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FS Animal Taming Systems


BOD Setup with Daat99 and FS.


I'm not sure exactly what part of your taming BOD's weren't working, but I had to make a lot of changes to get everything to work.

Check the BOD section in AnimalTrainer.cs and compare it to the section in Daat99ControlCenterGump.cs - you can fix how BOD's are given out there (this goes for carp, fletch, tailor and smithing BOD's too, if I you are using Lucid's additional system).

As far as how they are handed back in, the OnDragDrop method in BaseVendor.cs needs to be modified to handle the changes from both FS Taming and Daat99.

Psuedo-code for OnDragDrop:
function OnDragDrop()
    if ( dropped is SmallMobileBOD || LargeMobileBOD )
      do this
      daat99.ClaimBods(  );

1/17-> I touched up the code above to make it a little clearer. It will work if you combine the edits from each package as above.

I don't know about the shrink system.

Hope this helps.


Well when I drop a completed bod it says it's unacceptable (animaltrainer).

I fixed the part where it wouldn't give me a bod all together but i'm stuck now.

It's probably on the drag drop but I can't figure it out.

Here is the daat bodreward.

 created by:
     /\            888                   888     .d8888b.   .d8888b.  
____/_ \____       888                   888    d88P  Y88b d88P  Y88b 
\  ___\ \  /       888                   888    888    888 888    888 
 \/ /  \/ /    .d88888  8888b.   8888b.  888888 Y88b. d888 Y88b. d888 
 / /\__/_/\   d88" 888     "88b     "88b 888     "Y888P888  "Y888P888 
/__\ \_____\  888  888 .d888888 .d888888 888           888        888 
    \  /      Y88b 888 888  888 888  888 Y88b.  Y88b  d88P Y88b  d88P 
     \/        "Y88888 "Y888888 "Y888888  "Y888  "Y8888P"   "Y8888P"  
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Engines.BulkOrders;
using Server.Misc;

namespace Server.daat99
	public class daat99
		public static bool ClaimBods ( Mobile from, Item bod )
			Item reward;
			int gold, fame;

			if ( (bod is SmallBOD && !((SmallBOD)bod).Complete) || (bod is LargeBOD && !((LargeBOD)bod).Complete) )
				from.SendMessage(32, "You have not completed the order yet.");
				return false;

			if ( bod is SmallBOD )
				((SmallBOD)bod).GetRewards( out reward, out gold, out fame );
			else if ( bod is LargeBOD )
				((LargeBOD)bod).GetRewards( out reward, out gold, out fame );
				from.SendMessage(32, "This isn't an acceptable bod");
				return false;
			from.SendSound( 0x3D );

			from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045132 ); // Thank you so much!  Here is a reward for your effort.

			if ( reward != null )
				from.AddToBackpack( reward );

			if ( gold > 1000 )
				from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( gold ) );
			else if ( gold > 0 )
				from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( gold ) );
			if (Daat99OWLTR.Ops[14].Setting && gold > 100)
				GiveTokens.RewardTokens(from, (int)(gold/100));

			Titles.AwardFame( from, fame, true );

			return true;


Max level

Someone posted earlier about possibly making max level scrolls. I think this is a greally good idea for this system because some of my stronger pets are only level 13. I would just like to see the scroll posted because i have a previous version of the system that i dont wanna change. And yes, if i could do it myself i would. Also all the animals gain exp and levels at a reasonable rate, but my hireling mercs level up too fast, like a level a hit. I put in hireling mercs instead of evos because I consider the evo mercs to be unbalancing, so naturally i dont wanna see my players maxing out their mercs in one or three fights. Any ideas on how i may change this?


Candle said:
Someone posted earlier about possibly making max level scrolls. I think this is a greally good idea for this system because some of my stronger pets are only level 13. I would just like to see the scroll posted because i have a previous version of the system that i dont wanna change. And yes, if i could do it myself i would. Also all the animals gain exp and levels at a reasonable rate, but my hireling mercs level up too fast, like a level a hit. I put in hireling mercs instead of evos because I consider the evo mercs to be unbalancing, so naturally i dont wanna see my players maxing out their mercs in one or three fights. Any ideas on how i may change this?

the max level is by design when you BREED two pets together it takes the averge of the two levels and adds X amount to it for the babies new MaxLevel. Its to encourge using the Breeding part of this system. However I'm sure it could be designed as a tamers reward.
I got a little problem that Im not sure how to deal with. I guess ive always had the problem after installing this but I can't say for sure. I really been just ignoreing the problem till its become a big issue.

