parry / 800.0;

				// Parry or Bushido over 100 grant a 5% bonus.
				if( parry >= 100.0 )
					chance += 0.05;
					aosChance += 0.05;
				else if( bushido >= 100.0 )
					chance += 0.05;

				// Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
				if( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
					chance *= 1.5;

				// Low dexterity lowers the chance.
				if( defender.Dex < 80 )
					chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;

				if ( chance > aosChance )
					return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
					return (aosChance > Utility.RandomDouble()); // Only skillcheck if wielding a shield & there's no effect from Bushido

			return false;

		public virtual int AbsorbDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			bool blocked = false;

			if ( defender.Player || defender.Body.IsHuman )
				blocked = CheckParry( defender );

				if ( blocked )
					defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 16 );
					damage = 0;

					// Successful block removes the Honorable Execution penalty.
					HonorableExecution.RemovePenalty( defender );

					if ( CounterAttack.IsCountering( defender ) )
						BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

						if ( weapon != null )
							weapon.OnSwing( defender, attacker );

						CounterAttack.StopCountering( defender );

					if ( Confidence.IsConfident( defender ) )
						defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063117 ); // Your confidence reassures you as you successfully block your opponent's blow.

						double bushido = defender.Skills.Bushido.Value;

						defender.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 12) );
						defender.Stam += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 5) );

					BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;

					if ( shield != null )
						shield.OnHit( this, damage );

			if ( !blocked )
				double positionChance = Utility.RandomDouble();

				Item armorItem;

				if( positionChance < 0.07 )
					armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.14 )
					armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.28 )
					armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.43 )
					armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
				else if( positionChance < 0.65 )
					armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
					armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;

				IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;

				if ( armor != null )
					armor.OnHit( this, damage ); // call OnHit to lose durability

			return damage;

		public virtual int AbsorbDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			if ( Core.AOS )
				return AbsorbDamageAOS( attacker, defender, damage );

			double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();

			Item armorItem;

			if( chance < 0.07 )
				armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.14 )
				armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.28 )
				armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.43 )
				armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
			else if( chance < 0.65 )
				armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
				armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;

			IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;

			if ( armor != null )
				damage = armor.OnHit( this, damage );

			BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
			if ( shield != null )
				damage = shield.OnHit( this, damage );

			int virtualArmor = defender.VirtualArmor + defender.VirtualArmorMod;

			if ( virtualArmor > 0 )
				double scalar;

				if ( chance < 0.14 )
					scalar = 0.07;
				else if ( chance < 0.28 )
					scalar = 0.14;
				else if ( chance < 0.43 )
					scalar = 0.15;
				else if ( chance < 0.65 )
					scalar = 0.22;
					scalar = 0.35;

				int from = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar) / 2;
				int to = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar);

				damage -= Utility.Random( from, (to - from) + 1 );

			return damage;

		public virtual int GetPackInstinctBonus( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( attacker.Player || defender.Player )
				return 0;

			BaseCreature bc = attacker as BaseCreature;

			if ( bc == null || bc.PackInstinct == PackInstinct.None || (!bc.Controlled && !bc.Summoned) )
				return 0;

			Mobile master = bc.ControlMaster;

			if ( master == null )
				master = bc.SummonMaster;

			if ( master == null )
				return 0;

			int inPack = 1;

			foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 1 ) )
				if ( m != attacker && m is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature tc = (BaseCreature)m;

					if ( (tc.PackInstinct & bc.PackInstinct) == 0 || (!tc.Controlled && !tc.Summoned) )

					Mobile theirMaster = tc.ControlMaster;

					if ( theirMaster == null )
						theirMaster = tc.SummonMaster;

					if ( master == theirMaster && tc.Combatant == defender )

			if ( inPack >= 5 )
				return 100;
			else if ( inPack >= 4 )
				return 75;
			else if ( inPack >= 3 )
				return 50;
			else if ( inPack >= 2 )
				return 25;

			return 0;

		private static bool m_InDoubleStrike;

		public static bool InDoubleStrike
			get{ return m_InDoubleStrike; }
			set{ m_InDoubleStrike = value; }

		public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			OnHit( attacker, defender, 1.0 );

		public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
			if ( MirrorImage.HasClone( defender ) && (defender.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value / 150.0) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
				Clone bc;

				foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 4 ) )
					bc = m as Clone;

					if ( bc != null && bc.Summoned && bc.SummonMaster == defender )
						attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063141 ); // Your attack has been diverted to a nearby mirror image of your target!
						defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063140 ); // You manage to divert the attack onto one of your nearby mirror images.

						 * TODO: What happens if the Clone parries a blow?
						 * And what about if the attacker is using Honorable Execution
						 * and kills it?

						defender = m;

			PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
			PlayHurtAnimation( defender );

			attacker.PlaySound( GetHitAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
			defender.PlaySound( GetHitDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );

			int damage = ComputeDamage( attacker, defender );

			#region Damage Multipliers
			 * The following damage bonuses multiply damage by a factor.
			 * Capped at x3 (300%).
			double factor = 1.0;

			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if ( a != null )
				factor *= a.DamageScalar;

			if ( move != null )
				factor *= move.GetDamageScalar( attacker, defender );

			factor *= damageBonus;

			CheckSlayerResult cs = CheckSlayers( attacker, defender );

			if ( cs != CheckSlayerResult.None )
				if ( cs == CheckSlayerResult.Slayer )
					defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5 );

				factor *= 2.0;

			if ( !attacker.Player )
				if ( defender is PlayerMobile )
					PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)defender;

					if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType != null && pm.EnemyOfOneType != attacker.GetType() )
						factor *= 2.0;
			else if ( !defender.Player )
				if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
					PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;

					if ( pm.WaitingForEnemy )
						pm.EnemyOfOneType = defender.GetType();
						pm.WaitingForEnemy = false;

					if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType == defender.GetType() )
						defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5, 1160, 0 );
						factor *= 1.5;

			int packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus( attacker, defender );

			if ( packInstinctBonus != 0 )
				factor *= 1.0 + (double)packInstinctBonus / 100.0;

			if ( m_InDoubleStrike )
				factor *= 0.9; // 10% loss when attacking with double-strike

			TransformContext context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( defender );

			if ( (m_Slayer == SlayerName.Silver || m_Slayer2 == SlayerName.Silver) && context != null && context.Type != typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) )
				factor *= 1.25; // Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast takes an additional 25% damage

			if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
				PlayerMobile pmAttacker = (PlayerMobile) attacker;

				if ( pmAttacker.HonorActive && pmAttacker.InRange( defender, 1 ) )
					factor *= 1.25;

				if ( pmAttacker.SentHonorContext != null && pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.Target == defender )
					pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.ApplyPerfectionDamageBonus( ref factor );

			if ( factor > 3.0 )
				factor = 3.0;

			damage = (int)(damage * factor);

			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)attacker).AlterMeleeDamageTo( defender, ref damage );

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)defender).AlterMeleeDamageFrom( attacker, ref damage );

			damage = AbsorbDamage( attacker, defender, damage );

			if ( !Core.AOS && damage < 1 )
				damage = 1;
			else if ( Core.AOS && damage == 0 ) // parried
				if ( a != null && a.Validate( attacker ) /*&& a.CheckMana( attacker, true )*/ ) // Parried special moves have no mana cost 
					a = null;
					WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );

					attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061140 ); // Your attack was parried!

			AddBlood( attacker, defender, damage );

			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;

			GetDamageTypes( attacker, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );

			if ( m_Consecrated )
				phys = defender.PhysicalResistance;
				fire = defender.FireResistance;
				cold = defender.ColdResistance;
				pois = defender.PoisonResistance;
				nrgy = defender.EnergyResistance;

				int low = phys, type = 0;

				if ( fire < low ){ low = fire; type = 1; }
				if ( cold < low ){ low = cold; type = 2; }
				if ( pois < low ){ low = pois; type = 3; }
				if ( nrgy < low ){ low = nrgy; type = 4; }

				phys = fire = cold = pois = nrgy = 0;

				if ( type == 0 ) phys = 100;
				else if ( type == 1 ) fire = 100;
				else if ( type == 2 ) cold = 100;
				else if ( type == 3 ) pois = 100;
				else if ( type == 4 ) nrgy = 100;

			int damageGiven = damage;

			if ( a != null && !a.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
				WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
				a = null;

			if ( move != null && !move.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
				SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );
				move = null;

			bool ignoreArmor = ( a is ArmorIgnore || (move != null && move.IgnoreArmor( attacker )) );

			damageGiven = AOS.Damage( defender, attacker, damage, ignoreArmor, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

			double propertyBonus = ( move == null ) ? 1.0 : move.GetPropertyBonus( attacker );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				int lifeLeech = 0;
				int stamLeech = 0;
				int manaLeech = 0;
				int wraithLeech = 0;

				if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					lifeLeech += 30; // HitLeechHits% chance to leech 30% of damage as hit points

				if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					stamLeech += 100; // HitLeechStam% chance to leech 100% of damage as stamina

				if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					manaLeech += 40; // HitLeechMana% chance to leech 40% of damage as mana

				if ( m_Cursed )
					lifeLeech += 50; // Additional 50% life leech for cursed weapons (necro spell)

				context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( attacker );

				if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( VampiricEmbraceSpell ) )
					lifeLeech += 20; // Vampiric embrace gives an additional 20% life leech

				if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( WraithFormSpell ) )
					wraithLeech = (5 + (int)((15 * attacker.Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value) / 100)); // Wraith form gives an additional 5-20% mana leech

					// Mana leeched by the Wraith Form spell is actually stolen, not just leeched.
					defender.Mana -= AOS.Scale( damageGiven, wraithLeech );

					manaLeech += wraithLeech;

				if ( lifeLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Hits += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, lifeLeech );

				if ( stamLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Stam += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, stamLeech );

				if ( manaLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Mana += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, manaLeech );

				if ( lifeLeech != 0 || stamLeech != 0 || manaLeech != 0 )
					attacker.PlaySound( 0x44D );

			if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && ((MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental)) || Utility.Random( 25 ) == 0) ) // Stratics says 50% chance, seems more like 4%..
				if ( MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental) )
					attacker.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500263 ); // *Acid blood scars your weapon!*

				if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair > Utility.Random( 10 ) )
					HitPoints += 2;
					if ( m_Hits > 0 )
					else if ( m_MaxHits > 1 )

						if ( Parent is Mobile )
							((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.

			if ( attacker is VampireBatFamiliar )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
				Mobile caster = bc.ControlMaster;

				if ( caster == null )
					caster = bc.SummonMaster;

				if ( caster != null && caster.Map == bc.Map && caster.InRange( bc, 2 ) )
					caster.Hits += damage;
					bc.Hits += damage;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				int physChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea * propertyBonus);
				int fireChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea * propertyBonus);
				int coldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea * propertyBonus);
				int poisChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea * propertyBonus);
				int nrgyChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea * propertyBonus);

				if ( physChance != 0 && physChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x10E,   50, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

				if ( fireChance != 0 && fireChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x11D, 1160, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

				if ( coldChance != 0 && coldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x0FC, 2100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );

				if ( poisChance != 0 && poisChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x205, 1166, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0 );

				if ( nrgyChance != 0 && nrgyChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x1F1,  120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );

				int maChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow * propertyBonus);
				int harmChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm * propertyBonus);
				int fireballChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball * propertyBonus);
				int lightningChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning * propertyBonus);
				int dispelChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel * propertyBonus);

				if ( maChance != 0 && maChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoMagicArrow( attacker, defender );

				if ( harmChance != 0 && harmChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoHarm( attacker, defender );

				if ( fireballChance != 0 && fireballChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoFireball( attacker, defender );

				if ( lightningChance != 0 && lightningChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLightning( attacker, defender );

				if ( dispelChance != 0 && dispelChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoDispel( attacker, defender );

				int laChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack * propertyBonus);
				int ldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend * propertyBonus);

				if ( laChance != 0 && laChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLowerAttack( attacker, defender );

				if ( ldChance != 0 && ldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLowerDefense( attacker, defender );

			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)attacker).OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)defender).OnGotMeleeAttack( attacker );

						[COLOR="Red"]if ( a != null )
				a.OnHit( attacker, defender );
			// added for cleric spells by greywolf for fix for trial by fire
			PlayerEvent.InvokeHitByWeapon(attacker, defender, damage, a);
			// end added 

			if ( move != null )and then it works great [/COLOR]
					if ( move != null )
				move.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );

			if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
				((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetHit( attacker );

			if ( !(this is BaseRanged) )
				if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( GiantSerpent ) ) )
					defender.ApplyPoison( attacker, Poison.Lesser );

				if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( defender, typeof( BullFrog ) ) )
					attacker.ApplyPoison( defender, Poison.Regular );
			// hook for attachment OnWeaponHit method
			Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.OnWeaponHit(this, attacker, defender, damageGiven);
		public virtual double GetAosDamage( Mobile attacker, int bonus, int dice, int sides )
			int damage = Utility.Dice( dice, sides, bonus ) * 100;
			int damageBonus = 0;

			// Inscription bonus
			int inscribeSkill = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Fixed;

			damageBonus += inscribeSkill / 200;

			if ( inscribeSkill >= 1000 )
				damageBonus += 5;

			if ( attacker.Player )
				// Int bonus
				damageBonus += (attacker.Int / 10);

				// SDI bonus
				damageBonus += AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.SpellDamage );

			damage = AOS.Scale( damage, 100 + damageBonus );

			return damage / 100;

		#region Do<AoSEffect>
		public virtual void DoMagicArrow( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 10, 1, 4 );

			attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36E4, 5, 0, false, true, 3006, 4006, 0 );
			attacker.PlaySound( 0x1E5 );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoHarm( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 17, 1, 5 );

			if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 2 ) )
				damage *= 0.25; // 1/4 damage at > 2 tile range
			else if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 1 ) )
				damage *= 0.50; // 1/2 damage at 2 tile range

			defender.FixedParticles( 0x374A, 10, 30, 5013, 1153, 2, EffectLayer.Waist );
			defender.PlaySound( 0x0FC );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoFireball( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 19, 1, 5 );

			attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 9502, 4019, 0x160 );
			attacker.PlaySound( 0x15E );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoLightning( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 23, 1, 4 );

			defender.BoltEffect( 0 );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );

		public virtual void DoDispel( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			bool dispellable = false;

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				dispellable = ((BaseCreature)defender).Summoned && !((BaseCreature)defender).IsAnimatedDead;

			if ( !dispellable )

