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Smoking Banned in State of Illinois


What are you all fucking retarded.
I live in IL the told us that would be in effect 5 months ago.

Fucking crist you can still smoke outside you dim wit fuck. You have to just be 15 feet from a public door on a public place any public place.

Read the fucking laws

There was a 100 new laws past in IL. Pay a fucking attention before posting some fucking half-wit crap you sure the fuck don't know about.

Cali had that law plus 18 other states has this law.

Simple answer to your complaining go find a person in this country that really gives a fuck.

Answer You wont.


Courageous;733308 said:
The invisible hand doesn't always know best.


but in a capitalistic republic it doesnt matter what is best...the only thing that matters is whatever the market wants to matter.
bzk90;733440 said:
but in a capitalistic republic it doesnt matter what is best...the only thing that matters is whatever the market wants to matter.

You mean in a laissez-faire capitalist society? We're not one of those, though.


I'm speaking of an "ideal" situation. If the government would mind their own business when it comes to private property than the businesses would be free to make their own decisions and customers would do the same. Everyone is happy and everyone makes money

Nar Matteru

I wonder how this would apply to people who live in apartments above their own stores? I mean technically its a residence AND a business.

what about babysitters who sit from home?

Thats probably the only business I think should be forced to ban smoking actually.

I don't smoke, hate the smell of smoke, and cant stand being near it. If I owned a business, I'd probably get one of those "Thank You For Not Smoking" Signs and ban people from smoking in it. As a business owner, I should have that right. (A business is "public" on a voluntary basis only, you can kick people out of it anytime you want, just as you can eject people from your own house)

All that said, I should have the right to allow smoking in my business. Because, get this, It's MY business. Not the government's. I'm the one running it. Not the Government. I'm the one suffering losses and celebrating profits. Not the government.

Just like its the consumer's right to enter an establishment that allows smokers, or one who doesn't.

I do fully support required disclosure on the outside of the building if it allows smokers though. Just sos people who don't like it or are allergic to it can know not to go in it.


as far as i know and understand it if your apartment is above a store u can still smoke in the apartment as that part is listed as a private residence unless the entire building is listed with the county as commercial.

as to the second one no u cant smoke in a private residence if it is used as a childcare facility it specifically states that in there somewhere.

Nar Matteru

Kheldar;733482 said:
as far as i know and understand it if your apartment is above a store u can still smoke in the apartment as that part is listed as a private residence unless the entire building is listed with the county as commercial.

as to the second one no u cant smoke in a private residence if it is used as a childcare facility it specifically states that in there somewhere.
Well thats good. One of my babysitters growing up would smoke a shitton. I hated that woman. Although really, a lot of babysitters are very informal arrangements and not legally registered or anything ;/ So not quite sure how well that works in practice.
bzk90;733476 said:
I'm speaking of an "ideal" situation. If the government would mind their own business when it comes to private property than the businesses would be free to make their own decisions and customers would do the same. Everyone is happy and everyone makes money

To repeat Courageous:

Courageous;732609 said:
Like excluding black people from your establishment?



black people are protected by other laws...the whole smoking in businesses shouldn't even be an issue.

business have the right to refuse service to anyone they want (so long as it doesn't violate any no-discriminatory laws)

there is nothing (or there wasn't before these antismoke laws were passed) that prevents business owners to refuse service to smokers (or nonsmokers)

a good example occurred in NV before the anti-smoke laws were passed.

When Californians started moving in mass to Nevada a new market for non-smoker businesses was created. The smoking and the non smoking restaurants allowed choices for everybody.


bzk90;733492 said:
black people are protected by other laws...
usiness have the right to refuse service to anyone they want...
so long as it doesn't violate any no-discriminatory laws)

There are those who think that a business really should have the right to be able to conduct their business as a private place. For example, I *do* have the right to exclude anyone from my home. But not my business. How is that?

The basic tension you are seeing here is that, We The People, have in actuality decided that businesses are not entirely private places.

You sort of agree, as you feel that some laws intruding into a business, on the behalf of a public are justified.

For example, do We The People have a rightful expectation to live in a country free from ethnic strife? You think so.

Anyway, speaking of freedom, how do you feel about the legalization of all drugs?



You have interesting reservations about what people do in the privacy of their own home, but have objections to rules about not-so-private places. Strange mix. Do you have a philosophical basis for your feelings, or is it more a do-I-like-it-at-the-moment type of thing?




I support the legalization of marijuana and other natural drugs because of the reasons they are illegal (read pharmaceutical lobbyists).

I hardly see what that has to do with banning smoking in private businesses. I really don't care what people do so long as they don't force harm on to another person. People can choose to be patrons of a business and business owners can choose who they will serve. It is very simple

If I don't want smoke in my face I will go to a non-smoking establishment...there are plenty of places to spend my money at.


bzk90;733533 said:

I support the legalization of marijuana and other natural drugs because of the reasons they are illegal (read pharmaceutical lobbyists).

Why should you care whether or not someone takes X in the privacy of their own home? The sentiment that the business owner should be able to do what they like in the privacy of their business (decide who smokes or does not) is little different.

bzk90;733533 said:
I hardly see what that has to do with banning smoking in private businesses. I really don't care what people do so long as they don't force harm on to another person. People can choose to be patrons of a business and business owners can choose who they will serve. It is very simple.

Is it not forcing harm when someone starts smoking around you? I can't arbitrarily choose which air molecules to breathe.


get your point now :)

I should care because so many people don't remain in their homes. If somebody smokes a cig its not going to destroy their decision making skills

this does however make a bit hypocritical when it comes to legalizing marijuana and other natural substances. I suppose there is a bit of a emotional tie to this belief

this doesn't change the fact that smoking around other smokers who choose to be in a smoking establishment should not be illegal


TheOutkastDev;733543 said:
Is it not forcing harm when someone starts smoking around you? I can't arbitrarily choose which air molecules to breathe.

you force harm upon yourself if you choose to go into a smoking establishment...


you guys should note that my posts only apply to bar/food/club industry

obviously things like grocery stores don't apply (though it would probably regulate itself anyways)