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Something I have been thinking about...


I think the base Runuo core is excellent for a plan to _think_ about a new game. It woudn't hurt to discuss it and see what people come up with. Yes, there will be issues, like about graphics for clients but i think it will be fun to alteast discuss it. To start for example with a very simple, topdown view of a 3D Mobile that walks and allows basic functionality. At its least will might be fun to do while waiting for changes from osi and keeping Runuo in sync.

To improve Runuo itself..
A thought might be to create an interface for account info and such.
For example, create a simple "shard site package" that you can add to runuo with a simple forum, news poster, faq and shard info page.

This way you can just log into your favorite shards forum with your account info. (If that is a good think, i leave up to you). Maybe a diff username & password to login and set your shard-account info in the profile so that you can link/display your HK, a character doll as avatar or whatever else.

Shard owners simple edit/hackup the masterpage & css to get a complete, custom look for thier shard's site.
Kenko;602999 said:
I would love Spellweaving, ML quest system and Peerless System, as well as harvest systems.. :p

Anyways I already love RunUO

I agree with this alot really. Since the emulator is stable why not fill it out with all f the current EA features to pretty well clone them? I think most people are looking to atleast have what EA has and then either add or change it from there.

Another thing I wanted to mention. Why not do something with expansions this may be a bit much to ask though but I had always thought it would be cool to be able to "toggle" expansions on and off somehow. Maybe not toggle the expansion on a running shard but have some kind of installation that asks what era of UO you would like your shard to be using and then have it install the proper set of scripts and such for that type of shard.

I guess that is a whole lot of work though but was an idea I had for a while.

Something else I had thought about was a tool for applying custom code to the existing server. basically an auto merging tool that would take your new scripts and merge them into the existing scripts in your server to take most of the work out of adding billions of custom scripts. It could create a backup and such before altering the server to prevent major accidents. Basically tools such as this to help people maintain and modify the shard would be nice. Could include those in the distro or something.

So many things can be done but I think my most important suggestion would be filling our EA clone content. Not only is this the easiest to accomplish but the highest in demand from what I have seen.


Another thing I wanted to mention. Why not do something with expansions this may be a bit much to ask though but I had always thought it would be cool to be able to "toggle" expansions on and off somehow. Maybe not toggle the expansion on a running shard but have some kind of installation that asks what era of UO you would like your shard to be using and then have it install the proper set of scripts and such for that type of shard.

More or less, this already exists in CurrentExpansion.cs in 2.0.
Only for aos and above. And really, having an installtion program like that that would let you choose expansion, rulesets, maps and moongates, then load/edit the scripts and spawns for the chosen options would be nice.

Also having a GUI like Jeffs working on would be nice, with tabs of stuff, like a maps tab with spawns, player density, etc hell maybe integrated into UOAM or something (altho I don't think thats open source) a graphs tab with various statistics of the server, a tab with on the fly command buttons a la pandora's box, and of course a tab for command line. Scripters could even make custom tabs for their own projects etc. But, thats a LOT of work. Who wants to upgrade Krrios with a larger battery?

EDIT: After further thought, I think using just the bitmaps from UOAM would be legal, being that since the bitmaps are generated from your own client files, He cannot copyright them. Correct me if I'm wrong tho. Altho, using the map viewer from pandoras box would be easier and open source.


dont know if this was already posted in here but how about a utility that allows you to "build" an item like a weapon or armor and convert it into a script


(from programming side:)
1. Separate core into assemblies.
2. Replace console application with windows service
3. Comment all internal code, so documentation can be generated and published.
4. Implement agile and incremental development, daily automatical builds / unit testing (atleast for code)

(from game side:)
1. Implement remaining features that osi has


There's a lot more response from medieval fantasy style games as far as the online world is concerned...or rather, it's easier to redesign the past than to invent the future.

Runuo should step away from ultima, but I don't believe entirely. Custom houses is one of the higher selling points for a good many of the players that come to the game as well as the paper doll change your clothes look.

One of the biggest problems with Ultima custom servers is that you will spend hours and hours of precious time designing and tweaking it...but in the end...was it worth it? Granted, there are a good many that design these servers to hone their programming skills. However, at some point, you feel that you've done all you can really do to the game and you want something higher and more challenging.

Runuo is a great tool, there are a lot of great things you can do with it, but I would love to see the dev team break the online gaming boundary.
What I would Like

OK too lazy to read here so if it's covered... tough. :D

I'd like to run 2 shards on my machine [fully capable I've checked].
I'm in love with the duel realm system, but can the server come with an optional NT service loader IE: loading it on xp-pro under fire-daemon?

server.exe /SVC /L:c:\mylogfile004.txt [etc.]

This would save a lot of overhead.

Also if possible could a find and replace utility be constructed for conversion of 1.0 to 2.0 scripts? I just know you coders have something like that in your arsenal ;) I'm just starting to fumble through 1.0 and you guys come out with a new format. Your not related to Microsoft are you? :rolleyes:

As far as system the way it is I'd like to see capability to issue commands and get help from the dos box the way it was in sphere <excuse the blasphomy>
shutdown/restart/save/ PM [player name] "stop that or i'll kill your cat!"... maybe a listing of all registered commands from all scripts? IE: dos box command, Help :confused: also a short description of commands on help [command]. IE: help remove.. This command removes any non static object selected by targeting cursor.

I too would like support for map5-10 or whatever. A lot of good maps out there and utilities to terraform your own. so why not have them available on same server?


I always wondered how come a god client was never done for the custom shards to edit the maps ingame, that'd be a very very interesting tool.