			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			Spells.Spell sp = new Spells.Sixth.DispelSpell( attacker, null );

			if ( sp.CheckResisted( defender ) )
				defender.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 10, 20 );
				Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( defender.Location, defender.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042 );
				Effects.PlaySound( defender, defender.Map, 0x201 );


		public virtual void DoLowerAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
			if ( HitLower.ApplyAttack( defender ) )
				defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
				Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0xA, 3 );

		public virtual void DoLowerDefense( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
			if ( HitLower.ApplyDefense( defender ) )
				defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
				Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0x23, 3 );

		public virtual void DoAreaAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender, int sound, int hue, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
			Map map = from.Map;

			if ( map == null )

			List<Mobile> list = new List<Mobile>();

			foreach ( Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange( 10 ) )
				if ( from != m && defender != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget( from, m ) && from.CanBeHarmful( m, false ) && from.InLOS( m ) )
					list.Add( m );

			if ( list.Count == 0 )

			Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, map, sound );

			// TODO: What is the damage calculation?

			for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
				Mobile m = list[i];

				double scalar = (11 - from.GetDistanceToSqrt( m )) / 10;

				if ( scalar > 1.0 )
					scalar = 1.0;
				else if ( scalar < 0.0 )

				from.DoHarmful( m, true );
				m.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 1, 15, hue, 0 );
				AOS.Damage( m, from, (int)(GetBaseDamage( from ) * scalar), phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

		public virtual CheckSlayerResult CheckSlayers( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
			SlayerEntry atkSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer );
			SlayerEntry atkSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer2 );

			if ( atkSlayer != null && atkSlayer.Slays( defender )  || atkSlayer2 != null && atkSlayer2.Slays( defender ) )
				return CheckSlayerResult.Slayer;

			if ( !Core.SE )
				ISlayer defISlayer = Spellbook.FindEquippedSpellbook( defender );

				if( defISlayer == null )
					defISlayer = defender.Weapon as ISlayer;

				if( defISlayer != null )
					SlayerEntry defSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer );
					SlayerEntry defSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer2 );

					if( defSlayer != null && defSlayer.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) || defSlayer2 != null && defSlayer2.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) )
						return CheckSlayerResult.Opposition;

			return CheckSlayerResult.None;

		public virtual void AddBlood( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			if ( damage > 0 )
				new Blood().MoveToWorld( defender.Location, defender.Map );

				int extraBlood = (Core.SE ? Utility.RandomMinMax( 3, 4 ) : Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 1 ) );

				for( int i = 0; i < extraBlood; i++ )
					new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D(
						defender.X + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
						defender.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
						defender.Z ), defender.Map );

			/* if ( damage <= 2 )

			Direction d = defender.GetDirectionTo( attacker );

			int maxCount = damage / 15;

			if ( maxCount < 1 )
				maxCount = 1;
			else if ( maxCount > 4 )
				maxCount = 4;

			for( int i = 0; i < Utility.Random( 1, maxCount ); ++i )
				int x = defender.X;
				int y = defender.Y;

				switch( d )
					case Direction.North:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.East:
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.West:
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.South:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Up:
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.Down:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Left:
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Right:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );

				new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, defender.Z ), defender.Map );

		public virtual void GetDamageTypes( Mobile wielder, out int phys, out int fire, out int cold, out int pois, out int nrgy )
			if( wielder is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)wielder;

				phys = bc.PhysicalDamage;
				fire = bc.FireDamage;
				cold = bc.ColdDamage;
				pois = bc.PoisonDamage;
				nrgy = bc.EnergyDamage;
				fire = m_AosElementDamages.Fire;
				cold = m_AosElementDamages.Cold;
				pois = m_AosElementDamages.Poison;
				nrgy = m_AosElementDamages.Energy;

				phys = 100 - fire - cold - pois - nrgy;

				CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

				if( resInfo != null )
					CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

					if( attrInfo != null )
						int left = phys;

						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponColdDamage,		ref cold, left );
						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponEnergyDamage,	ref nrgy, left );
						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponFireDamage,		ref fire, left );
						left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponPoisonDamage,	ref pois, left );

						phys = left;

		private int ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( int attrDamage, ref int element, int totalRemaining )
			if( totalRemaining <= 0 )
				return 0;

			if ( attrDamage <= 0 )
				return totalRemaining;

			int appliedDamage = attrDamage;

			if ( (appliedDamage + element) > 100 )
				appliedDamage = 100 - element;

			if( appliedDamage > totalRemaining )
				appliedDamage = totalRemaining;

			element += appliedDamage;

			return totalRemaining - appliedDamage;

		public virtual void OnMiss( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
			attacker.PlaySound( GetMissAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
			defender.PlaySound( GetMissDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );

			WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( ability != null )
				ability.OnMiss( attacker, defender );

			SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );

			if ( move != null )
				move.OnMiss( attacker, defender );

			if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
				((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetMissed( attacker );

		public virtual void GetBaseDamageRange( Mobile attacker, out int min, out int max )
			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)attacker;

				if ( c.DamageMin >= 0 )
					min = c.DamageMin;
					max = c.DamageMax;

				if ( this is Fists && !attacker.Body.IsHuman )
					min = attacker.Str / 28;
					max = attacker.Str / 28;

			min = MinDamage;
			max = MaxDamage;

		public virtual double GetBaseDamage( Mobile attacker )
			int min, max;

			GetBaseDamageRange( attacker, out min, out max );

			return Utility.RandomMinMax( min, max );

		public virtual double GetBonus( double value, double scalar, double threshold, double offset )
			double bonus = value * scalar;

			if ( value >= threshold )
				bonus += offset;

			return bonus / 100;

		public virtual int GetHitChanceBonus()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			int bonus = 0;

			switch ( m_AccuracyLevel )
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate:		bonus += 02; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly:	bonus += 04; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently:		bonus += 06; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly:	bonus += 08; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely:		bonus += 10; break;

			return bonus;

		public virtual int GetDamageBonus()
			int bonus = VirtualDamageBonus;

			switch ( m_Quality )
				case WeaponQuality.Low:			bonus -= 20; break;
				case WeaponQuality.Exceptional:	bonus += 20; break;

			switch ( m_DamageLevel )
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin:	bonus += 15; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Might:	bonus += 20; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Force:	bonus += 25; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Power:	bonus += 30; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq:	bonus += 35; break;

			return bonus;

		public virtual void GetStatusDamage( Mobile from, out int min, out int max )
			int baseMin, baseMax;

			GetBaseDamageRange( from, out baseMin, out baseMax );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
				max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );
				min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
				max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );

		public virtual double ScaleDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
			if ( checkSkills )
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain

				if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
					attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

			#region Physical bonuses
			 * These are the bonuses given by the physical characteristics of the mobile.
			 * No caps apply.
			double strengthBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Str,										0.300, 100.0,  5.00 );
			double  anatomyBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value,			0.500, 100.0,  5.00 );
			double  tacticsBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value,			0.625, 100.0,  6.25 );
			double   lumberBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value,	0.200, 100.0, 10.00 );

			if ( Type != WeaponType.Axe )
				lumberBonus = 0.0;

			#region Modifiers
			 * The following are damage modifiers whose effect shows on the status bar.
			 * Capped at 100% total.
			int damageBonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.WeaponDamage );

			// Horrific Beast transformation gives a +25% bonus to damage.
			if ( TransformationSpell.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) ) )
				damageBonus += 25;

			// Divine Fury gives a +10% bonus to damage.
			if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
				damageBonus += 10;

			int defenseMasteryMalus = 0;

			// Defense Mastery gives a -50%/-80% malus to damage.
			if ( Server.Items.DefenseMastery.GetMalus( attacker, ref defenseMasteryMalus ) )
				damageBonus -= defenseMasteryMalus;

			int discordanceEffect = 0;

			// Discordance gives a -2%/-48% malus to damage.
			if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
				damageBonus -= discordanceEffect * 2;

			if ( damageBonus > 100 )
				damageBonus = 100;

			double totalBonus = strengthBonus + anatomyBonus + tacticsBonus + lumberBonus + ((double)(GetDamageBonus() + damageBonus) / 100.0);

			return damage + (int)(damage * totalBonus);

		public virtual int VirtualDamageBonus{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual int ComputeDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return (int)ScaleDamageAOS( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );

		public virtual double ScaleDamageOld( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
			if ( checkSkills )
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain

				if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
					attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

			/* Compute tactics modifier
			 * :   0.0 = 50% loss
			 * :  50.0 = unchanged
			 * : 100.0 = 50% bonus
			double tacticsBonus = (attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value - 50.0) / 100.0;

			/* Compute strength modifier
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 strength
			double strBonus = (attacker.Str / 5.0) / 100.0;

			/* Compute anatomy modifier
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of anatomy
			 * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
			double anatomyValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value;
			double anatomyBonus = (anatomyValue / 5.0) / 100.0;

			if ( anatomyValue >= 100.0 )
				anatomyBonus += 0.1;

			/* Compute lumberjacking bonus
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of lumberjacking
			 * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
			double lumberBonus;

			if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
				double lumberValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value;

				lumberBonus = (lumberValue / 5.0) / 100.0;

				if ( lumberValue >= 100.0 )
					lumberBonus += 0.1;
				lumberBonus = 0.0;

			// New quality bonus:
			double qualityBonus = ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 0.2;

			// Apply bonuses
			damage += (damage * tacticsBonus) + (damage * strBonus) + (damage * anatomyBonus) + (damage * lumberBonus) + (damage * qualityBonus) + ((damage * VirtualDamageBonus) / 100);

			// Old quality bonus:
#if false
			/* Apply quality offset
			 * : Low         : -4
			 * : Regular     :  0
			 * : Exceptional : +4
			damage += ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 4.0;

			/* Apply damage level offset
			 * : Regular : 0
			 * : Ruin    : 1
			 * : Might   : 3
			 * : Force   : 5
			 * : Power   : 7
			 * : Vanq    : 9
			if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
				damage += (2.0 * (int)m_DamageLevel) - 1.0;

			// Halve the computed damage and return
			damage /= 2.0;

			return ScaleDamageByDurability( (int)damage );

		public virtual int ScaleDamageByDurability( int damage )
			int scale = 100;

			if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && m_Hits < m_MaxHits )
				scale = 50 + ((50 * m_Hits) / m_MaxHits);

			return AOS.Scale( damage, scale );

		public virtual int ComputeDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( Core.AOS )
				return ComputeDamageAOS( attacker, defender );

			return (int)ScaleDamageOld( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );

		public virtual void PlayHurtAnimation( Mobile from )
			int action;
			int frames;

			switch ( from.Body.Type )
				case BodyType.Sea:
				case BodyType.Animal:
					action = 7;
					frames = 5;
				case BodyType.Monster:
					action = 10;
					frames = 4;
				case BodyType.Human:
					action = 20;
					frames = 5;
				default: return;

			if ( from.Mounted )

			from.Animate( action, frames, 1, true, false, 0 );

		public virtual void PlaySwingAnimation( Mobile from )
			int action;

			switch ( from.Body.Type )
				case BodyType.Sea:
				case BodyType.Animal:
					action = Utility.Random( 5, 2 );
				case BodyType.Monster:
					switch ( Animation )
						case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
						case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = Utility.Random( 4, 3 ); break;
						case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow:  return; // 7
						case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: return; // 8

				case BodyType.Human:
					if ( !from.Mounted )
						action = (int)Animation;
						switch ( Animation )
							case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
							case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H: action = 26; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = 29; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow: action = 27; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: action = 28; break;

				default: return;

			from.Animate( action, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );

		#region Serialization/Deserialization
		private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf )
			if ( setIf )
				flags |= toSet;

		private static bool GetSaveFlag( SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet )
			return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 8 ); // version

			SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;

			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel,		m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel,		m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel,	m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality,			m_Quality != WeaponQuality.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Hits,				m_Hits != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits,			m_MaxHits != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer,			m_Slayer != SlayerName.None );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Poison,			m_Poison != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges,		m_PoisonCharges != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter,			m_Crafter != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,		m_Identified != false );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq,			m_StrReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DexReq,			m_DexReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.IntReq,			m_IntReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage,			m_MinDamage != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage,			m_MaxDamage != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.HitSound,			m_HitSound != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MissSound,			m_MissSound != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Speed,				m_Speed != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange,			m_MaxRange != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Skill,				m_Skill != (SkillName)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Type,				m_Type != (WeaponType)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Animation,			m_Animation != (WeaponAnimation)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource,			m_Resource != CraftResource.Iron );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes,		!m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes,	!m_AosWeaponAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed,	m_PlayerConstructed );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses,		!m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2,			m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages,	!m_AosElementDamages.IsEmpty );

			writer.Write( (int) flags );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DamageLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_AccuracyLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DurabilityLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Quality );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Hits );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxHits );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Slayer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
				Poison.Serialize( m_Poison, writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_PoisonCharges );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
				writer.Write( (Mobile) m_Crafter );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_StrReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DexReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_IntReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MinDamage );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxDamage );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_HitSound );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MissSound );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Speed );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxRange );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Skill );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Type );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Animation );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Resource );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
				m_AosAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
				m_AosWeaponAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
				writer.Write( (int)m_Slayer2 );

			if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
				m_AosElementDamages.Serialize( writer );

		private enum SaveFlag
			None					= 0x00000000,
			DamageLevel				= 0x00000001,
			AccuracyLevel			= 0x00000002,
			DurabilityLevel			= 0x00000004,
			Quality					= 0x00000008,
			Hits					= 0x00000010,
			MaxHits					= 0x00000020,
			Slayer					= 0x00000040,
			Poison					= 0x00000080,
			PoisonCharges			= 0x00000100,
			Crafter					= 0x00000200,
			Identified				= 0x00000400,
			StrReq					= 0x00000800,
			DexReq					= 0x00001000,
			IntReq					= 0x00002000,
			MinDamage				= 0x00004000,
			MaxDamage				= 0x00008000,
			HitSound				= 0x00010000,
			MissSound				= 0x00020000,
			Speed					= 0x00040000,
			MaxRange				= 0x00080000,
			Skill					= 0x00100000,
			Type					= 0x00200000,
			Animation				= 0x00400000,
			Resource				= 0x00800000,
			xAttributes				= 0x01000000,
			xWeaponAttributes		= 0x02000000,
			PlayerConstructed		= 0x04000000,
			SkillBonuses			= 0x08000000,
			Slayer2					= 0x10000000,
			ElementalDamages		= 0x20000000