It has to do with follower slots being taken up. For some reason Sometimes after a restart, players with custom pets seem to be charged with having double their followers. Like if there rideing a mare they have 4 slots taken when they log in (I guess its custom cause I changed the sound files who knows) or if there rideing a fire beetle and its restarted, they have 6 slots being taken up. Now every time one of those players logs in after a restart, they need their follower slots reset. I had Thought this was related to the shrink system but I can't say for sure. I could really use any ideas/Sugestions anyone has to offer on this.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I got alot of custom scripts bit I had this installed even before Daat99s OWL stuff, and belive the problems been around since before then.


MetallicSomber said:
I got a little problem that Im not sure how to deal with. I guess ive always had the problem after installing this but I can't say for sure. I really been just ignoreing the problem till its become a big issue.

It has to do with follower slots being taken up. For some reason Sometimes after a restart, players with custom pets seem to be charged with having double their followers. Like if there rideing a mare they have 4 slots taken when they log in (I guess its custom cause I changed the sound files who knows) or if there rideing a fire beetle and its restarted, they have 6 slots being taken up. Now every time one of those players logs in after a restart, they need their follower slots reset. I had Thought this was related to the shrink system but I can't say for sure. I could really use any ideas/Sugestions anyone has to offer on this.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I got alot of custom scripts bit I had this installed even before Daat99s OWL stuff, and belive the problems been around since before then.

Just posting to say ive never seen anything like what you discribe using this system.
Any ideas on what could have changed to cause this? or how follower slots would be handled to check it or fix it? I had thought that it was related to the shrink system some how, but it seems that, its not the pets that's shrunk thats causing it, but the ones there actually rideing.


Hmmm, I seem to be having some similar problems as one of the earlier posts.... When players click to get the taming BOD from the animal trainer, it does not give them a BOD, it says "you can recieve a BOD now" but it fails to give them one.... Also, it will not do anything when you drag a full BOD onto the trainer to turn it in.... And the Animal Breeder does not bring up any menu to purchase anything when you click Buy from him... :confused: I followed the install instructions, the taming folder is in the /data/Bulk Orders folder... so I'm not sure what could be wrong.... I also do have Daat's craft system... any suggestions? Thanks!


Freya said:
Hmmm, I seem to be having some similar problems as one of the earlier posts.... When players click to get the taming BOD from the animal trainer, it does not give them a BOD, it says "you can recieve a BOD now" but it fails to give them one.... Also, it will not do anything when you drag a full BOD onto the trainer to turn it in.... And the Animal Breeder does not bring up any menu to purchase anything when you click Buy from him... :confused: I followed the install instructions, the taming folder is in the /data/Bulk Orders folder... so I'm not sure what could be wrong.... I also do have Daat's craft system... any suggestions? Thanks!

if you read back you will see that the animalbreeder doesnt sell anything. as for the bulkorders I have no idea since I have never had any complaints nor ever gotten around to testing to see if mine worked.


Pets can be duped while handing in claim ticket to the breeder.

Guy on my shard had no money in his bank and when he was handing the ticket to the breeder it stabled his 1st gen. pet and put the ticket back in his pack. He attempted 7 more times not realizing the gold needed to be in the bank and every time he tried giving the breeder the ticket it duped his 1st gen. pet in the stable. He ended up with 7 duped
1st gen. pets. Any way to fix this?


I made sure that I followed everything closely, and tried to make sense of it. I replaced all the files like It said as well, and even re-read over the installation doc to double check. But I keep getting this mesage.

RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (33 errors, 0 warnings)
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 22, column
14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'FightMode'

 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 32, column
14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'OrderType'

 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 53, column
14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'FoodType'
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 64, column
14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'PackInstin
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 77, column
14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'ScaleType'

