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Smoking Banned in State of Illinois


I am a smoker, my husband is not. Of my own accord, I used to step outside if I wanted to smoke because I don't feel I should kill him with my choice to smoke. And if I'm someplace, and I can see the smoke is bothering someone else's right to breathe, I either put it out, or move. I feel the choice to do something bad for me is my choice, and non-smokers should not have to breathe my filthy second-hand smoke. At the same time, I feel that if I'm outside smoking, non-smokers shouldn't go out of their way to be near me. There's tons more space than right by me smoking. It's give and take, I'll give on the inside thing, but at least give me some space to smoke outside or some such thing. Perfumes bother my breathing, am I supposed to tell people not to wear perfume if they are gonna be walking in the street where I might be? Or should I just walk further away from them?

Nar Matteru

Courageous;732751 said:

That's a wise and fair perspective, and I agree.

You should still stop smoking, though. :)

Courageous hasn't yet learned not to tell a woman what she should or should not do?

And here I thought he was so smart.


Got 2 questions ?

Is it ture that you can be fine for staring at some one more that 1 minute on the beachs in Californa?
Isn't that hole reason for going to the beach half naked. Oh wait we need to be selective on who gets to look, no wankers, they get the fines.

Is it true they banned micowave ovens in some Eropean country's, because they destroy the nutritional value of the food? So although you eat your body is really starving, so you eat more, and get a really great big fat ass, and have heart attacks, that cost the tax payers money running up medicare, and don't micro wave owners make up more than 20% of the population, alot more I think.
If we want to keep our Tax's down and improve the overall heath of the U.S. maybe we should Ban micro waves to.

I may be bias, I don't use micro waves.


carriehart;732766 said:
Got 2 questions ?

Is it ture that you can be fine for staring at some one more that 1 minute on the beachs in Californa?

Is it true they banned micowave ovens in some Eropean country's, because they destroy the nutritional value of the food? So although you eat your body is really starving, so you eat more, and get a really great big fat ass, and have heart attacks, that cost the tax payers money running up medicare, and don't micro wave owners make up more than 20% of the population, alot more I think.
If we want to keep our Tax's down and improve the overall heath of the U.S. maybe we should Ban micro waves to.

No, no, no, no, and no. There are some really good points you can make in defense of either side and there are some very lame points you can make in defense of either side. You seem to be quite good at the latter.


WarAngel;732767 said:
No, no, no, no, and no. There are some really good points you can make in defense of either side and there are some very lame points you can make in defense of either side. You seem to be quite good at the latter.

No no no no, You know this, or are you just saying it?

and as far as lame, health seem's to be a major concern, if there is a larger threat to health than smoking, how exactly would you consider it lame?

My point is that people tend to be selective in what they ban, and in the laws they pass, not so much for health reason's, or public safety, but based more on personal bias.

And frankly I believe your insult fall's into the latter.


Courageous;732782 said:
You know this, or are you just saying it?

My advice to you would be: first ask yourself this question.


No I don't know, that's why it was in the form of a question,
and I don't think no no no no qualifies as a conclusive answer, especially when attached to an insult.
I have heard as much although I can't swear to the acuracy, of the information.

It was ment more as an example.
Ok maybe a desperate crasp.

I am a smoker, but honestly, I don't think there are any good arguments in favor of smoking.


Courageous;732782 said:
You know this, or are you just saying it?

My advice to you would be: first ask yourself this question.


No I don't know, that's why it was in the form of a question,
and I don't think no no no no qualifies as a conclusive answer, especially when attached to an insult.
I have heard as much although I can't swear to the acuracy, of the information.

It was ment more as an example.
Ok maybe a desperate crasp.

I am a smoker, but honestly, I don't think there are any good arguments in favor of smoking.

Ps Your from Califorina is the staring fine false?


carriehart;732790 said:
Ps Your from Califorina is the staring fine false?

Why should I be put in the position of having to do a google search, that anyone can do, including you, over a question that you have no good reason to believe is true to begin with?

You're a smoker, is it true that gives you an uncontrollable urge to give blow jobs? Those cigarettes, very Freudian, dontcha know.




Courageous;732758 said:
LOL. Alcyone just dresses up in drag.


shhhhhh. You weren't supposed to tell anyone that, it was a secret. And you're right, I shouldn't smoke, yet.........shit happens. What's it gonna do, kill me? Think the lupus will get to it first. I do feel for all of you non-smokers though. First you have to go through the whole breathing smoke thing, then you get to deal with us being total bitches or assholes because we're trying to quit.


Courageous;732795 said:
You're a smoker, is it true that gives you an uncontrollable urge to give blow jobs? Those cigarettes, very Freudian, dontcha know.


Yeah, I know every time that I light up a smoke that I think to myself "Damn, I really wish I had a dick to suck":rolleyes:

pompous dick


Yeah! I just knew that was why I never smoked! I look at those things and say, "if I smoke one of those, I'll start telling everyone I need some delicious dick (tm)".



Yeah! I just knew that was why I never smoked! I look at those things and say, "if I smoke one of those, I'll start telling everyone I need some delicious dick (tm)".


Ban/no ban on smoking to socialized health care I could almost see. But smoking to oral sex is a bit far.

Where will this go next?
Does a similar uncontrollable feeling happen to you every time you eat raisins, cantaloupes, cherries? What about bananas?
I wonder what Freud would say about blowing up balloons.

Do your other action figures need their heads examined . . well maybe they need to be looked over by Sigmund Freud himself. He stands 5” tall and is in a thoughtful pose holding a phallic cigar. He comes on an illustrated blistercard.


and his amazing friends
The state and local governments are well within their rights to enact laws governing behaviors on the public land. Ideally the elected officials are acting within the views of the majority who elected them. So if the majority of people in a constituency want a smoking ban in *public* spaces, it should be done. This is democracy in action and is how things in this country are supposed to work.

However, the problem is the laws are so sweeping and force businesses into disallowing smokers. A business is a private space, much like a residence; and business owners should be able to make the choice themselves about whether or not to allow smoking within their establishment. Then we, as consumers, can choose for ourselves where to spend our money based on the policies of the local businesses. If a business doesn't allow smokers and you are a smoker, then you're free to go spend your money at the competition. Similarly, if a place of business does allow smoking and the smell of smoke completely offends you, you are just as free to go spend your money at their competition.

I'm a non-smoker, but I really do think that business owners should be able to decide for themselves what kind of behaviors are allowed within their business.

Nar Matteru

Cronus;733030 said:
The state and local governments are well within their rights to enact laws governing behaviors on the public land. Ideally the elected officials are acting within the views of the majority who elected them. So if the majority of people in a constituency want a smoking ban in *public* spaces, it should be done. This is democracy in action and is how things in this country are supposed to work.

However, the problem is the laws are so sweeping and force businesses into disallowing smokers. A business is a private space, much like a residence; and business owners should be able to make the choice themselves about whether or not to allow smoking within their establishment. Then we, as consumers, can choose for ourselves where to spend our money based on the policies of the local businesses. If a business doesn't allow smokers and you are a smoker, then you're free to go spend your money at the competition. Similarly, if a place of business does allow smoking and the smell of smoke completely offends you, you are just as free to go spend your money at their competition.

I'm a non-smoker, but I really do think that business owners should be able to decide for themselves what kind of behaviors are allowed within their business.
thank you, for making sense.