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch ( version )
				case 8:
				case 7:
				case 6:
				case 5:
					SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
						m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq )
							m_DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
						m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely )
							m_AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
						m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible )
							m_DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
						m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
						m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
						m_MaxHits = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
						m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
						m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
						m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
						m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Identified ) )
						m_Identified = ( version >= 6 || reader.ReadBool() );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
						m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
						m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
						m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_IntReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
						m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MinDamage = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
						m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MaxDamage = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
						m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
						m_HitSound = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
						m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MissSound = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
						m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Speed = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
						m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MaxRange = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
						m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
						m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
						m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );

					if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
						m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );

					if ( version < 7 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
						m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon = 30 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon;

					if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 && Parent is Mobile )
						m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
						m_PlayerConstructed = true;

					if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

					if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
						m_Slayer2 = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
						m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );

				case 4:
					m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 3;
				case 3:
					m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 2;
				case 2:
					m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();

					goto case 1;
				case 1:
					m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 0;
				case 0:
					if ( version == 0 )
						m_MaxRange = 1; // default

					if ( version < 5 )
						m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
						m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

					m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
					m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();

					m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();

					m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
					m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();

					m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
					m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();

					m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );
					m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( m_StrReq == OldStrengthReq )
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( m_DexReq == OldDexterityReq )
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( m_IntReq == OldIntelligenceReq )
						m_IntReq = -1;

					if ( m_MinDamage == OldMinDamage )
						m_MinDamage = -1;

					if ( m_MaxDamage == OldMaxDamage )
						m_MaxDamage = -1;

					if ( m_HitSound == OldHitSound )
						m_HitSound = -1;

					if ( m_MissSound == OldMissSound )
						m_MissSound = -1;

					if ( m_Speed == OldSpeed )
						m_Speed = -1;

					if ( m_MaxRange == OldMaxRange )
						m_MaxRange = -1;

					if ( m_Skill == OldSkill )
						m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

					if ( m_Type == OldType )
						m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

					if ( m_Animation == OldAnimation )
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

					if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
						m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );


			if ( Core.AOS && Parent is Mobile )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( (Mobile)Parent );

			int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
			int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
			int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

			if ( this.Parent is Mobile && (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)this.Parent;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			if ( Parent is Mobile )

			if ( m_Hits <= 0 && m_MaxHits <= 0 )
				m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			if ( version < 6 )
				m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted

		public BaseWeapon( int itemID ) : base( itemID )
			Layer = (Layer)ItemData.Quality;

			m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
			m_StrReq = -1;
			m_DexReq = -1;
			m_IntReq = -1;
			m_MinDamage = -1;
			m_MaxDamage = -1;
			m_HitSound = -1;
			m_MissSound = -1;
			m_Speed = -1;
			m_MaxRange = -1;
			m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
			m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
			m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

			m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

			m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
			m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
			m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
			m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );

		public BaseWeapon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		private string GetNameString()
			string name = this.Name;

			if ( name == null )
				name = String.Format( "#{0}", LabelNumber );

			return name;

		[Hue, CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public override int Hue
			get{ return base.Hue; }
			set{ base.Hue = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		public int GetElementalDamageHue()
			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
			GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
			//Order is Cold, Energy, Fire, Poison, Physical left

			int currentMax = 50;
			int hue = 0;

			if( pois >= currentMax )
				hue = 1267 + (pois - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = pois;

			if( fire >= currentMax )
				hue = 1255 + (fire - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = fire;

			if( nrgy >= currentMax )
				hue = 1273 + (nrgy - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = nrgy;

			if( cold >= currentMax )
				hue = 1261 + (cold - 50) / 10;
				currentMax = cold;

			return hue;

		public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
			int oreType;

			switch ( m_Resource )
				case CraftResource.DullCopper:		oreType = 1053108; break; // dull copper
				case CraftResource.ShadowIron:		oreType = 1053107; break; // shadow iron
				case CraftResource.Copper:			oreType = 1053106; break; // copper
				case CraftResource.Bronze:			oreType = 1053105; break; // bronze
				case CraftResource.Gold:			oreType = 1053104; break; // golden
				case CraftResource.Agapite:			oreType = 1053103; break; // agapite
				case CraftResource.Verite:			oreType = 1053102; break; // verite
				case CraftResource.Valorite:		oreType = 1053101; break; // valorite
				case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:	oreType = 1061118; break; // spined
				case CraftResource.HornedLeather:	oreType = 1061117; break; // horned
				case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:	oreType = 1061116; break; // barbed
				case CraftResource.RedScales:		oreType = 1060814; break; // red
				case CraftResource.YellowScales:	oreType = 1060818; break; // yellow
				case CraftResource.BlackScales:		oreType = 1060820; break; // black
				case CraftResource.GreenScales:		oreType = 1060819; break; // green
				case CraftResource.WhiteScales:		oreType = 1060821; break; // white
				case CraftResource.BlueScales:		oreType = 1060815; break; // blue
				default: oreType = 0; break;

			if ( oreType != 0 )
				list.Add( 1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString() ); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
			else if ( Name == null )
				list.Add( LabelNumber );
				list.Add( Name );

		public override bool AllowEquipedCast( Mobile from )
			if ( base.AllowEquipedCast( from ) )
				return true;

			return ( m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0 );

		public virtual int ArtifactRarity
			get{ return 0; }

		public virtual int GetLuckBonus()
			CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( resInfo == null )
				return 0;

			CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

			if ( attrInfo == null )
				return 0;

			return attrInfo.WeaponLuck;

		public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			base.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Crafter != null )
				list.Add( 1050043, m_Crafter.Name ); // crafted by ~1_NAME~

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				list.Add( 1041350 ); // faction item

			if ( m_AosSkillBonuses != null )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				list.Add( 1060636 ); // exceptional

			if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
				list.Add( 1075086 ); // Elves Only

			if ( ArtifactRarity > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061078, ArtifactRarity.ToString() ); // artifact rarity ~1_val~

			if ( this is IUsesRemaining && ((IUsesRemaining)this).ShowUsesRemaining )
				list.Add( 1060584, ((IUsesRemaining)this).UsesRemaining.ToString() ); // uses remaining: ~1_val~

			if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
				list.Add( 1062412 + m_Poison.Level, m_PoisonCharges.ToString() );

			if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
				SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
				if( entry != null )
					list.Add( entry.Title );

			if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
				SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
				if( entry != null )
					list.Add( entry.Title );

			base.AddResistanceProperties( list );

			int prop;

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060400 ); // use best weapon skill

			if ( (prop = (GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060401, prop.ToString() ); // damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060408, prop.ToString() ); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060411, prop.ToString() ); // enhance potions ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060412, prop.ToString() ); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060413, prop.ToString() ); // faster casting ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = (GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060415, prop.ToString() ); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060416, prop.ToString() ); // hit cold area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060417, prop.ToString() ); // hit dispel ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060418, prop.ToString() ); // hit energy area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060419, prop.ToString() ); // hit fire area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060420, prop.ToString() ); // hit fireball ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060421, prop.ToString() ); // hit harm ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060422, prop.ToString() ); // hit life leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060423, prop.ToString() ); // hit lightning ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060424, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower attack ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060425, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower defense ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060426, prop.ToString() ); // hit magic arrow ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060427, prop.ToString() ); // hit mana leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060428, prop.ToString() ); // hit physical area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060429, prop.ToString() ); // hit poison area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060430, prop.ToString() ); // hit stamina leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060409, prop.ToString() ); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060431, prop.ToString() ); // hit point increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060432, prop.ToString() ); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060433, prop.ToString() ); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060434, prop.ToString() ); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060435, prop.ToString() ); // lower requirements ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = (GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060436, prop.ToString() ); // luck ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060438, (30 - prop).ToString() ); // mage weapon -~1_val~ skill

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060439, prop.ToString() ); // mana increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060440, prop.ToString() ); // mana regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060441 ); // night sight

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060442, prop.ToString() ); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060443, prop.ToString() ); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060444, prop.ToString() ); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060482 ); // spell channeling

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060483, prop.ToString() ); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060484, prop.ToString() ); // stamina increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060485, prop.ToString() ); // strength bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060486, prop.ToString() ); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%

			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;

			GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );

			if ( phys != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060403, phys.ToString() ); // physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( fire != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060405, fire.ToString() ); // fire damage ~1_val~%

			if ( cold != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060404, cold.ToString() ); // cold damage ~1_val~%

			if ( pois != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060406, pois.ToString() ); // poison damage ~1_val~%

			if ( nrgy != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060407, nrgy.ToString() ); // energy damage ~1_val~%

			list.Add( 1061168, "{0}\t{1}", MinDamage.ToString(), MaxDamage.ToString() ); // weapon damage ~1_val~ - ~2_val~
			list.Add( 1061167, Speed.ToString() ); // weapon speed ~1_val~

			if ( MaxRange > 1 )
				list.Add( 1061169, MaxRange.ToString() ); // range ~1_val~

			int strReq = AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() );

			if ( strReq > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061170, strReq.ToString() ); // strength requirement ~1_val~

			if ( Layer == Layer.TwoHanded )
				list.Add( 1061171 ); // two-handed weapon
				list.Add( 1061824 ); // one-handed weapon

			if ( Core.SE || m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill == 0 )
				switch ( Skill )
					case SkillName.Swords:  list.Add( 1061172 ); break; // skill required: swordsmanship
					case SkillName.Macing:  list.Add( 1061173 ); break; // skill required: mace fighting
					case SkillName.Fencing: list.Add( 1061174 ); break; // skill required: fencing
					case SkillName.Archery: list.Add( 1061175 ); break; // skill required: archery

			if ( m_Hits >= 0 && m_MaxHits > 0 )
				list.Add( 1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_Hits, m_MaxHits ); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~

		public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
			List<EquipInfoAttribute> attrs = new List<EquipInfoAttribute>();

			if ( DisplayLootType )
				if ( LootType == LootType.Blessed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038021 ) ); // blessed
				else if ( LootType == LootType.Cursed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1049643 ) ); // cursed

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1041350 ) ); // faction item

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1018305 - (int)m_Quality ) );

			if ( m_Identified || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
				if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
					SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
					if( entry != null )
						attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );

				if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
					SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
					if( entry != null )
						attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );

				if ( m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 + (int)m_DurabilityLevel ) );

				if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038015 + (int)m_DamageLevel ) );

				if ( m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038010 + (int)m_AccuracyLevel ) );
			else if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None || m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None || m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular || m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 ) ); // Unidentified

			if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1017383, m_PoisonCharges ) );

			int number;

			if ( Name == null )
				number = LabelNumber;
				this.LabelTo( from, Name );
				number = 1041000;

			if ( attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null )

			EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo( number, m_Crafter, false, attrs.ToArray() );

			from.Send( new DisplayEquipmentInfo( this, eqInfo ) );

		private static BaseWeapon m_Fists; // This value holds the default--fist--weapon

		public static BaseWeapon Fists
			get{ return m_Fists; }
			set{ m_Fists = value; }

		#region ICraftable Members

		public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			Quality = (WeaponQuality)quality;

			if ( makersMark )
				Crafter = from;

			PlayerConstructed = true;

			Type resourceType = typeRes;

			if ( resourceType == null )
				resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );

				CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

				if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
					Hue = 0;

				if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
					((BaseRunicTool)tool).ApplyAttributesTo( this );

				if ( quality == 2 )
					if ( Attributes.WeaponDamage > 35 )
						Attributes.WeaponDamage -= 20;
						Attributes.WeaponDamage = 15;
			else if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
				CraftResource thisResource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );

				if ( thisResource == ((BaseRunicTool)tool).Resource )
					Resource = thisResource;

					CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

					if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
						Hue = 0;

					switch ( thisResource )
						case CraftResource.DullCopper:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
						case CraftResource.ShadowIron:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
						case CraftResource.Copper:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
						case CraftResource.Bronze:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Might;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
						case CraftResource.Gold:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Force;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
						case CraftResource.Agapite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
						case CraftResource.Verite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly;
						case CraftResource.Valorite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely;

			return quality;


	public enum CheckSlayerResult

I commented it back out for now until you get time to check back.

I couldn't get the CC to spawn last night so I am going to go mess around with that and see if I can figure out what im doing wrong lol :cool:

Sorry to give you so much trouble :( Hope things are going better for ya
Remo82;667619 said:
Thanks for the reply, just got back in from work.

I believe I changed the correct part of the code you were talking about.

it still gives me this when I try to compile:

