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Ultima Online Kingdom Reborn support.

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My problem with this entire thread is that this was an announcement of what will be and not a question. People bitched and bitched about SE and ML support and 2.0 is not even close to 'done' and now people want something completely new? Makes no sense to me...
Especially since its free software... I've never understood how people 'expect' deadlines and stuff from Freeware projects.


Contortionist;668457 said:
And as you see in the screenshots, in KR they have redrawn and fixed the awful tiles from ML expansion. So, you cannot say that KR graphics suck. The current ML graphics are unusable, and starting from AOS they used 3d graphics for NPC's by rendering them as sprites instead of drawing each frame by hand. So, KR graphics are way better.

EDIT: Also, could anyone tell me, what is the technique of new graphic rendering? Are they drawn by hand in photoshop or rendered from high resolution 3D objects? It is important as we will probably have to redo the custom tiles ourselves, and they must fit in KR world.

All the models in KR aside from mostly trees are 3d rendered models. Sprites are old technology that are rarely used because of the time it takes to create each one, and then each frame. This is whey in AOS they used 3d objects.


As soon as they started using renders from the 3D client as sprites rather than hand drawing them,...

All of the original sprites were rendered (at least the character animations, anyway). So a rather highly placed insider told me. :)

Sorry to say, the recent art teams just got sloppy, and couldn't figure out how the original art team established the original quality (Higher poly models, rendered large, scaled down in photoshop) or some such. Perhaps they just didn't care.



Courageous;668526 said:
All of the original sprites were rendered (at least the character animations, anyway). So a rather highly placed insider told me. :)

Sorry to say, the recent art teams just got sloppy, and couldn't figure out how the original art team established the original quality (Higher poly models, rendered large, scaled down in photoshop) or some such. Perhaps they just didn't care.


from all my knowledge in todays graphic design. ide say spot on but that it was more of a time contraint issue coupled by funding issues. When your needing it out yesterday and your only allowed 1/2 a team for 30hrs you dont get the result that you would get off a full team at 60 hrs. quality does become less important than making your boss{s} happy. ussualy then as time can be put to fixing the issues that dev expence is put ussualy one something new instead of fixing current issues.

sum it up if it fits the general function and it fits the general form, ship it and get on with the adgenda. every dev team follows this, its on a board of doable ideas that is controled by the senior developer, which is controled by his seniors so that the project stays within thier monthly budget but still shows positive results to show to thier seniors.

this is where most of the better garage development teams shine they have the time to fix issues that a dev in a larger corporate team might not have alotted time to do.

simply the dev work on ml was done as a stop gap to help the ailing game along. KR was given more time and resources as it is a bigger project and a project that shows better promise towards that same ailing problem.EA just put more hope into it. with that hope also will come better protection for thier product.

while im not bashing anyone here, honestly i do love the feeling of most communities that bash developers becuase they dont seem to grasp this fact. they say not enough was done. if everything that every fanboi wanted was done to the highest quality, most projects would go bankrupt. need proof look at how many beta games disappear before they are done. its all about want a better product from the dev's support thier product.(shrugs)


Courageous;668526 said:
All of the original sprites were rendered (at least the character animations, anyway). So a rather highly placed insider told me. :)C//

Ya your right it was rendered in the previous versions.


Dont matter

It doesnt really matter if the runuo team continues to support runuo after UO KR, it also doesnt really matter if EA games atempts to crack down,. Runuo stated they wont be involved but someone will eventually remove the encryption or crack UO:KR i wouldnt be suprised if some of the beta testers are trying to remove the encryption now,. software protection is useless,. everything gets cracked a week after its released anyway. so let RUNUO do what they gotta do. there will be some 3rd party core modification or crack released from someone eventually if your that hard up to play it besides ultima has been going in a crap direction ever since EA savagly raped origin anyway. so it dont matter.. i understand RUNUOs decision and they have allowed us to play free and mess around with the world of ultima the way we wanted it to be. and not the way its ended up. so thank you runuo for all you have done. if you want to see my opinion on EA games in general. i dont think i can post it hhaha you can pm me :p
Cheetah2003;668451 said:
Damn right. I really detested the 3D renders slapped into the 2D client. Just sooo ugly and out of place...

Yeah I was pissed when they thought that uo needed to become a spawn comic book rather than a medieval rpg that particular time in the uo history is always going to chap my ass a good one.


Midnightdragon;668714 said:
Yeah I was pissed when they thought that uo needed to become a spawn comic book rather than a medieval rpg that particular time in the uo history is always going to chap my ass a good one.

