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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] FS: Animal Taming Systems Gen2


eh, that was a type-o on my part (in this form, not in my scripts). I had to type it in, since that little DOS box won't allow me to cut or copy (or even highlight for that matter).


dadnlad, there is a way to copy and paste from a DOS window. Just make sure you're not in full screen mode when a DOS prompt is open, click and hold the mouse at the beginning of the text you want to copy and drag it down to encompass the last part of the text then right click on the DOS prompt icon in your task bar and go to EDIT and click COPY.



does any have this working with SVN 297 cause i have tried for weeks and i cant seem to get it to work. if you do would u mind sharing what u have done . the most interesting part for me in this big script in the taming bods and i would love to see this work


Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (2 errors, 0 warnings)
 + Mobiles/Monsters/Misc/Melee/BladeSpirits.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Mobiles.BladeSpirits.GetFightModeRanking(Server.Mob
ile, Server.Mobiles.FightMode, bool)': no suitable method found to override
 + Mobiles/Monsters/Misc/Melee/EnergyVortex.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Mobiles.EnergyVortex.GetFightModeRanking(Server.Mob
ile, Server.Mobiles.FightMode, bool)': no suitable method found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Sorry been away, heres the code directly copied from the box....

I'd love to get this fixed so I can continue going on this project...

Thanks for your help!


I know this thread has gotten big but I know there is a txt file to download that will show how to install the system and get it running.... I used the txt file to get it running on an already moded RC2 shard (had to do some edits in a few of the distro files)... I would try that file. I think it was around the 3rd page of the thread, but if you do a search for "Breeding install" you should come up with a bunch of posts from this thread and one should talk about the file in the summary it shows (that is how I found it, I think my search was "RC2 breeding install").

Dadnlad, what type of shard are you trying to start, RunUO 1.0/2.0? If 2.0 is it RC1, RC2 or SVN?



hi greywolf i am trying to add this to svn 297 i have tried it with rc1 and it says its encrypted and cant log in i am guessing its cos ive patched all the way up.. ive tried it with rc2 and get the same errors as the poster above ive searched for the install txt RC2 breeding install cant seem to get it any other help with this i really want this system


For the RCs it is best to keep the patches down low. Anything over I think does not work with the RCs... I use client ML patched to (might be cant remember for sure, but it is the last one before It works great with both RC1 and RC2 (anything higher than the one I am using has the new haven which has to be populated from scratch because neither rc generated the local npcs or items in the buildings... But I have the breeding pack and daats customs in the rc2. Works great too.



ya i was using svn but players are leaving the shard for other shards with this system. So i am thinking about just using rc2 with this i just re installed uo up to 6.0.5 and it wont let me log in using rc1 . rc2 i am getting the same errors that the last poster is getting can you help me with the error i posted with rc2 ?


Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (2 errors, 0 warnings)
 + Mobiles/Monsters/Misc/Melee/BladeSpirits.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Mobiles.BladeSpirits.GetFightModeRanking(Server.Mob
ile, Server.Mobiles.FightMode, bool)': no suitable method found to override
 + Mobiles/Monsters/Misc/Melee/EnergyVortex.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Mobiles.EnergyVortex.GetFightModeRanking(Server.Mob
ile, Server.Mobiles.FightMode, bool)': no suitable method found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

This is on Run UO 2.0 RC2

Thanks in advance for any help guys!


OK I got this working, and its pretty good, I have just two questions...

First, when you mouse over an animal, its level is desplayed. How do I get rid of that? I want people to have to tame it first, to find out its level.

Second, how do I rename the brush???? I've been working on this for an hour, I changed the file brush.cs to TamerTool.cs, replaced everyplace in the file that says brush, with TamerTool. I even changed the HTML file, to match. In the game, if I do [add brush, it tells me not found, if I do [add TamerTool, it adds it. But, when you mouse over it, sure as shit, it still persists in saying Brush.....


Look for a spot in the file for the brush where it has a bunch of #s and says something afterwards about it being named something... ie xxxx (120243873, "Brush name") -- I have never tried to rename the brush but I know there are some scripts that use #s instead of letters. I do not know if there is a # for "tamers tool" or whatever you wanted to name it, but many of the spots that use the #s can use words inside of ""s. So in the example I gave of xxxx (12024873, "brush name") change it to xxxx ("brush name", "brush name") -- sometimes it is all #s and other things in the ()s but afterwards it will says in // that it is the name or something like that... I do not have access to my shard computer right now and so I cannot really help with specifics (and not sure I speak understandably sometimes)... I will try to find it tonight and see if I can spot it and show you... But look at my swampy file I have in the custom script releases here and compare it to a swampdragon for the sections that show the name and you should see some areas in the swampy where the #x have been replaced with "xxxx" instead (at least I think the swampy had that change). Also look into how to alter def skill files and they will point out this idea too. Sorry if my rambling is not understandable (I am self/forum taught not schooling taught).



I don't see anything like that. Heres my file:

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Engines.Craft;

namespace Server.Items
	public class TamerTool : BaseTool
		public override CraftSystem CraftSystem{ get{ return DefTamingCraft.CraftSystem; } }

		public TamerTool() : base( 0x1372 )
			Weight = 1.0;

		public TamerTool( int uses ) : base( uses, 0x1372 )
			Weight = 1.0;

      		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from ) 
			if ( FSATS.EnableTamingCraft == false )
				from.SendMessage( "Taming craft has been disabled, Contact your server administrator for details." );
				base.OnDoubleClick( from );

		public TamerTool( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			if ( Weight == 1.0 )
				Weight = 1.0;

Thanks for your continued help on this GreyWolf!


That one I am not sure on... I would check the other scripts too and see if it is shown anywhere else. But check through all the files that came with the breeding package.



dadnlad how you get yours to work what files did u merge are you using rc2 or svn i think we had the same errors im glad you got it to work and am wondering if you can help me?


I got it to work, but you're probably not going to like my fix... I got rid of RC2, and got Run UO 2 RC1, its plug and play on that distro, and works fine without having to mess around with everything.


ya thanks anyways i need this to work with at least rc2 but more towards svn 297 if i ever get it to work ill post but dont count on it lol... the only thing im really missing in svn is the taming Bulk Orders thats all i am really interested in the most


+ Mobiles/Vendors/GenericBuy.cs:
CS0535: Line 9: 'Server.Mobiles.GenericBuyInfo' does not implement interface
member 'Server.IBuyItemInfo.GetObject()'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Can anyone who has this error please help me , i cant seem to figure this out anymore... one error left anyone can help illl post a extra thank you on my website ... all i can offer really

thanks alot


dadnlad;769313 said:
eh, that was a type-o on my part (in this form, not in my scripts). I had to type it in, since that little DOS box won't allow me to cut or copy (or even highlight for that matter).

If you click the top left corner where the icon is it drops a file menu. Click edit and then mark (it only allows you to highlight once - once you let go it stops highlighting and you have to start over on the highlighting if you did not get everything you wanted highlighted). After you have "marked" what you want you can then copy in the same portion of the menu. Hope that helps.



Ok How do you get your pet info and gumps to show up to change your points abilitys i do not get the gumps when i click on pet and the Gumps are in the Core folder but what script calls it i looked in basecreature not sure where else to look


Anyone had a problem with this trying to delete your playmobile.cs after a restart? If so any ideas on how to fix it? Been trying for a while now and not having any joy.