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 2357.32527
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 3 warnings)
 + Custom/XmlQuest/XmlQuestHolderGumps.cs:
    CS0219: Line 618: The variable 'edit_entry' is assigned but its value is nev
er used
 + Customs/Lucid's Systems/Advanced Archery/Items/Quivers/BaseQuiver.cs:
    CS0162: Line 73: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 114: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 155: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 222: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 240: Unreachable code detected
 + Spells/@@Other Shit/Reagent Book/RegBook.cs:
    CS0162: Line 308: Unreachable code detected
 + Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs:
    CS1002: Line 1646: ; expected
    CS1023: Line 1646: Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled sta
    CS1002: Line 1646: ; expected
    CS1002: Line 1646: ; expected
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Here is the file after I did the new edit to make sure it is right.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Spells.Cleric;
namespace Server.Items
    public interface ISlayer
        SlayerName Slayer { get; set; }
        SlayerName Slayer2 { get; set; }
    public abstract class BaseWeapon : Item, IWeapon, IFactionItem, ICraftable, ISlayer, IDurability
        #region Factions
        private FactionItem m_FactionState;
        public FactionItem FactionItemState
            get{ return m_FactionState; }
                m_FactionState = value;
                if ( m_FactionState == null )
                    Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( Resource );
                LootType = ( m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed );
        /* Weapon internals work differently now (Mar 13 2003)
         * The attributes defined below default to -1.
         * If the value is -1, the corresponding virtual 'Aos/Old' property is used.
         * If not, the attribute value itself is used. Here's the list:
         *  - MinDamage
         *  - MaxDamage
         *  - Speed
         *  - HitSound
         *  - MissSound
         *  - StrRequirement, DexRequirement, IntRequirement
         *  - WeaponType
         *  - WeaponAnimation
         *  - MaxRange
        #region Var declarations
        // Instance values. These values are unique to each weapon.
        private WeaponDamageLevel m_DamageLevel;
        private WeaponAccuracyLevel m_AccuracyLevel;
        private WeaponDurabilityLevel m_DurabilityLevel;
        private WeaponQuality m_Quality;
        private Mobile m_Crafter;
        private Poison m_Poison;
        private int m_PoisonCharges;
        private bool m_Identified;
        private int m_Hits;
        private int m_MaxHits;
        private SlayerName m_Slayer;
        private SlayerName m_Slayer2;
        private SkillMod m_SkillMod, m_MageMod;
        private CraftResource m_Resource;
        private bool m_PlayerConstructed;
        private bool m_Cursed; // Is this weapon cursed via Curse Weapon necromancer spell? Temporary; not serialized.
        private bool m_Consecrated; // Is this weapon blessed via Consecrate Weapon paladin ability? Temporary; not serialized.
        private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
        private AosWeaponAttributes m_AosWeaponAttributes;
        private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;
        private AosElementAttributes m_AosElementDamages;
        // Overridable values. These values are provided to override the defaults which get defined in the individual weapon scripts.
        private int m_StrReq, m_DexReq, m_IntReq;
        private int m_MinDamage, m_MaxDamage;
        private int m_HitSound, m_MissSound;
        private int m_Speed;
        private int m_MaxRange;
        private SkillName m_Skill;
        private WeaponType m_Type;
        private WeaponAnimation m_Animation;
        #region Virtual Properties
        public virtual WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }
        public virtual WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }
        public virtual int DefMaxRange{ get{ return 1; } }
        public virtual int DefHitSound{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int DefMissSound{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual SkillName DefSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Swords; } }
        public virtual WeaponType DefType{ get{ return WeaponType.Slashing; } }
        public virtual WeaponAnimation DefAnimation{ get{ return WeaponAnimation.Slash1H; } }
        public virtual int AosStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int AosMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
        public virtual int AosHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
        public virtual int AosMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
        public virtual SkillName AosSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
        public virtual WeaponType AosType{ get{ return DefType; } }
        public virtual WeaponAnimation AosAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }
        public virtual int OldStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int OldMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
        public virtual int OldHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
        public virtual int OldMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
        public virtual SkillName OldSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
        public virtual WeaponType OldType{ get{ return DefType; } }
        public virtual WeaponAnimation OldAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }
        public virtual int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int PhysicalResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPhysicalBonus; } }
        public override int FireResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistFireBonus; } }
        public override int ColdResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistColdBonus; } }
        public override int PoisonResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPoisonBonus; } }
        public override int EnergyResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistEnergyBonus; } }
        public virtual SkillName AccuracySkill { get { return SkillName.Tactics; } }
        #region Getters & Setters
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosAttributes Attributes
            get{ return m_AosAttributes; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosWeaponAttributes WeaponAttributes
            get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses
            get{ return m_AosSkillBonuses; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public AosElementAttributes AosElementDamages
            get { return m_AosElementDamages; }
            set { }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Cursed
            get{ return m_Cursed; }
            set{ m_Cursed = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Consecrated
            get{ return m_Consecrated; }
            set{ m_Consecrated = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Identified
            get{ return m_Identified; }
            set{ m_Identified = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int HitPoints
            get{ return m_Hits; }
                if ( m_Hits == value )
                if ( value > m_MaxHits )
                    value = m_MaxHits;
                m_Hits = value;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MaxHitPoints
            get{ return m_MaxHits; }
            set{ m_MaxHits = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int PoisonCharges
            get{ return m_PoisonCharges; }
            set{ m_PoisonCharges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Poison Poison
            get{ return m_Poison; }
            set{ m_Poison = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponQuality Quality
            get{ return m_Quality; }
            set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Quality = value; ScaleDurability(); InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Mobile Crafter
            get{ return m_Crafter; }
            set{ m_Crafter = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public SlayerName Slayer
            get{ return m_Slayer; }
            set{ m_Slayer = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public SlayerName Slayer2
            get { return m_Slayer2; }
            set { m_Slayer2 = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public CraftResource Resource
            get{ return m_Resource; }
            set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Resource = value; Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource ); InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponDamageLevel DamageLevel
            get{ return m_DamageLevel; }
            set{ m_DamageLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponDurabilityLevel DurabilityLevel
            get{ return m_DurabilityLevel; }
            set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_DurabilityLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool PlayerConstructed
            get{ return m_PlayerConstructed; }
            set{ m_PlayerConstructed = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MaxRange
            get{ return ( m_MaxRange == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxRange : OldMaxRange : m_MaxRange ); }
            set{ m_MaxRange = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponAnimation Animation
            get{ return ( m_Animation == (WeaponAnimation)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosAnimation : OldAnimation : m_Animation ); } 
            set{ m_Animation = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponType Type
            get{ return ( m_Type == (WeaponType)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosType : OldType : m_Type ); }
            set{ m_Type = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public SkillName Skill
            get{ return ( m_Skill == (SkillName)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosSkill : OldSkill : m_Skill ); }
            set{ m_Skill = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int HitSound
            get{ return ( m_HitSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosHitSound : OldHitSound : m_HitSound ); }
            set{ m_HitSound = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MissSound
            get{ return ( m_MissSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMissSound : OldMissSound : m_MissSound ); }
            set{ m_MissSound = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MinDamage
            get{ return ( m_MinDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMinDamage : OldMinDamage : m_MinDamage ); }
            set{ m_MinDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MaxDamage
            get{ return ( m_MaxDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxDamage : OldMaxDamage : m_MaxDamage ); }
            set{ m_MaxDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int Speed
            get{ return ( m_Speed == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosSpeed : OldSpeed : m_Speed ); }
            set{ m_Speed = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int StrRequirement
            get{ return ( m_StrReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrengthReq : OldStrengthReq : m_StrReq ); }
            set{ m_StrReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int DexRequirement
            get{ return ( m_DexReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexterityReq : OldDexterityReq : m_DexReq ); }
            set{ m_DexReq = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int IntRequirement
            get{ return ( m_IntReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntelligenceReq : OldIntelligenceReq : m_IntReq ); }
            set{ m_IntReq = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public WeaponAccuracyLevel AccuracyLevel
                return m_AccuracyLevel;
                if ( m_AccuracyLevel != value )
                    m_AccuracyLevel = value;
                    if ( UseSkillMod )
                        if ( m_AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                            if ( m_SkillMod != null )
                            m_SkillMod = null;
                        else if ( m_SkillMod == null && Parent is Mobile )
                            m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
                            ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
                        else if ( m_SkillMod != null )
                            m_SkillMod.Value = (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5;
        public virtual void UnscaleDurability()
            int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();
            m_Hits = ((m_Hits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
            m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
        public virtual void ScaleDurability()
            int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();
            m_Hits = ((m_Hits * scale) + 99) / 100;
            m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * scale) + 99) / 100;
        public int GetDurabilityBonus()
            int bonus = 0;
            if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
                bonus += 20;
            switch ( m_DurabilityLevel )
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable: bonus += 20; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Substantial: bonus += 50; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Massive: bonus += 70; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified: bonus += 100; break;
                case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible: bonus += 120; break;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                bonus += m_AosWeaponAttributes.DurabilityBonus;
                CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
                CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = null;
                if ( resInfo != null )
                    attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;
                if ( attrInfo != null )
                    bonus += attrInfo.WeaponDurability;
            return bonus;
        public int GetLowerStatReq()
            if ( !Core.AOS )
                return 0;
            int v = m_AosWeaponAttributes.LowerStatReq;
            CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
            if ( info != null )
                CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.AttributeInfo;
                if ( attrInfo != null )
                    v += attrInfo.WeaponLowerRequirements;
            if ( v > 100 )
                v = 100;
            return v;
        public static void BlockEquip( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration )
            if ( m.BeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
                new ResetEquipTimer( m, duration ).Start();
        private class ResetEquipTimer : Timer
            private Mobile m_Mobile;
            public ResetEquipTimer( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration )
                m_Mobile = m;
            protected override void OnTick()
                m_Mobile.EndAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) );
        public override bool CheckConflictingLayer( Mobile m, Item item, Layer layer )
            if ( base.CheckConflictingLayer( m, item, layer ) )
                return true;
            if ( this.Layer == Layer.TwoHanded && layer == Layer.OneHanded )
                m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500214 ); // You already have something in both hands.
                return true;
            else if ( this.Layer == Layer.OneHanded && layer == Layer.TwoHanded && !(item is BaseShield) && !(item is BaseEquipableLight) )
                m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500215 ); // You can only wield one weapon at a time.
                return true;
            return false;
        public override bool AllowSecureTrade( Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted )
            if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckTrade( from, to, newOwner, this ) )
                return false;
            return base.AllowSecureTrade( from, to, newOwner, accepted );
        public virtual Race RequiredRace { get { return null; } }    //On OSI, there are no weapons with race requirements, this is for custom stuff
        public override bool CanEquip( Mobile from )
            if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckEquip( from, this ) )
                return false;
            if( RequiredRace != null && from.Race != RequiredRace )
                if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1072203 ); // Only Elves may use this.
                    from.SendMessage( "Only {0} may use this.", RequiredRace.PluralName );
                return false;
            else if ( from.Dex < DexRequirement )
                from.SendMessage( "You are not nimble enough to equip that." );
                return false;
            else if ( from.Str < AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() ) )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500213 ); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
                return false;
            else if ( from.Int < IntRequirement )
                from.SendMessage( "You are not smart enough to equip that." );
                return false;
            else if ( !from.CanBeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
                return false;
                // XmlAttachment check for CanEquip
                if (!Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckCanEquip(this, from))
                    return false;
                    return base.CanEquip(from);
        public virtual bool UseSkillMod{ get{ return !Core.AOS; } }
        public override bool OnEquip( Mobile from )
            int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
            int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
            int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;
            if ( (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
                Mobile m = from;
                string modName = this.Serial.ToString();
                if ( strBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( dexBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( intBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
            from.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + GetDelay( from );
            if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                if ( m_SkillMod != null )
                m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
                from.AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
            if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 )
                if ( m_MageMod != null )
                m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
                from.AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );
    // XmlAttachment check for OnEquip
    Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnEquip(this, from);
    return true;        }
        public override void OnAdded( object parent )
            base.OnAdded( parent );
            if ( parent is Mobile )
                Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;
                if ( Core.AOS )
                    m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( from );
                from.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );
        public override void OnRemoved( object parent )
            if ( parent is Mobile )
                Mobile m = (Mobile)parent;
                BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
                string modName = this.Serial.ToString();
                m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
                m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
                m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );
                if ( weapon != null )
                    m.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + weapon.GetDelay( m );
                if ( UseSkillMod && m_SkillMod != null )
                    m_SkillMod = null;
                if ( m_MageMod != null )
                    m_MageMod = null;
                if ( Core.AOS )
            m.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );
        // XmlAttachment check for OnRemoved
        Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.CheckOnRemoved(this, parent);
        public virtual SkillName GetUsedSkill( Mobile m, bool checkSkillAttrs )
            SkillName sk;
            if ( checkSkillAttrs && m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill != 0 )
                double swrd = m.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value;
                double fenc = m.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Value;
                double mcng = m.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Value;
                double val;
                sk = SkillName.Swords;
                val = swrd;
                if ( fenc > val ){ sk = SkillName.Fencing; val = fenc; }
                if ( mcng > val ){ sk = SkillName.Macing; val = mcng; }
            else if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
                if ( m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value > m.Skills[Skill].Value )
                    sk = SkillName.Magery;
                    sk = Skill;
                sk = Skill;
                if ( sk != SkillName.Wrestling && !m.Player && !m.Body.IsHuman && m.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Value > m.Skills[sk].Value )
                    sk = SkillName.Wrestling;
            return sk;
        public virtual double GetAttackSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return attacker.Skills[GetUsedSkill( attacker, true )].Value;
        public virtual double GetDefendSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return defender.Skills[GetUsedSkill( defender, true )].Value;
        private static bool CheckAnimal( Mobile m, Type type )
            return AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( m, type );
        public virtual bool CheckHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
            BaseWeapon defWeapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
            Skill atkSkill = attacker.Skills[atkWeapon.Skill];
            Skill defSkill = defender.Skills[defWeapon.Skill];
            double atkValue = atkWeapon.GetAttackSkillValue( attacker, defender );
            double defValue = defWeapon.GetDefendSkillValue( attacker, defender );
            //attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, defValue - 20.0, 120.0 );
            //defender.CheckSkill( defSkill.SkillName, atkValue - 20.0, 120.0 );
            double ourValue, theirValue;
            int bonus = GetHitChanceBonus();
            if ( Core.AOS )
                if ( atkValue <= -20.0 )
                    atkValue = -19.9;
                if ( defValue <= -20.0 )
                    defValue = -19.9;
                // Hit Chance Increase = 45%
                int atkChance = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.AttackChance );
                if ( atkChance > 45 )
                    atkChance = 45;
                bonus += atkChance;
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
                    bonus += 10; // attacker gets 10% bonus when they're under divine fury
                if ( CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( GreyWolf ) ) || CheckAnimal( attacker, typeof( BakeKitsune ) ) )
                    bonus += 20; // attacker gets 20% bonus when under Wolf or Bake Kitsune form
                if ( HitLower.IsUnderAttackEffect( attacker ) )
                    bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Attack effect -> 25% malus
                ourValue = (atkValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);
                // Defense Chance Increase = 45%
                bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( defender, AosAttribute.DefendChance );
                if ( bonus > 45 )
                    bonus = 45;
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( defender ) )
                    bonus -= 20; // defender loses 20% bonus when they're under divine fury
                if ( HitLower.IsUnderDefenseEffect( defender ) )
                    bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Defense effect -> 25% malus
                int blockBonus = 0;
                if ( Block.GetBonus( defender, ref blockBonus ) )
                    bonus += blockBonus;
                int surpriseMalus = 0;
                if ( SurpriseAttack.GetMalus( defender, ref surpriseMalus ) )
                    bonus -= surpriseMalus;
                int discordanceEffect = 0;
                // Defender loses -0/-28% if under the effect of Discordance.
                if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                    bonus -= discordanceEffect;
                theirValue = (defValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);
                bonus = 0;
                if ( atkValue <= -50.0 )
                    atkValue = -49.9;
                if ( defValue <= -50.0 )
                    defValue = -49.9;
                ourValue = (atkValue + 50.0);
                theirValue = (defValue + 50.0);
            double chance = ourValue / (theirValue * 2.0);
            chance *= 1.0 + ((double)bonus / 100);
            if ( Core.AOS && chance < 0.02 )
                chance = 0.02;
            WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            if ( ability != null )
                chance *= ability.AccuracyScalar;
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if ( move != null )
                chance *= move.GetAccuracyScalar( attacker );
            return attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, chance );
            //return ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() );
        public virtual TimeSpan GetDelay( Mobile m )
            int speed = this.Speed;
            if ( speed == 0 )
                return TimeSpan.FromHours( 1.0 );
            double delayInSeconds;
            if ( Core.SE )
                 * This is likely true for Core.AOS as well... both guides report the same
                 * formula, and both are wrong.
                 * The old formula left in for AOS for legacy & because we aren't quite 100%
                 * Sure that AOS has THIS formula
                int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
                    bonus += 10;
                // Bonus granted by successful use of Honorable Execution.
                bonus += HonorableExecution.GetSwingBonus( m );
                if( DualWield.Registry.Contains( m ) )
                    bonus += ((DualWield.DualWieldTimer)DualWield.Registry[m]).BonusSwingSpeed;
                if( Feint.Registry.Contains( m ) )
                    bonus -= ((Feint.FeintTimer)Feint.Registry[m]).SwingSpeedReduction;
                int discordanceEffect = 0;
                // Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
                if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                    bonus -= discordanceEffect;
