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Custom Artwork How-To

i meant if it was a new animation, like the wings onew out there does not have a sitting one (and a few others from it, like mining, etc)

if you mean you set it to use the standard robe and it disapears, then i am not sure why, because i thought they worked for me, maybe not,
just checked in game, and ya - poof on sitting for one using an existing one

maybe it is client side, saying only these ones get used lol

wait, just thought - might be in the other body file, the one that says if it is is a monster, item, etc etc
maybe they ahve to be listed in there as well, so it needs to know it is an item being worn, and use the correct animation


Lord_Greywolf;794775 said:
i meant if it was a new animation, like the wings onew out there does not have a sitting one (and a few others from it, like mining, etc)

There IS no "sitting" animation. The client accomplishes "sitting" through the use of a visual trick.

ABTOP;794752 said:
Hi can you please repeat how to fix bug when character sitdown animation disappear

Your custom wearables need to have gumps that are in the range of 50,000-50,999 for the male versions, and 60,000-60,999 for the female versions. Any wearable gumps that fall outside this range are not supported for "sitting" by the client and will not appear.
all of mine are in that range, and right next to one of simular type by osi that do work (weapons with weapons, cloaks with cloaks, etc)

so that is not the problem, something else has to be making it so they disapear when you sit


Lord_Greywolf;794796 said:
all of mine are in that range, and right next to one of simular type by osi that do work (weapons with weapons, cloaks with cloaks, etc)

so that is not the problem, something else has to be making it so they disapear when you sit

I know that being outside that range is one thing that will definately cause this. Picked that info up from elsewhere, tested it, and they were right.

Not sure what else would cause it, but this is the most common cause of this, especially since a lot of people are using this thread as a guide and I'm pretty sure it suggests using ranges that are pretty far out there - not something I would recommend.

If your gumps are within this range and you still vanish when you sit, first I would make sure body.def is set up correctly. (Of course if you can see the wearable on the character animation than body.def would almost have to be correct).

Otherwise, if you're in those right gump ranges then I suspect it has something to do with some other client side file. I would try messing around with Equipconv.def, gump.def, and Mobtypes.txt. Also I would make sure the wearables are in the "Equipment and Accesories" range (anim ID 400+).

If none of this works, don't know what else to suggest. I can't remember ever really having a problem with sitting, I will check it out next time I play around with the client.

EDIT: Try editing mobtypes.txt first. I think if you don't have the item listed here as EQUIPMENT the client won't know its a wearable and that could cause this issue.


Lord_Greywolf;794754 said:
you need to add a name to it in its script

or you can also modify the cliloc's to have its name in there
i think it is item's id number + 100000 or somethging like that
so a search through the cliloc of other item names to find for sure

i know that, this is what i have added in necklace.cs
		public class TestNecklace : BaseNecklace
		public TestNecklace() : base( 0x3BBF )
			Name = "Collana di prova";
			Weight = 0.1;
			Attributes.CastRecovery = 3;
			Attributes.CastSpeed = 2;

		public CollanaTest( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

the item show off correctly the properties, but instead of showing the name, it shows a blank, empty space...
it is probably in basejewelry then
couple of things to look for
1) need to look at base props list in there, one of the biggest problems is people adding props to jewelry using just last.add and a text vale, does not work right, scroolls stuff up instead
2) also it might be looking for a label number, i have found removing the label and just using names works soooo much better


Ok i found in Gumps(anim) i the bottom 0xEEFE this is 61182 in dec then in Body.def add
11182 {469} 0
So range is wrong? It must be 60k - 60999 and no more?
correct - you are into the "female" versions, which are only shown from the male version numbers if a female is wearing it

you still have to reference the makle number, even if not for males


Mmm im not sure how to do this?! 61182 - 50000?= 11182 for male?
But anyway when male or female sitdown new items disappear...
no - 10000 is female

here is how it works

number is 50000 to 59999 is male version or ALL if no female one is present

number + 10000 is female version, it is used if present and body is female

number - 50000 is the animation numer used in tiledata setup - it points to the gump number that way
the itemis gump number has to be from 50000 to 59999 period
then you can have an optional female one at +10000 to the origional number

and the sitting problem has nothing to do with this, i have many things that go poof when sitting, it is not dealing with its placement in the mul files


Damn(( I try change gump id. Add new item to 50000 and add to Body.def 0 {469} 0
It still show in game but when i sitdown it still disappear :eek:

Any ideas??
Any else check boxes in Tiledata except Quality 22 and Wearable?


Tannis;388271 said:
10) In MulPatcher, you should still have your slot for your new robe highlighted. If you right click on that slot, on the bottom of the menu, you'll see Copy Existing Animation. Select that.
Then I get " Cannot open file C:\Shard\anim.idx"
I'm following the instructions perfectly I think. I cant get past 10.


No replies to my query

Then maybe this will be usefull to someone since I cant seem to get it on my shard. Here is a nice females straight jacket I created. Since nobody seems to know how to help me put it into a shard , maybe someone will beable to use it.


  • Straight Jacket.bmp
    278 KB · Views: 47
do not bother with adding it to the animation there, just use the bod.def file - that way you do not need to patch anim files to players, just the def file - lots smaller


I'm perplexed ---

I can get the gump/paperdoll and tile (ground + pack) stuff showing just fine; however, the animation won't show on the player. I loaded the animation into 0xC738, or 51000 in decimal. The AnimID is 0x3E8. My body.def reads 1000 {1000} 0 --- if I change it to 1000 {400} 0, the player changes correctly to body 400 when the item is equipped; it seems to be only my new animation that doesn't show properly...

I'm dealing with Daji's hood (UO Graphics). The animation was originally packaged as a *.uop, but I put it into an empty verdata and converted it to *.vd, then loaded it in MulPatcher from the *.vd file. Do you think the animation itself might have gone bad somewhere in my conversion process? The patched anim shows the hood animation and looks good in InsideUO, which is the weird thing --- it looks like I'm adding the animation in successfully, but confound it, I can't get it to show up on the player ingame!

I'm new to this, so maybe I'm just messing up somewhere...