 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 88, column
14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'MeatType'
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 95, column
14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'HideType'
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 103, column
 14) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'PetLoyalt
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 119, column
 15) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'DamageSto
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 139, column
 15) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'BaseCreat
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\AI\Creature\BaseCreature.cs: CS0101: (line 5267, colum
n 15) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'LoyaltyT
 - Error: Scripts\Engines\Craft\DefInscription.cs: CS0101: (line 7, column 15) T
he namespace 'Server.Engines.Craft' already contains a definition for 'DefInscri
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Misc\PotionKeg.cs: CS0101: (line 7,
column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition for 'Potio
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Potions\BasePotion.cs: CS0101: (line
 7, column 14) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition for 'P
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Potions\BasePotion.cs: CS0101: (line
 37, column 24) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition for '
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\NPC\AnimalTrainer.cs: CS0101: (line 13, column
 15) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'AnimalTra
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\SBInfo\SBAnimalTrainer.cs: CS0101: (line 8, co
lumn 15) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'SBAni
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\BaseVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 14, column 14) Th
e namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'VendorShoeType'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\BaseVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 23, column 24) Th
e namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'BaseVendor'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\BaseVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 1385, column 15)
The namespace 'Server.ContextMenus' already contains a definition for 'VendorBuy
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\BaseVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 1401, column 15)
The namespace 'Server.ContextMenus' already contains a definition for 'VendorSel
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\BaseVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 1420, column 19)
The namespace 'Server' already contains a definition for 'IShopSellInfo'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\BaseVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 1441, column 19)
The namespace 'Server' already contains a definition for 'IBuyItemInfo'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\PlayerVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 16, column 15)
The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'PlayerVendorTa
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\PlayerVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 23, column 15)
The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'VendorItem'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\PlayerVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 78, column 15)
The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'VendorBackpack
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\PlayerVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 266, column 15)
 The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'PlayerVendor'

 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\PlayerVendor.cs: CS0101: (line 1622, column 15
) The namespace 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'PlayerVendor
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs: CS0101: (line 23, column 14) The name
space 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'PlayerFlag'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs: CS0101: (line 39, column 14) The name
space 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'NpcGuild'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs: CS0101: (line 56, column 14) The name
space 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'SolenFriendship'
 - Error: Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs: CS0101: (line 63, column 15) The name
space 'Server.Mobiles' already contains a definition for 'PlayerMobile'
 - Error: Scripts\Skills\AnimalTaming.cs: CS0101: (line 11, column 15) The names
pace 'Server.SkillHandlers' already contains a definition for 'AnimalTaming'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

I do have AoS and SE disabled, will this cause conflicts? And I just downloaded the files today so I know I have the highest version


Scripture said:
I made sure that I followed everything closely, and tried to make sense of it. I replaced all the files like It said as well, and even re-read over the installation doc to double check. But I keep getting this mesage.

Usually those kind of errors come from having duplicate scripts in your script folder.


Thanks, you were right, I didn't realize he had a extra copy of distro's in the folder. Which makes me wonder why he has two downloads if everything is in one already?


Scripture said:
Thanks, you were right, I didn't realize he had a extra copy of distro's in the folder. Which makes me wonder why he has two downloads if everything is in one already?

The ones included in the first post are needed for using this system, they are moded versions of the distro files that you are to replace yours with or merge into yours.


The instructions for this system can be found here:


Yea, I know that part, but i'm saying he has a copy of everything in the first download in the second download as well. (the distro's and the reagent packs)


Also, i'm sure its somewhere in these 80 pages lol, but is there a link to somewhere that shows a explanation of how everything works? Like how to actually Obtain the BoD's (I see there's a BoD INFO button, which says one is available, and tried selling alot of different things, but cant figure out how to get), and all of the pets say that they cannot currently mate, is there a way to enable this? Or is this only for a certain level, or only for evo or bio pets? Also, how are evo pets obtained? Or is it something that I have to add a evo egg or something to a spawn?


Scripture said:
Also, i'm sure its somewhere in these 80 pages lol, but is there a link to somewhere that shows a explanation of how everything works? Like how to actually Obtain the BoD's (I see there's a BoD INFO button, which says one is available, and tried selling alot of different things, but cant figure out how to get), and all of the pets say that they cannot currently mate, is there a way to enable this? Or is this only for a certain level, or only for evo or bio pets? Also, how are evo pets obtained? Or is it something that I have to add a evo egg or something to a spawn?

You get a bod from an animal trainer vendor same as you would a bs bod from a blacksmith vendor.
Pets can only mate after a specific level I think its 7 or 9
Evo pets are created by a person who has read the bio book and has the bio tools. You need to figure out how to get these into the game. They sample the dna of a creature then use that dna to build a clone. It grows from there.


Well, normally you get a bod from a NPC by selling them something, but for some reason no matter what I try to sell the animal trainer, it's not interested. So is there something specifically I should be looking to sell to them to obtain the bods?

Also, I didn't notice this untill now, but when i tell my horse to attack another horse, the opposing horse changes color a little bit (this only applys to the tannish horses).