                if ( bonus > 60 )
                    bonus = 60;
                speed = (int)Math.Floor( speed * (bonus + 100.0) / 100.0 );
                if ( speed <= 0 )
                    speed = 1;
                int ticks = (int)Math.Floor( (80000.0 / ((m.Stam + 100) * speed)) - 2 );
                // Swing speed currently capped at one swing every 1.25 seconds (5 ticks).
                if ( ticks < 5 )
                    ticks = 5;
                delayInSeconds = ticks * 0.25;
            else if ( Core.AOS )
                int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;
                int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );
                if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
                    bonus += 10;
                int discordanceEffect = 0;
                // Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
                if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( m, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                    bonus -= discordanceEffect;
                v += AOS.Scale( v, bonus );
                if ( v <= 0 )
                    v = 1;
                delayInSeconds = Math.Floor( 40000.0 / v ) * 0.5;
                // Maximum swing rate capped at one swing per second 
                // OSI dev said that it has and is supposed to be 1.25
                if ( delayInSeconds < 1.25 )
                    delayInSeconds = 1.25;
                int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;
                if ( v <= 0 )
                    v = 1;
                delayInSeconds = 15000.0 / v;
            return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( delayInSeconds );
        public virtual void OnBeforeSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            if( a != null && !a.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
                WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if( move != null && !move.OnBeforeSwing( attacker, defender ) )
                SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );
        public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return OnSwing( attacker, defender, 1.0 );
        public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
            bool canSwing = true;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                canSwing = ( !attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen );
                if ( canSwing )
                    Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;
                    canSwing = ( sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement );
            if ( canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) )
                if ( attacker.NetState != null )
                    attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );
                if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                    BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
                    WeaponAbility ab = bc.GetWeaponAbility();
                    if ( ab != null )
                        if ( bc.WeaponAbilityChance > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                            WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility( bc, ab );
                            WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( bc );
                if ( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
                    OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );
                    OnMiss( attacker, defender );
            return GetDelay( attacker );
        #region Sounds
        public virtual int GetHitAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            int sound = attacker.GetAttackSound();
            if ( sound == -1 )
                sound = HitSound;
            return sound;
        public virtual int GetHitDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return defender.GetHurtSound();
        public virtual int GetMissAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( attacker.GetAttackSound() == -1 )
                return MissSound;
                return -1;
        public virtual int GetMissDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return -1;
        public static bool CheckParry( Mobile defender )
            if ( defender == null )
                return false;
            BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
            double parry = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value;
            double parryNonRacial = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].NonRacialValue;
            double bushido = defender.Skills[SkillName.Bushido].Value;
            if ( shield != null )
                double chance = (parryNonRacial - bushido) / 400.0;    //As per OSI, no negitive effect from the Racial stuffs, ie, 120 bushido and '0' parry with humans
                // Parry over 100 grants a 5% bonus.
                if ( parry >= 100.0 )
                    chance += 0.05;
                // Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
                if ( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
                    chance *= 1.5;
                // Low dexterity lowers the chance.
                if ( defender.Dex < 80 )
                    chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;
                return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
            else if ( !(defender.Weapon is Fists) && !(defender.Weapon is BaseRanged) )
                BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
                double divisor = (weapon.Layer == Layer.OneHanded) ? 48000.0 : 41140.0;
                double chance = (parry * bushido) / divisor;
                double aosChance = parry / 800.0;
                // Parry or Bushido over 100 grant a 5% bonus.
                if( parry >= 100.0 )
                    chance += 0.05;
                    aosChance += 0.05;
                else if( bushido >= 100.0 )
                    chance += 0.05;
                // Evasion grants a 50% bonus.
                if( Evasion.IsEvading( defender ) )
                    chance *= 1.5;
                // Low dexterity lowers the chance.
                if( defender.Dex < 80 )
                    chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;
                if ( chance > aosChance )
                    return defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
                    return (aosChance > Utility.RandomDouble()); // Only skillcheck if wielding a shield & there's no effect from Bushido
            return false;
        public virtual int AbsorbDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
            bool blocked = false;
            if ( defender.Player || defender.Body.IsHuman )
                blocked = CheckParry( defender );
                if ( blocked )
                    defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 16 );
                    damage = 0;
                    // Successful block removes the Honorable Execution penalty.
                    HonorableExecution.RemovePenalty( defender );
                    if ( CounterAttack.IsCountering( defender ) )
                        BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
                        if ( weapon != null )
                            weapon.OnSwing( defender, attacker );
                        CounterAttack.StopCountering( defender );
                    if ( Confidence.IsConfident( defender ) )
                        defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063117 ); // Your confidence reassures you as you successfully block your opponent's blow.
                        double bushido = defender.Skills.Bushido.Value;
                        defender.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 12) );
                        defender.Stam += Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, (int)(bushido / 5) );
                    BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
                    if ( shield != null )
                        shield.OnHit( this, damage );
            if ( !blocked )
                double positionChance = Utility.RandomDouble();
                Item armorItem;
                if( positionChance < 0.07 )
                    armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.14 )
                    armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.28 )
                    armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.43 )
                    armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
                else if( positionChance < 0.65 )
                    armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
                    armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;
                IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;
                if ( armor != null )
                    armor.OnHit( this, damage ); // call OnHit to lose durability
            return damage;
        public virtual int AbsorbDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
            if ( Core.AOS )
                return AbsorbDamageAOS( attacker, defender, damage );
            double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();
            Item armorItem;
            if( chance < 0.07 )
                armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.14 )
                armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.28 )
                armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.43 )
                armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
            else if( chance < 0.65 )
                armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
                armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;
            IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;
            if ( armor != null )
                damage = armor.OnHit( this, damage );
            BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
            if ( shield != null )
                damage = shield.OnHit( this, damage );
            int virtualArmor = defender.VirtualArmor + defender.VirtualArmorMod;
            if ( virtualArmor > 0 )
                double scalar;
                if ( chance < 0.14 )
                    scalar = 0.07;
                else if ( chance < 0.28 )
                    scalar = 0.14;
                else if ( chance < 0.43 )
                    scalar = 0.15;
                else if ( chance < 0.65 )
                    scalar = 0.22;
                    scalar = 0.35;
                int from = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar) / 2;
                int to = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar);
                damage -= Utility.Random( from, (to - from) + 1 );
            return damage;
        public virtual int GetPackInstinctBonus( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( attacker.Player || defender.Player )
                return 0;
            BaseCreature bc = attacker as BaseCreature;
            if ( bc == null || bc.PackInstinct == PackInstinct.None || (!bc.Controlled && !bc.Summoned) )
                return 0;
            Mobile master = bc.ControlMaster;
            if ( master == null )
                master = bc.SummonMaster;
            if ( master == null )
                return 0;
            int inPack = 1;
            foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 1 ) )
                if ( m != attacker && m is BaseCreature )
                    BaseCreature tc = (BaseCreature)m;
                    if ( (tc.PackInstinct & bc.PackInstinct) == 0 || (!tc.Controlled && !tc.Summoned) )
                    Mobile theirMaster = tc.ControlMaster;
                    if ( theirMaster == null )
                        theirMaster = tc.SummonMaster;
                    if ( master == theirMaster && tc.Combatant == defender )
            if ( inPack >= 5 )
                return 100;
            else if ( inPack >= 4 )
                return 75;
            else if ( inPack >= 3 )
                return 50;
            else if ( inPack >= 2 )
                return 25;
            return 0;
        private static bool m_InDoubleStrike;
        public static bool InDoubleStrike
            get{ return m_InDoubleStrike; }
            set{ m_InDoubleStrike = value; }
        public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            OnHit( attacker, defender, 1.0 );
        public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
            if ( MirrorImage.HasClone( defender ) && (defender.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value / 150.0) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                Clone bc;
                foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 4 ) )
                    bc = m as Clone;
                    if ( bc != null && bc.Summoned && bc.SummonMaster == defender )
                        attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063141 ); // Your attack has been diverted to a nearby mirror image of your target!
                        defender.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063140 ); // You manage to divert the attack onto one of your nearby mirror images.
                         * TODO: What happens if the Clone parries a blow?
                         * And what about if the attacker is using Honorable Execution
                         * and kills it?
                        defender = m;
            PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
            PlayHurtAnimation( defender );
            attacker.PlaySound( GetHitAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
            defender.PlaySound( GetHitDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );
            int damage = ComputeDamage( attacker, defender );
            #region Damage Multipliers
             * The following damage bonuses multiply damage by a factor.
             * Capped at x3 (300%).
            double factor = 1.0;
            WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if ( a != null )
                factor *= a.DamageScalar;
            if ( move != null )
                factor *= move.GetDamageScalar( attacker, defender );
            factor *= damageBonus;
            CheckSlayerResult cs = CheckSlayers( attacker, defender );
            if ( cs != CheckSlayerResult.None )
                if ( cs == CheckSlayerResult.Slayer )
                    defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5 );
                factor *= 2.0;
            if ( !attacker.Player )
                if ( defender is PlayerMobile )
                    PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)defender;
                    if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType != null && pm.EnemyOfOneType != attacker.GetType() )
                        factor *= 2.0;
            else if ( !defender.Player )
                if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
                    PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;
                    if ( pm.WaitingForEnemy )
                        pm.EnemyOfOneType = defender.GetType();
                        pm.WaitingForEnemy = false;
                    if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType == defender.GetType() )
                        defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5, 1160, 0 );
                        factor *= 1.5;
            int packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus( attacker, defender );
            if ( packInstinctBonus != 0 )
                factor *= 1.0 + (double)packInstinctBonus / 100.0;
            if ( m_InDoubleStrike )
                factor *= 0.9; // 10% loss when attacking with double-strike
            TransformContext context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( defender );
            if ( (m_Slayer == SlayerName.Silver || m_Slayer2 == SlayerName.Silver) && context != null && context.Type != typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) )
                factor *= 1.25; // Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast takes an additional 25% damage
            if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
                PlayerMobile pmAttacker = (PlayerMobile) attacker;
                if ( pmAttacker.HonorActive && pmAttacker.InRange( defender, 1 ) )
                    factor *= 1.25;
                if ( pmAttacker.SentHonorContext != null && pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.Target == defender )
                    pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.ApplyPerfectionDamageBonus( ref factor );
            if ( factor > 3.0 )
                factor = 3.0;
            damage = (int)(damage * factor);
            if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)attacker).AlterMeleeDamageTo( defender, ref damage );
            if ( defender is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)defender).AlterMeleeDamageFrom( attacker, ref damage );
            damage = AbsorbDamage( attacker, defender, damage );
            if ( !Core.AOS && damage < 1 )
                damage = 1;
            else if ( Core.AOS && damage == 0 ) // parried
                if ( a != null && a.Validate( attacker ) /*&& a.CheckMana( attacker, true )*/ ) // Parried special moves have no mana cost 
                    a = null;
                    WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
                    attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061140 ); // Your attack was parried!
            AddBlood( attacker, defender, damage );
            int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
            GetDamageTypes( attacker, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
            if ( m_Consecrated )
                phys = defender.PhysicalResistance;
                fire = defender.FireResistance;
                cold = defender.ColdResistance;
                pois = defender.PoisonResistance;
                nrgy = defender.EnergyResistance;
                int low = phys, type = 0;
                if ( fire < low ){ low = fire; type = 1; }
                if ( cold < low ){ low = cold; type = 2; }
                if ( pois < low ){ low = pois; type = 3; }
                if ( nrgy < low ){ low = nrgy; type = 4; }
                phys = fire = cold = pois = nrgy = 0;
                if ( type == 0 ) phys = 100;
                else if ( type == 1 ) fire = 100;
                else if ( type == 2 ) cold = 100;
                else if ( type == 3 ) pois = 100;
                else if ( type == 4 ) nrgy = 100;
            int damageGiven = damage;
            if ( a != null && !a.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
                WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );
                a = null;
            if ( move != null && !move.OnBeforeDamage( attacker, defender ) )
                SpecialMove.ClearCurrentMove( attacker );
                move = null;
            bool ignoreArmor = ( a is ArmorIgnore || (move != null && move.IgnoreArmor( attacker )) );
            damageGiven = AOS.Damage( defender, attacker, damage, ignoreArmor, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );
            double propertyBonus = ( move == null ) ? 1.0 : move.GetPropertyBonus( attacker );
            if ( Core.AOS )
                int lifeLeech = 0;
                int stamLeech = 0;
                int manaLeech = 0;
                int wraithLeech = 0;
                if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    lifeLeech += 30; // HitLeechHits% chance to leech 30% of damage as hit points
                if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    stamLeech += 100; // HitLeechStam% chance to leech 100% of damage as stamina
                if ( (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana * propertyBonus) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    manaLeech += 40; // HitLeechMana% chance to leech 40% of damage as mana
                if ( m_Cursed )
                    lifeLeech += 50; // Additional 50% life leech for cursed weapons (necro spell)
                context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( attacker );
                if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( VampiricEmbraceSpell ) )
                    lifeLeech += 20; // Vampiric embrace gives an additional 20% life leech
                if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( WraithFormSpell ) )
                    wraithLeech = (5 + (int)((15 * attacker.Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value) / 100)); // Wraith form gives an additional 5-20% mana leech
                    // Mana leeched by the Wraith Form spell is actually stolen, not just leeched.
                    defender.Mana -= AOS.Scale( damageGiven, wraithLeech );
                    manaLeech += wraithLeech;
                if ( lifeLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.Hits += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, lifeLeech );
                if ( stamLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.Stam += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, stamLeech );
                if ( manaLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.Mana += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, manaLeech );
                if ( lifeLeech != 0 || stamLeech != 0 || manaLeech != 0 )
                    attacker.PlaySound( 0x44D );
            if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && ((MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental)) || Utility.Random( 25 ) == 0) ) // Stratics says 50% chance, seems more like 4%..
                if ( MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental) )
                    attacker.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500263 ); // *Acid blood scars your weapon!*
                if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair > Utility.Random( 10 ) )
                    HitPoints += 2;
                    if ( m_Hits > 0 )
                    else if ( m_MaxHits > 1 )
                        if ( Parent is Mobile )
                            ((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.
            if ( attacker is VampireBatFamiliar )
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
                Mobile caster = bc.ControlMaster;
                if ( caster == null )
                    caster = bc.SummonMaster;
                if ( caster != null && caster.Map == bc.Map && caster.InRange( bc, 2 ) )
                    caster.Hits += damage;
                    bc.Hits += damage;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                int physChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea * propertyBonus);
                int fireChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea * propertyBonus);
                int coldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea * propertyBonus);
                int poisChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea * propertyBonus);
                int nrgyChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea * propertyBonus);
                if ( physChance != 0 && physChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x10E,   50, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                if ( fireChance != 0 && fireChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x11D, 1160, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );
                if ( coldChance != 0 && coldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x0FC, 2100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );
                if ( poisChance != 0 && poisChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x205, 1166, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0 );
                if ( nrgyChance != 0 && nrgyChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x1F1,  120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );
                int maChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow * propertyBonus);
                int harmChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm * propertyBonus);
                int fireballChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball * propertyBonus);
                int lightningChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning * propertyBonus);
                int dispelChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel * propertyBonus);
                if ( maChance != 0 && maChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoMagicArrow( attacker, defender );
                if ( harmChance != 0 && harmChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoHarm( attacker, defender );
                if ( fireballChance != 0 && fireballChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoFireball( attacker, defender );
                if ( lightningChance != 0 && lightningChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoLightning( attacker, defender );
                if ( dispelChance != 0 && dispelChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoDispel( attacker, defender );
                int laChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack * propertyBonus);
                int ldChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend * propertyBonus);
                if ( laChance != 0 && laChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoLowerAttack( attacker, defender );
                if ( ldChance != 0 && ldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                    DoLowerDefense( attacker, defender );
            if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)attacker).OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );
            if ( defender is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)defender).OnGotMeleeAttack( attacker );
                        [COLOR=red]if ( a != null )[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]                a.OnHit( attacker, defender );[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]            // added for cleric spells by greywolf for fix for trial by fire[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]            PlayerEvent.InvokeHitByWeapon(attacker, defender, damage, a);[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]            // end added [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]            if ( move != null )and then it works great [/COLOR]
                    if ( move != null )
                move.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );
            if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
                ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetHit( attacker );
            if ( !(this is BaseRanged) )
                if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( GiantSerpent ) ) )
                    defender.ApplyPoison( attacker, Poison.Lesser );
                if ( AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( defender, typeof( BullFrog ) ) )
                    attacker.ApplyPoison( defender, Poison.Regular );
            // hook for attachment OnWeaponHit method
            Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.OnWeaponHit(this, attacker, defender, damageGiven);
        public virtual double GetAosDamage( Mobile attacker, int bonus, int dice, int sides )
            int damage = Utility.Dice( dice, sides, bonus ) * 100;
            int damageBonus = 0;