I used to call him "Mighty Morphin Robo Blackthorn". :)


Anti-Basic;668511 said:
Especially since its free software... I've never understood how people 'expect' deadlines and stuff from Freeware projects.

This is just an opinionated reaction to the announcement. Some of us are just dissapointed that the devs will not support it, because in my opinion it will lead to alot of other people attempting and the one great thing about RunUo is the consistancy of the dev team. We are able to sumbit all our scripts and make this community happen because with a few exceptions the core is standard. With everyone trying to mod their core to make KR work that consistancy will stop and things here will become a lot more messy. While that is little more than irritation for me or for the other competant scripters out there it is going to suck for the majority of the community.

No one is expecting anything, banging their fists on their keyboards or begging Ryan to reconsider. We are simply reacting.


This is just an opinionated reaction to the announcement. Some of us are just dissapointed that the devs will not support it, ....

Well. One is inclined to think that maybe runuo isn't super duper fun to write code for round-the-clock 24/7. Yet another round of financially unrewarding work for a game that they've likely far since stopped enjoying playing (okay, I admit it, I'm just projecting my own feelings on the devs) isn't the most exciting thing if it looks to be 20 clicks of code you'd rather not write.

I do know how I feel, though. I take projects strictly for fun. The idea of doing a project merely because someone at EA did something with their product that makes me need to take the project? Um. You got to be kidding.

Anyway, let's not get all ahead of ourselves. Wait for the goddamned KR thing to actually hit the market, mkay?

I suspect that the community is still active enough that people will take a look-see at the art files, formats, protocol and what not in due time. It's like porn. You can't not look. :)



Courageous;668775 said:
This is just an opinionated reaction to the announcement. Some of us are just dissapointed that the devs will not support it, ....

Well. One is inclined to think that maybe runuo isn't super duper fun to write code for round-the-clock 24/7. Yet another round of financially unrewarding work for a game that they've likely far since stopped enjoying playing (okay, I admit it, I'm just projecting my own feelings on the devs) isn't the most exciting thing if it looks to be 20 clicks of code you'd rather not write.

I do know how I feel, though. I take projects strictly for fun. The idea of doing a project merely because someone at EA did something with their product that makes me need to take the project? Um. You got to be kidding.

Anyway, let's not get all ahead of ourselves. Wait for the goddamned KR thing to actually hit the market, mkay?

I suspect that the community is still active enough that people will take a look-see at the art files, formats, protocol and what not in due time. It's like porn. You can't not look. :)


Once again, my comments are NOT complaints. I certainly understand it if they are sick of the game or are just in different places in their lives. Personally I dont even care about the new additions to the game, I would be happy if we could just make the new client work with the existing server. And as you said it's not out yet... maybe it will right out of the box?


Own 2D-Client?

Maybe it's time to think about a own 2d-Client for RunUO :confused:

Ultima Online is a great game for Roleplay, but OSI's interests are different as the interests of Roleplayers or Freeshards. As long as we use the OSI Client, we are dependent on OSI, all the same in which version.

The only way to secure RunUO's durably is to develop a own Client or go even a step further and develop RunUO into a completely independent UO-similar game.

Excuse the errors, my English are not so good.
Avelyn;668738 said:
This is just an opinionated reaction to the announcement. Some of us are just dissapointed that the devs will not support it, because in my opinion it will lead to alot of other people attempting and the one great thing about RunUo is the consistancy of the dev team. We are able to sumbit all our scripts and make this community happen because with a few exceptions the core is standard. With everyone trying to mod their core to make KR work that consistancy will stop and things here will become a lot more messy. While that is little more than irritation for me or for the other competant scripters out there it is going to suck for the majority of the community.

No one is expecting anything, banging their fists on their keyboards or begging Ryan to reconsider. We are simply reacting.
Umm.. contortionist wannabe etc.


And as you said it's not out yet... maybe it will right out of the box?

Or maybe the open community will step up and contribute the necessary protocol and file format reader changers? Certainly the runuo site cannot tolerate that now, because of the NDA situation. So we need to wait. I'm sure that various parties are already looking at the file formats and protocol. You can bank on it.



TMSTKSBK;667896 said:
Can we abolish the legal system and redo it from scratch? Let engineers do it. It won't suck so hard.

As a matter of fact you can if you live in America.
Many people do not realize that one of the founding documents of America gives you this power.

Taken from the Declaration of Independence.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, having its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

Well there you have it a plain and easy to see answer to that statement.

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

I did that three times so the point would sink in. Many people will still read that and be like THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO, which is a sad fact of today's society.
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