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updated to version 2.70

from the changelog

Version 2.70
- fixed a crash bug caused by calling the "[addatt" command with no arguments. (Thanks to thegrandmystic for pointing this out).

- added support for displaying attachment information in the properties list of items with the new static method "static void XmlAttach.AddAttachmentProperties(object parent, ObjectPropertyList list)".
This can be added into the GetProperties call of any item to add the information returned from the OnIdentify method of an attachment to its properties list. This uses cliloc 1062613 for attachment properties.

- added the new attachment method "InvalidateParentProperties()" that can be called by attachments to force a refresh of the parents properties list.

- added a new installation step 11 to support the automatic display of attachment properties on mouseover/click on weapons and armor items.

aka Reu


As Ronald is fond of saying, "Bloody Brilliant!"

No doubt there are others who can do the work you have done, but I commend your attitude, your grace, your patience and your generosity. This is not to dimminish the work or importance of other gifted folks here, but simply to acknowledge the way in which you do it. Thank you.


and I would like to return the thanks. Probably better than 50% of all of the features that have been added (and 90% of the good ones) are the result of great ideas and suggestions from users. I have benefited a lot from that and so have others, and I appreciate it.


i have a problem with the spawner when i reset a spawner after some time it does respawn again. any solutions?


when you do a reset, it clears the spawns AND turns the spawner off (you will see the same behavior if you press the reset button on the spawner gump).
If you want to clear the spawns but set the spawner running again, do a reset and then turn the spawner back on. Via the gump you do this with the lower left red/green start/stop button.
If you are doing this via property setting then set the Running property to true.

If you are doing it in a spawn entry it would look like this


Note, that the order is important. First you do the reset, then you set running to true.


what i want to do is set the spawner inaktive ... but when i do this per reset it takes a few minutes and the spawner does work again even if the same spawner was inaktive before and i havent done anything..


do you have other spawners turning them on? with something like


Make sure you turn those off as well.


sorry, I misread your earlier post, I thought that you wanted them to come back on after reset, so ignore those previous instructions.


I suspect that you have some other spawner that is manipulating the spawner you are looking at. Once you turn a spawner off, there is no way for it to spontaneously turn back on by itself.


gives me an idea for a new command to allow you to check a target for any spawner that might be referencing it.



Hi I just did a search for .xmlfind and i cant find it anywhere in the files for this. Did it get lost somewhere or replaced by another command? Sorry if this is solved elsewhere but i did a search and cant find it.


Ah, ok thank you much, ill go look. Thats the one we are supposed to be using, correct? Seems i have 175k mobiles and I guess i gotta go hunt each spawn down.


updated to version 2.71

from the changelog

New to Version 2.71
updated 12/04/04

- improved attachment efficiency by cleaning up attachments on deleted targets every save rather than only on restart.

- added an Owner field to the search results of [xmlfind that will display the name of the container or mobile currently in possession of container-held items. For attachments, it will also display the name of the owner of the attachment. Search results are color-coded by the type of owner (world-black, container-in-world-blue, creature/npc-purple, player-orange)

- modified the [xmlfind interface by moving the "Select All" button down to the lower right corner of the gump.

- Added the readonly Attached and Owner properties to attachments that allow access to the object that the attachment is attached to and the objects that the attachment is owned by. Note, while what an attachment is attached to and owned by are generally the same, Attached and Owner could be different for example when attachments are used as quest rewards and are owned by, but not attached to, questholder objects.

- added the ability to get attachments by serial number using "[getatt serialno" which will bring up the properties gump on the specified attachment.

- fixed a minor display bug in the recently added "properties display mod" that allowed properties from deleted attachments to continue to appear on the properties list of attached items.


Thank you for ArteGordon and an always wonderful script.

Is "using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;" required for BaseWeapon and BaseArmor?


Macatelier said:
Thank you for ArteGordon and an always wonderful script.

Is "using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;" required for BaseWeapon and BaseArmor?

for the mods described in the installation steps, I believe that I have referred to everything with the fully namespace-qualified names so that they you shouldnt have to add the "using" statement, but it doesnt hurt. I was just trying to cut down on things people would have to change.

If you did need it you would get compile errors about unrecognized methods.


Im having a problem, maybe i did something wrong but with so many steps i cant find what it is, i instaled just this file, and i followed all the steps in the instalation file that comes with the file, here are the console errors, it appears in spanish to me so it may not be a precise translation,
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (6 errors, 6 warnings)
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Armor\BaseArmor.cs: CS0246: (line 1407, column 2) Cant find the type or the name of space of names 'XmlAttach' (¿There is missing a directive using or a reference of ensambling?)
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Jewels\BaseJewel.cs: CS0246: (line 239, column 2) Cant find the type or the name of space of names 'XmlAttach' (¿There is missing a directive using or a reference of ensambling?)
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Weapons\BaseWeapon.cs: CS0103: (line 730, column 6) The Name 'discordanceScalar' dosnt exist in the class or space of names 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon'
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Weapons\BaseWeapon.cs: CS0103: (line 732, column 54) The Name 'discordanceScalar' dosnt exist in the class or space of names 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon'
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Weapons\BaseWeapon.cs: CS0103: (line 733, column 21) The Name 'discordanceScalar' dosnt exist in the class or space of names 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon'
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Weapons\BaseWeapon.cs: CS0246: (line 2652, column 2)  Cant find the type or the name of space of names 'XmlAttach' (¿There is missing a directive using or a reference of ensambling?)


ah, ok. Now I understand your problem as well as Macatelier's previous comment. I see that in the most recent mod that I added (Step 11) I forgot to use the full namespace qualified reference to XmlAttach like the other steps.

Just add this line to the top of your BaseWeapon.cs and BaseArmor.cs scripts

using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;

and it will be fine.

The errors with discordanceScalar are unrelated. That is something else that you must have changed.


I also just modified the Step 11 instructions so that wont happen if you want to do it that way instead.


well, this is what that part of BaseWeapon.cs should look like

if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( defender ) )
					bonus -= 20; // defender loses 20% bonus when they're under divine fury

				double discordanceScalar = 0.0;

				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetScalar( attacker, ref discordanceScalar ) )
					bonus += (int)(discordanceScalar * 100);

including the declaration of your missing discordanceScalar variable.