            // Inscription bonus
            int inscribeSkill = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Fixed;
            damageBonus += inscribeSkill / 200;
            if ( inscribeSkill >= 1000 )
                damageBonus += 5;
            if ( attacker.Player )
                // Int bonus
                damageBonus += (attacker.Int / 10);
                // SDI bonus
                damageBonus += AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.SpellDamage );
            damage = AOS.Scale( damage, 100 + damageBonus );
            return damage / 100;
        #region Do<AoSEffect>
        public virtual void DoMagicArrow( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 10, 1, 4 );
            attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36E4, 5, 0, false, true, 3006, 4006, 0 );
            attacker.PlaySound( 0x1E5 );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );
        public virtual void DoHarm( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 17, 1, 5 );
            if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 2 ) )
                damage *= 0.25; // 1/4 damage at > 2 tile range
            else if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 1 ) )
                damage *= 0.50; // 1/2 damage at 2 tile range
            defender.FixedParticles( 0x374A, 10, 30, 5013, 1153, 2, EffectLayer.Waist );
            defender.PlaySound( 0x0FC );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );
        public virtual void DoFireball( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 19, 1, 5 );
            attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 9502, 4019, 0x160 );
            attacker.PlaySound( 0x15E );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );
        public virtual void DoLightning( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 23, 1, 4 );
            defender.BoltEffect( 0 );
            SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );
        public virtual void DoDispel( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            bool dispellable = false;
            if ( defender is BaseCreature )
                dispellable = ((BaseCreature)defender).Summoned && !((BaseCreature)defender).IsAnimatedDead;
            if ( !dispellable )
            if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )
            attacker.DoHarmful( defender );
            Spells.Spell sp = new Spells.Sixth.DispelSpell( attacker, null );
            if ( sp.CheckResisted( defender ) )
                defender.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 10, 20 );
                Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( defender.Location, defender.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042 );
                Effects.PlaySound( defender, defender.Map, 0x201 );
        public virtual void DoLowerAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
            if ( HitLower.ApplyAttack( defender ) )
                defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
                Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0xA, 3 );
        public virtual void DoLowerDefense( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
            if ( HitLower.ApplyDefense( defender ) )
                defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
                Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0x23, 3 );
        public virtual void DoAreaAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender, int sound, int hue, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
            Map map = from.Map;
            if ( map == null )
            List<Mobile> list = new List<Mobile>();
            foreach ( Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange( 10 ) )
                if ( from != m && defender != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget( from, m ) && from.CanBeHarmful( m, false ) && from.InLOS( m ) )
                    list.Add( m );
            if ( list.Count == 0 )
            Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, map, sound );
            // TODO: What is the damage calculation?
            for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
                Mobile m = list[i];
                double scalar = (11 - from.GetDistanceToSqrt( m )) / 10;
                if ( scalar > 1.0 )
                    scalar = 1.0;
                else if ( scalar < 0.0 )
                from.DoHarmful( m, true );
                m.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 1, 15, hue, 0 );
                AOS.Damage( m, from, (int)(GetBaseDamage( from ) * scalar), phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );
        public virtual CheckSlayerResult CheckSlayers( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
            SlayerEntry atkSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer );
            SlayerEntry atkSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer2 );
            if ( atkSlayer != null && atkSlayer.Slays( defender )  || atkSlayer2 != null && atkSlayer2.Slays( defender ) )
                return CheckSlayerResult.Slayer;
            if ( !Core.SE )
                ISlayer defISlayer = Spellbook.FindEquippedSpellbook( defender );
                if( defISlayer == null )
                    defISlayer = defender.Weapon as ISlayer;
                if( defISlayer != null )
                    SlayerEntry defSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer );
                    SlayerEntry defSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer2 );
                    if( defSlayer != null && defSlayer.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) || defSlayer2 != null && defSlayer2.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ) )
                        return CheckSlayerResult.Opposition;
            return CheckSlayerResult.None;
        public virtual void AddBlood( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
            if ( damage > 0 )
                new Blood().MoveToWorld( defender.Location, defender.Map );
                int extraBlood = (Core.SE ? Utility.RandomMinMax( 3, 4 ) : Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 1 ) );
                for( int i = 0; i < extraBlood; i++ )
                    new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D(
                        defender.X + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
                        defender.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
                        defender.Z ), defender.Map );
            /* if ( damage <= 2 )
            Direction d = defender.GetDirectionTo( attacker );
            int maxCount = damage / 15;
            if ( maxCount < 1 )
                maxCount = 1;
            else if ( maxCount > 4 )
                maxCount = 4;
            for( int i = 0; i < Utility.Random( 1, maxCount ); ++i )
                int x = defender.X;
                int y = defender.Y;
                switch( d )
                    case Direction.North:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        y += Utility.Random( 2 );
                    case Direction.East:
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.West:
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        x += Utility.Random( 2 );
                    case Direction.South:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.Up:
                        x += Utility.Random( 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( 2 );
                    case Direction.Down:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.Left:
                        x += Utility.Random( 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                    case Direction.Right:
                        x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
                        y += Utility.Random( 2 );
                new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, defender.Z ), defender.Map );
        public virtual void GetDamageTypes( Mobile wielder, out int phys, out int fire, out int cold, out int pois, out int nrgy )
            if( wielder is BaseCreature )
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)wielder;
                phys = bc.PhysicalDamage;
                fire = bc.FireDamage;
                cold = bc.ColdDamage;
                pois = bc.PoisonDamage;
                nrgy = bc.EnergyDamage;
                fire = m_AosElementDamages.Fire;
                cold = m_AosElementDamages.Cold;
                pois = m_AosElementDamages.Poison;
                nrgy = m_AosElementDamages.Energy;
                phys = 100 - fire - cold - pois - nrgy;
                CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
                if( resInfo != null )
                    CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;
                    if( attrInfo != null )
                        int left = phys;
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponColdDamage,        ref cold, left );
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponEnergyDamage,    ref nrgy, left );
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponFireDamage,        ref fire, left );
                        left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( attrInfo.WeaponPoisonDamage,    ref pois, left );
                        phys = left;
        private int ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage( int attrDamage, ref int element, int totalRemaining )
            if( totalRemaining <= 0 )
                return 0;
            if ( attrDamage <= 0 )
                return totalRemaining;
            int appliedDamage = attrDamage;
            if ( (appliedDamage + element) > 100 )
                appliedDamage = 100 - element;
            if( appliedDamage > totalRemaining )
                appliedDamage = totalRemaining;
            element += appliedDamage;
            return totalRemaining - appliedDamage;
        public virtual void OnMiss( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
            attacker.PlaySound( GetMissAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
            defender.PlaySound( GetMissDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );
            WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );
            if ( ability != null )
                ability.OnMiss( attacker, defender );
            SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove( attacker );
            if ( move != null )
                move.OnMiss( attacker, defender );
            if ( defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null )
                ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetMissed( attacker );
        public virtual void GetBaseDamageRange( Mobile attacker, out int min, out int max )
            if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
                BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)attacker;
                if ( c.DamageMin >= 0 )
                    min = c.DamageMin;
                    max = c.DamageMax;
                if ( this is Fists && !attacker.Body.IsHuman )
                    min = attacker.Str / 28;
                    max = attacker.Str / 28;
            min = MinDamage;
            max = MaxDamage;
        public virtual double GetBaseDamage( Mobile attacker )
            int min, max;
            GetBaseDamageRange( attacker, out min, out max );
            return Utility.RandomMinMax( min, max );
        public virtual double GetBonus( double value, double scalar, double threshold, double offset )
            double bonus = value * scalar;
            if ( value >= threshold )
                bonus += offset;
            return bonus / 100;
        public virtual int GetHitChanceBonus()
            if ( !Core.AOS )
                return 0;
            int bonus = 0;
            switch ( m_AccuracyLevel )
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate:        bonus += 02; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly:    bonus += 04; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently:        bonus += 06; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly:    bonus += 08; break;
                case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely:        bonus += 10; break;
            return bonus;
        public virtual int GetDamageBonus()
            int bonus = VirtualDamageBonus;
            switch ( m_Quality )
                case WeaponQuality.Low:            bonus -= 20; break;
                case WeaponQuality.Exceptional:    bonus += 20; break;
            switch ( m_DamageLevel )
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin:    bonus += 15; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Might:    bonus += 20; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Force:    bonus += 25; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Power:    bonus += 30; break;
                case WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq:    bonus += 35; break;
            return bonus;
        public virtual void GetStatusDamage( Mobile from, out int min, out int max )
            int baseMin, baseMax;
            GetBaseDamageRange( from, out baseMin, out baseMax );
            if ( Core.AOS )
                min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
                max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );
                min = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMin, false ), 1 );
                max = Math.Max( (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMax, false ), 1 );
        public virtual double ScaleDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
            if ( checkSkills )
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain
                if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
                    attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain
            #region Physical bonuses
             * These are the bonuses given by the physical characteristics of the mobile.
             * No caps apply.
            double strengthBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Str,                                        0.300, 100.0,  5.00 );
            double  anatomyBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value,            0.500, 100.0,  5.00 );
            double  tacticsBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value,            0.625, 100.0,  6.25 );
            double   lumberBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value,    0.200, 100.0, 10.00 );
            if ( Type != WeaponType.Axe )
                lumberBonus = 0.0;
            #region Modifiers
             * The following are damage modifiers whose effect shows on the status bar.
             * Capped at 100% total.
            int damageBonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.WeaponDamage );
            // Horrific Beast transformation gives a +25% bonus to damage.
            if ( TransformationSpell.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) ) )
                damageBonus += 25;
            // Divine Fury gives a +10% bonus to damage.
            if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
                damageBonus += 10;
            int defenseMasteryMalus = 0;
            // Defense Mastery gives a -50%/-80% malus to damage.
            if ( Server.Items.DefenseMastery.GetMalus( attacker, ref defenseMasteryMalus ) )
                damageBonus -= defenseMasteryMalus;
            int discordanceEffect = 0;
            // Discordance gives a -2%/-48% malus to damage.
            if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetEffect( attacker, ref discordanceEffect ) )
                damageBonus -= discordanceEffect * 2;
            if ( damageBonus > 100 )
                damageBonus = 100;
            double totalBonus = strengthBonus + anatomyBonus + tacticsBonus + lumberBonus + ((double)(GetDamageBonus() + damageBonus) / 100.0);
            return damage + (int)(damage * totalBonus);
        public virtual int VirtualDamageBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int ComputeDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            return (int)ScaleDamageAOS( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );
        public virtual double ScaleDamageOld( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills )
            if ( checkSkills )
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
                attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain
                if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
                    attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain
            /* Compute tactics modifier
             * :   0.0 = 50% loss
             * :  50.0 = unchanged
             * : 100.0 = 50% bonus
            double tacticsBonus = (attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value - 50.0) / 100.0;
            /* Compute strength modifier
             * : 1% bonus for every 5 strength
            double strBonus = (attacker.Str / 5.0) / 100.0;
            /* Compute anatomy modifier
             * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of anatomy
             * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
            double anatomyValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value;
            double anatomyBonus = (anatomyValue / 5.0) / 100.0;
            if ( anatomyValue >= 100.0 )
                anatomyBonus += 0.1;
            /* Compute lumberjacking bonus
             * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of lumberjacking
             * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
            double lumberBonus;
            if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
                double lumberValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value;
                lumberBonus = (lumberValue / 5.0) / 100.0;
                if ( lumberValue >= 100.0 )
                    lumberBonus += 0.1;
                lumberBonus = 0.0;
            // New quality bonus:
            double qualityBonus = ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 0.2;
            // Apply bonuses
            damage += (damage * tacticsBonus) + (damage * strBonus) + (damage * anatomyBonus) + (damage * lumberBonus) + (damage * qualityBonus) + ((damage * VirtualDamageBonus) / 100);
            // Old quality bonus:
#if false
            /* Apply quality offset
             * : Low         : -4
             * : Regular     :  0
             * : Exceptional : +4
            damage += ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 4.0;
            /* Apply damage level offset
             * : Regular : 0
             * : Ruin    : 1
             * : Might   : 3
             * : Force   : 5
             * : Power   : 7
             * : Vanq    : 9
            if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
                damage += (2.0 * (int)m_DamageLevel) - 1.0;
            // Halve the computed damage and return
            damage /= 2.0;
            return ScaleDamageByDurability( (int)damage );
        public virtual int ScaleDamageByDurability( int damage )
            int scale = 100;
            if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && m_Hits < m_MaxHits )
                scale = 50 + ((50 * m_Hits) / m_MaxHits);
            return AOS.Scale( damage, scale );
        public virtual int ComputeDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
            if ( Core.AOS )
                return ComputeDamageAOS( attacker, defender );
            return (int)ScaleDamageOld( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true );
        public virtual void PlayHurtAnimation( Mobile from )
            int action;
            int frames;
            switch ( from.Body.Type )
                case BodyType.Sea:
                case BodyType.Animal:
                    action = 7;
                    frames = 5;
                case BodyType.Monster:
                    action = 10;
                    frames = 4;
                case BodyType.Human:
                    action = 20;
                    frames = 5;
                default: return;
            if ( from.Mounted )
            from.Animate( action, frames, 1, true, false, 0 );
        public virtual void PlaySwingAnimation( Mobile from )
            int action;
            switch ( from.Body.Type )
                case BodyType.Sea:
                case BodyType.Animal:
                    action = Utility.Random( 5, 2 );
                case BodyType.Monster:
                    switch ( Animation )
                        case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
                        case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = Utility.Random( 4, 3 ); break;
                        case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow:  return; // 7
                        case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: return; // 8
                case BodyType.Human:
                    if ( !from.Mounted )
                        action = (int)Animation;
                        switch ( Animation )
                            case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H: action = 26; break;
                            case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
                            case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = 29; break;
                            case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow: action = 27; break;
                            case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: action = 28; break;
                default: return;
            from.Animate( action, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );
        #region Serialization/Deserialization
        private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf )
            if ( setIf )
                flags |= toSet;
        private static bool GetSaveFlag( SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet )
            return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );
        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 8 ); // version
            SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel,        m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel,        m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel,    m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality,            m_Quality != WeaponQuality.Regular );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Hits,                m_Hits != 0 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits,            m_MaxHits != 0 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer,            m_Slayer != SlayerName.None );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Poison,            m_Poison != null );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges,        m_PoisonCharges != 0 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter,            m_Crafter != null );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,        m_Identified != false );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq,            m_StrReq != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DexReq,            m_DexReq != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.IntReq,            m_IntReq != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage,            m_MinDamage != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage,            m_MaxDamage != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.HitSound,            m_HitSound != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MissSound,            m_MissSound != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Speed,                m_Speed != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange,            m_MaxRange != -1 );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Skill,                m_Skill != (SkillName)(-1) );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Type,                m_Type != (WeaponType)(-1) );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Animation,            m_Animation != (WeaponAnimation)(-1) );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource,            m_Resource != CraftResource.Iron );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes,        !m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes,    !m_AosWeaponAttributes.IsEmpty );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed,    m_PlayerConstructed );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses,        !m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2,            m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None );
            SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages,    !m_AosElementDamages.IsEmpty );
            writer.Write( (int) flags );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_DamageLevel );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_AccuracyLevel );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_DurabilityLevel );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Quality );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Hits );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MaxHits );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Slayer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
                Poison.Serialize( m_Poison, writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_PoisonCharges );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
                writer.Write( (Mobile) m_Crafter );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_StrReq );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_DexReq );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_IntReq );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MinDamage );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MaxDamage );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_HitSound );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MissSound );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Speed );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_MaxRange );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Skill );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Type );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Animation );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
                writer.Write( (int) m_Resource );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
                m_AosAttributes.Serialize( writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
                m_AosWeaponAttributes.Serialize( writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
                m_AosSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );
            if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
                writer.Write( (int)m_Slayer2 );
            if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
                m_AosElementDamages.Serialize( writer );
        private enum SaveFlag
            None                    = 0x00000000,
            DamageLevel                = 0x00000001,
            AccuracyLevel            = 0x00000002,
            DurabilityLevel            = 0x00000004,
            Quality                    = 0x00000008,
            Hits                    = 0x00000010,
            MaxHits                    = 0x00000020,
            Slayer                    = 0x00000040,
            Poison                    = 0x00000080,
            PoisonCharges            = 0x00000100,
            Crafter                    = 0x00000200,
