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Smoking Banned in State of Illinois

Nar Matteru

I doubt the majority of normal people would vote for it. Firstly, besides all smokers being against it, all business owners would be against it, and most libertarian minded people would be against it. And pretty much anyone who doesn't agree in useless governmental restrictions.
public smoking

want to ban smoking outdoors? Then take off the taxes. They tax smokers out the yang per pack, spend the money on everything except ways to benefit smokers then tell smokers " hey, by the way, your not allowed to smoke what you just paid all this tax on, sounds like BS to me. Hey while we are at it lets tax all foods that arent preparred in the home, because someone might not like smelling them, or might be allergic. Bottom line, if you want totally clean air and no other public nuisances, STAY IN YOUR HOME with your purifiers and your censorships and let the public be public.


FrankandKathie05;732620 said:
They tax smokers out the yang per pack, spend the money on everything except ways to benefit smokers...

Medicare and Medicaid are nearly $700 BILLION of federal expenses. Many of those folks are seniors, who smoked like chimneys. You're saying they're not benefiting from the free healthcare? Whatever you're smoking, it sure ain't tobacco!



Courageous;732650 said:
Medicare and Medicaid are nearly $700 BILLION of federal expenses. Many of those folks are seniors, who smoked like chimneys. You're saying they're not benefiting from the free healthcare? Whatever you're smoking, it sure ain't tobacco!


Seeing how it was pointed out that 20% of the nation is smoking, by the same logic pointed out in this thread, then only 20% of medicare goes to smokers and suprize!! suprize!! not all of that 20% is using medicare due to associated health problems. not to even mention that only a percentage of the populas is even able to apply for Medicare. might be interesting to post a true % of what Medicare is directly paying for smoking related illness. while we are at it I wonder what % is used for obesity related issues or for that matter due to the ever lengthening life span. I also wonder how much money is used due to the bureaucracy and inefficiencies of the current Medicare system? Then lets reverse tax the Medicare system for its inefficient handling of these govt funds......

last few times I'd been at the doctor (which is rare due to the fact i distrust the medical profession as a whole and am into homeopathic medicine. ) I noticed a lot more people were there probably due to obesity and age related issues. maybe those people should pay a higher percentage of thier helth costs instead of nailing me for it. why don't we put the same taxes on soda pop, fast food restaurants and anyone over a certain related age. lets raise the cost of a can of pop to say 3 dollars and make that mcd's burger 5 dollars. and a 20% surcharge on those that make it to retirement.

multi-language issue that was brought forth shortly (and out of context) in this thread, lets tax and surcharge those that are burdening our educational, medical and legal systems with extra the costs for ignoring immigration, permanent legal resident, and guest worker laws pertaining to language. honestly on this issue where do you think that these languages are coming from. lets also put a reverse tax on the local, state, and federal govt's for ignoring these laws and allowing the current situation. regardless of a nationally accepted language, these laws and issues exist.


Food isn't definitively unhealthy. Smoking is.

The basic problem here is the presence of socialized medicine. It's a self-justifying circle. If there is socialized medicine, then you end up with various pick-your-offender-of-the-month as needing legal and tax intervention, like smokers and motorcycle drivers without helmets, and yes drinkers with liver problems, and so forth.

Anyway, I have an idea for you: knock off the smoking.

But while you are smoking, thank you for making my tax burden less.



actual certain foods are unhealthy why do u think they got away with suing mcdonalds and now there is no super sized fries.


They didn't get away with suing McDonalds. The case was dismissed "with prejudice," a rare court finding, that means that the plaintiffs will not be permitted to bring their case again in any format.

Not even a Twinkie is unhealthy. Twinkie are primarily composed of a certain macronutrient, a simple carbohydrate, that is, while not neceessary in that particular format for human life, necessary in the broader format for human life. It is an excess of twinkies that is unhealthy.



TMSTKSBK;732683 said:
One could argue that sugar is not good for you...

Your body converts all carbohydrates to sugar. Without sugar, you would not feel well at all, operating at best in a format called "ketogenic metabolism," which isn't particularly recommended by mainstream science. Your brain needs sugar. What your body can't deal with is sudden, repeated, large doses of simple sugar. It will get these large doses from pure sugar, from potatoes, from many fruits, and most bread. If sugar is bad, so are potatoes, many fruits, and most bread... sweetened or unsweetened.

But no. Not so simple. You can eat bread and potatoes in a meal with fats and proteins, in which case the glycemic index of the whole meal is what counts. Such is all that matters, pure sugar included or no.

But never let a few facts intrude on your mother's thinking, mind.



Courageous;732675 said:
Food isn't definitively unhealthy. Smoking is.

The basic problem here is the presence of socialized medicine. It's a self-justifying circle. If there is socialized medicine, then you end up with various pick-your-offender-of-the-month as needing legal and tax intervention, like smokers and motorcycle drivers without helmets, and yes drinkers with liver problems, and so forth.

Anyway, I have an idea for you: knock off the smoking.

But while you are smoking, thank you for making my tax burden less.


Wow, from ban/not ban smoking to socialized health-care.

I see the connection, but in the same way I see smoking and teenage drug crimes (kids smoke, then smoke weed, then do heroin... etc) as being related. It's a related topic, but quite a jump over a large chasm to get there. With a lot of things left out in the middle to put the two ideas together.


Rosetta;732710 said:
I see the connection, but ... quite a jump over a large chasm to get there..

Well, it's not such a big jump. Banning smoking is just the culmination of years of annoyance of nonsmokers by smokers, and I have to say... mostly their just due (although perhaps a bit excessive in the case cited, yes).

But the tax on smoking has been justified, as a matter of the record, by the expense on the medical system that smokers cause for themselves. If they were paying for it themselves, their could hardly be any protest, now could there? No. The story the voter has been sold on is that these sin taxes are making it so the sinner pays for their sins.

Medicine has been partially socialized already in the US (it doesn't seem this way from a casual glance, but it's true). The voters hackles would be up that much more if it were fully socialized, mark my words.



Kheldar;732677 said:
actual certain foods are unhealthy why do u think they got away with suing mcdonalds and now there is no super sized fries.

Damn lawyers! I was wondering why I could not get my ss fries any more... Now I know.