            Identified                = 0x00000400,
            StrReq                    = 0x00000800,
            DexReq                    = 0x00001000,
            IntReq                    = 0x00002000,
            MinDamage                = 0x00004000,
            MaxDamage                = 0x00008000,
            HitSound                = 0x00010000,
            MissSound                = 0x00020000,
            Speed                    = 0x00040000,
            MaxRange                = 0x00080000,
            Skill                    = 0x00100000,
            Type                    = 0x00200000,
            Animation                = 0x00400000,
            Resource                = 0x00800000,
            xAttributes                = 0x01000000,
            xWeaponAttributes        = 0x02000000,
            PlayerConstructed        = 0x04000000,
            SkillBonuses            = 0x08000000,
            Slayer2                    = 0x10000000,
            ElementalDamages        = 0x20000000
        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            switch ( version )
                case 8:
                case 7:
                case 6:
                case 5:
                    SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
                        m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                        if ( m_DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq )
                            m_DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
                        m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                        if ( m_AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely )
                            m_AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
                        m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                        if ( m_DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible )
                            m_DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
                        m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
                        m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
                        m_MaxHits = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
                        m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
                        m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
                        m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
                        m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Identified ) )
                        m_Identified = ( version >= 6 || reader.ReadBool() );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
                        m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_StrReq = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
                        m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_DexReq = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
                        m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_IntReq = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
                        m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MinDamage = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
                        m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MaxDamage = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
                        m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_HitSound = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
                        m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MissSound = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
                        m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Speed = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
                        m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_MaxRange = -1;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
                        m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
                        m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
                        m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
                        m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
                        m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
                        m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this, reader );
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
                    if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
                        m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
                        ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
                    if ( version < 7 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon = 30 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon;
                    if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 && Parent is Mobile )
                        m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
                        ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );
                    if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
                        m_PlayerConstructed = true;
                    if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
                        m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
                        m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
                    if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2 ) )
                        m_Slayer2 = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
                    if( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages ) )
                        m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this, reader );
                        m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
                case 4:
                    m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 3;
                case 3:
                    m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 0;
                case 0:
                    if ( version == 0 )
                        m_MaxRange = 1; // default
                    if ( version < 5 )
                        m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
                        m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
                        m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
                        m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
                        m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
                    m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();
                    m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );
                    m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();
                    if ( m_StrReq == OldStrengthReq )
                        m_StrReq = -1;
                    if ( m_DexReq == OldDexterityReq )
                        m_DexReq = -1;
                    if ( m_IntReq == OldIntelligenceReq )
                        m_IntReq = -1;
                    if ( m_MinDamage == OldMinDamage )
                        m_MinDamage = -1;
                    if ( m_MaxDamage == OldMaxDamage )
                        m_MaxDamage = -1;
                    if ( m_HitSound == OldHitSound )
                        m_HitSound = -1;
                    if ( m_MissSound == OldMissSound )
                        m_MissSound = -1;
                    if ( m_Speed == OldSpeed )
                        m_Speed = -1;
                    if ( m_MaxRange == OldMaxRange )
                        m_MaxRange = -1;
                    if ( m_Skill == OldSkill )
                        m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
                    if ( m_Type == OldType )
                        m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
                    if ( m_Animation == OldAnimation )
                        m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);
                    if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
                        m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);
                        ((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
            if ( Core.AOS && Parent is Mobile )
                m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( (Mobile)Parent );
            int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
            int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
            int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;
            if ( this.Parent is Mobile && (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
                Mobile m = (Mobile)this.Parent;
                string modName = this.Serial.ToString();
                if ( strBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( dexBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
                if ( intBonus != 0 )
                    m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );
            if ( Parent is Mobile )
            if ( m_Hits <= 0 && m_MaxHits <= 0 )
                m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );
            if ( version < 6 )
                m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted
        public BaseWeapon( int itemID ) : base( itemID )
            Layer = (Layer)ItemData.Quality;
            m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
            m_StrReq = -1;
            m_DexReq = -1;
            m_IntReq = -1;
            m_MinDamage = -1;
            m_MaxDamage = -1;
            m_HitSound = -1;
            m_MissSound = -1;
            m_Speed = -1;
            m_MaxRange = -1;
            m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
            m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
            m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);
            m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );
            m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
            m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
            m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
            m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
            m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes( this );
        public BaseWeapon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
        private string GetNameString()
            string name = this.Name;
            if ( name == null )
                name = String.Format( "#{0}", LabelNumber );
            return name;
        [Hue, CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public override int Hue
            get{ return base.Hue; }
            set{ base.Hue = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
        public int GetElementalDamageHue()
            int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
            GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
            //Order is Cold, Energy, Fire, Poison, Physical left
            int currentMax = 50;
            int hue = 0;
            if( pois >= currentMax )
                hue = 1267 + (pois - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = pois;
            if( fire >= currentMax )
                hue = 1255 + (fire - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = fire;
            if( nrgy >= currentMax )
                hue = 1273 + (nrgy - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = nrgy;
            if( cold >= currentMax )
                hue = 1261 + (cold - 50) / 10;
                currentMax = cold;
            return hue;
        public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
            int oreType;
            switch ( m_Resource )
                case CraftResource.DullCopper:        oreType = 1053108; break; // dull copper
                case CraftResource.ShadowIron:        oreType = 1053107; break; // shadow iron
                case CraftResource.Copper:            oreType = 1053106; break; // copper
                case CraftResource.Bronze:            oreType = 1053105; break; // bronze
                case CraftResource.Gold:            oreType = 1053104; break; // golden
                case CraftResource.Agapite:            oreType = 1053103; break; // agapite
                case CraftResource.Verite:            oreType = 1053102; break; // verite
                case CraftResource.Valorite:        oreType = 1053101; break; // valorite
                case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:    oreType = 1061118; break; // spined
                case CraftResource.HornedLeather:    oreType = 1061117; break; // horned
                case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:    oreType = 1061116; break; // barbed
                case CraftResource.RedScales:        oreType = 1060814; break; // red
                case CraftResource.YellowScales:    oreType = 1060818; break; // yellow
                case CraftResource.BlackScales:        oreType = 1060820; break; // black
                case CraftResource.GreenScales:        oreType = 1060819; break; // green
                case CraftResource.WhiteScales:        oreType = 1060821; break; // white
                case CraftResource.BlueScales:        oreType = 1060815; break; // blue
                default: oreType = 0; break;
            if ( oreType != 0 )
                list.Add( 1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString() ); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
            else if ( Name == null )
                list.Add( LabelNumber );
                list.Add( Name );
        public override bool AllowEquipedCast( Mobile from )
            if ( base.AllowEquipedCast( from ) )
                return true;
            return ( m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0 );
        public virtual int ArtifactRarity
            get{ return 0; }
        public virtual int GetLuckBonus()
            CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
            if ( resInfo == null )
                return 0;
            CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;
            if ( attrInfo == null )
                return 0;
            return attrInfo.WeaponLuck;
        public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
            base.GetProperties( list );
            if ( m_Crafter != null )
                list.Add( 1050043, m_Crafter.Name ); // crafted by ~1_NAME~
            #region Factions
            if ( m_FactionState != null )
                list.Add( 1041350 ); // faction item
            if ( m_AosSkillBonuses != null )
                m_AosSkillBonuses.GetProperties( list );
            if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
                list.Add( 1060636 ); // exceptional
            if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
                list.Add( 1075086 ); // Elves Only
            if ( ArtifactRarity > 0 )
                list.Add( 1061078, ArtifactRarity.ToString() ); // artifact rarity ~1_val~
            if ( this is IUsesRemaining && ((IUsesRemaining)this).ShowUsesRemaining )
                list.Add( 1060584, ((IUsesRemaining)this).UsesRemaining.ToString() ); // uses remaining: ~1_val~
            if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
                list.Add( 1062412 + m_Poison.Level, m_PoisonCharges.ToString() );
            if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
                SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
                if( entry != null )
                    list.Add( entry.Title );
            if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
                SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
                if( entry != null )
                    list.Add( entry.Title );
            base.AddResistanceProperties( list );
            int prop;
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060400 ); // use best weapon skill
            if ( (prop = (GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060401, prop.ToString() ); // damage increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060408, prop.ToString() ); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060411, prop.ToString() ); // enhance potions ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060412, prop.ToString() ); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060413, prop.ToString() ); // faster casting ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = (GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060415, prop.ToString() ); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060416, prop.ToString() ); // hit cold area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060417, prop.ToString() ); // hit dispel ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060418, prop.ToString() ); // hit energy area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060419, prop.ToString() ); // hit fire area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060420, prop.ToString() ); // hit fireball ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060421, prop.ToString() ); // hit harm ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060422, prop.ToString() ); // hit life leech ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060423, prop.ToString() ); // hit lightning ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060424, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower attack ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060425, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower defense ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060426, prop.ToString() ); // hit magic arrow ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060427, prop.ToString() ); // hit mana leech ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060428, prop.ToString() ); // hit physical area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060429, prop.ToString() ); // hit poison area ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060430, prop.ToString() ); // hit stamina leech ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060409, prop.ToString() ); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060431, prop.ToString() ); // hit point increase ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060432, prop.ToString() ); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060433, prop.ToString() ); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060434, prop.ToString() ); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060435, prop.ToString() ); // lower requirements ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = (GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060436, prop.ToString() ); // luck ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060438, (30 - prop).ToString() ); // mage weapon -~1_val~ skill
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060439, prop.ToString() ); // mana increase ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060440, prop.ToString() ); // mana regeneration ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060441 ); // night sight
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060442, prop.ToString() ); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060443, prop.ToString() ); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060444, prop.ToString() ); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060482 ); // spell channeling
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060483, prop.ToString() ); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060484, prop.ToString() ); // stamina increase ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060485, prop.ToString() ); // strength bonus ~1_val~
            if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060486, prop.ToString() ); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%
            int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;
            GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );
            if ( phys != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060403, phys.ToString() ); // physical damage ~1_val~%
            if ( fire != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060405, fire.ToString() ); // fire damage ~1_val~%
            if ( cold != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060404, cold.ToString() ); // cold damage ~1_val~%
            if ( pois != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060406, pois.ToString() ); // poison damage ~1_val~%
            if ( nrgy != 0 )
                list.Add( 1060407, nrgy.ToString() ); // energy damage ~1_val~%
            list.Add( 1061168, "{0}\t{1}", MinDamage.ToString(), MaxDamage.ToString() ); // weapon damage ~1_val~ - ~2_val~
            list.Add( 1061167, Speed.ToString() ); // weapon speed ~1_val~
            if ( MaxRange > 1 )
                list.Add( 1061169, MaxRange.ToString() ); // range ~1_val~
            int strReq = AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() );
            if ( strReq > 0 )
                list.Add( 1061170, strReq.ToString() ); // strength requirement ~1_val~
            if ( Layer == Layer.TwoHanded )
                list.Add( 1061171 ); // two-handed weapon
                list.Add( 1061824 ); // one-handed weapon
            if ( Core.SE || m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill == 0 )
                switch ( Skill )
                    case SkillName.Swords:  list.Add( 1061172 ); break; // skill required: swordsmanship
                    case SkillName.Macing:  list.Add( 1061173 ); break; // skill required: mace fighting
                    case SkillName.Fencing: list.Add( 1061174 ); break; // skill required: fencing
                    case SkillName.Archery: list.Add( 1061175 ); break; // skill required: archery
            if ( m_Hits >= 0 && m_MaxHits > 0 )
                list.Add( 1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_Hits, m_MaxHits ); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~
        public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
            List<EquipInfoAttribute> attrs = new List<EquipInfoAttribute>();
            if ( DisplayLootType )
                if ( LootType == LootType.Blessed )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038021 ) ); // blessed
                else if ( LootType == LootType.Cursed )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1049643 ) ); // cursed
            #region Factions
            if ( m_FactionState != null )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1041350 ) ); // faction item
            if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1018305 - (int)m_Quality ) );
            if ( m_Identified || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
                if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
                    SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer );
                    if( entry != null )
                        attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );
                if( m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None )
                    SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer2 );
                    if( entry != null )
                        attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( entry.Title ) );
                if ( m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 + (int)m_DurabilityLevel ) );
                if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038015 + (int)m_DamageLevel ) );
                if ( m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                    attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038010 + (int)m_AccuracyLevel ) );
            else if( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None || m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None || m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular || m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 ) ); // Unidentified
            if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
                attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1017383, m_PoisonCharges ) );
            int number;
            if ( Name == null )
                number = LabelNumber;
                this.LabelTo( from, Name );
                number = 1041000;
            if ( attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null )
            EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo( number, m_Crafter, false, attrs.ToArray() );
            from.Send( new DisplayEquipmentInfo( this, eqInfo ) );
        private static BaseWeapon m_Fists; // This value holds the default--fist--weapon
        public static BaseWeapon Fists
            get{ return m_Fists; }
            set{ m_Fists = value; }
        #region ICraftable Members
        public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
            Quality = (WeaponQuality)quality;
            if ( makersMark )
                Crafter = from;
            PlayerConstructed = true;
            Type resourceType = typeRes;
            if ( resourceType == null )
                resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;
            if ( Core.AOS )
                Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );
                CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );
                if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
                    Hue = 0;
                if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
                    ((BaseRunicTool)tool).ApplyAttributesTo( this );
                if ( quality == 2 )
                    if ( Attributes.WeaponDamage > 35 )
                        Attributes.WeaponDamage -= 20;
                        Attributes.WeaponDamage = 15;
            else if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
                CraftResource thisResource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );
                if ( thisResource == ((BaseRunicTool)tool).Resource )
                    Resource = thisResource;
                    CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );
                    if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
                        Hue = 0;
                    switch ( thisResource )
                        case CraftResource.DullCopper:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
                        case CraftResource.ShadowIron:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
                        case CraftResource.Copper:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
                        case CraftResource.Bronze:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Might;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
                        case CraftResource.Gold:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Force;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
                        case CraftResource.Agapite:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
                        case CraftResource.Verite:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly;
                        case CraftResource.Valorite:
                            Identified = true;
                            DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                            DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq;
                            AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely;
            return quality;
    public enum CheckSlayerResult

I commented it back out for now until you get time to check back.

I couldn't get the CC to spawn last night so I am going to go mess around with that and see if I can figure out what im doing wrong lol :cool:

Sorry to give you so much trouble :( Hope things are going better for ya

OK make this change:
   // added for cleric spells by greywolf for fix for trial by fire
   PlayerEvent.InvokeHitByWeapon(attacker, defender, damage, a);
   // end added 
   if ( move != null ) [COLOR=blue][B]//[/B][/COLOR]and then it works great 
     if ( move != null )
    move.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );

You forgot to put brackets by your notation.


I was wondering how players get spells to go into the books. They recieve an empty book when they pick what they want to be.

Also, is there a way to maybe just have them given a full spellbook when they choose what they want to be?

Another thing I noticed was when they select cleric they recieve a chivalry book and do not recieve the cleric spell book.

Thanks :)
Remo82;667667 said:
I was wondering how players get spells to go into the books. They recieve an empty book when they pick what they want to be.

Also, is there a way to maybe just have them given a full spellbook when they choose what they want to be?

Another thing I noticed was when they select cleric they recieve a chivalry book and do not recieve the cleric spell book.

Thanks :)

Scrolls have to be added just like the regular spellbook. If you want full ones added you will have to change the ClassGump.


Hello Lucid!

At the moment I only managed to get your Bard, Clerik and Druid Spells running!
But with the Bardspells I have the following Problem:

The Spells (f.e. KnightsMinneSong) also work for enemies!

Is that normal?

I now tried to ass somthing like that:

if ( Caster.CanBeBeneficial( m, false ) && (!Core.AOS || !IsAggressor( m ) && !IsAggressed( m )) )

but the Script can`t use Aggressor in the current Context!

Can you help me to change that?

The Script I`m using is the following:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.Spells.Song
	public class SongKnightsMinneSongSpell : Song
		private static SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo
			 "KnightsMinne", "Resistus",
		public override double CastDelay{ get{ return 3; } }
		public override double RequiredSkill{ get{ return 45.0; } }
		public override int RequiredMana{ get{ return 12; } }
		public override bool BlocksMovement{ get{ return false; } }
		public SongKnightsMinneSongSpell( Mobile caster, Item scroll) : base( caster, scroll, m_Info )
		public override void OnCast()

			if( CheckSequence() )
				ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();
				foreach ( Mobile m in Caster.GetMobilesInRange( 5 ) )
					if ( Caster.CanBeBeneficial( m, false, true ) && !(m is Golem) )
						targets.Add( m );
				for ( int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i )
					Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];
					TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( Caster.Skills[SkillName.Musicianship].Value * 2 );
					int amount = (int)( Caster.Skills[SkillName.Musicianship].Value * .18 );
					m.SendMessage( "Dein Körperliche Schutz ist angestiegen." );
					ResistanceMod mod1 = new ResistanceMod( ResistanceType.Physical, + amount );
					m.AddResistanceMod( mod1 );
					m.FixedParticles( 0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, 0x450, 3, EffectLayer.Waist );
					new ExpireTimer( m, mod1, duration ).Start();
		private class ExpireTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_Mobile;
			private ResistanceMod m_Mods;
			public ExpireTimer( Mobile m, ResistanceMod mod, TimeSpan delay ) : base( delay )
				m_Mobile = m;
				m_Mods = mod;
			public void DoExpire()
				m_Mobile.RemoveResistanceMod( m_Mods );
			protected override void OnTick()
				if ( m_Mobile != null )
					m_Mobile.SendMessage( "Der Effekt vom Knight's Minne Lied verschwindet." );

The only thing I changes is to remove this:

if ( Server.Spells.AllSpells.CheckRestriction( Caster, 8 ) == false )


I got this working a month ago, but am just now able to test. I added the updates since I installed this, all compiles great :) But the ancient spells only work in scroll form still. I am able to add them to the book now, but still cannot use them from the book. Did I miss an update?

I love this system by the way!
madron;677618 said:
I got this working a month ago, but am just now able to test. I added the updates since I installed this, all compiles great :) But the ancient spells only work in scroll form still. I am able to add them to the book now, but still cannot use them from the book. Did I miss an update?

I love this system by the way!

Post your SpellRegistry.cs and SpellRegistryTypes.cs.


Lucid Nagual;677750 said:
Post your SpellRegistry.cs and SpellRegistryTypes.cs.

I don't have a :SpellRegistryType.cs, I don't recall ever seeing this file before, but I could be wrong...? The updated dl did not contain this file.

But here is my SpellRegistry.cs
Special thanks to Ryan.
With RunUO we now have the ability to become our own Richard Garriott.
All Spells System created by x-SirSly-x, Admin of Land of Obsidian.
All Spells System 4.0 created & supported by Lucid Nagual, Admin of The Conjuring.
All Spells System 5.0 created by A_li_N.
/ . . . ____ . ___ _/
/~ / / / / / / )2005 /
(~ (____(___/ (____ / /___/ (
\ ----------------------------- \
\ [email protected] \
\_ =================== \
\ -Admin of "The Conjuring"- \
\_ =================== ~\
) All Spells System )
/~ Version [5].0.1 _/

using System;
using System.IO;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Chivalry;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;

namespace Server.Spells
public class SpellRegistry
// All Spells Edit 1/3 //
private static Type[] m_Types = new Type[1500];
// End Edit 1/3 //
private static int m_Count;

public static Type[] Types
m_Count = -1;
return m_Types;

//What IS this used for anyways.
public static int Count
if ( m_Count == -1 )
m_Count = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < m_Types.Length; ++i )
if ( m_Types != null )

return m_Count;

public static int GetRegistryNumber( ISpell s )
return GetRegistryNumber( s.GetType() );

public static int GetRegistryNumber( SpecialMove s )
return GetRegistryNumber( s.GetType() );

private static Hashtable m_IDsFromTypes = new Hashtable( m_Types.Length );

public static int GetRegistryNumber( Type type )
if( m_IDsFromTypes.Contains( type ) )
return (int)m_IDsFromTypes[type];

return -1;

private static Hashtable m_SpecialMoves = new Hashtable();

public static Hashtable SpecialMoves { get { return m_SpecialMoves; } }

public static void Register( int spellID, Type type )
if ( spellID < 0 || spellID >= m_Types.Length )

if ( m_Types[spellID] == null )

m_Types[spellID] = type;

if( m_IDsFromTypes[type] == null )
m_IDsFromTypes.Add( type, spellID );

if( type.IsSubclassOf( typeof( SpecialMove ) ) )
SpecialMove spm = null;

spm = Activator.CreateInstance( type ) as SpecialMove;

if( spm != null )
m_SpecialMoves.Add( spellID, spm );

public static SpecialMove GetSpecialMove( int spellID )
if ( spellID < 0 || spellID >= m_Types.Length )
return null;

Type t = m_Types[spellID];

if ( t == null || !t.IsSubclassOf( typeof( SpecialMove ) ) ) //Ensure correct registration
return null;

if( m_SpecialMoves.ContainsKey( spellID ) )
return m_SpecialMoves[spellID] as SpecialMove;

return null;

private static object[] m_Params = new object[2];

public static Spell NewSpell( int spellID, Mobile caster, Item scroll )
if ( spellID < 0 || spellID >= m_Types.Length )
return null;

Type t = m_Types[spellID];

if( t != null && !t.IsSubclassOf( typeof( SpecialMove ) ) )
m_Params[0] = caster;
m_Params[1] = scroll;

return (Spell)Activator.CreateInstance( t, m_Params );

return null;

private static string[] m_CircleNames = new string[]
// All Spells Edit 2/3 //
// End Edit 2/3 //
// All Spells Edit 3/3 //
// End Edit 3/3 //

public static Spell NewSpell( string name, Mobile caster, Item scroll )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_CircleNames.Length; ++i )
Type t = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByFullName( String.Format( "Server.Spells.{0}.{1}", m_CircleNames, name ) );

if ( t != null && !t.IsSubclassOf( typeof( SpecialMove ) ) )
m_Params[0] = caster;
m_Params[1] = scroll;

return (Spell)Activator.CreateInstance( t, m_Params );

return null;

Thanks for your help Lucid
madron;677775 said:
I don't have a :SpellRegistryType.cs, I don't recall ever seeing this file before, but I could be wrong...? The updated dl did not contain this file.

But here is my SpellRegistry.cs

Thanks for your help Lucid

Opps, sry. I meant SpellDefRegistry.cs.


Special thanks to Ryan.
With RunUO we now have the ability to become our own Richard Garriott.
All Spells System created by x-SirSly-x, Admin of Land of Obsidian.
All Spells System 4.0 created & supported by Lucid Nagual, Admin of The Conjuring.
All Spells System 5.0 created by A_li_N.
All Spells Optional Restrictive System created by Alien, Daat99 and Lucid Nagual.
/ . . . ____ . ___ _/
/~ / / / / / / )2005 /
(~ (____(___/ (____ / /___/ (
\ ----------------------------- \
\ [email protected] \
\_ =================== \
\ -Admin of "The Conjuring"- \
\_ =================== ~\
) All Spells System )
/~ Version [5].0 & Above _/
using System;

namespace Server.Spells
public class SpellDefRegistry
private static string[][] m_SDefs = new string[1000][]; //This should match your SpellRegistry.m_Types size

public static string[][] SDefs{ get{ return m_SDefs; } }

public static void Register( int spellID, string name, string des, string regs, string inf )
if( spellID < 0 || spellID >= m_SDefs.Length )

string[] def = new string[4];
def[0] = name;
def[1] = des;
def[2] = regs;
def[3] = inf;
m_SDefs[spellID] = def;

public static string[] GetDefFor( int spellID )
if( spellID < 0 || spellID >= m_SDefs.Length )
return null;

string[] s = m_SDefs[spellID];

return s;

I did know this, I must of been up way to early today :D

Thanks for your help Lucid. There is not one player on my shard, that does not love this system!